Happiness Consists in Contentment

Daughter of a Border General

Chapter 48 Daughter of a Border General


Liucheng was the westernmost border town of the Dayan Kingdom.


There were only two seasons here, summer and winter.


Summer was as hot as hell. In winter, the weather was so cold that dripping water could freeze.


Therefore, Liucheng has represented desolation and tragedy since ancient times.


And the cruelest reality.


The Liu Mansion in Liucheng was the residence of General Liu Da, and Liu Fang was Liu Da’s concubine daughter, also the youngest daughter.


Liu Kuan, the eldest son born from a legal wife, and Liu Xuan, the second brother born from the same concubine mother.


In addition, there was the eldest sister who was born to the wife, Liu Zhi.


Liu Zhi was two years older than Liu Fang, but her words and deeds were very lively and active. The words she spoke can often make people laugh, she was very much loved by her family.


But Liu Fang increasingly felt strange. She always felt that her behavior was a little weird.


Until one day she heard Liu Zhi muttering: “Damn it, these ancients, didn’t it say they were easy to fool? Why are they all so slick?”


Liu Fang: …? ? ?


So——is this Liu Zhi actually time-traveled?


Great, she can get contribution points again.


In many things, people should not trust their intuition too much, because setting a flag often means getting slapped in the face.


Liu Fang has just felt a little novel now, a novelty for people who have traveled through time.


However, as time goes by, she will no longer have any novelty or affection for this sister.


When the two of them were young, this time travel sister would secretly pinch Liu Fang, bully her as a baby unable to resist, and say that all concubines were mistresses, vicious, blah blah blah.


Liu Fang really wanted to roll her eyes, but unfortunately, she was too young to control herself.


When she grew up and was able to walk and run, this sister would come over and search her room every day, for fear that she would get something good but she didn’t.


Regarding this, Liu Fang was really speechless and had no idea of ​​intersecting with her anymore.


If it wasn’t for being reborn into the same family by fate, Liu Fang really wished to stay away from this psychopath.


It was not easy for their mother to invite a teacher to teach them etiquette, and the behavior of this sister finally calmed down, and she stopped being so noisy.


It’s just that, Liucheng was located on the border, and the folk customs were strong, and there were many girls who went outside all day long, so Liu Zhi just restrained herself a little at home, and she still flew like waves when she went out.


As for Liu Fang, the last mission had a great impact on her. Saving a person who was beneficial to the people was a good thing, and it could mend the way of heaven. If she saved a murderous person, it would be a big pit.


She thinks that she has a clear conscience in what she does, but because of different times and different places, she may meet completely different people, and her life will be different from then on.


Originally, she thought that her influence on the small world was very small and insignificant, but now it seems that it was not the same thing at all!


What exactly is the right thing to do? Different positions have different views. This was simply a philosophical question, which was endless.


Liu Fang was really going bald!


No wonder the post said that the task of the concubine’s division was difficult.


It’s so difficult! (ㄒoㄒ)


Wasn’t it agreed upon that it would be a clear water daily plot?

[清水文 (qing shui wen) which means the plot was very ordinary like clear water. Usually, the heroine who travels through the past likes an ordinary life, doesn’t like to have anything to do with the plot of the original novel, doesn’t like to get in touch with the characters in the plot, and just wants to enjoy the pastoral life in the countryside]


Why now she finds that the plot may go off track anytime and anywhere!


She didn’t care anymore. She just needs to have a clear conscience, and she can’t care so much about anything else.


At the most, she would just stop killing people as a last resort. ╮(︶﹏︶)╭




Due to the climate in Liucheng, it was really difficult to grow crops here.


As a general, Liu Da has to train troops daily, but he also has to go with the soldiers to see the situation in the military fields.


Every time he comes back from the barrack, he always has a heave expression, especially today.


The Liu family doesn’t have many rules. Although they sat on their knees and ate their own food, they still sat in the same room.

[A small table is placed in front of everyone, with the same dishes on it, and everyone eats the food on their own table]


Liu Fang’s biological mother passed away early, so she only sat with her second brother and second sister-in-law. Opposite her were her eldest brother, eldest sister-in-law, and Liu Zhi.


Seeing Liu Da’s expression, Madam Liu asked, “Husband, is there any difficulty?”


Liu Da sighed and said, “This year’s harvest in the military field is still limited, alas…winter is coming, when the barbarians invade the border, I am afraid that the soldiers will not even have anything to eat..”


Although Liucheng was an important town on the frontier, the sky was high and the emperor was far away, and the emperor who was far away in the capital really did not know the real situation here.


Every year, the emperor tried his best to allocate military expenses. But most of it was scraped layer by layer from above.


And for the rest, it was powerful enough to maintain the food and drink of the 100,000 troops in Liucheng.


That’s why Liu Da led people to open up wasteland and cultivate land, intending to be self-sufficient.


However, the ideal is full, the reality is very skinny!


Liu Fang checked the soil here, and it was really not an easy place to grow food.


Fortunately, it’s not too bad. Although the land was barren, it was not the alkaline soil. If it’s that kind of broken land, Liu Fang really can’t help it.


In the last mission, she only learned very simple farming, and she was not an expert in this field. So want to count on Liu Fang, let’s forget it.


Although Liu Fang couldn’t do anything else, it was still easy to help.


For example, it may be helpful to change the current farm tools and farming methods.


As for the actual situation, the only way to know was to try.


Liu Fang would never say anything she was not sure about, but it was different for others.


