Happiness Consists in Contentment

Daughter of a Border General

Chapter 55 Daughter of a Border General


Tuoba Yaoheng smiled wryly in his heart. It’s a pity, he probably won’t survive.


If it were him, he would definitely take credit for capturing an important prisoner. Kill him, cut off his head, and dedicate it to the emperor of the Dayan Kingdom!


Moreover, when the woman heard the news of Liu Da’s death, Tuoba Yaoheng clearly felt a slight emotional fluctuation: The other party was probably the relatives of Liu Da and his sons.


It’s a pity that he didn’t pay attention to the other Liu family members other than the father and sons. Otherwise, maybe he would know who the person in front of him was.


Liu Fang didn’t know that the hostage in her hand had been thinking so much in just a moment. She breathed out slowly, suppressing the heavy heartache in her heart.


She raised her eyelids, her eyes regained calmness, looked at Tuoba Yaoheng, and said, “Who are you?”


Tuoba Yaoheng raised his eyebrows, did she want to know his name before she killed him?


However, it doesn’t matter.


He replied calmly: “Tuoba Yaoheng.”


Tuoba? !


Liu Fang’s eyes flickered slightly. This was the most powerful clan of the barbarian tribe, and it was also recognized as a royal family.


“So, you are a prince?”


Tuoba Yaoheng nodded.


Liu Fang smiled slightly on her concealed face. It’s good, finally, there was a gain.


“So, Prince Tuoba, please stay in my country as a guest.”


Liu Fang’s gentle and indifferent words made Tuoba Yaoheng confused. She was not planning on killing him.


Liu Fang said: Of course not! What good would it do to kill?


She currently didn’t how Liucheng was. If a barbarian prince dies here, it may provoke more fierce revenge from the barbarian tribe.


She didn’t intend to make a heroic sacrifice yet.


What Liucheng needed most now was time. Time to recuperate.


If such a huge hostage could have been caught earlier, Father and the others would not have to die.


Liu Fang stopped thinking about it, and tapped Tuoba Yaoheng a few times with her other hand, temporarily sealing his martial arts.


Tuoba Yaoheng’s eyes widened immediately. What kind of martial arts is this? To make him lose all his skills in an instant?


Liu Fang ignored him, loosened her hands holding his neck, and then helped him sit down against the big tree next to him.


The barbarian cavalry next to them were overjoyed when they saw Liu Fang’s actions!


They were about to wave their knives and rush forward, but they didn’t expect to fall to the ground as soon as they lifted their feet.


Tuoba Yaoheng: (⊙o⊙)! ! What is going on here?


Liu Fang knelt down, looked at him, and said, “Don’t worry, you’re all fine, just a little weak. Stay obediently, and I’ll be back soon.”


After finishing speaking, Liu Fang jumped onto the treetop and left in a flash.


Tuoba Yaoheng again: (⊙o⊙)!


So, the other party can fly? Is she a God?


Liu Fang ran to the place where Tuoba Yaoheng hid their horses and found ropes and other things, then quickly returned, and tied up Tuoba Yaoheng and others.


It was only when he saw her bring back something that Tuoba Yaoheng realized that the momentary thought he had was stupid. She was just looking for something to tie them up. ╮(︶﹏︶)╭


As for how Liu Fang could jump so high without making a sound, Tuoba Yaoheng thought, probably it was Dayan Kingdom’s unique martial arts.


He finally regained his usual composure and mind. It was mainly because it was too sudden, and too many unexpected situations happened to him, so he was a little dizzy.


Now that he has regained his composure, Tuoba Yaoheng was also thinking about how to get out. Since the other party did not intend to kill him, it proved that he was valuable, and as long as he was valuable, he had a bargaining chip to negotiate with the other party.


Thinking of this, Tuoba Yaoheng looked at Liu Fang who was tying someone, and said, “Are you planning to exchange something with me?”


Liu Fang turned her head and glanced at him with a calm expression, but she didn’t answer him. She turned around and continued to tie up the other barbarian cavalry who fell down and couldn’t get up.


Tuoba Yaoheng frowned, why didn’t she talk to him?


“I am the third prince of the Tuoba clan, and my father is the Great Khan of the Tuoba clan. As long as you let me go back, my father will agree to all your requests.”


Liu Fang didn’t even bother to give him a look this time, she just concentrated on doing her own thing.


Tuoba Yaoheng was very puzzled, and he continued to say that if Liu Fang let him go, the Khan from the Tuoba clan would give her so many benefits, how so, Blablabala.


Liu Fang still turned a deaf ear until everyone was tied up, and everyone was stuffed with a pill she made herself.


When she was done with everyone, she walked up to Tuoba Yaoheng. He had already given up on lobbying Liu Fang to let him go.


At this time, he also understood that even if the other party did not intend to kill him, she did not intend to let him go easily.


Liu Fang looked at him indifferently from head to toe.


