Happiness Consists in Contentment

Daughter of a Border General

Chapter 51 Daughter of a Border General


All the weapons Liu Fang used this time were made by herself. She started learning martial arts at the age of six, and in seven years, she built this special long spear, which can be used as an iron whip or a spear.


The red tassel on the spear fluttered between her actions, the red was dazzling!


She walked quickly to Liu Xuan’s yard, and saw that the second sister-in-law had packed up her luggage just like her, with the child on her chest – this was the son of her second elder brother, who was only two years old and was sleeping soundly.


The second sister-in-law and Liu Fang didn’t speak, just nodded to each other, and walked quickly to the main courtyard together. Madam Liu, the servants in the mansion, eldest sister-in-law, and Liu Kuan’s eldest son and second son were already there. The eldest was six years old and the second was three years old.


Liu Fang looked around, but she didn’t see Liu Zhi, her pupils shrank, and she turned to Madam Liu, “Mother, where’s elder sister?”


Madam Liu was also about to cry in anxiety, she said with red eyes: “I don’t know what this girl has been doing recently, she wasn’t at home every day. Also, she went out early this morning, and I didn’t know where she went. You said, now the drums of war are ringing, and she hasn’t come back, is she really trying to kill me? “


Liu Fang frowned, can’t this elder sister behave herself? Did she not know what time, era, and place she was currently in? Can she do whatever she wants?


The war drum outside suddenly changed and became more rapid, Liu Fang was shocked!


How could this be possible? !


She didn’t care about Liu Zhi’s affairs, turned around and walked quickly to the door, jumped onto the roof, and took a closer look: God! Liucheng actually broke? ! Then, what about father? Eldest brother, second elder brother? They…


Liu Fang’s eyes turned red immediately, the pain made her almost unable to hold back her tear!


Impossible? !


The day before yesterday, her father said confidently that Liucheng would surely get through this difficult time safely.


But why?




Now, in less than a quarter of an hour, Liucheng was broken? !


You must know that Liucheng was guarded by an army of 100,000!


Impossible! Absolutey impossible!


Even if they stood still and let the enemy cut, it was impossible for so many people to be wiped out in just a quarter of an hour!


There must be something fishy about this matter!


Liu Fang immediately jumped off the roof and said to Madam Liu, “Mother, take sisters-in-law and the others to escape as quickly as possible. Liucheng has been broken, and the next thing will not just be a battle to defend the city. Time is running out. You hurry up and leave!”


It can be said that every citizen in Liucheng was a soldier. Therefore, Liu Fang did not say about protecting Madam Liu and the others during their escape.


If you can escape, you will be fine, if you can’t, you can only grieve, and then you have to continue living.


This was the cruel reality for people living in Liucheng.


Because they have no time to mourn, no time to shed tears. They must act immediately to protect this land and the people who were still alive behind them.


If not, all of them will all die!


After Liu Fang finished speaking to Madam Liu turned around and hurried away.


Madam Liu was about to speak, but she only saw Liu Fang’s back.


She was silent for a moment, her eyes were red, and she immediately took her eldest daughter-in-law, her second daughter-in-law, her grandchildren, and servants to escape through the back door.


Although she has used this route thousands of times, for the first time Madam Liu felt uneasy: she always felt that something unexpected would happen.




All of a sudden, Liu Zhi rode up to meet her, and Madam Liu shrank her pupils and looked at her in disbelief!


Liu Zhi didn’t realize it at all and ran to Madam Liu excitedly and said with a smile: “Mother, I’m back. Really, I went out of the city this morning and got lost. Fortunately, someone sent me into the city. Otherwise, I’m still lost in the mountains…”


Madam Liu listened to Liu Zhi’s naive words, her heart sank and hurt, and her eyes became more and more red…


It’s her, it’s her fault!


She shouldn’t have raised this daughter so naively! She thought it was her protection, but she didn’t expect that today——it would be her!


Her daughter personally brought those barbarians into the city!


Madam Liu raised her hand and slapped Liu Zhi’s face with all her strength interrupting her words. This slap made Liu Zhi’s face completely swollen!


Madam Liu gasped heavily, trembling and unable to speak, her eyes were red.


Eldest Young Madam Liu held Madam Liu tightly, for fear that she would die of anger.


Second Young Madam Liu looked at Liu Zhi in disbelief, her eyes were flushed and her fists were clenched.


Liu Kuan’s two sons——Liu Feng and Liu Zheng looked at the adults in a daze.


A servant quickly hugged them and backed away, blocking their sight and their figure.


Liu Zhi froze for a moment before turning her head and looking at Madam Liu incredulously, she was aggrieved and puzzled, and asked in a choked voice, “Why did you hit me? I didn’t mean to come home late, why did you hit me?! “


In the end, she shouted at the top of her voice.


