Happiness Consists in Contentment

Farmer's Wife

Chapter 47 Part 02 Farmer’s Wife

When Liu Fang returned to the underworld, her expression was still in a daze. When she came back to her senses, she opened the task list and looked, her eyes widened!

What’s going on here?!

She saw that the task evaluation office said:

Complete the task successfully and get 5 points of merit.

Rescue the Lord of Destiny in the small world, and complete the way of heaven. The great kindness gets 10 points of contribution and 1000 merits.

Killing too many bandits (46 people) during the mission deducts 1000 merits.


After reading it, Liu Fang really had a lot of things to complain about.

She just really didn’t understand why killing bandits was too overweight.

She hurriedly searched online and finally found the answer in the series of brief history books in the smart library

—In order to prevent the staff of the Quick Transmigration Department from wantonly using abilities that do not match the small world after traveling through, all the Quick Transmigration Department employees were subject to merit and demerit control—

What does merit and demerit control mean?

That is to say, everything you do must conform to the system of merit and demerit, rewards and punishments.

That is to say, all your actions must conform to the law (laws of the underworld and the laws of the small world where you live), and moral standards (the moral standards and rules established by the local government and the moral standards and rules established by the small world where you live).

In short, everything you do must be legal and consistent with what is considered public order and good morals.

Of course, because the Quick Transmigration Department was different from other departments when doing tasks, the tasker, that is, ghosts like Liu Fang, cough, she is not human.

Ghosts like Liu Fang have to follow the laws of the mission world and the established rules.

In other words, after she travels through, she can use the knowledge she has learned from previous missions to enhance her abilities and skills, but she cannot violate the moral constraints of laws, public order, and morality. If it was the rule of this world, she could not easily violate it.

Otherwise, there will be merit and demerit control, and there will be a situation where the demerit outdone the merit, and she will get nothing, and even might get punished.

Well, for example, Liu Fang completed this mission satisfactorily, which means she completed the task relatively well.

However, because the behavior in the middle was at fault, merit and demerit control were activated.

Then there was the current evaluation. After the merit and demerit control, there were only 5 merit points. The merit of repairing the way of heaven was just enough for her to make up for the violation of the law. This was the punishment to make up for her mistakes.

Why should there be such merit and demerit control?

Because some taskers will act recklessly in the mission world, using the powerful and special nature of the soul of another world, to act willfully in the mission world, just for fun.

In this way, just like what the previous post said: The small world is over, and it shatters again.

Therefore, this kind of merit and demerit control came into being.

It is said that if the fault is too great to make up for, not only will all the merits be deducted, but also you will be punished forever in hell. There was no time limit, and you will not be able to reincarnate.

After all, the underworld has existed for a long time, and there was the most powerful soul protection technique here, so there was no need to worry about those souls who were punished be completely scattered.

As for being seriously damaged and making you stupid and crazy?

Cough, it’s basically like this in the underworld, as long as they can’t escape, it doesn’t matter.

In the records of the brief history, so far, it has never happened.

So, those so-called openings of the gates of hell were just coaxing the mortals in the world. Those were normal resentful souls, they just have resentment, and that’s why they are like this. They were not real souls that existed in the underworld.

If it were really those souls, hehe, the three thousand worlds would have been finished long ago.

Those souls who can survive in the underworld and remain sober were really special!

But, the underworld has existed for a long time, and it is not known who actually established it. Although there were legends that said it was founded by Ksitigarbha, in fact, it might not necessarily be the case.

Therefore, how the gate of the underworld was set up, and why the souls that have entered can’t come out as long as they were convicted by the underworld, and can only be punished honestly?

These were not recorded in the brief history.

It only said. The gate of the underworld can only be opened by the messengers, and only innocent souls can enter and exit freely.

Although Liu Fang was puzzled, she didn’t get to the bottom of it. She just continued to read the records related to her mission.

In fact, there will be no case of killing for the task of the Concubine Division like Liu Fang.

But it seems that she took the wrong script for this task, and she has a troublesome physique.

It made her very helpless.

There were a lot of cases recorded and explanation in the brief history. Liu Fang summed it up, it was just that some of the bandits she killed were not worthy of death, but she killed them directly, which means that the killing was too heavy.

Seeing this, Liu Fang felt depressed and wanted to hit the wall!

Her mission this time was really not easy. Although she had been living a leisurely life in the later period, she was mentally exhausted.

She couldn’t help sighing: “Hey, smart housekeeper, tell me, all the tasks I will do in the future will no be like this, right? If they are all like this, I really want to die!” 

The smart housekeeper said, “Don’t worry, your timing is wrong for this mission, otherwise, it’s not going to be this tedious.”

Liu Fang was stunned, Really?

She quickly clicked on the life of the original owner to see it.


