Happiness Consists in Contentment

Chapter 42 Farmer’s Wife

Therefore, Madam Liu and the others look down on the people in the village and think that if there was no suitable one, then Liu Fang will not marry. Several elder brothers could still support her.

In this regard, Liu Fang can only be helpless.

But she won’t make trouble with her family because of outsiders—in fact, it doesn’t matter whether she marries or not.

Anyway, she only need to live a good life, lived comfortably, then her task was completed. No need to dwell too much on these.

On this day, Liu Fang put on a bright yellow coarse dress, tie her hair into a bun, and went up the mountain with Qiu Yun.

Qiu Yu had a good time with the little girls in the village recently. She went out for a stroll early in the morning, and Liu Fang went to find her.

Qiu Yun has been following Liu Fang these days, and her martial arts have been improving. As for that silly disciple⎯⎯Qiao Zheng, he has gradually learned how to interact with others in the village these days and also learned how to open up wasteland and farm, which was not bad.

Qiu Yun was used to following Liu Fang. Qiao Zheng, and Qiu Yu, these two really went around the village crazily!

But Liu Fang didn’t care too much.

She also told Qiu Yun that she doesn’t need to follow her all day long, but Qiu Yun didn’t listen, and as usual, she didn’t care.

“Speaking of which, why did you think of coming to serve me at the beginning? Isn’t it good to follow your master?”

Liu Fang was indeed a little curious about Qiu Yun’s choice. She didn’t bother to ask before, but now she was idle and just asked along the way. out.

It’s very casual and she doesn’t mean to get to the bottom of it.

Qiu Yun also answered very flatly, “At that time, the timing was just right, so this slave took a gamble, thinking that this slave could get rid of the life of not having one’s own free will. Fortunately, this slave made the right bet, and this slave was able to serve Miss. It’s great! “

Liu Fang smiled, looked at her, and said, “How do you know that person will definitely give you what you want? What if you bet wrong?”

Qiu Yun smiled and said, “Miss, this slave still have a certain understanding about that person: arrogance and having an extraordinary mind, but she also prefers others to be honest. It’s not that she couldn’t see what this slave was thinking at the time, but she appreciated the confession of this slave, so she let this slave get what she wanted. If it is true this slave made a mistake, in fact, it is only death. It is better to die like this than live like a walking corpse.”

Liu Fang stopped, looked at her calm face, and said, “Actually, I think it still makes sense when she named you Leng Shuang.”

[冷(leng) mean cold. 霜(shuang) mean forst]

A poker face that was always stiff, if it was not as cold as ice and frost then what was it? She really lives up to her name!

[冷若冰霜 (leng ruo bing shuang) It was a metaphor for a serious attitude and being unapproachable]

But Qiu Yun smiled, as the ice and snow has melted, and said: “This servant is called Qiu Yun now.”

[秋(qiu) mean autumn/fall. 云(yun) mean cloud]

Like the white cloud, free and unrestrained. Living a life of a recluse with no fixed abode!

As for Liu Fang’s question, it doesn’t matter whether that person is good or not.

Liu Fang shook her head and laughed, turned around, and continued to walk forward, “Then don’t always be slaves, slaves. Soon, there will be no slaves in our family.”

Recently, Madam Liu has been talking about repatriating the few remaining servants in the family. After all, they have followed all the way and were still loyal. Madam Liu was really moved when she saw it. So she wanted to get rid of their slavery, restoring their civilian status and they can live with dignity.

Madam Liu’s temper has become more peaceful and friendly now.

That’s right, the Liu family was not a family of officials now, and probably won’t become a wealthy family in the future. It’s better to be practical and live a down-to-earth life.

It was good if someone served them, but if no one serves them, they will not really starve to death.

Now everyone in the Liu family has this mentality.

Liu Fang thinks this is very good. Not moved by official honor or disgrace, being contented in poverty and devoted to things spiritual, was also a kind of life practice!


In fact, Qiu Yu went to the mountains with the village girls to pick some mushrooms, just to join in the fun and have fun, not like others, thinking about making extra money to buy food.

This made some girls in the village feel uncomfortable.

