Happiness Consists in Contentment

Daughter of a Border General

Chapter 58 Daughter of a Border General


Liu Fang pointed to Tuoba Yaoheng and said: “As for him, give him an extra bowl of porridge every day. Don’t beat him, he is the prince of the barbarian tribe, his life is very valuable.”


The team captain understood immediately after hearing Liu Fang’s words and saluted solemnly: “Don’t worry, this subordinate will take good care of them, especially this prince. Nothing will happen to him!”


This person was smart. Liu Fang smiled and asked: “What’s your name?”


That man face’s was filled with joy and replied respectfully: “This subordinate name is Chen Fang. The team leader of the second team of the E team of B team under the B team of E team.”


Liucheng’s 100,000-strong garrison was divided into five large teams: A, B, C, D, and E. Each team had 20,000 people.


The 20,000 people were divided into teams A and B of 10,000 people.


Each team of 10,000 people was again divided into teams A and B of 500 people.


Then these two 500-man teams were further divided into five 100-man teams, with the same code: A, B, C, D, and E.


Finally, each 100-man team was again divided into first and second teams with fifty people.


Until the minimum was a small group of ten people.


Therefore, what Chen Fang meant by “Team E and B” was the “E” teams of 20,000 people, and Team “B” of 10,000 people under the large team of “E”.


“B” in the following was the team 500-man of this 10,000-man team, and “E” was the team 100-man of this 500-man team. As for the “captain of the second team”, he was the captain of the second team of 50 people in this team of 100 people.


These classifications sound dizzying, but they were actually the best passwords and the best way to prevent spies from lurking in the ancient army.


Ordinary people will definitely not be able to understand the purpose of these systems, because there were only five codes A, B, C, D, E, which look simple, but it was easy to get confused.


At the very least, people who were not a real members of their army could not understand the difference between Team A and Team B and Team B and Team A. Even more unclear was the difference between the first Team A and the latter Team A.


Liu Fang lived in Liucheng for many years and was born into the general’s family, so she could figure out the difference between these teams and the codes under the influence of her father and brothers.


Therefore, do not underestimate the wisdom of the ancients. Their IQs were at the level of normal people. Even because of cultural and technological factors, survival has become more difficult, and their survival wisdom was much better than that of later generations.


Of course, not all were like this. The world was so big and full of extraordinary things. There were extraordinary things in every eras. It was also true that there were many problems in the feudal system in reality.


Okay, it was getting too far, let’s get back to the main topic.


Liu Fang nodded to Chen Fang, “Un, I understand. I don’t have any bodyguards around me now, so you are in charge for the time being. Tell me about the current situation in the city.”


“Yes, Miss.”


As for the others, just leave them to Chen Fang’s subordinate. Liu Fang took Chen Fang away, talking as they walked.


“The enemy in the city has been completely wiped out, and there are no survivors. The barbarian cavalry outside the city have also retreated. However, I heard from my subordinate that the barbarians will definitely send troops again the day after tomorrow.”


As for the reason, Liu Fang didn’t need Chen Fang to say more. It must be because the other party was trying to regain their morale after this terrible loss, and the other reason was because of Tuoba Yaoheng who was in her hands.


No matter what, now she must gather all the guards in the city, re-divide the work, check the remaining weapons and equipment and other supplies, and consider how to fight the next battle!


The most important thing was whether the commanders could obey Liu Fang’s orders.


The border guards of the Dayan Kingdom were, the highest commander was the general, above the fourth rank, followed by a deputy general. There were five in total. Liu Kuan and Liu Xuan were one of them. Each of them commands 20,000 people. Under them were various commanders, then team leaders like Chen Fang.


There was no captain or squadron.


Besides Liu Da and his son, there were supposed to be three more deputy generals. However, Liucheng has been plagued by wars all year round, and it was already very difficult to maintain the army’s full strength.


For the position of deputy general, in addition to meritorious service, one must also be familiar with the national laws of the Dayan Kingdom.


It was a pity that there were not many literate people in a border city like Liucheng. Let alone professionals who were familiar with the national laws.


Liu Fang remembered hearing her father say that the reason why he was able to become a general was because he had studied the national laws for many years and barely passed the line. Then he became a deputy general and finally a general.


Later, it became much simpler for Liu Kuan and Liu Xuan. Liu Da invited a master to teach them since they were a child, so it became a matter of course.


The same went for Liu Fang.


Because of this, Liucheng was guarded by only one general and two deputy generals.


To be honest, Liu Fang felt that to be a general leading troops, knowing the art of war was far more critical than knowing the law.


She really didn’t understand what the emperor of the Dayan Kingdom thought, he even asked a group of soldiers to study law.


They need to take a test for promotion. Wasn’t this really funny?


Look at the current situation. The Generals guarding Liucheng were already very few. Now that Liu Da and his son were dead, only a large group of team leaders was left.


If Liu Fang hadn’t come forward, she was afraid there would have been civil strife.


