Happiness Consists in Contentment

Daughter of a Border General

Chapter 59 Daughter of a Border General


Liu Fang stood up, raised her head, and blinked, suppressing the sourness in her eyes. These people are really cute. So, father, eldest brother, and second elder brother don’t worry, I will protect Liucheng and our home!


Although the conversation was brief, they were all very serious.


Liu Fang did not waste any time and quickly dismissed the guards and asked them to clean up the battlefields inside and outside the city. At the same time, she and other team leaders went to Liu Da’s camp to discuss the next arrangements.


There were still many things to do, Liu Fang couldn’t even care about herself, let alone Madam Liu’s group.


It wasn’t until Chen Fang came over with a man covered in blood that Liu Fang thought of Madam Liu’s group.


“Second young lady!”


As soon as the man saw Liu Fang, he knelt on the ground and cried loudly: “Miss, it’s Liu Zhi, it’s Liu Zhi who brought the barbarian into the city! She has harmed the Master, Madam, and even the eldest young madam and Second young madam, they all got killed…”


Liu Fang stood in front of him, watching him cry, and listened quietly to him telling her what happened to Madam Liu and her group:


Madam Liu tried her best to blocked the barbarian cavalry, allowing eldest sister-in-law and Second sister-in-law to escape.


However, this time the barbarian cavalry was very different from the previous ones. They were all carefully selected elites.


Otherwise, how could a mere 4,000 people turn a city with 100,000 defenders into such a mess?


The number of casualties had come out, and Liu Fang couldn’t believe her eyes after seeing it: The other party sent out 4,000 people, but the Liucheng suffered nearly 20,000 casualties. What kind of gap was this?


Moreover, these twenty thousand did not include the civilians who were killed.


In this battle, if Liu Fang hadn’t intervened midway, Liucheng would have had to sacrifice nearly half of its sergeants to barely survive.


This disparity in force made Liu Fang helpless and heartbroken.


Are these guards not diligent enough? Not brave enough?




As far as Liu Fang knew, the daily training in the Liucheng military camp was sufficient. However, due to the lack of rations, most of the soldiers had to go hungry. The result of not being able to eat enough was their combat effectiveness could not improved.


Furthermore, the weapons and equipment of the Liucheng Guards were still from five years ago. Most of them were dilapidated, and the usable ones were insufficient to equip 100,000 people.


The combination of these and other reasons has resulted in the current situation.


It can be said that every battle for the defense of Liucheng was filled with human lives.


Liu Fang’s heart could really feel it


She felt particularly sad. Has the court of the Dayan Kingdom really reached this point? Even the basic rations for frontier soldiers cannot be guaranteed. Was this country really as powerful as it appears?


She was skeptical.


No matter what, she has taken over Liucheng, she will not let such a thing happen again.


She would definitely train an army that would scare the barbarians so that they would flee every time they saw Liucheng’s military flag!


The man continued to cry.


Madam Liu couldn’t resist those elite barbarian cavalries, so naturally eldest sister-in-law and second sister-in-law were overtaken.


Fortunately, eldest sister-in-law Liu and second sister-in-law Liu asked the man to hide with the three children, and they were able to survive.


Therefore, in the Liu family, excluding Liu Zhi who has disappeared, only Liu Fang and three young nephews were left.


Liu Fang closed her eyes, suppressing the sadness in her heart, and then asked, “How are my nephews doing?”


The man was sobbing too bitterly to speak and couldn’t answer.


Hearing this question Chen Fang quickly stepped forward to salute and replied: “Answering, I have taken the three young masters to my home to settle down. The young masters are in good health, but they are a little frightened, and…”


He raised his head and looked at Liu Fang, “Several young masters have been looking for their mother.”


Liu Fang’s eyes were red, she suppressed the sourness in her heart, and nodded, “I understand. I may have to trouble your wife to take care of them. Now, I don’t have time to visit them, so let them stay at your home for the time being.”


Chen Fang bowed and saluted: “Don’t worry, Miss, I will definitely take good care of the young masters.”


Liu Fang nodded and said to the man who was still crying, “You have worked hard, and thank you for keeping some of my Liu family bloodlines. Now go and have a good rest, it is not yet time for us to relax and cry.”


After hearing this, the man wiped his face, finally suppressed his grief, and kowtowed respectfully to Liu Fang: “Yes, Miss. Liu Ping understands.”


Liu Fang waved her hand and asked Chen Fang to take him out.


In fact, Liu Ping’s martial arts were already very good among the Liu family’s servants. But looking at the injuries on his body, those barbarian cavalry were very powerful. He almost died.


Apparently, It was time for her to meet Prince Tuoba.


Liu Fang didn’t believe that the barbarian tribe was willing to give up after sending such an unusual elite force to attack Liucheng, and it was still four thousand elite.


If it wasn’t for Liu Fang, would anyone still be alive in Liucheng today?


Seeing the other party’s behavior of trying to destroy the city.


Liu Fang had a guess in her heart. She needed to meet Tuoba Yaoheng and test it out to see if her guess was correct.




Tuoba Yaoheng was locked in a cell in the military camp, in a separate room. Five guards were guarding him personally. They did not let him starve to death, nor let him be beaten, nor let him eat enough.


