Happiness Consists in Contentment

Farmer's Wife

Chapter 46 Farmer’s Wife

“You flatter me. General Zhang was conferred the title of Duke by the emperor, how dare I call myself Marquis in front of you?”

Zhang Zhuo rolled his eyes, looked at him and said, “Don’t follow me, let me tell you, I have passed the title to my son. Now I am free from all responsibilities, I can do whatever I want, and it was none of your business. But you, the Ministry of Finance have no work? Why do you have time to run out and follow me board the boat? Tell me, do you have any conspiracy?”

Liao Gang twitched his lips, and said helplessly, “It was Her Majesty who told me to follow you.”

Zhang Zhuo immediately shut up.

This empress was not an ordinary person, so he better stop asking.

“However, I warn you, that young lady’s temper is not very good, so don’t piss her off!”

Liao Gang nodded, “Of course I know.”

Speaking of which, It was predestined, ten years have passed, and they can still meet an old friend they will always remember together.

After ten years, There have been many changes in Qingshan Village. There were many fruit trees in front of every household. In spring, many of them were in bloom and the floral fragrance lingered around.

Zhang Zhuo and his party were mighty. Just when they stepped into the newly renovated gateway of the village, all the people in the village opened the door and came out one after another to watch the excitement.

In recent years, Scholar Yan has not been admitted to Jinshi, so he went back to the village and opened a private school to enlighten young children.

Of course, he has already married a wife and had children. He has been studying hard every day, looking forward to the day he passed the examination. However, deep down in his heart, he still couldn’t forget the young lady who he admired when he was young.

When he saw Zhang Zhuo and his group enter the village, he was really curious: These people were not ordinary people at first glance, how could they come to their village with such a big fanfare?

When he came to the Liu Family Academy at the end of the village with everyone, he realized that this spring, the Liu Family Academy had the number one scholar, the second place, and third place!

A total of 18 students took the exam, and there were ten students who passed the exam. Among which the top four were students from their academy, young and talented! Let the world be amazed!

The other six were also in the middle rank. Although the remaining eight did not pass the exam, they were still young, and it would not be too late for them to participate again in three years.

With just one imperial examination, the Liu Family Academy in Qingshan Village officially became famous all over the world!

Father Liu was already very old. He has already enjoyed happy old age, living a leisurely life.

Now the dean of the Liu Family Academy was Liu Fan. Liu Ying and the other brothers still teach in the academy. In addition, Liu Sheng was still in the bookstore business, but now he was also doing wholesale business related to books, and the business was getting bigger and bigger.

As for Liu Fang, for so many years, Qiu Yu and Qiu Yun were unwilling to marry, so she had no choice but to keep them beside her which helped her a lot. Someone could help take care of the children and so on.

As for Zhang Zhuo, he came to read out the imperial decree in place of the current emperor, the former Seventh Master. The main content of the imperial degree was to praise Liu Family Academy for its good teaching, and for cultivating so many young talents for the country. Finally, a golden plaque was awarded, which said “Cultivating people for a hundred years, the merits of the community”!

It was a very honorable thing for the emperor to inscribe it personally!

So the villagers who saw it were very envious! Also very awe! Even more proud!

After all, the Liu Family Academy was founded and constructed in their Qingshan Village, and it has always been here. It will always be here if there were no accidents in the future.

How could this not make the villagers of Qingshan Village feel honored and proud?

After the decree was issued, Zhang Zhuo immediately ran to find Liu Fang.

Liu Fang happened to take the children from the academy to harvest the grain today.

Liu Family Academy’s courses were very special, they have almost everything. They teach everything, imperial examinations, farming and weaving, business… As long as one has talented in this area, Liu Fan was willing to find famous teachers to teach them.

In addition, Liu Family Academy has mandatory moral classes, as well as labor classes and martial arts classes.

These three subjects were taught by Liu Fang, mainly to cultivate the correct three views of these children. Let them know what should be done and what cannot be done: Even in this day and age, many people do not know how about this. Precisely because it shouldn’t be done then you shouldn’t do it.

Liu Fang didn’t know whether what she had done would change the world and this era, but she did it anyway.

She just wanted one day, the people living here didn’t have to worry about getting involved in any fights between jianghu people, and even their lives might be lost.

This thing was really heartbreaking.

Human life was the most important thing in the world. If people can’t even guarantee their own lives, then what’s the point of living in this world?

Let everyone have a way to survive. This is what a normal society should look like.

When Zhang Zhuo brought people over, Liu Fang was staring at the students who were working hard in the field.

“There is still half a quarter of an hour, whoever fails to finish will be punished, the old rules! You can figure it out!”

Liu Fang said coldly. As soon as the words fell, the children were scrambling. The speed they swing the sickle suddenly changed, twice as fast!

“Waa! Mom!”

A six-year-old boy burst into tears when he saw that he couldn’t keep up.

Qiu Yu was standing aside, and laughed when she heard it, “Miss, aren’t you too ruthless? Da Niu is crying.”

Liu Fang shrugged and said, “Who made him always lazy when practicing material art? He deserves it if he can’t keep up now! After this, Qiu Yun will watch Da Niu to get his punishment!”

Qiu Yun nodded, “Got it, Miss.”

After Liu Fang finished speaking, she turned around and picked up the sickle to continue working in the field on the other side.

Over there, Zhang Zhuo rushed to the ridge and shouted loudly: “Miss Liu! Miss! Miss! I’m here!”

