Happiness Consists in Contentment

Chapter 45 Farmer’s Wife

Liu Fang laugh and wiped away the tears from the laughter, and said: “But he didn’t work in vain, at least Sixth elder brother, don’t you like him a lot? You still speak good things for him in front of me.” 

Liu Mo smiled, “That’s right. It seems that     he is not really that stupid.”

Liu Fang smiled, “Let’s talk about this matter when father and mother come back.”


After Father Liu and Madam Liu came back and listened to what Liu Mo said, they felt silent for a moment, then Father Liu sighed and said: “Forget it. This Han family is not a poor family, at least they have family property accumulated over a long time. As long as fourth daughter lives well with him in the future, it won’t be too bad.”     

Madam Liu thought for a while, then nodded and said: “This marriage is not bad after thinking about it. The Han family only has Grandpa Han. Fourth daughter doesn’t have to serve her mother-in-law after she gets married. She only needs to take care of Han Dong and his grandfather. Moreover, the Han family also has tens of acres of fertile land. Life is not considered difficult but it is also considered rich.” 

Fourth young Madam Liu said, “But Grandfather Han has to take medicine all year round. Wasn’t fourth younger sister need to take care of a sick person all year round?”     

Qiu Yu hurried out and said, “I can help Miss take care of it, and she doesn’t need to do anything.”     

Liu Fang raised her eyebrows, “Qiu Yu, you are a civilian now, not my servant.”     

Qiu Yu’s eyes turned red all of a sudden: “Miss, do you dislike me? Don’t want me anymore?”     

Liu Fang: “… “    

Everyone:” … “    

Well, since Qiu Yu was going to follow Liu Fang after she married, Qiu Yun naturally had to follow, and Qiao Zheng wanted to follow, but was slapped by Liu Fang. He was told to stay in Liu’s house obediently.     

Qiao Zheng had no choice but to agree with grievances.     

In this way, the original discussion about whether Liu Fang and Han Dong’s marriage was appropriate or not, ended up being a discussion about who Liu Fang would bring as a dowry…

As for the marriage with the Han family, Father Liu and Madam Liu agreed in desperation—

They were not very satisfied with Han Dong, but Liu Fang was already sixteen years old. Either they really don’t plan to marry her out, or if they want to marry her, it need to be done in these two years. Otherwise, when she was eighteen years old, people from the government would come to them.

[Official media refers to the official offices and personnel of the state in charge of people’s marriages. Every year in February, the Matchmaker will order men and women of marriageable age without engagement to meet, record civil marriages, and monitor the number of dowry gifts. Those who violate the age of marriage, bride price, and other regulations will be punished]

Anyway, Han Dong has been courting the Liu family for more than half a year. Although the target seems wrong, it was because the Liu family saw his sincerity.

As for Liu Fan and the others, they only looked at Liu Fang’s opinion, as long as she had no objection, they as the elder brothers had no objection either.

Fourth young Madam Liu told Liu Fang in private, no matter whether the Han family can support her all the time in the future that she doesn’t have to worry about anything. These were still unknowns.

Now in the Liu family, the young madams were all taking care of the housework by themselves, doing laundry and cooking by themselves. Only Liu Fang was served by Qiu Yu all the time.

This was also the default of the Liu family, including the fourth young madam who has no objection: Her sister-in-law looks after the two children for her anyway, so what can she complain about?

Besides, people with great abilities can have privileges. Their fourth sister has such great power, so what’s wrong with not having to work? Their family was happy to provide for her!

Liu Fang was grateful for her family’s kindness to her, and she will do what should be done every day, but it seems that her family has always felt guilty towards her after what happened along the way, and they want to make up for her. They didn’t want her to work anymore.

When they saw her doing something they would run over yelling, again and again, and in desperation, Liu Fang stayed idle.

Now the Han family asked people to propose marriage. Even though Liu Fang thought it was pretty good, the Liu family had no objections, but they did not agree immediately, but politely refused the official media.

It stands to reason that this was a common practice, and the official media were well aware of it, as long as they come to the door twice, the marriage will definitely come true.

Unexpectedly, the official media didn’t come to the door again, and rumors spread in the village that Liu Fang’s engagement with the Han family was unsuccessful.

As soon as Madam Liu heard the rumors, she knew that there was something tricky about the marriage proposal this time. She hurriedly asked Liang momo to go to the town to inquire.

Liang momo came back and said angrily: “Madam, it’s the Yan family. The Madam of the Yan family did this on purpose, in order to ruin our young lady’s reputation!

Madam Liu was so angry that her face flushed, stroking her chest and Said: “Damn, hateful Yan’s wicked woman!”

This trick was not very secretive, but too dark, no matter what the truth was, Liu Fang’s reputation will be flawed if there was such a rumor. Other families who want to propose marriage will consider it carefully.

It’s not that Liu Fang has no way out. This trick only to disgust her and make it not so smooth for her to find a marriage.

Liu Fang didn’t care about it. She didn’t really care much about marrying or not.

It’s just that she finds it strange that Madam Yan of the Yan family treats her like this.

She has no contact with or acquaintance with the Yan family. She really didn’t understand what was going on in this Madam Yan’s mind and had the leisure to deal with her.

Liu Fang didn’t say that she was wronged for nothing

She asked Qiu Yun to go to the town to find out what was going on with the Yan family, and she would naturally teach this Madam Yan how to behave.

