Happiness Consists in Contentment

Daughter of a Border General

Chapter 50 Daughter of a Border General


Therefore, no matter who the city guards were in the borderland, as long as they could win and defeat the barbarian cavalry army, even if they only repelled 500 of them, It was a great national celebration for the Dayan Kingdom!


Everyone in the Dayan Kingdom will worship this person!


However, in the history of the Dayan Kingdom, for more than two hundred years, there have been only two figures. One defeated the barbarians with 3,000 cavalries and suffered 30,000 casualties. The other one defeated the 60,000 barbarian cavalries with 100,000 casualties!


This military success was filled with ordinary soldiers’ lives, and it has been praised in the Dayan Kingdom for more than two hundred years!


There was nothing wrong with these two heroes, but who will remember those ordinary soldiers who didn’t even leave their names?


Probably only those who live in this borderland can remember them.


The histories, those nobles, those ordinary people who were far away from the frontier and far away from the war, will not remember.


Even the aloof emperor would no longer remember these people.


Therefore, Liucheng, the frontier was a place full of desolation and tragedy.


But the people here still love this land, cherish the peaceful life, and work hard to live in this land. Because they firmly believe that one day, they can completely defeat the barbarians!


Letting the barbarians completely afraid of Dayan’s army, no longer dare to offend the frontier, and no longer dare to treat Dayan’s people as slaves, like pigs and dogs!


They firmly believe that they can live a peaceful and happy life.


This was the people of Liucheng!


When Liu Fang came to this mission world, the biggest emotion she was feeling every day was. This is the people of Liucheng! ╮(︶﹏︶)╭


There’s nothing to be done, it was the first time for her to face the tragedy and desolation brought about by war. The spirit of these people living in the frontier lands really surprised her.


Before she died, Liu Fang was an ordinary woman who grew up in a peaceful age. Although she could be called a strong woman, she was just working for others, doing busy and boring jobs, and living a monotonous life.


On the first mission, she was hiding behind her mother, elder brothers, and elder sisters, relying on the powerful natal family to grow old for a lifetime. Pretending to be coercive all her life, enjoying a carefree and comfortable life!


On the second mission, she had a good life when she was young, free, and happy. After Liu’s house was ransacked, one family worked together and got through smoothly.


Although there were twists and turns on the road until they had a place to call home.


In general, her second mission was not bad, quite comfortable. She has powerful force, with absolute self-protection ability. Later she had a very good disciple who gave her an unprecedented honor, making her second half of life more glorious, and she got posthumous honor after death!


Thinking back, it seems that the previous two missions were going well.


And for this mission. To be honest, the older Liu Fang grew up, the more she felt that this mission probably would go astray.


In such a place full of unknowns and with all kinds of possibilities, she, the tasker, was really like the cannon fodder in a novel.


At least, Liu Fang felt that the identity of the original owner would definitely be cannon fodder because she was really beautiful!

Liu Fang’s biologic

al mother was said to be a mixed-race child born from a woman who was kidnapped by barbarians.


The women who can be snatched by the barbarians have only one characteristic and that was beauty!


No matter what kind of beauty it was, the kidnapped woman was definitely good-looking, beautiful, and a rare kind of beauty!


Why? After so many years, the barbarians have gotten used to it. How could the aesthetics still stick to two hundred years ago?


They were brutal and aggressive, but they were not stupid or blind.


Therefore, the women who can be kidnapped by the barbarians can be unified with one word: beauty!


As for how old they are? Was it suitable?


Heh, you think these savages care?


And Liu Fang’s grandmother was a beauty who was kidnapped by barbarians, and finally gave birth to Liu Fang’s biological mother and died.


Barbarians treat the children born from the kidnapped women like slaves.


Liu Fang’s biological mother’s appearance took after her mother and was extremely beautiful.


When she was young, she could still make a fool of herself and protect her own life, only hoping that after she got married, she could have something to rely on and change the status quo.


But as she grew up, she found that it was becoming more and more difficult to hide her own appearance, so she ran away!


It was rare for a slave to escape successfully, but Liu Fang’s biological mother was really a very smart girl.


She ran to Dayan country at first then she changed her way and ran to the barbarian tribe. She went around a big circle, crossed mountains and ridges, suffered a lot, and almost died several times, but this woman persisted and gritted her teeth to overcome these difficulties!


In the end, she successfully escaped from the barbarian territory and stepped into the frontier of the Dayan Kingdom.


But at that time, she was like a savage with messy hair and dirty face, and her appearance changed beyond recognition. As soon as she appeared, she was arrested by the guards and patrolling sergeants.


However, it happened that Liu Da was the one who arrested her.


When the clean and well-dressed woman appeared in front of Liu Da, he was shocked!


In this way, this woman became Liu Da’s concubine, that is, Liu Fang’s biological mother who passed away early.


In the frontier, there were women like Liu Fang’s biological mother, but not many.


But the people here accepted them with great tolerance—because they were runaway slaves, and they still had the blood of Dayan people in their blood, especially Liucheng people.


