Happiness Consists in Contentment

Daughter of a Border General

Chapter 56 Daughter of a Border General


They looked at each other and didn’t know what was going on.


One of the commanders said with a pale face, “Could it be a ghost?”


Others: Σ( ° △°|||)︴


“It can’t be?” The other commander shrank his neck, a little scared.


At this time, the third commander patted the neck-shrinking man directly, and said, “Where can there be ghosts? Since when are we afraid of ghosts?”


“But, if it wasn’t for ghosts, who would be able to kill so many people silently, and it was still under our noses.” The first commander said.


Others scratched their heads, also confused.


“Unless,” the commander continued, “The opponent’s force is stronger than ours, and it is very powerful!”


The others suddenly looked terrified: That’s right!


If someone could kill so many people silently under their noses, then the other party must be a rare master!


The five of them suddenly felt cold and cold sweat was dripping on their back. If such a person exists, how terrible it would be!


Liu Fang squatted on the top of a tree and listened to the chatter from the commanders below until they turned pale and remained silent.


She smiled slightly, There you go!


Liu Da and his sons have passed away. She still didn’t know what the current situation in Liucheng was, and she didn’t know about Madam Liu’s life or death.


She currently needs to make these barbarians completely afraid and leave a deep enough fear in their heart so that she can buy enough time for Liucheng.


Of course, there was another person, her sister Liu Zhi.


Her eyes narrowed slightly. Only now she remembered that Liu Zhi hadn’t returned all night, no one knew where she had gone.


However, if she remembers correctly Liu Zhi often went in and out of this small mountain path. Every time she felt bored at home, she would like to run to the mountains outside the city.


She especially likes to go to the mountains and forests bordering the barbarian territories.


Liu Fang always thought her behavior was weird.


Whether Liu Da or Madam Liu, they would repeatedly warn the two of them not to run around in the mountains at the border between the two countries, because they might meet barbarian spies at any time.


The barbarian has always wanted to find this small path to bypass the city wall, so as to break through the city easily and occupy Liucheng completely.


Especially when it was winter, it was absolutely impossible to walk in and out here at will. Otherwise, If this path was discovered by the enemy easily, it would bring a devastating blow to Liucheng.


It’s not like Liu Da didn’t take precautions here, but he had to arrange most of his troops on the city wall and inside the city. The mountains and forests were huge. Although it was called a small path. In fact, as long as the direction was correct, there can be many paths.


It’s not that Liu Da couldn’t defend the entire mountain forest, but he needed to disperse too many troops, which was completely impossible.


4,000 daily guards were stationed on the city wall in three shifts, which was 16,000 in total.


At the city gates, 1,000 guards for each gate, three shifts, which was 3,000, and four gates, which was 12,000.


In addition, 40,000 guards were required to reinforce the rear at any time. In this way, there were only 32,000 of 100,000 guards left.


Of the 32,000 guards, another 30,000 need to be scattered in the city to protect the people and provide mobile support everywhere.


Only 2,000 guards could take turns guarding this mountain path and they just lay in ambush at the exit. When Liu Fang walked in, she had already seen the corpses of some of them.


As for the others, if the barbarian cavalry followed the right direction but came in through a completely new path, then they would not know it at all and would have no time to react.


Therefore, Liu Fang was sure that these barbarian cavalry were brought in by Liu Zhi!


Only she a road idiot would get lost in the place where she has lived for many years, and it was not strange if she encountered barbarian cavalry. After all, she has always been like this, only living in her own imagination, and never caring what the reality was.


Otherwise, she would not have lived in Liucheng since she was a child, but she still looked carefree, as if she was living in a peaceful age and had never seen war.


Sometimes Liu Fang really thought Liu Zhi’s way of thinking was very peculiar.


In early childhood, when they were taken by Madam Liu to escape during the war in winter. Liu Fang never relaxed all the way.


But Liu Zhi was still in the mood to roll her eyes and look around, muttering comments in her mouth as if she was watching a TV series and making complaints while watching.


At that time, Liu Fang felt. This child’s brain was probably full of shit.


However, Liu Zhi was not always like this, sometimes she was quite smart.


She remembers one time during their escape. Liu Fang was the youngest, so she and Liu Zhi were hugged by the same servant.


But that person will be tired.


It just so happened that they encountered a group of five barbarian cavalry at that time. Madam Liu and the others were fighting and naturally did not have time to pay attention to Liu Zhi and Liu Fang when they fought.


Liu Zhi saw that the servant who was holding them seemed to be tired, so she took advantage of Liu Fang’s focus on looking at Madam Liu and the others, stretched out her hand, and pulled the servant’s clothes straight down, making it impossible for the servant to hug Liu Fang, and then kicked Liu Fang to the ground.


To be honest, Liu Fang was dumbfounded at the time.


But in an instant, she understood Liu Zhi’s intentions. She was thrown out of the crowd and as a little baby, she was very conspicuous, attracting the attention of the barbarian cavalry.


And don’t forget, Liu Fang’s appearance was very beautiful!


