Happiness Consists in Contentment

Daughter of a Border General

Chapter 52 Daughter of a Border General


Besides, it didn’t include those noble. Those people may not be as brave as the barbarian cavalry below.


Maybe they used to be, but now, heh….


Madam Liu was aware of the danger of the barbarian in front of her, so she took the initiative to draw her sword and keep a close eye on the opponent’s movements.


She had already made up her mind. She raised a foolish daughter, ruined Liucheng, ruined the reputation of the Liu family, was ashamed of the martyrs of Liucheng, ashamed of the ancestors of the Liu family, and had no face to face all the people of Liucheng.


Therefore, she decided to fight her life to let her daughter-in-laws and the others to escape!


The three barbarian cavalrymen looked at each other, then dispersed in a tacit understanding, forming a triangle to surround the members of the Liu family, and then cooperated with each other to attack them!


Liu Zhi raised her head at this moment, her eyes were red and she exclaimed, “No!”


At that moment, she really understood how stupid she was!


She wished she could go back to the past and kill herself!


But now, she couldn’t just watch her mother die in front of her like this!


Her hands tremble, she stood up and rushed toward the nearest barbarian!


But it’s a pity. Liu Zhi thought that she could really become omnipotent if she got an adventure.


But she underestimated the ancient world and also underestimated the people here, especially the barbarians. At the same time, she also overestimated herself.


This was the real world, not a game, let alone a novel.


The barbarian turned around and kicked Liu Zhi, and she was kicked as far as 2.5 meters and lost consciousness. 


Madam Liu’s eyes flicked, and her hand holding the sword tightened, but she couldn’t care that much anymore.


She was the first to attack the barbarian who kicked Liu Zhi but was blocked by another barbarian…


Just like that, they were in a fight!


The moves of the three barbarians were weird and tacit, and they formed a formation that trapped so many of them.


Although they didn’t kill them and didn’t look like they wanted to kill them, they just trapped them. But Madam Liu knew that these barbarians were planning to capture their family alive.


As for what?


Oh, wasn’t it obvious, for Liu Da! For the entire Liucheng!


Madam Liu was anxious, she gritted her teeth, changed her sword move, and at the same time said to the eldest young madam Liu, “Hurry!”


The family has been getting along for many years and has a tacit understanding.


Eldest young madam Liu turned around with a flickering movement, and her figure moved, She reached out and picked up her two sons from the servant’s arms, throwing one on her back with one hand, and holding the other one with the other one, she and second young madam Liu took a few servants and left Madam Liu and ran away.


Eldest young madam and second young madam Liu’s eyes were red, enduring grief and sadness, and took the children to escape desperately.


Regardless of Madam Liu who was left behind, and even the screams of the servants.


Liu Rong, who was carried by the second young madam woke up in a daze, rubbing his eyes, and asked strangely, “Mother, why are you crying?”


It turned out that he was awakened by the tears that second young madam Liu unknowingly shed.


Second young madam Liu only raised her hands to cover his eyes, gritted her teeth, and did not speak.




Liu Fang quickly performed lightness skill and tried her best to go to the city wall.


As soon as she got near the city gate, she saw those barbarian cavalries rushing in, hacking and killing the people who were resisting with hoes, machetes, and other messy things.


And behind the common people, it turned out to be the soldiers who guard the city! They were protected by the people, with red eyes, they watched those people being killed one by one, and lying in front of them one by one, leaving a large amount of blood.


Dazzling red!


Like the eye of those guarding soldiers!


Liu Fang’s face was cold. She looked up to the sky. She pressed the iron whip on her waist with her hand, pulled it out, clenched the handle tightly, flicked it, and turned it into a spear.


The physique of this mission was not so heaven-defying, so Liu Fang’s internal strength cannot be like that of the previous mission world, where she could turn the limp iron whip into a spear directly with her internal strength.


She spent seven years researching, designing, and building this unique weapon.


It can be turned into an iron whip or a spear.


In the process of transformation, an appropriate amount of internal strength was needed to assist, and the transformation could be completed in an instant.


She soared up, touched her waist with her left hand, waved her hand, and a small knife like a willow leaf flew out, and the cold light flashed slightly. In an instant, five of the barbarians who rushed to kill fell to the ground and died. The horse under these barbarians continued to rush forward.


It’s a pity that the barbarians who followed behind reacted quickly. They raised their heads immediately and saw Liu Fang at a glance. They were still able to control the horses to avoid the fallen corpse at the same time! And the knife that has slowed down.


Liu Fang’s eyes flickered, the barbarian cavalry really lived up to their reputation!


At the same time, she complained in her heart: Damn, this mission is going to to suck again! Damn, can’t it be a normal mission? Just like the first test mission.


No matter how much she complains in her heart, Liu Fang move without stopping. She flicked her left hand again, and five barbarians fell to the ground at the same time!


The barbarians finally gave up on the common people and the guards, and flew straight up from their horses, all stepping on the roof and rushing towards Liu Fang!


Good timing!


Grasping the spear tightly with both hands, Liu Fang stabbed forward. In the air, she turned around and swept across directly, knocking down seven or eight barbarians to the ground.