Seeing her like this Tuoba Yaoheng’s heart was trembling. Liu Fang bent down calmly, stretched out her palms, and showed him.


There was a dark red pill on her palm.


“Eat it.”


Tuoba Yaoheng looked into her eyes, It was calm, but because it was so calm that he felt a little chilly in his heart.


But he still asked calmly, “Is this poison?”


Liu Fang shook her head lightly, “No. At least it’s not a poison that will kill you immediately.”


Tuoba Yaoheng understood that now she was a knife and he was a fish. He has no choice but to be obedient for the time being and save his own life first: If the other party cheats on him, then there’s nothing he can do. ╮(︶﹏︶)╭


If he were the other party, he would probably do the same. He would even be more straightforward and kill the other party directly, which would save trouble.


So Tuoba Yaoheng opened his mouth obediently, and let Liu Fang stuff the pill into his mouth. It melted in his mouth, even slightly sweet.


Tuoba Yaoheng slightly raised his eyebrows: This poison could be sweet?


Liu Fang didn’t care what he was thinking, and stuffed a thorny fruit core into Tuoba Yaoheng’s mouth, making him unable to speak.


“Stay put, don’t try your luck. Otherwise, if you die, you deserve it.”


After Liu Fang finished speaking lightly, she got up, jumped onto the treetop, and left.


Tuoba Yaoheng frowned, was the other party really so confident? Wasn’t she afraid that something unexpected would happen to them?


Don’t try your luck.


Could it be the sweet pill they took just now?


Before Tuoba Yaoheng could figure it out, there were a few barbarian cavalrymen struggling to break free from the ropes, but they suddenly vomited blood and bled to death in a short time.


Everyone present: Σ⊙▃⊙


Tuoba Yaoheng shrank his pupils: What a powerful poison!


No wonder the other party threw them here so reassuringly. She just tied them, it turned out that she didn’t care about their life or death at all.


Knowing that after she left, they would definitely struggle and try to escape, she just gave a brief explanation, not even trying to control them.


Since the opponent can have such a powerful poison, it was also possible to control them and make them unable to move.


But she didn’t do that, why?


Was it just to deter them?


Tuoba Yaoheng looked at those subordinates who were still alive, their face were full of fear, and sighed in his heart: So, the people of Dayan Kingdom were really scary!


Liu Fang on the other side.


She really didn’t care about Tuoba Yaoheng’s life or death. She killed him, and he sought death himself, that’s two different things.


Of course, the most important thing was that she could see that Tuoba Yaoheng was a smart person and was very intelligent.


Oh right, with the barbarian’s character, he thought he had seen through Liu Fang’s actions, and easily revealed his cards in order to quickly escape.


For Liu Fang who has already experienced two mission worlds felt that he was really too naive.


However, Liu Fang will not easily judge him for only having such a shallow mind. Who doesn’t know how to pretend?


The first mission world told Liu Fang the most unbelievable thing was the appearance of a person.


The best example was. The elder sisters in the first mission world. They usually looked like a young lady from prestigious families. Getting married, having children, and taking care of their household affairs like the normal noblewomen. But once the throne changes, they immediately become a different person!


All of them have become confidantes of the female emperor, and important ministers in the court!


How many people’s eyes fell through at that time?


Wasn’t that enough to explain the problem?


People who entered the world of politics were very scheming, and they were also good at pretending!


Although Liu Fang was not good at politics, she got along with her sisters in the first mission world for many years, and her ability in this area has improved under their influence.


At least, she could use it in the second mission world.


Liu Fang left Tuoba Yaoheng and his party behind and returned to the cave she found when she first entered the forest.


She will not trust Tuoba Yaoheng easily.


Although he could be used as a bargaining chip to negotiate with the barbarians. But she will never let go of the barbarian cavalry who were still waiting in this trap.


The grief and anger suppressed in her heart have not been vented yet, so she can use the blood of these people to commemorate


In this life, her father was always upright and strong, until he died for the peace of Liucheng!


There were also the eldest brother and second brother, and Madam Liu who had already fled but didn’t know if they could successfully escape…


Liu Fang looked coldly at the barbarian cavalry guarding the three fakes under the tree, slowly pulled out the dagger, and floated down silently, landing behind a standing barbarian cavalry. Just like before, she covered the opponent’s mouth with her hand, then slashed with the dagger, and immediately reaped a life.


She won’t be impulsive, she still wants to live. Therefore, she won’t face them head-on, she will kill all these people one by one!


The blood was bright red and warm, but the forest was still quiet, even terrifyingly quiet!


Only the strong smell of blood in the forest could tell what happened here.


“What’s going on? How did so many people die?”


Several barbarian cavalry commanders gathered together to discuss. They discovered the number of people was wrong, they also saw a few corpses and finally discovered the problem.


  1. Anazu Salted Fish says:

    Resistance is the answer to fight oppression.

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