Happiness Consists in Contentment

Daughter of a Broder General

Chapter 61 Daughter of a Border General


If the barbarians had not made such a big move this time, perhaps Liu Fang would not have taken such a risk.


But now she has no choice. If they didn’t fight, the only thing waiting for them in the end would be the destruction of their country and their family!


Liucheng and Liangcheng had been fighting for a day and a night. She didn’t believe that the main city behind still didn’t know about this.


But there has been no movement so far, which shows that they could not rely on the main city, and the so-called millions of troops were still in question.


Liu Fang on horseback stood in the middle of the road alone, she was naturally very conspicuous. The barbarian troops were not blind. When they saw her, they naturally knew that this was the enemy.


The troops suddenly stopped and adjusted to a formation.


Liu Fang’s heart sank. The barbarian troops didn’t look like they didn’t know anything about the art of war.


It seemed that the barbarians had deliberately carried out those previous battles, and now they revealed their true strength.


Sure enough, it was a country that dared to attack the Dayan Kingdom. Without skills, how could they have the confidence to attack with a smaller number? Did you think that war was like a martial arts competition, whoever has better martial arts will win?


It can be seen from this that the court of the Dayan Kingdom was worse than she thought. Otherwise, the barbarians would not send troops to attack so easily, and they would appear to be in full force.


However, she couldn’t care about that much now. It’s better to fight the battle in front of her first.


The commander-in-chief of the barbarian troops this time was Tuoba Gangzheng, who was the younger brother of Tuoba Khan and was very loyal to the Khan.


He was powerful in force, outstanding in resourcefulness, and even proficient in the art of war, and knowing the court and border areas of the Dayan Kingdom.


Such a character should not be underestimated.


This time the attack plan was drawn by him. The original plan was to attack three cities in the borderland overnight, and then the large force led by him would completely occupy the three cities, and then continue to advance.


According to the plan, Tuoba Gangzheng believes that half of the Dayan Kingdom can be conquered in one month. This country has been comfortable for too long, and the combat power of the soldiers in the country cannot be compared with that of the border areas. As long as the defenders of the three cities were wiped out, the rest were nothing to worry about.


However, he did not expect that something would happen in Liucheng so now he had to take a detour to another city.


But what he didn’t expect was that in just one day, Liu Fang had guessed his entire plan and blocked him here.


Of course, he would not know that Liu Fang had sent support troops to support Liangcheng and perhaps the already broken Huicheng.


In fact, Tuoba Gangzheng was fighting against the time


In the meantime, as long as he captures the border areas quickly enough, he will be invincible.


But now…heh.


Liu Fang stood in the road waiting for the other party to come. She would let him know what it meant to reap what you sow!


Want to start a war and attack other people’s countries? Then you have to be prepared for defeat!


“A woman?”


Tuoba Gangzheng frowned and looked at the scout who came to report.


“Is she alone?”


“Yes, Commander.”


What can one person do? Tuoba Gangzheng was puzzled.


Moreover, when did such a character appear in the Dayan Kingdom? Why did he never know?


But he thought of the woman who was captured, he felt relieved. The women in the Dayan Kingdom were easy to deal with, just scare her!


After thinking about this, Tuoba Gangzheng directly asked someone to bring the woman tied at the back, and said to his subordinate, “Keep going.”


The troops moved on.




Liu Fang watched the other party continue to move forward, looked up at them, and held the spear tightly in her hand.


Suddenly, the opposite team separated in the middle, and a disheveled woman was escorted forward. She shouted loudly: “What are you going to do? Let me go! Let me go…”


Liu Fang narrowed her eyes and her face suddenly turned cold. She was very familiar with this voice!


It was the missing Liu Zhi!


Was she caught?


Liu Fang had a cold face and looked forward calmly. Sure enough, Liu Zhi was escorted all the way.




Liu Fang lowered her eyelids and sneered lowly. Were they planning to use Liu Zhi as a hostage?


Too naive!


Now, the person she least wanted to see was Liu Zhi!


She touched her waist with her left hand, waved her hand, and with a flash the willow leaf knife flew out, as fast as lightning, and passed directly through Liu Zhi’s shoulder!


Liu Zhi suddenly screamed: “Ah!”


Then she fell to the ground, covering her shoulders and screaming!


However, the speed of the willow leaf knife did not slow down, and it went all the way through the chest of a row of barbarian soldiers behind her!


In just a moment, the soldiers’ eyes widened and they raised their hands. Before they could cover their chests, they suddenly fell to the ground, dead!


Barbarian soldiers: Σ⊙▃⊙川


The whole troops suddenly went into chaos.


Tuoba Gangzheng was also shocked by Liu Fang’s way of killing: Is this still a human being? (⊙o⊙)


With just one blow, she killed a group of their soldiers, more than a dozen of them. What kind of master was she?


He suddenly felt a chill in his heart. This is so terrible!


He quickly picked up a binocular to check, and saw a tall, thin, beautiful female general with silver armor reining a white horse, holding a spear standing in the road.


