Happiness Consists in Contentment

Daughter of a Border General

Chapter 53 Daughter of a Border General


The guards of Liucheng slowly regain their morale. Even if Liu Fang hadn’t arrived, the sudden loud howl was heard by the barbarian, and their morale was shaken immediately!


Originally, the barbarian general was very happy to see that his cavalry was invincible. However, after waiting and waiting, it was clear the guards of Liucheng were about to be completely destroyed, why suddenly let out an astonishing howl of morale:


“Kill! Kill!! Kill!”


This made the barbarian general confused, and at the same time frowned. Could it be that something happened? It’s not right! Didn’t the three most powerful generals have been dragged down by Tuoba? Why are there still powerful masters hiding in the guard army?


Speaking of which, fighting barbarians was actually quite easy. It just need a powerful general to knock down the opponent’s arrogance.


However, this seemingly easy strategy was actually very difficult.


At least so far, no general in the Dayan Kingdom can do it.


Including the two heroes in history who had defeated the barbarian cavalry, they couldn’t really kill the barbarian general alone.


It would be a great thing to knock them and make them admit defeat!


But it can also be seen from this that the barbarian generals were all highly skilled in martial arts.


Liu Fang made such a big commotion. Naturally, it couldn’t be hidden from him. He checked with the binoculars and found that it was a woman who went around the city wall and killed the barbarian cavalry.


The barbarian general’s heart sank, no good! I’m afraid there will be some changes now!


But he was a little unwilling to withdraw his troops at this point. Let’s take a look first!


Liu Fang went around the city wall, but she couldn’t find Liu Da. Her heart suddenly sank: It’s not good, they must have been lured away by the barbarians.


Liucheng was so big, where should she find them?


She looked at the guards around, and then at the barbarian cavalry who were still climbing up the city wall. Her eyes turned cold. She will kill all these barbarians, and see if they dare to come again!


Liu Fang inserted the soft sword back into the shaft and then held the spear with both hands and performed lightness skill, moving around to kill the barbarian cavalry in the city wall.


She even dealt with the barbarians near the city gate, and finally killed all the barbarians near the city gate, causing the city gate to be closed again.


Liucheng was saved!


Inside the city


The people, and the soldiers on the city wall all howled loudly: “Victory! Victory! Victory!”


As for the barbarians, they were caught off guard by this turn of events, and the barbarian general’s expression became stern, staring at the most conspicuous woman on the city wall!


Liu Fang suddenly turned her head and stared fixedly at the barbarian general.


The barbarian general grinned cruelly at Liu Fang!


Liu Fang’s eyes turned cold, her hands shook first, and she turned the spear into a whip, wrapping it around her waist.


Then she turned around and took a bow from the soldier beside her, and at the same time drew five feathered arrows from the quiver behind the soldier.


She raised her hand and drew the bow, put it flat and aligned it, then released it. The five feathered arrows flew away, aiming straight at the barbarian general!


The barbarian general’s expression changed. He really didn’t expect that the girl from the Dayan Kingdom would be so tough! Just looking at each other, the other party shot him with an arrow!


The barbarian general smiled coldly, calmly waiting for the feathered arrow that Liu Fang shot over. it was just a chain of five arrows, and he believed that he could still catch it.


Unfortunately, he guessed wrong!


What Liu Fang shot was not an ordinary arrow.


The first of the five feathered arrows directly passed through the Barbarian general’s head, so fast that he could not avoid it, his eyes widened, and he fell from the horse’s back and to the ground.


The other four feathered arrows scattered in an instant and shot directly at the barbarian cavalry on both sides.


The one in front was basically unlucky, all of them were dead. For the people behind, the lucky ones only suffered some injuries, and the worst ones immediately returned to the underworld.


This blow by Liu Fang made the howling on the city wall even more exciting!


And the barbarians under the city wall wanted to cry. Originally, they dispatched 3,000 people to cut grass this time, and they thought that breaking Liucheng this time would be easy and effortless.


Unexpectedly, besides Liu’s father and sons, there was another hidden master in Liucheng!


The number of barbarians who went into the city to kill and rob were not small, but they were almost wiped out by Liu Fang alone.


There were also a lot of barbarian cavalry on the city wall, and now they have been wiped out, leaving only the barbarian cavalry outside and below the city wall.


Now that the general was dead, and encountered another blow from Liu Fang’s superb archery skills, there were many casualties suddenly and the morale of the barbarians dropped sharply.


After a calculation, the total number of barbarian cavalry outside the city was less than a thousand.


Liu Fang thought of a question in the blink of an eye:


There were four gates in Liucheng, and she found a barbarian team with nearly thirty people near each gate. So there was one hundred and twenty people.


There were more barbarians on the city wall, at least not less than five hundred to eight hundred people.