At first, Liu Fang didn’t know that the other person was calling her, but after she took a closer look, she still vaguely recognized him, and only then did she realize that he was calling her.

Liu Fang frowned, “Why is this guy here again? Isn’t his master already on the throne?”

Six years ago, the first emperor passed away, and the throne was passed to the Seventh Prince. Liu Fang went to Fucheng to inquire about it.

When she learned the final result, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

At any rate, she was quite clear about the Seventh Prince. He was not the kind of tyrannical person, if he becomes the emperor, at least her family will be truly safe.

After she returned to the village, she let the 20 orphans she adopted go to the academy to study, thinking that they would each have the ability to settle down and make a living in the future.

After that, Liu Fang never cared about the throne, the prince, or anything like that. She has been concentrating on farming, teaching children in the academy, and watching how her silly husband, Han Dong, pleases and makes her happy.

Liu Fang felt that living with Han Dong was really comfortable. He was a very simple person, and what he wanted was also very simple. He was already very happy to be able to marry Liu Fang, and to be a husband and wife with her!

Therefore, the two of them have been getting along very well for many years of marriage.

The children were also very sensible. The year before last, Han Dong’s grandfather passed away. He passed away with a smile: His grandson married a good wife and gave birth to so many grandchildren, all of whom were sensible and well-behaved. The Han family was expected to prosper, he died without regret!

If she hadn’t seen Zhang Zhuo today, Liu Fang would have really forgotten all her former friends.


“Miss, Miss, do you remember me? I’m Zhang Zhuo, the commander of Seventh Master’s guards!”

Liu Fang looked at the excited Zhang Zhuo, unable to understand where his joy came from.

She said very calmly: “Un, then, Master Zhang, what is your reason for passing by this time?”

Seeing Liu Fang like this, Zhang Zhuo felt as if he had been poured a large basin of ice water, and he felt extremely aggrieved. He said: “Miss, in order to be able to come to you, I worked for Seventh Master for several years, how could you treat me like this…”

Liu Fang frowned and raised her hand to stop him, “Stop! Wait a minute, what does this have to do with me? I haven’t seen you for many years, don’t pour dirty water on me, I will never take the blame! “

Zhang Zhuo’s expression became more and more pitiful, “In the ruined temple back then, this subordinate wanted to serve you. But at that time, Seventh Master’s great career had not been accomplished, and I couldn’t just leave him alone. So at that time, I made an agreement with Seventh Master…”

As for why Zhang Zhuo took so many years to come? He will cry if he has to recalled it!

After Seventh Maste was enthroned, he was very kind to his subordinates who supported him all the way, and he was generous with rewards.

But he just didn’t mention the agreement he had made with Zhang Zhuo!

Every time Zhang Zhuo wanted to bring it up, the arrogant Seventh Master would turn the topic around with a smile and forcefully drag it to other places…

In this way, Zhang Zhuo was abruptly overwhelmed by this wayward emperor and was dragged on for six years.

After his son has grown up and can take over his job and inherit his title.

Zhang Zhuo dumped a letter of resignation to the emperor and ran away with a lot of money.

Probably because the shadow of youth was too heavy, the current emperor was really afraid of Liu Fang from the bottom of his heart, and he was not very willing to fight against her.

The Emperor saw that Zhang Zhuo wanted to come and follow Liu Fang. Although, he was a little bit worried but so much time had passed.

This loyal subordinate has indeed fulfilled the promise he said at the beginning. As a good master, who aspires to become a wise emperor, and thinks he was a good emperor with broad-minded and tolerance of all rivers, Qi Ye agreed to him.

It just happened to let this martial idiot study hard, and he could get back a more powerful and loyal subordinate in the future.

So the emperor handed over the imperial decree of Liu Family Academy to Zhang Zhuo to handle it.

Because of this, Zhang Zhuo came here, and stood in front of Liu Fang.

After listening to Zhang Zhuo’s ins and outs, Liu Fang had only one thought: “Why do you have to follow me? I may not be willing to teach you. Besides, you are already old, you have achieved great success, and you have a big family behind you. Why bother?”

Zhang Zhuo said with a smile, “Miss, this is the wish of this subordinate, please accept me!”

Liu Fang rolled her eyes and said: “Qingshan Village does not belong to my family. Do whatever you like, don’t ask me to accept you. If you want to leave, it’s useless for me to tie you up. If you don’t want to leave, it’s meaningless for me to drive you away. Do as you like!: 

After finishing speaking, she took the sickle and went down to the field.

In this mission, she really learned how to farm the land with Han Dong. After all, this was also a field she has never touched before. It was always good to learn more.

Seeing that Liu Fang didn’t pay any attention to him, Zhang Zhuo was downcast when Qiao Zheng drove the mule cart over to load the harvested grain.

“Hey, please step aside, don’t get in the way.”

Qiao Zheng didn’t know anything about officials. He only listened to his master all his life: he would do whatever the master told him to do!

Now was the time for harvesting, and the master has gone to the field in person, how can he be lazy as a disciple?

Over the years, the Liu family has treated Qiao Zheng like a family.

A few years ago, Madam Liu introduce him to a girl. She was a nice girl, hardworking and down-to-earth, a nice girl who you can spend the rest of your life with, but her family was poor.

But Qiao Zheng didn’t have these concepts at all. He heard Liu Fang say that she was a good person, so he married honestly, lived with his wife honestly, had children, and raised children, and his life was pretty good.


  1. Anazu Salted Fish says:

    A shameful husband and two good husbands

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