The common people and the guarding soldiers reacted very quickly. They surrounded these barbarians before they could get up, those who were in front jumped on them directly, and the ones behind followed with various weapons to slash at the hands, feet, or heads of a few barbarians, until they were chopped to death, chopped to pieces!


Meanwhile, the battle on the roof continued.


Liu Fang killed seven or eight barbarians, and the other barbarians also reacted quickly. They tacitly threw out the whirling knife in their hands and slashed at Liu Fang who was not on her feet.


Liu Fang’s hand trembled, and the spear made a few “clicks, clicks”, and in an instant, it turned into an iron whip.


With a shake of her hand, the iron whip swirled in the air and knocked down the knives.


Liu Fang shook her hand again, turned around, and the direction of the iron whip changed, it was directly slashed into the head of a barbarian, passed through, and then slashed the next barbarian…


In this way, eight barbarians in a row were killed in an instant.


At this time, Liu Fang just landed on the roof and stood still.


It’s not that the barbarian cavalry didn’t want to hide, but they were not far from Liu Fang, and Liu Fang’s attack speed was too fast! So, they got killed easily.


Liu Fang couldn’t be bothered to say anything more to those common people and soldiers. She pulled back the iron whip, and only said: “Close the city gate and guard the city gate.”


Then, she continued to soar into the air, and once again performed lightness skill and headed towards the city wall.


It looked long but in fact, it took less than half a quarter of an hour for Liu Fang to wipe out the barbarian cavalry squad of nearly 30 people.


And here was not far from the city wall!


After a while, she came to the roof not far from the city wall.


She stepped hard, flew up, and flicked the iron whip in her hand. The iron whip was stretched forward for a moment, and the sharp spearhead was deeply inserted into the top of the city wall, and it was firmly nailed. Liu Fang stretched her hand, climbed up the city wall, and soon reached the top of the city wall.


Currently, This place has become a mess!


However, the appearance and stature of barbarians and Dayan people were very easy to distinguish. Moreover, the armor of the barbarians was gray, while the armor of Dayan was jet black.


And only the general’s armor was silver!


Liu Fang drew back the iron whip nailed to the city wall, and with a shake in her hand, the iron whip transformed into a spear.


At the same time, she held the end of the spear with her left hand, pulled it hard, and pulled out a slender soft sword!


With a spear in one hand and a soft sword in the other, she displayed ambidexterity with both hands, instantly killing all the barbarians around her along the way!


She looked for the silver armor, but she couldn’t find those three.


Where the hell did they go?


At the same time, the movement brought by Liu Fang has already attracted the attention of the experts on the barbarian side.


A bearded barbarian’s eyes lit up when he saw Liu Fang’s face: This woman is hot!


He threw away the soft-legged shrimps and didn’t even bother to kill them. He just stepped on the ground, flew up, and slashed at Liu Fang’s face with a machete.


He had calculated very well in his mind, the machete seemed to be slashing fiercely, but in fact, he could take it back at any time, leaving room to avoid hurting the beauty.


Liu Fang saw the machete coming, and at the same time saw the meaning in the opponent’s eyes. Her face turned cold, she raised her left hand, and the soft sword wrapped around the opponent’s machete like a whip, her hand trembled, and her true energy penetrated through the soft sword and directly reached the opponent’s hand.


The cheeky man suddenly felt a sharp pain in his hand, and almost couldn’t even hold the machete steadily. His face was shocked. He carelessly underestimated the enemy!


It’s a pity, Liu Fang was a person who didn’t make a move rashly. Once she makes a move, she must ensure that the opponent has no ability to resist! It was either that or die!


For these savage, tyrannical guys, she didn’t think she needed to be Holy Mother, she didn’t need to show mercy!


She just wants to kill all these bastards!


She finally understood why the people of Liucheng hated the barbarians so much, and now she did the same. She wished to destroy their entire clan!


Everyone—including the elderly, children, and even women, let them taste the pain that Liucheng people have experienced from generation to generation!


Liu Fang’s internal strength flowed to her hand, the soft sword made of very precious and special materials tightened like steel wire, and it directly cut the opponent’s big knife into pieces!



Then the sword instantly returned to its original shape. The soft sword bent backward and stabbed at the man’s forehead. Scarlet blood, still warm to the touch ran down the soft sword, dripping on the already mottled and old city wall.


The cheeky man’s eyes widened, and his face was full of disbelief: How could it be possible that he was killed so easily by a woman from the Dayan Kingdom? !


Liu Fang’s eyes were cold, but her expression was calm, she retracted her hand, and the soft sword was pulled out immediately, she raised her leg and kicked the man’s body casually aside.


Then continues to look for the person she wants to find.


The fighting on the city wall was originally extremely tragic, but wherever Liu Fang passed, all the barbarian cavalry could not withstand her blow.


She immediately understood: In this world, her force value was still as strong.


That’s good, at least she can protect herself and ensure that she can die in bed. As for living a happy life? She was afraid it would be difficult.


After searching for a long time, Liu Fang’s clothes were spattered with thick blood, and there were some blood stains on her face.


Liu Fang felt that her internal strength was about to break through again, but still hadn’t found the father and sons yet.


And while she was spinning around looking for someone, she killed so many barbarians. All the guards who saw this, their eyes were full of ardent admiration for Liu Fang!



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