Because the city wall was very wide, and large, and was built in a square shape, they could communicate with each other quickly!


Even if there were only 600 barbarian cavalry on the city wall, then add the more than 100 people on the ground, which is about 700, nearly 800.


But from the visual inspection of the outside and bottom of the city wall, there were only 1,300 or 1,400 barbarian cavalry among the dead and injured and those who were not injured.


This amount was wrong!


So – there was another battlefield!


Liu Fang pulled the soldier beside her, returned the bow in her hand, and shouted to him: “Hurry up, beat the drums, send the order down, all the archers on stand by, shoot the barbarian cavalry! If they retreat, there is no need to chase them anymore. As long as you guard the city gate and the city wall, you are heroes! “


Seeing Liu Fang talking loudly, the surrounding soldiers gradually stopped howling excitedly and listened quietly to what Liu Fang said. They looked solemn and respectful. They worship the woman in front of them!


After Liu Fang finished speaking, everyone replied loudly and in unison: “Yes! Miss!”


Liu Fang was shocked by this loud and orderly shout!


She pursed her lips slightly, turned around, and tapped the ground hard, and then she flew into the air and jumped down from the city wall: She was not worried about the guards, because over the years, generation after generation, they knew how to protect the city.


As long as the city gate was secure, they could protect the city and the people.


She pulled out the iron whip in mid-air and nailed it to the city wall. She used her strength to swing her body towards the roof in front. At the same time, she drew back the iron whip and wrapped it around her hand.


Her speed was very fast. After all, she has already experienced two mission worlds. Liu Fang’s current lightness skill was actually very good.


Although it was not to the point of walking on the water, it was also the kind that can run three to four kilometers in a few minutes, which exceeds the level of normal people.


She had to quickly search if there was another battlefield as she guessed, and if Liu Da and his sons were there.


Liu Fang thought that over the years, Liu Da would send people to patrol and lay in ambush at the place where Liucheng was connected to the mountains.


Could it be the city was destroyed so quickly because the mountain path was discovered?


If so, Liu Fang’s eyes turn cold!


Then, the other party has been planning for a long time and has even found a path around the city wall, or maybe, there were moles and traitors to help and take them into town.


Either way, it sucks!


No wonder, she clearly saw that there were not many barbarian cavalry, but they could manage to make Liucheng look like it was broken.


Liu Fang admitted that if these seemingly few barbarian cavalry were really brought into the city, the guards would definitely have to sacrifice a lot of people to keep Liucheng.


They may not even be able to keep it!


After all, the fewer the number of members in the team, the more powerful the barbarian cavalry are.


The combat ability of the barbarian cavalry was stronger than that of the Liucheng guards. It was easy for them for one person to fight ten people.


If it was a powerful master, then it could cause the current incredible situation.


A mere 3,000 barbarian cavalry dared to come and attack Liucheng and even felt that breaking the city was an easy task.


In the final analysis, the force of the Liucheng guards was too weak, and their equipment was also falling behind, so they were suppressed and beaten by these barbarian cavalries.


But now was not the time to think about these things, the most important thing was to find Liu Da first.




Liu Fang has lived in Liucheng for more than ten years, and has been running around the city since she was five or six years old—this was also the norm for the growth of children in Liucheng.


Therefore, she remembered that there was a small road that could go around the city wall and exit the city from the other side of the mountain. Naturally, it was a barren mountain at the border with the barbarian territory.


If you can leave the city, you can naturally enter the city.


Liu Fang tried her best and quickly went to that mountain forest.


Along the way, when encountering barbarian cavalry killing civilians or guarding troops, Liu Fang would throw a few willow-leaf knives to help kill some of them.


After a while, Liu Fang arrived at the forest and saw many corpses of the guards lying in front of her, her heart sank, she walked forward quickly, and was also vigilant about the movement around her.


Walking into the forest, the trees covered the faint moonlight, and the sporadic light spots poured on the ground through the gaps, which was extraordinarily silent and peaceful.


Just like the drums of war can’t affect this place at all, it’s like two worlds.


The more Liu Fang walked inside, the more her heart sank. It was fine if it was only quiet, but how could there be no one? Not even dead bodies.


She carefully checked the traces on the ground and the surrounding trees, and finally found some clues.


It looks like the other party was very relaxed. They could actually clean the place.


Liu Fang’s heart became heavier and her face became colder.


She followed those tiny trails quickly and silently, and gradually, she finally heard a very faint gasp.


Liu Fang followed the panting sound and jumped onto the top of the tree. Her lightness skill prevented the branches from making any sound. She squatted down and looked through the branches and leaves. Under the little light, there were about two or three hundred people guarding not far away, and three men in silver armor were tied in the middle.


Liu Fang was overjoyed—they should still be alive!


That’s good! She breathed a sigh of relief.



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