Even though she was just a child at that time, she still looked like a beautiful woman.


So, how could the barbarians let her go?


Naturally, Liu Fang became the bait and the cannon fodder.


However, Liu Fang can completely protect herself. Although she can’t beat the barbarian cavalry at that time, she can still run.


That experience made Liu Fang understand that Liu Zhi was a complete psycho!


The brain circuit was weird, and the things done were beyond the imagination of ordinary people.


What Liu Zhi did at that time was naturally known by Liu Da, Madam Liu, and others.


It’s just that she was still young at the time, so she cried miserably and admitted her mistake. They forgave her and only scolded and educated her.


But Liu Fang didn’t: ‘Damn it, you want my life already. I’m being generous if I didn’t kill you with an eye for an eye. Do you still expect me to smile and say: It’s okay?


Pooh! Liu Fang just wanted to roll her eyes and beat her to death!


If She was not Liu Da’s daughter, if she hadn’t been unlucky enough to be in the same family as Liu Zhi and it was not good for her to take action, Liu Fang would have poisoned her to death long ago.


With this in mind, Madam Liu could still not see Liu Zhi’s true nature, but it was impossible for Liu Fang. Liu Zhi could make a row or cause disturbance without obvious reasons! Just for her own pleasure.


This is Liu Zhi—a fool who always only cares about herself and is only immersed in her own fantasy.


She never took a look at what the real Liucheng looked like, she would only complain about how desolate the ancient city was.


She knew that there was a war here all year round, but she was only surprised and excited. Finally, I can see the real ancient battlefield, so excited! O(≧▽≦)O


Yes, that’s what she thought.


That’s why her behavior was so weird: She seemed to be obedient, but in fact, she was extremely self-willed and self-centered, she didn’t even care about everything she saw around her, whether it was the people in Liucheng or what happened in Liuchend. 


Like playing a game, She didn’t care about any of this. Who cares about the life and death of NPCs? Who cares about the content of the mission? ╮(︶﹏︶)╭


It was also because of this that she didn’t care about Madam Liu’s painstaking teaching and warnings to her since she was a child. She always ignored it after hearing it and didn’t take it to heart at all.


Perhaps in Liu Zhi’s mind, this was just a Mary Su novel where she can do whatever she wants, and she can be vigorous, beautiful, and refreshing.


But in Liu Fang’s view, she has been dreaming and never wants to wake up.


She really thinks too much.


Liu Fang really wanted to say to her. You are just an ordinary person, and your IQ may not be higher than that of the ancients here. What gives you the confidence to think that you can surpass everyone in this world? Are you dreaming? Hah.


This time, the breaking in Liucheng was too fast, from the sound of the war drum to the emergency notification of the city’s breaking, it took less than a quarter of an hour.


In this short time, there was only one possibility, that is, the city gate was opened from inside the city!


And there was no one who was able to enter and leave the city freely during the winter, except for Liu Zhi, who was crazy.


It seems that she went to the mountains early in the morning.


She just went out and could bring a group of enemies back. She still brought them in like this, this was also a talent!


Liu Fang thought for a while and then understood how this group of people fooled that self-righteous Liu Zhi. One wave pretended to be robbers or barbarian cavalry, and the other wave rescued her, and then took advantage of the situation to coax her to lead the way.


After all, the person who led these people was the smart Tuoba Yaoheng, so it’s not difficult to see through this idiot Liu Zhi at a glance.


Oh, Liu Fang thought of Tuoba Yaoheng’s appearance, he was still a handsome guy in an ancient costume full of male hormones. Liu Zhi might get dizzy when she saw him.


This was just like the plots in many novels. A girl who lost her way in the mountains was rescued by a handsome male lead and then developed an Unprecedented love story…


Liu Fang just wanted to roll her eyes at this: Where in the world were there so many idle male leads who had nothing to do? That’s what daydreaming was all about.


Liu Fang sneered from the bottom of her heart, her eyes turned cold: If Liu Zhi was really responsible for the breaking of the city this time, she would definitely kill her!


The five barbarian commanders under the tree were discussing for a while but got nothing. They were about to gather everyone together, thinking of going to find Tuoba Yaoheng to ask for instructions.


Seeing that they were moving, Liu Fang suddenly woke up from her drifting thoughts.


She didn’t wait for these five people to start blowing the assembly whistle, she got up and floated down, arrived quietly, and landed behind a commander, slapping him as fast as lightning. He was instantly frozen in place, unable to move.


The others were startled and were preparing to besiege Liu Fang. But Liu Fang’s skills were prone to break through in the midst of battle. The stronger one’s opponent, the stronger one becomes. Along the way, Liu Fang has been fighting non-stop. Although her internal strength has not increased much, she has improved a little.


At this moment, she tried her best to move as fast as she could. Her figure flashed among these people, not to mention dodging their attacks, she was also able to freeze them in place one by one.


Then, Liu Fang directly took off their belts, tied them up, gave them medicine, and then clapped her hands and left.


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