Happiness Consists in Contentment

Daughter of a Border General

Chapter 60 Daughter of a Border General


War was never a matter of one person, and Liu Fang did not have three heads and six arms, so she could not do all of the work alone. Therefore, she understood that the most important thing was how to make the best use of these sergeants.


And now, they have to face their first test.


Liu Fang pointed to the map she had just drawn and said to them: “Not only Liucheng was attacked last night, but the other two cities will be attacked by the barbarian elite cavalry. However, we don’t know what the situation is now. But there is one thing that everyone must know: when the nest is overturned, no egg remained intact. If these two border cities are captured, let alone the people inside, just say that Liucheng will became an isolated city in it, and it will not be able to withstand the barbarian army. Therefore, we must hurry up and send troops to investigate immediately, and try to drive away the barbarian elites in these two cities! Take back the city! “

[覆巢之下,焉有完卵  (fù cháo zhī xià , fù yǒu wán luán hū) No individual can escape from the calamity its group is suffering]


The commanders looked at the map and were surprised. Isn’t this too detailed and clear?


After listening to Liu Fang’s words, their expressions suddenly became serious, they looked at each other, and they all nodded in agreement with Liu Fang’s words——Indeed, although Liucheng was saved, if the barbarians were allowed to occupy the other two cities, their situation would be even more difficult.


“Miss, please give the order. This subordinate is at your service and will absolutely obey them!”


They saluted Liu Fang in unison.


Liu Fang glanced at them and said: “Everyone can be considered as my elders, but now, I ask you to carry out my orders without compromise. Even if you don’t agree. I hope you can do it.”


Everyone looked at each other again, and they all admired Liu Fang’s intelligence. She saw the concerns in their hearts. That’s right, although they were willing to obey Liu Fang’s order, if Liu Fang’s order made them feel that it was not feasible, then, Whether they would obey or not was hard to say.


Liu Fang looked at them steadily, let them think for a moment, and then said: “This matter is very important, and I don’t want to fail. Moreover, we cannot fail.”


After a night of fighting, there were only 70,000 to 80,000 soldiers in Liucheng who could still fight. There were still so many citizens in the city, and they could not lose.


When all the commanders heard this, they were immediately ashamed. Yes, what time was it now, they were still thinking about these things, they really shouldn’t.


In this way, they saluted solemnly and said: “Miss, please give me the order! I will fulfill my mission and obey the order without any abatement!”


Seeing this, Liu Fang finally took a breath of relief. She was not afraid of the enemy being strong, but afraid that her teammates would not be united.


She quickly pointed at the map and made arrangements one after another, sending out the entire Team A in batches. Finally, she explained: “If the city has been breached and the guard was replaced by barbarian guards, then you can directly send out the signal and then retreat. I will send someone else!”




Everyone responded, received the tokens, left the camp, and prepared to set off.


Liu Fang asked Chen Fang to call the commander of team B to come over to the camp and then made some arrangements…


In this way, all the arrangements were completed at dawn.


Liu Fang washed up briefly, changed her clothes, and then put on silver armor. This was newly made by Liu Xuan before his death. She hasn’t had a chance to make a change to it, Liu Fang changed it overnight and put it on herself.


She also brought a long spear, and the iron whip was still wrapped around her waist.


After walking out of the camp, Chen Fang was waiting for her with a white horse, “Miss, this is the best war horse in the army, but it has a wild temper. No one has been able to tame it until now.”


Liu Fang smiled, raised her hand patted the white horse, and said, “Okay, that’s it.”


After saying that, she directly took the reins, turned over beautifully, and got on the white horse.


Chen Fang looked in surprise at the docile white horse in front of him. He saw Liu Fang sitting on it and gently stroking the horse’s head. The white horse even nuzzled her slightly, which almost made his eyes fall out!


This horse also knows how to bully the weak and fear the strong.


Liu Fang smiled, pulled the reins with great satisfaction, and shouted: “Go!”


The white horse immediately galloped forward excitedly and rushed out at once.


When Chen Fang saw it, he quickly grabbed his horse, climbed on top of it, and hurried after her.


Liu Fang sat on the white horse, feeling the speed. She smiled and said to the horse: “From now on, you will be called Feng Zhi.”


As fast as the wind, a lifelong best friend – fight together and grow together!


Feng Zhi seemed to understand, it raised its head and roared extremely happily, then ran away and rushed out of the military camp.


Chen Fang finally caught up and said to Liu Fang on his horse: “Miss, shall we set off now?”


Liu Fang nodded while holding the spear, “Well, let’s go now!”




The two of them rode horses and quickly left the city, turned around and entered a mountain forest, and then continued galloping!




Liangcheng was located to the east of Liucheng. It was similar in size to Liucheng, but it had a general and deputy generals, and its weapons and equipment were much better than those in Liucheng.


Because Liucheng was blocking in the front, Liangcheng didn’t face barbarians too many times, but they didn’t naively think that their place was very safe. They would have all the training and preparations they should make every year.


Moreover, the most important thing was there was no pit like Liu Zhi, and there was no mountain or forest that could bypass the city.


This kind of terrain was easy to defend but difficult to attack, and the barbarians have always been too lazy to come.