It had been a day, and he had been alone, surrounded by only the guards guarding him. They didn’t utter a single word. It was so quiet that he almost couldn’t stand it.


He never knew that there was another kind of punishment that did not need to be punished. That was silence.


The guards around him were looking at him in silence, and it was so quiet as if he was the only one around. This feeling was terrible.


The kernel in his mouth has been removed, but no one paid attention to him. At first, he would try to probe. Now, he no longer did useless work.


Liu Fang had been busy handling the defenses in the city and preparing for the upcoming barbarian attack, so she never came to see him.


But now, she had to see him, so she came here by herself.


She would not give Tuoba Yaoheng a chance to observe the military camp. At least not now, when the Liucheng garrison was not strong enough, she would not do so.


Liu Fang came over with Chen Fang. When the sergeant guarding the door saw them, he saluted excitedly and said loudly: “Greeting Miss!”


Liu Fang smiled slightly. She really felt that the admiration reflected in these people’s eyes was particularly cute.


“I have something to say to him. Please let the others come out first and stay outside.”




After a while, the four guards inside came together and saluted Liu Fang very excitedly, then stood aside, looking forward with solemn expressions.


Liu Fang nodded slightly with satisfaction and said to Chen Fang, “You also stay outside.”


“Yes, Miss.”


Liu Fang walked in and immediately saw Tuoba Yaoheng sitting on the couch.


The Dayan Kingdom was still a country where kneeling was the main custom, so Tuoba Yaoheng followed local customs and knelt on the couch.


When he saw Liu Fang coming in, he was a little surprised and raised his eyebrows slightly, “What? Miss finally remembered that I’m here?”


Liu Fang took a look at him. He must have freshened up a little. He was not as embarrassed as before. After all, Liu Fang caught him from the forest, so it was strange if he was clean and tidy.


He was dressed in a green robe, his complexion was clear as jade, calm, and composed. He looked like a handsome man in an ancient costume.


However, Liu Fang was not interested in his appearance and sat indifferently on the other side. Calmly looked into his eyes, and said: “Your reinforcements will probably be arriving soon, right?”


Tuoba Yaoheng had thought that Liu Fang came here to test him, but he did not expect that the other party would be so direct and catch him off guard. He was slightly startled.


Just like this, Liu Fang confirmed her suspicion: “Let me guess, your plan is probably like this: first you will lead the elite vanguard to quickly break through Liucheng, and then the large forces following behind will come to destroy the city. This way, you can easily capture Liucheng. In this case, do you want to occupy the city and stop living and wandering in the grasslands outside the city? “


What Liu Fang said made Tuoba Yaoheng shiver all over. He was silent and looked at Liu Fang’s indifferent face. She looked so beautiful but it made people feel deep fear and chill. How did the other party perceive their plan and a series of ideas?


This is too scary!


The most important thing was that the other party was only thirteen years old!


It was only after Tuoba Yaoheng was imprisoned in the military camp that he learned Liu Fang’s true identity and age.


At first, he couldn’t believe it, but now, he just wanted to sigh. Why was this talented and beautiful person born in the Dayan Kingdom? How great would it be if she were from their barbarian tribe?


Liu Fang continued to look at Tuoba Yaoheng calmly and said: “Since you all plan to give up the place where your ancestors lived, then you will definitely not be satisfied with just attacking a small border town like Liucheng. So, you have already attacked the other two cities, right? “


When Tuoba Yaoheng heard this, he gave up the struggle completely. He nodded and said: “That’s right. My elder brother and younger brother have already led troops to the other two cities. There will be news tomorrow morning at the latest.”


Liu Fang’s heart sank, so this time the barbarians were serious.


She looked at Tuoba Yaoheng and said: “Originally, I just wanted to trade you for a few years of peace in Liucheng. But now, I’m afraid you have to continue to stay here. Don’t worry, I won’t kill you. “


Liu Fang stood up, lowered her head, and said, “If I kill you, that will be when Liucheng is destroyed. I hope such a day won’t come.”


After that, she turned and left.


Tuoba Yaoheng watched her leave, feeling uneasy in his heart: He didn’t think Liu Fang came here just to say these words, she must have other purposes.


But what can she do? A day and a night have passed, could the other two cities still hold on to it?


Impossible, right? If this was the case, then they were really Stealing a chicken would result in losing a handful of rice.

[偷鸡不成蚀把米 (tōu jī bùzháo shí bǎ mǐ) It is a metaphor that one wanted to take advantage but suffered a loss instead]



As soon as Liu Fang came out, she said to the five sergeants guarding him: “From now on, there is no need to give him porridge only water. Just don’t starve to death.”


“Yes, Miss.”


Then she led Chen Fang away and said quickly, “Go and call all the commander of Team A to come and see me.”


Chen Fang immediately responded, “Yes.”


When Liu Fang returned to the camp, she quickly spread out the paper and took a brush. For the first time called up the smart map of the world in her mind, searching for all the landform routes between Liucheng and the other two border towns, and clearly mapped them one by one on paper.


Fortunately, she never gave up studying in every mission world, she can draw efficiently using a brush.


Soon, the map was drawn, and the twenty team leaders of Team A were all present.


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