Happiness Consists in Contentment

Daughter of a Border General

Chapter 57 Daughter of a Border General


She didn’t see the astonished expressions of the five barbarian commanders, nor did she pay attention to what happened to them afterward.


She just left them and went into the cave to look for Liu Da and his sons.


As for the other barbarian cavalry, they have already died. Liu Fang had already cut their throats one after another.


She deliberately left these five commanders, just like Tuoba Yaoheng. She wanted to use them as bargaining chips to negotiate with the barbarians.


Therefore, Liu Fang now has the time and the mood to search for the bodies of Liu Da and his sons.


As soon as she stepped into the cave, Liu Fang saw the situation inside through the light that shone dimly from outside the cave entrance. Corpses were piled up like a mountain, and it was completely impossible to tell who was who.


The entire cave was filled with a strong smell of blood. If it wasn’t wintertime, the smell from these corpses would be even worse.


Liu Fang’s eyes suddenly turned red and she burst into tears!


Father! Eldest Brother! Second elder brother!


And the heroes guarding Liucheng!


Sorry! She’s late! She’s too late!


She should have realized that Liu Zhi hadn’t come back when the drums sounded, so she must be still outside the city, Maybe she had returned to the city, but she hadn’t returned home yet.


But she ignored her!


Liu Fang knelt on the ground with a “plop”, weeping, and solemnly kowtowed to them: “Boom! Boom! Boom!”


She remembered the prayer Liu Da had told her before the battle, as if it was just yesterday, vividly in her mind.


She looked up at the pile of corpses, her eyes gradually became firm——


I, Liu Fang, hereby swear, in my lifetime, I will inherit my father’s last wish and guard the peace of Liucheng forever until I die!


She didn’t care whether the mission was succeeds or failed.


She just wanted to follow the truest thoughts in her heart. No matter what the outcome was, she was willing to bear it and accept it.


Liu Fang did not dwell on her grief because she knew that Liucheng was still in danger. Liu Da and his sons were dead, and now the entire Liucheng defense force was leaderless.


And she, as the daughter of the Liu family and Liu Da, should stand up and lead the remaining guards to continue to guard Liucheng.


Moreover, she currently didn’t know whether the barbarian cavalry led by Tuoba Yaoheng was the entire force or just the vanguard and whether there were any reinforcements from the barbarians…


She had to bear all of this until the war subsided.


As for what the imperial court will do? Oh, Liu Fang was too lazy to care about it.


She stood up, turned around, and went back to tie the five commanders together, led them all the way to Tuoba Yaoheng’s sides, and then did the same thing. Tied all of them together and led them to the outside of the mountain forest.


When the five commanders saw that Tuoba Yaoheng had been captured, they immediately looked depressed and followed with their heads lowered, no longer in the mood to resist.


It wasn’t that they didn’t want to run, but they had some brains.


When they were struggling to escape, they found that the blood in their bodies was surging. They immediately knew that there was a problem with the medicine Liu Fang gave them. They immediately stop struggling. That was why they didn’t die from the poison.


Seeing that their master had already been arrested, they understood and had no intention of resisting and escaping.


Therefore, the easiest way to fight against the barbarians was to frighten them directly and completely scare them.


As long as their leader can be defeated, most of the barbarian cavalry below dare not continue to resist.


Wasn’t that ironic? A group of seemingly vicious and brutal lunatics turned out to be just a group of cowards who bully the weak and fear the strong!




Liu Fang was at the front dragging Tuoba Yaoheng forward. She didn’t care if the people behind her were following her. Anyway, she was the only who could cure the poison she made.


If this group of people was not afraid of death, just run away.


Tuoba Yaoheng looked at Liu Fang’s thin and slender back and became more and more curious about her. Instead, he forgot about his current dangerous situation.


Along the way, the two of them were silent. Liu Fang was too lazy to talk to this group.


Even if it was Tuoba Yaoheng, she was too lazy to talk to him.


All she needed was his status as a bargaining chip, and she didn’t want to make friends with him. What was there to talk about?


What’s more, the identities between them were destined to be enemies. Liu Fang has shown great restraint by not killing him. Did she really have to treat him as a guest? 


As for Tuoba Yaoheng, he really wanted to talk to Liu Fang.


But with the previous lessons, he also knew that the person in front of him was definitely too lazy to talk to him. Moreover, a thorny fruit core was stuffed in his mouth, so he couldn’t speak.


He should just be a prisoner honestly. Otherwise, if he made the other party unhappy, and if she tormented him again, wouldn’t he suffer in vain?


He absolutely believed that if he annoyed Liu Fang, she would not show mercy.


Maybe she was hoping that he would be dishonest so she could push him along and torture him to vent her anger. He had not forgotten that this woman was related to Liu Da.


Speaking of which, he was still her father-killing enemy.


So, why bother. ╮(︶﹏︶)╭


He was not a hooligan who had to hit on every beautiful woman, let alone a street gangster with no knowledge of the current situation. He was the prince of the Tuoba clan, he had seen too many beauties. He won’t get dizzy when he saw a beautiful woman.