Madam Liu said coldly: “You brought people into the city from the trail, right?”


Liu Zhi was stunned and nodded. She didn’t know why her sister-in-law’s eyes were so scary! Did she do something wrong?


Liu Zhi was at a loss, and stared blankly at Madam Liu who bitterly said, “That’s the barbarian cavalry scouts! Only them who will ride horses around the mountains! You have lived in Liucheng for more than ten years, don’t you know? Don’t you understand? It was you who let the barbarians into the city and made our city gates fall so the city is now broken! “


Liu Zhi shook her head, “No, no, I didn’t! They are all my friends. They all helped me and saved me. How could they be barbarians? They can speak the language of the Dayan Kingdom! They are from the Dayan Kingdom! “


Second Young Madam Liu resentfully shouted: “If that’s the case, where are they now?”


Liu Zhi look back and found that there were only three people left, she hurriedly turned her head and said, “Here, it’s right here!”


Second Young Madam Liu sneered, “That’s all that’s left, isn’t it? The others have long since disappeared, scattered around the city to torture and kill our compatriots, right?!”


Liu Zhi’s face turned pale all of a sudden!


No, she really doesn’t know; she didn’t mean it!


Madam Liu has recovered and with a cold expression on her face, she said to Liu Zhi lightly: “From childhood, I told you: After the Winter, you are not allowed to leave the city! You never listen! If nothing happens, I will indulge you and only reprimand you. I thought you were just young and ignorant, but I didn’t expect you to be completely  brainless “


Her eyes were cold and without warmth. She turned a blind eye to Liu Zhi’s pale and panicked expression, “I know, it’s all my fault that you became what you are now. I spoil you too much! You can’t distinguish right from wrong, without the slightest understanding. Among the people in Liucheng, who would be as courageous as you to leave the city and enter the mountains during this time? Have you never thought about it? Except for the barbarians, no one in the Dayan Kingdom would leave the city at this time, let alone enter the mountains! Only the barbarians, who have always wanted to find a path from the mountain to bypass the city wall and enter the city, would enter the mountain at this time. You said, if you are not brainless then what is it? ! “


Liu Zhi took a step back in panic, shook her head desperately, and burst into tears, “No, I really forgot, I just…”


“You’re just used to my pampering.”


Madam Liu smiled sadly, “Do you know? Because of your habits, your father, My husband, the general who guards Liucheng, he, and his sons, your elder brothers, will all die! Not only them, but me, you, our family, and everyone in Liucheng will all die! Now, do you feel happy? Happy? ! “


For the last three words, Madam Liu yelled out, causing Liu Zhi to take two steps back, her legs softened and she fell to her knees.


“I really didn’t do it on purpose…” She cried in despair. Her crying was filled with grief and regret mingled with self-reproach.


She looked very pitiful.


However, the Liu family present didn’t care, they stared at her coldly, wishing they could cut her up on the spot!


But, now, they have more important things to do.


Madam Liu drew out the sword in her hand, threw away the scabbard, and looked coldly at the three tall and strong barbarians.


These three people looked somewhat similar to Dayan people, but Madam Liu had lived in Liucheng all her life, so she could tell that these people were just spies carefully selected by the barbarians.


They were out-and-out, authentic barbarian cavalry.


Don’t think that barbarian cavalry didn’t know martial arts.


It was precisely because the barbarian cavalry was not only good at riding and shooting, born with great strength, but also created a unique martial arts move, which made their lethality increase exponentially.


Otherwise, how could The Dayan Kingdom with a powerful army, tolerate these barbarians wreaking havoc on the frontier?


And why the barbarians didn’t attack the entire territory of the Dayan Kingdom and occupy this vast land?


One was because the military strength of the Dayan Kingdom was actually very strong.


It was only because the imperial court was turbid and the monarch’s decree didn’t get through, which made the soldiers in the frontier unable to resist.


There was no new supplies of weapon, no sufficient rations to support the training of the soldiers, and there was not enough time for these people to recuperate.


Every winter, the plundering of the frontier never stops.


Under such circumstances, it was very difficult for Liucheng to maintain a garrison of 100,000 soldiers.


Therefore, the barbarians only dared to plunder the borderlands. They came every year, and they could always bring something back.


No matter how good the Dayan soldiers were in training.


But officially at war?


Oh, they really don’t have the guts.


Second, it was because the number of barbarians was small!


The army of the Dayan Kingdom, the soldiers in the three cities in the frontier alone were 100,000 each, and there was a main city behind, where there were one million soldiers!


All the tribes in the entire barbarian territory combined have less than three million people. Including the elderly and children, it would be nice to have one million.


But they can’t all come to attack Dayan, right? Their own home also needs to be protected!


  1. Anazu Salted Fish says:


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