However, this time, the barbarians sent nearly 10,000 elite troops to confront the Liangcheng guards directly.


While the Liangcheng guards were surprised, they were also stunned. Are the barbarians’ combat power so exaggerated now? Killing people is like chopping vegetables and melons.


Moreover, the city wall could not stop them at all. Each of them could quickly climb the city with their bare hands, and no matter how hard the Liangcheng guards stopped them, it was useless.


Although it couldn’t be stopped, there were still so many guards, and their equipment was stronger. Their lives were better than those in Liucheng, and the sergeants still had the strength.


In this way, they tried their best to resist, and Liangcheng managed to hold on for a whole day and night, but now it was daytime, and they really could no longer hold on.


At this moment, a fast cavalry appeared behind the barbarian troops!


They were all dressed in jet-black armor. They were all silent and just followed the command flag in front of them.


With one order, all the archers fired, and the arrows hit the backs of the barbarian cavalry. Even if the barbarians reacted quickly enough, many of them were shot dead.




The leading commander gave an order, and the spearmen who followed immediately stabbed the barbarian cavalry neatly!


This wave was so fierce that the barbarian cavalry was beaten into panic. The team was in a mess, let alone effectively resisting this group of cavalry that was rushing quickly.


The commanders remembered what Liu Fang said: “We cannot fight the barbarians one-on-one, so we should fight in a group, taking advantage of having a large number people. The team must not be chaotic, and the attack must be fast enough! In this way, even if they can resist, we still have friends from Liangcheng guards. So we must move forward bravely and defeat them in one go. Do you understand? “


As mentioned before, fighting the barbarians was easy. They have no so-called art of war. Even if a group of people could cooperate, as long as they were disrupted and suppressed, their resistance would be weakened and their morale would be greatly reduced!


Once their morale was reduced. It was not difficult to make them flee.


Therefore, the ten thousand troops were divided into two groups, one group was responsible for shooting arrows from a distance, and the other group was responsible for attacking at close range. The barbarian cavalry was beaten to pieces and the formation collapsed.


The person who led the team to attack Liangcheng was Tuoba Yaohong. Tuoba Yaoheng’s eldest brother.


Seeing that his team was in chaos, he wanted to stabilize the team. When the general on the Liangcheng wall saw Liucheng’s army, he quickly ordered to go out of the city to fight!


The war drums suddenly sounded loud!


The city gate opened wide, and the remaining guards in the city rushed out and went directly towards the barbarian cavalry!


Not all the guards in the Dayan Kingdom were cavalry, and the number was still very limited. For example, Liucheng only had 30,000 cavalry, and the rest were infantry.


Liangcheng was naturally the same.


Although they had been fighting fiercely for a day and night and their numbers were greatly reduced, the horses were still there, so the cavalry was still intact.


One after another, 30,000 people plus 10,000 people were besieging the barbarians. Even if Tuoba Yaohong brought 10,000 elite troops, he could not withstand them.


What’s more, they also fought with the Liangcheng guards for a day and a night, and they were not completely without casualties. Humans will get tired. Even if they were powerful, their current combat effectiveness was less than 80% of the original.


The most important thing was the other party was fighting for life, but they didn’t necessarily for their life. Different mentality will naturally lead to very different morale!


The reinforcements from Liucheng were in good order, while the guards on Liangcheng’s side began to kill the barbarians directly. The two sides cooperated quite well.


While restraining and killing, the number of barbarian cavalry gradually decreased.


Tuoba Yaohong couldn’t see it, and he became more and more anxious. At the same time, he was a little strange: Why had his reinforcements yet to arrive?


That’s right, the barbarian army was following behind.


Similarly, the barbarians were not all cavalry, they also had infantry, but they were rarely dispatched on a large scale in the past. Hence, they were basically cavalry – they were flexible and could attack and retreat quickly.


But now, even if Tuoba Yaohong wants to leave, he may not be able to.


So, why haven’t the large barbarian troops arrived yet?


Of course it’s because of Liu Fang.


Liu Fang led Chen Fang and two thousand cavalry through the paths in the mountains and quickly arrived in the mountains where they lay in ambush in just an hour.


The soldiers of the Liucheng were well-trained. They didn’t need Liu Fang to teach them about digging traps. They only need to know the designated location and they can do it well.


There were enough people and the speed was fast enough. Within a quarter of an hour, all the traps were set.


Others followed Liu Fang’s instructions to lay in ambush.


In the mountains, they wait with bated breath.


Liu Fang rode Feng Zhi slowly down the mountain and stood in the middle of the road waiting.


Not long after, a large army of barbarians slowly arrived, with flags flying as far as the eye could see!


Liu Fang breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it was not too late.


In fact, whether it was Liucheng or Liangcheng, even if the barbarians broke the city, with only ten thousand elite troops they could not completely occupy the city.


Therefore, she had to block the large troops behind, leaving time for the guards in the city. Let them cooperate to completely wipe out the elite barbarians in Dayan!


This time, she wanted to let the barbarian tribe feel the agony. Letting them know that the border cities of Dayan Kingdom were not easy to attack, she would completely suppress them!


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