In this way, the two remained silent and left the forest quietly.


The barbarian cavalry who followed were very honest. They had learned from the experience, and now none of them were so stupid to seek death.


As soon as they came out of the forest, they saw a group of guards and civilians cleaning up the corpses outside the forest.


Liu Fang secretly breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that it was fine for the time being.


The other party also saw Liu Fang. When they saw her coming out, they immediately raised their weapons on guard.


Only then did Liu Fang remember that she had changed into a barbarian’s military uniform, and the guards must have misunderstood her when they saw her.


She quickly took off her helmet, pulled off the high collar that covered her face, revealed her true face, and said to the leading captain, “I am the second daughter of General Liu Das, Liu Fang. Anyone who knows my family can come out and see if what I say is true.”


Liu Fang thought she had to wait for a while, but she didn’t expect that all the guards present knew her, and immediately cheered loudly when they saw her true face: “Missl! It’s the second young lady who is back!!”


Liu Fang:! !


What’s happening here? Has she reached the point where everyone knows her now?


Of course.


What she did on the city wall and everything she did along the way was seen by all the guards and the people in the city, naturally someone recognized her.


After knowing her identity, everyone admired her even more!


Currently highest general in the city was the Commander. There was no so-called garrison general in the Dayan Kingdom. Only the assigned general was the highest commander of the city’s garrison


Now that Liu Da and his sons were all dead, as far as Liucheng guards and common people were concerned, who could get their support better than Liu Fang?


Naturally, everyone now regards Liu Fang as the highest leader of Liucheng.


As for the status, heh, whoever can shoot the leader of the barbarian cavalry, and even kill hundreds of cavalry. They will accept.


If not, no one can replace Liu Fang’s position!


This was the voice of the Liucheng people.


In fact, as long as Liu Fang’s achievements were spread, no one in the entire Dayan Kingdom would oppose her as the leader of the Liucheng garrison. As mentioned before, as long as someone can defeat the barbarians, no matter who it was or what their identity was, the people of Dayan Kingdom will adore them.


This was not fake, this was definitely the truest voice of the Dayan people. They have long wished to wipe out all these barbaric lunatics!


Of course, these were just the thoughts of ordinary people.


As for the court officials at the top as well as the lofty emperor, it may not necessarily think so.


Liu Fang didn’t think too much about it now, she just didn’t expect that her appearance could make them so happy!

This feels so good!


Seeing them cheering loudly, and dancing with joy, all with an eager expression on their face and adoringly looked at her.


Liu Fang really thinks: This life is worth it!


She likes this mission world very much!


Tuoba Yaoheng stood beside Liu Fang, his eyes widened in astonishment the first moment he saw her true face.


After seeing these guards, soldiers, and the common people cheering loudly when they saw the woman, their face was full of excitement and admiration.


He also knew that this woman named Liu Fang was the most powerful person in Liucheng and their spiritual pillar!




A girl who didn’t seem to be sixteen years old was already the supreme leader and spiritual pillar of this city of more than 200,000 people. How terrifying was her strength?


Suppose Tuoba Yaoheng knew that Liu Fang had been keeping a low profile for more than ten years, and had gained her current prestige and reputation only after a night of fierce fighting. In that case, I’m afraid he would widen his eyes until his eyeballs fell down.


Liu Fang smiled slightly and raised her hand to let everyone calm down first. When everyone was quiet, she spoke loudly with her internal strength, and her voice spread to everyone.


“Now, everyone needs to clear the battlefield quickly. There are still the bodies of our heroes in the forest. You go there to take care of it. We will talk about the rest later. As for the people behind me, they are all captives.”


Everyone’s face turned cold immediately, and they all stared coldly at Tuoba Yaoheng and his party, making them all stiff.


Seeing this, Liu Fang quickly said: “I know, everyone hates them, and so do I! However, we need to focus on the bigger picture. We didn’t know how many troops the barbarians had sent to attack the city. We are only temporarily safe now, and there are still tough battles to be fought later. These captives are of great use to me. Endure it for the time being, their lives must not be harmed. If you want to vent, just beat them up, just don’t beat them to death. “


Tuoba Yaoheng listened to Liu Fang’s words and stared at her with wide eyes. If he hadn’t been stuffed with a thorny fruit core in his mouth and couldn’t speak, he really wanted to ask: That was how you treat prisoners? ?


Liu Fang said. I only promised not to kill, but I didn’t say I will give preferential treatment! ╮(︶﹏︶)╭


After listening to Liu Fang’s words, everyone calmed down, nodded solemnly, and said in unison: “Yes, Miss!”


The people in the borderland were simple. As long as they respect you, they will listen to whatever you say.


Perhaps this was also the nature of generations who have survived the chaos of war. Obedience was the only way that can allow more people to live!


Liu Fang smiled slightly and nodded, beckoning the captain of the guards to take over Tuoba Yaoheng and his group, and explained: “Just give them a bowl of water every day, and nothing else is needed, as long as they don’t starve to death. If you want to beat them up, take it easy, and don’t kill them all.”


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