And at a time like this, it was an opportunity for the enemy to sneak in!


Liu Fang sighed secretly in her heart. She finally understood what was going on in tonight’s battle.


There were already many problems within the entire Liucheng army. In addition, there were material problems such as equipment, the inaction of the court, and the lack of care from the main city behind…


All of this was telling Liu Fang that Liucheng had long been in danger but it was not obvious in ordinary times. Once she dug deeper, she found that this was a castle in the air, and it was possible for it to collapse with a light poke.


Forget it, take your time.


Now, let’s shock people first.


After a night of intense fighting, the sky was gradually getting brighter. Along the way, she met the guards and civilians who were cleaning.


The people in Liucheng were already used to this state, and they were quite calm.


Even if someone in the family died, they would only shed tears silently and then went on with what had to be done.


They really didn’t have time to cry.


No one knows what the current security represents. The next battle may be more brutal. Therefore, they all have to quickly finish what they need to do and then continue to fight for survival.


Liu Fang followed Chen Fang all the way to the barracks and directly to the spacious grounds.


Liu Fang stepped up to the high platform, picked up the wooden mallet, swung it up, and hit it hard on the drum.


She grew up listening to the drumbeats of the army’s assembly. She was familiar with them better than anyone else.


Therefore, Chen Fang didn’t need to say anything, she just beat the drums and gathered all the guards!


The assembly drum was divided into three, the first time was to inform, the second time was to arrive, and the third time was the final assembly. If they hadn’t arrived until the last drumming, they would face military law.


Well, when Liu Fang thought about military law, she had a slight understanding of the point of taking taking law test for promotion.


Soldiers still need to understand the law in order to be able to manage well. That’s pretty good too.


When the drum sounded for the first time, all the guards in Liucheng hurriedly speeded up, put down their work, assembled quickly, and then ran towards the barracks.


There were also some logistics personnel left behind at the military camp. They also gathered quickly and headed towards the grounds.


Soon, one team after another began to gather on the spacious ground.


The sergeants were neatly lined up, marching in unison. Every order was executed without fail. They were very good and had strong military discipline.


After the second drumbeat, most of the guards had arrived. After three times, everyone except for the guards on duty at the city wall and city gate had gathered.


A large group of neatly lined up soldiers stood at the bottom, with their heads held high, standing tall and upright. They were in good spirits!


Liu Fang nodded slightly with satisfaction.


This was what she imagined as a soldier.


After a night of fierce fighting, Liu Fang’s name had already spread throughout the Liucheng, so even if the sergeant had never seen her before, they were not surprised to see her appear here.


Including the team leaders standing at the front.


It was not necessarily true that they were all convinced by Liu Fang.


They knew that without Liu Fang, the army would definitely lose its morale, which would not be a good thing for the Liucheng guards.


Therefore, for the time being, they were all willing to obey Liu Fang’s orders: if her subsequent actions proved that she was unable to lead the Liucheng, they would naturally not sit back and watch her mess around.


This was also the unwritten rule in Liucheng, which had undergone the turmoil of war for a long time. Everyone agreed as long as there was a good leader who could lead them, they would not care who the other party was. As long as the other party could lead them to protect Liucheng and protect the people in the city. That’s all it take.


Otherwise, the two victories in the history of the Dayan Kingdom that was filled with human lives but were still praised for a hundred years.


This was also the most helpless and realistic choice for them to survive.


 When someone came forward, no one knew whether the other party had the ability to do it, but they were willing to give their lives to believe in the other party, just for the most uncertain safety.


Therefore, Liu Fang simply came forward after considering these things.


Of course, she won’t disappoint these people either.


At least, she can keep Liucheng.


As for the rest, we will talk about it later.


Liu Fang stood on the high platform, looked at the soldiers below, and spoke loudly. Her inner strength was deep, and her voice spread to everyone.


This move alone made the commanders below feel admiration. Sure enough, the reputation is well-deserved! The second young lady of the Liu family is definitely a master!


“I am Liu Fang, the daughter of General Liu Da. In the battle last night, my father Liu Da, and my brothers Liu Kuan and Liu Xuan all died.”


Speaking of this, Liu Fang paused slightly, endured the grief in her heart, took a deep breath, and continued: “I know that I am still young, younger than all the sergeants present, and I have never been trained in the barracks. However, my father’s lifelong wish is to protect the peace of Liucheng. As his daughter, I have a bounden duty! Currently, Liucheng has no leader, I am here to help, and I am willing to take on the burden of guarding the peace of Liucheng. At the same time, I also hope that all brothers and uncles are willing to trust me and let me lead everyone to continue to protect Liucheng! “


After finishing speaking, Liu Fang bowed and saluted, “Please! Everyone.”


All the people below immediately bowed and said in unison: “I am at your service, Miss!”


Chen Fang also knelt down beside her and said, “This subordinate swears to follow Miss to the death!”


  1. Anazu Salted Fish says:

    Thanks for update🌺

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