Liu Siniang was born into a Hanlin family. Although her mother didn’t like her, she never abused her. Liu Siniang lived a very comfortable and happy life since she was a child.

As long as she didn’t compare herself with others, especially the third sister.

When she was a child, Liu Siniang envied that the third sister could lie in Madam Liu’s arms and act coquettishly. At that time, she didn’t quite understand the difference between the daughter born from the concubine and the daughter born from the main wife.

Later, after she understood, she envied the third sister more and more from the bottom of her heart and only felt that the third sister’s fate was good.

Until Liu’s house was ransacked, Liu Siniang panicked at that time. If it weren’t for Aunt Chen protecting her, she might not be able to keep anything, and she wouldn’t know what to do.

Once the family fell, Liu Siniang felt that the sky was about to fall, at the same time, she also encountered a break of marriage engagement!

Liu Siniang suddenly felt that it would be better to die than to live!

It happened to be discovered by Aunt Chen. Liu Siniang did not die, but she also suffered a severe illness because of it, and it took a whole month to recover from the lingering illness.

At this time, Aunt Chen’s three older brothers had already come to the capital to look for them in a mule cart.

It was because of Liu Siniang’s illness, but Liu Fang was not ill during the mission, so fate took a completely different turn.

For Liu Siniang, her life has changed from a young lady to a peasant girl. The huge gap made her depressed.

For Liu Fang, her superb martial arts saved two persons at that time, and then made the heaven of this small world a little more complete.

It was a coincidence, but also fate.

There was nothing to mention in Liu Siniang’s life. When her family suffered a big change when she was young, she did not become stronger. Instead, she suffered from depression and tortured herself.

Because of Liu Siniang’s sensitive and timid nature, when she reached the marriage age, Madam Liu wanted her to marry Han Dong, but she refused and instead fell in love with Scholar Yan.

Although Madan Liu felt that Madan Yan was not easy to get along with, she had always been too lazy to care about the concubine’s affairs, so Madam Liu agreed to Liu Siniang and let her marry into the Yan family.

It was not easy to live in Yan’s house. Being made difficult by the mother-in-law and the arrogance of the servants made Liu Siniang’s life even more depressing.

It wasn’t until she became pregnant and gave birth to the eldest grandson of the Yan family, only than she could hold her head up and straightened her chest.

In the years that followed, Scholar Yan kept taking the imperial examinations and never cared about worldly things, but he never passed the exams and couldn’t make any progress.

As for Liu Siniang, after all these years she had to serve her husband, in-laws, and children and has to take care of her own dowry. Sometimes she even has to embroider to subsidize her family.

The child has grown up, the in-laws are getting old, and the husband is still like this year after year, Liu Siniang was completely heartbroken.

She no longer puts her hopes on her husband but on her few children. Fortunately, the children were smart and quick-witted, and they were all good at reading.

A few years later, when the new emperor came to the throne, Liu Siniang’s eldest son passed the imperial examination, although his ranking was not good, but he has become an official. That’s how Liu Siniang finally got what she wanted

At this time, the reputation of the Liu Family Academy also shook the world.

However, within two years, the family of the dean of the Liu Family Academy completely disappeared. It was a mystery to the world.

It wasn’t until the world was full of wars that everyone knew that the Liu Family Academy had cultivated so many powerful figures, that the new emperor feared them and secretly wiped them out overnight.

Seeing this, Liu Fang stared in disbelief, “No way? This, this plot is a horse that has run wild! You can’t hold it back.” 

[脱缰之马 (tuō jiāng zhī mǎ) a Chinese idiom, means a person who is out of fetters or something out of control]

The smart housekeeper said: “Originally, this small world should be followed by wars and chaos, people are devastated, and then it will take two to three hundred years to restore unity. But because you saved the Lord of Fortune, you stabilized the way of heaven in the small world, Without the wars in the next few hundred years, the world can continue to develop forever.” 

After hearing this, Liu Fang propped her chin and said, “If you say that, didn’t I save a small world?” “

The smart housekeeper said: “Because the one you saved becomes the emperor and can make the people of the world live a better life. This is the way to mend heaven. If the one you save is a murderous person, and finally becomes the emperor, the world will be in chaos and the people will die. Oh, then I’m sorry. You are lucky not to fail the mission. “

Liu Fang smiled embarrassingly. She just felt sorry for her merits. She had worked hard and finally got a chance to get rich overnight, but she just watched it slip away! She was heartbroken and depressed. She hoped the next mission wouldn’t be such a mess.

Liu Fang found out that after returning from a mission, it took only two hours in the underworld, so she planned to continue to do the mission. But before that, she still had to take a Wangyou Pill first and wait for her emotions about this mission to clear up. After storing all the mission memories, she closed her eyes again and entered the next mission world.


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