But Han Dong was shocked when he heard the rumors. He didn’t care so much. He ran over to find Liu Fang for the first time and explained to her anxiously: “No, don’t listen to the nonsense of people outside, I didn’t hate you. I know, with your background, I am not good enough for you. Only you can hate me, and there is absolutely no word that I hate you…”

Liu Fang smiled and saw that he was sweating profusely in anxiety, his hands and feet were flustered, His words was messed up, he didn’t know what to say, and suddenly felt that it would be nice to marry such a simple person.

Life can be very simple.

“So, you don’t want to marry me?”

Han Dong was startled, and Liu Fang smiled, making him look dazed for a while.

“If you want to marry me, then invite the official media to come to my house to propose marriage. This time, it must be true.” After finishing speaking, Liu Fang turned around and left,

Leaving Han Dong who standing there in a daze.

After a while, he howled loudly as if he was crazy, and jumped up!



Then there was a burst of laughter like a lunatic, scaring all the birds in the forest!


When the news of the marriage between the Han family and the Liu family came out, Scholar Yan was stunned, and rushed home in disbelief to question Madam Yan.

Madam Yan happened to meet Qiu Yun. She was angry by Qiu Yun’s words.

“My young lady said that the thereshold of Yan’s family is too high, so she dare not climb high! She only hopes that the son of Yan’s family will have a bright future and a prosperous life. In addition, my young lady also said: Madam Yan, you can’t control your son’s thoughts, and can only ruin the reputation of an innocent woman. Presumably, you don’t care about your own reputation, your son’s reputation? If that’s the case, then I will pay you back, I hope you will behave yourself!”

After saying that, Qiu Yun seemed to be unable to see Scholar Yan, who was already listening in a daze and couldn’t notice Madam Yan’s pale and bloodless face.

She looked at Madam Yan lightly and said: “That was all said by my young lady herself. Thus, this girl woll not disturb you anymore. Farewell.” 

To be honest, if Madam Yan didn’t send someone to propose marriage, and would coax her Son, Liu Fang didn’t even bother to care about them. After all, it had nothing to do with her.

But she didn’t and have to mess around.

Liu Fang was not a clay figurine, so she naturally fight fire with fire.

[Clay figurine describes a person who is soft and can be pinched around]

She didn’t do anything, she just let people spread the rumors that Madam Yan likes to talk about other people’s rights and wrongs. In this way, Madam Yan’s reputation will be flawed. It would not completely ruin her reputation. Only when she wanted to socialize with others, it would not be as smoothly as in the past.

Although it was only a minor punishment, for a person like Madam Yan with limited knowledge and not a big heart, it can really pissed her off.

This was something for later, let’s not talk about it for now.

Only after Qiu Yun left, Scholar Yan looked at Madam Yan incredulously, and asked in a low voice, “Mother, is what she said true?”

Madam Yan opened her mouth to try to explain but dodged under her son’s clear eyes.

Scholar Yan smiled bitterly, “So, the rumors circulating in the town were also done by my mother?”

Madam Yan closed her eyes and remained silent.

Scholar Yan smiled wryly and walked out staggeringly.

There was a tear in the corner of his eye, he really liked that beautiful and elegant girl!

However, in this life, he was destined to miss her.

Since then, there has been a rift between Scholar Yan and Madam Yan, which was not been resolved until death.


Things seemed to go smoothly after Liu Fang got engaged.

This year, the Liu family’s private school became a well-known good place in ten miles and eight villages. After those children came to be enlightened, they changed a lot. They were literate and polite, and they also knows how to pay attention to hygiene and how to keep fit.

Moreover, the fees for the Liu family’s private school were not very high. For those who have no money, the Liu family was willing to let them pay their tuition fees through work. As long as those children complete the tasks assigned by the Liu family every day, they can come to classes for free.

Liu Fang still has 200,000 taels of banknotes in her hand, and the money was idle, so it’s better to use it to support her private school.

Father Liu agrees with this.

That money was a windfall, and keeping it was a disaster. It’s better to spend it.

As a result, the Liu family’s private school gradually expanded, and many poor students gradually came.

In addition, Liu Fang also teaches martial arts in private schools, so these children can have the ability to protect themselves while strengthening their bodies.

After she got married to Han Dong, her life didn’t change much, she still do what she wanted.

It’s just that in this life, Liu Fang’s physique was really good. She conceived her first child in less than a year and then gave birth to a child almost every other year. After giving birth to five sons, she quickly stopped.

At the same time, after years of expansion, the Liu family’s private school gradually became the Liu family academy. Along with their growth, more and more people took part in the imperial examination.

Until one year in the spring, when the number one scholar, the second place, as well as the third place were all students from the Liu Family Academy, the whole world was shocked!

[状元 (zhuàng yuan) Number One Scholar, the title conferred on the one who came first in the imperial examination. 榜眼 (bǎng yǎn) the second place at the imperial examinations. 探花 (tàn huā) The third place in the imperial examination

Qingshan Village was also completely famous in the world!


“Marquis Liao, I said, why are you following me?”

Zhang Zhuo glared at Liao Gang unhappily, not understanding why he, a Marquis, didn’t stay in the capital and had to come and follow him to join in the fun.


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