His eyes flickered, and it seemed that he had encountered a tough situation this time.


But behind him was an army of half a million soldiers, and there was only one person on the other side. Is this too much?


Or does she have another plan?


Tuoba Gangzheng used a binocular to check the terrain again and frowned. This place was not suitable for an ambush. The mountain was not high enough and there was not much shelter. He did not find anyone else.


So what’s going on?


She couldn’t plan to attack hundreds of thousands of them head-on, right?


If the other party was really that powerful, then she was definitely not a human, but a god.


After much deliberation, Tuoba Gangzheng couldn’t figure out the mystery behind it, so he had to beat Liu Fang down for the time being.


Having made up his mind, he sent his most powerful general to fight, hoping to defeat Liu Fang and then capture her alive.


On the other side, Liu Fang still waiting calmly, watching Liu Zhi hold her bloody shoulder and howled until she was knocked unconscious by the barbarian soldiers and thrown aside.


The corpses of the barbarian soldiers who had been shot by her had been dragged away, and a tall young man riding a gray war horse walked out of them.


She turned her left hand silently. She had tried her best just now. Although she successfully shocked them, her wrist was strained.


But it didn’t matter, she could still beat the opponent to pieces!


Although she didn’t know why the martial arts she practiced always seemed particularly unscientific in the mission world, she was still grateful to have a powerful force.


Otherwise, she could only watch the country and her family being destroyed without being able to do anything. The most she could do was to flee with her nephews to survive.


Now, let her use this unscientific and powerful force again to protect everything she wants to protect!


She held her spear tightly, waiting silently for the other party to urge his horse forward.


The one fighting from the barbarian side was Tuoba Jiu. He was a member of the branch of the Tuoba clan. He was also the son of a slave girl and had a low status.


When he was young, his life was extremely difficult, but when he grew up, he showed extraordinary talent in martial arts, which made his status improve and his life became much easier.


However, Tuoba Jiu has always been holding back an inexplicable anger in his heart. Perhaps the rough experience in his childhood left a deep shadow on him. In short, he was a pervert who liked to tear his opponents apart alive!


What he liked most was to slowly torture his opponent to death, looking at them dripping with blood, he felt happy in his heart!


However, this psychopathic lunatic has a gentle and handsome appearance and was a perfect example of a well-dressed beast.


Tuoba Jiu looked at the stunning Liu Fang in front of him and felt excited in his heart: Such a beautiful woman, if he could cut her face bit by bit, how beautiful she would be when she cried!


Liu Fang had no idea that her opponent was having a perverted imagination. When she saw that her opponent had stopped and stood still for a long time, she stopped being polite. They were in the middle of a war. It wasn’t a PK game, where she had to wait for others to get ready. Then counted one two three?


Liu Fang pinched the horse’s belly and urged the horse forward very quickly. Holding the spear in her right hand, she stabbed directly towards Tuoba Jiu’s face.


This was just a test, Liu Fang had not used all her strength. She was stalling for time as long as she could, there was no need to rush to kill people.


If she forces the other party too hard and the hundreds of soldiers behind swarm to her, wouldn’t all her plans be in vain?


Liu Fang made a test move, thinking that the opponent would definitely be able to avoid it. Unexpectedly, Tuoba Jiu was still immersed in his thoughts, and before he had time to react, Liu Fang stabbed him in the right eye!


“Ah!” Tuoba Jiu suddenly screamed.


Tuoba Gangzeng: (⊙o⊙)! !


What’s going on with Tuoba Jiu? He was stabbed in a single shot?


Liu Fang was also stunned. She didn’t expect to stab the opponent so easily.


So… was this man really a barbarian general? He was so bad?


Tuoba Jiu covered his eyes, narrowed his left eye, stared at Liu Fang coldly, and swung the long knife in his hand to slash at her.


He’s going to chop her into pieces!


Liu Fang quickly withdrew the spear, causing Tuoba Jiu to scream again.


Liu Fang:…(ー_ー)!!


She forgot that when she stabbed the other person, she was stunned and the head of the spear was still stuck in his eyeball. Now when she pulled it out, it was normal for the other person to feel pain.


I’m so sorry!


Liu Fang apologized without sincerity, then urged her horse to turn around, changed direction, and stabbed Tuoba Jiu in the shoulder again.


We were enemies, so there was no need to be so polite, just be direct!


Now Tuoba Jiu had no time to think about anything. He raised his long knife and started fighting with Liu Fang!


For a moment, the road was filled with smoke and dust, and the two people circled back and forth, making Tuoba Gangzheng dazzled.


However, he was relieved in his heart. Just now, he thought that the opponent could easily defeat Tuoba Jiu, but now it seems that this was not the case.


That’s good.


Although Tuoba Jiu was very powerful. But he also has obvious shortcomings. He was prone to underestimating his enemies and becoming arrogant.


Therefore, when Tuoba Gangzheng sent him out, it would be best if Tuoba Jiu could defeat Liu Fang in one fell swoop. If not, there would still be someone else who could take over.


  1. Anazu Salted Fish says:

    Crush ’em!

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