After hearing Liu Da’s words, Liu Zhi immediately put down the bowl and said, “Father, take me to see, maybe I can find some way to increase the grain production!”


Liu Da immediately smiled, shook his head, and said, “You? Forget it, it’s a military field, full of vulgar men, and you’re not used to it. Do you still know how to farm?”


Liu Zhi choked, she couldn’t. But she has read a lot of novels before, and she also knows about interplanting, maybe she can solve her father’s problem?


Really, an old-fashioned ancient old man, thinks he was very powerful? mistake a good man for a bad one.


Seeing that Liu Zhi didn’t answer and only pouted, looking down and poking at the rice in the bowl, Liu Da frowned, and said lightly, “You’re not too young, and you are an elder sister, so you should lead by example. How can you behave like this during the meal? What a disgrace.”


When Liu Zhi heard this, she immediately became unhappy. She raised her head and said to Liu Da, “I don’t have a younger sister. My mother only gave birth to me and my elder brother. Dad, you Bastard!”




Liu Da has been on the iron-blooded battlefield for decades, his face tightened and his expression turned serious, Liu Zhi was frightened, and fell to her knees with a “plop”.


Speaking of it, Liu Zhi was just a college student in modern times, she was lucky enough to travel here and become the legitimate daughter of the Liu family.


But in fact, Liu Zhi herself was a child with little knowledge and experience, with a simple and straightforward personality, and could even be said to be reckless.


If it weren’t for the fact Liu Zhi always targeting her, Liu Fang would be very happy to get along with her.


What a pity! Reality is reality.


Liu Da looked coldly at Liu Zhi who was kneeling on the ground and trembling, “It seems that I have spoiled you since childhood, and dare to speak to your father like this! Come here! Lock the eldest young lady into the ancestral hall, no one is allowed to see her without my order, and no one is allowed to let her out! ”


“Besides, there’s another thing,” he said with a flat look at everyone present, “Although the Liu family also has legitimate and concubine childern, they are all one family. If anyone is dissatisfied, even if they leave the clan, I will never stop them!”


After that, Liu Da got up straight away, flung his sleeves, and left.


Madam Liu and the others were as quiet as chickens, and they saluted and sent Liu Da away together.


Madam Liu frowned and said to Liu Zhi: “A-Zhi, What’s going on with you today? How dare you contradict your father like this? What audacity!”


Seeing that Liu Da was no longer there, Liu Zhi finally relaxed. Hearing Madam Liu’s question, she felt aggrieved and said, “Isn’t what I said the truth? is it reasonable for him to take a concubine? ”


Liu Fang looked at her very miraculously: After so many years of time travel, has this person’s brain not grown? How could she say such a stupid thing? Telling an ancient person that it was a crime to take a concubine. Oh, I’m afraid it’s not because of her brain. Everyone present looked at her in disbelief, unable to understand her thoughts, including Madam Liu.


Liu Zhi also plausibly said: “It is clear that Father himself was wrong, it is unfair to punish me. It is unfair! ”


This look was exactly like a five-year-old child who was asking for candy but couldn’t continue to play tricks.


Liu Fang can’t see it. Why didn’t she find Liu Zhi to be so stupid before? Why was it like someone had changed her mind today? It’s just that it’s really not suitable for Liu Fang to stay here and watch her affairs.


Therefore, she hurriedly bowed to her mother and said, “Mother, daughter retired first. ”


Madam Liu was confused by Liu Zhi’s words. She was a little sad that the daughter she spent so much effort teaching for so many years was completely useless. What’s more, Liu Zhi’s behavior may affected the impression of her son in her husband’s heart… … Now seeing Liu Fang’s demeanor, she felt indescribably depressed.


She waved her hand to signal Liu Fang to leave.


Liu Xuan also took his wife and children to salute and retreated. Only Madam Liu, Liu Kuan, his wife and their children were left inside.


On the way, Liu Xuan said to Liu Fang as he walked, “Be prepared recently. After winter, the barbarians will definitely invade the border. Then you just follow your sister-in-law.”


After coming here for so many years, Liu Fang was also used to this kind of life. After winter, they have to hide from time to time.


She nodded and said, “Elder brother doesn’t need to worry, I’ve already made preparations.”




At the fork, the siblings separated, and Liu Fang went back to her yard alone.


The body muscles and bones in this mission were still good.


Although it was not as good as the previous mission, it was at least not bad. Liu Fang was born into a family of generals, so she would naturally practice martial arts to strengthen her body, which saved her a lot of trouble.


In fact, she used to have a maid by her side, but this year the maid get married, so she wants to redeem herself and go back to get married. Liu Fang simply return her citizenship and didn’t want to have a maid anymore. It’s fine to be alone.


Liu Fang was brushing her hair after washing when suddenly there was a sound from the window.


Her face suddenly turned cold, she stood up, waved away the cotton towel in her hand, and extinguished the candle. Then she walked to the bed, took the dagger hidden in the hidden compartment, and waited quietly.


Liu Zhi rubbed her waist and muttered to herself: “It hurts me so much! Damn, why is this martial art so difficult to master? It’s just a window, can I still fall? What kind of martial art is this?”


Liu Fang: …(ー_ー)!!


This sister was also very powerful, she suddenly knows martial arts. She can escape from the ancestral hall? Could it be that the guards were all blind?






Liu Zhi was startled by Liu Fang’s sudden (actually normal) voice and screamed!


Liu Fang: …(¬_¬) Cut it out!


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