They think: These people may be their relatives.


Therefore, Liu Da taking her as his concubine after the arrest was an act of benevolence and righteousness in Liucheng.


Because of this, Madam Liu would not object and gladly accepted the only concubine, who was still a beautiful woman.


Similarly, Liu Fang was like her mother, so her appearance was naturally extremely beautiful.

How beautiful is it?


It was probably as written in the “Book of Songs”: Hands is slender as a catkin, skin is as smooth as ice, the neck is beautiful and long, teeth are white and straight like gourd seeds, the forehead is square and the eyebrows are curved and thin, With a sweet smile and charming gesture, and beautiful eyes!


The only difference was, that one was slender, and the other was upright and strong!


That’s right, Liu Fang was also like his father. Upright and strong, standing straight and upright. When he moved it was as fast as the wind, and when it slowed down, it was as neat as a forest.


Of course, she was still in line with current boudoir girls in daily life. Gentle and elegant, dignified and reticent.


Because she looked so beautiful, she had to wear a veil that completely concealed her appearance when she went out, not because others cast greedy eyes on her, but because of curiosity toward beauty.


She was also helpless. They have no malicious intentions. ╮(︶﹏︶)╭


Therefore, the Liucheng people were really a group of very interesting people.


They were simple, kind, generous, and tolerant, but they can hate the barbarians so much that they wish to destroy them!


They can also shed their blood and sacrifice their lives for this land, but they can also brutally kill all the barbarian soldiers. Because of the haters from generation to generation that require this cruel and bloody way to wash it away.


Liu Fang liked people from Liucheng, but she still didn’t quite agree with some of their ideas.


However, this did not affect her love of this land, she liked the people here, and she also liked the life here.


Therefore, if she could, she would protect the people here and this piece of land at all costs, just like them!



As soon as winter arrived, the entire Liucheng was under intense alert.


Although the land here was barren and the climate was harsh, but this world still has seeds suitable for planting, cold-resistant winter wheat, and drought-resistant rice.


Therefore, the farmland must plant all the seedlings before the winter and the land was completely frozen. Otherwise, next year, they will have no harvest and starve to death.


Survival here was difficult, having natural disasters and wars.


But survival here was not hopeless, as long as they worked hard.


Buying time and fighting the enemy for a chance to survive, so that they could live here safely, generation after generation.


After harvesting a small amount of military rations, Liu Da nervously prepared for the battle while carefully calculating how long the rations would last. At the same time, he would continue to ask the court for rations, money, and even goods.


Although, he knew that there was a high probability that the imperial court would not care about it.

Unless they can’t defend Liucheng!


Liu Fang moved all the things she couldn’t take away into the cellar that she had remodeled herself to ensure that no one would move them. If they wanted to take it, unless it was 10,000 people, they would all be dead.


Don’t forget, she studied medicine.


Saving people may be hard but for killing people? Oh, she absolutely can.


There was no way, the sisters in the first mission world thought she was “kind and weak”, so they kept teaching her these things.


After so many years, even a pig has learned a little bit, let alone her IQ was above the level.


Don’t forget, although her IQ in her personal information was “average”.


But that was the evaluation of the underworld. Liu Fang still felt that it was far from the human world. For example, her skill was assessed as ordinary martial arts, and her force value was only entry level.


But in the last mission, this ordinary martial art, entry-level force value, and because of her sky-defying physical talent, she can become a master that was hard to find in the world.


Liu Fang thought that the “ordinary” and “entry” assessed by the underworld were different from what she understands.


The same was true for this mission world. Liu Fang felt that her physique was worse than that of the previous mission world, but what was the real situation was still a question mark.


She didn’t know, and she didn’t understand.


However, she was very familiar with poison. She definitely can wipe out all those who touch her things!


After hiding the things that should be hidden, Liu Fang lived a life that hardly took a bath——She had to run away at any time, how could she have the time to do it?


Oh this. ╮(︶﹏︶)╭


Furthermore, Liucheng has banned fires at night since the beginning of winter. That was to say when night fell, the rooster did not crow, the dog did not bark, and the whole city was so quiet that one could hear a needle drop.


The whole city was shrouded in a solemn and tense atmosphere.


That night, Liu Fang lay down fully clothed as usual, closed her eyes, and rested her mind, or rather fell asleep.


However, in just a moment, the fierce drums of war sounded!


Liu Fang opened her eyes suddenly and got up, turned over, and quickly folded, wrapped, bundled, and tied up the quilt, then tossed it behind her back and tied a knot across the chest with her right hand.


At the same time, with her left hand, she touched and pressed the wooden board of the hidden compartment, picked up the knives, daggers, and other things inside, and hid them one by one on the waist.


Then she restored the wooden plank of the hidden compartment to its original shape, then turned around, reached out to grab the spear, and stepped out.


While walking, she quickly twisted the spear several times, turning it into an iron whip and wrapping it around her waist.


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