Someone asked Qiu Yu, “Are you the young lady’s maid? Doesn’t she have to do anything at home?”

Qiu Yu said naturally, “Of course. How can Miss work? If she does, then what do you want me to do!”

Qiu Yu was innocent, but she was not stupid, hearing what this person said was not right, so she naturally replied very cautiously.

That person was a little jealous, and said: “It seems that your family is not a big family, and you don’t even have a carriage, you shouldn’t do something beyond one’s means in order to be impressive?”

Qiu Yu was not happy when she heard this, “What do you mean?”

“Oh, what do I mean? Which girl in the village doesn’t do any work? I don’t believe your young lady really doesn’t do any work. I heard that she was born not by the wife, but by a concubine. The Chen family is also funny, a younger sister has become a concubine and brought it back with drums and gongs, was it really not embarrassing!”

Qiu Yu face flushed with anger, “You are talking nonsense!” 

“How did I talk nonsense? Am I wrong? Aunt Chen isn’t a concubine? Isn’t she giving birth to your young lady? A concubine daughter has the nerve to pretend to be a young lady, so ridiculous!”

“You! You…” Qiu Yu was so anxious that she didn’t know how to refute it, her eyes were red, and she almost cried.

When the other girls saw it, many of them frowned. A girl in a gray dress full of patches said, “Guo siniang, they didn’t eat your rice, so why do care about others? Or are you jealous that Liu siniang doesn’t have to go to the fields?”

[四娘 (si niang), 四(si) mean four, she was the fourth daughter in the family. 娘 (niang) mean young lady/girl/mother, and was used by others to call a girl

The daughter of farmers, no matter how much they love their children, their children still have to work, and those who should go to the fields still have to go to the fields.

She was the only girl in Guo’s family, and she was also very good-looking. She was famous in ten miles and eight villages for her beauty. Moreover, her family was relatively well-off, her parents dote on her, and her brothers and sisters-in-law are also accommodating to her.

Originally, she always thought that she was the best girl in the village, the most outstanding. Unexpectedly, the Liu family and Liu Fang came.

Liu Fang was completely different from her.

It seemed that the whole family was down and out, but there were servants in their house, especially Liu Fang, who was obviously a concubine daughter but have two servants by her side to serve her alone.

Even Madam Liu had only Liang momo to serve her, not to mention Father Liu, and neither did Aunt Chen.

The remaining one, Uncle Liu was the housekeeper, and now he looks after the door for Liu Fan and his family, and the other was Liu Sheng’s servant, A Ping, who also serves and runs errands with him. Others have no servants around them.

This made Guo Siniang very jealous of Liu Fang. Of course, she was actually envious, but unfortunately, it was impossible for their family to spoil her without a bottom line, and specially bought a servant to serve her.

It was precisely because she knows the gap between herself and Liu Fang that she was particularly jealous of her.

That’s why he targeted Qiu Yu like this. In the final analysis, it was nothing more than venting her anger.

As soon as Guo Siniang heard what the gray-clothed girl said, she immediately exploded, “Why can’t I say it? Isn’t this something everyone knows? What’s wrong with me?

“You talk about others behind their back. Being gossip monger, you’re still justified?”

“Why I am being unreasonable? I didn’t makeup anything, all I said was the truth”

“Oh? I don’t really know. When Liu’s family’s matter, Liu’s family member was to be disciplined by you with the surname Guo!”

“Why can’t I control it? My father is Li Zheng!”

[里正 (li zheng) junior officer in a village, mainly in charge of household registration and tax payment]

“Really? So, you are relying on your father’s prestige?” “

“So what? What can you do to me?”

“Heh. Qiu Yu, let’s go back.”

“Oh, oh, yes, this slave is coming.”

Only then did Guo Siniang realize that it wasn’t the gray-clothed girl in front of her who was talking to her all the time. But from behind!

She hurriedly turned around, only to see Liu Fang give her a half-smile, and said: “Today I have experienced Miss Guo’s prestige. Farewell!”

After finishing speaking, she turned and left.

Qiu Yu was still in a daze, not knowing when Liu Fang comes, but seeing Liu Fang leaving, she quickly followed with her basket.

Qiu Yun took a meaningful look at Guo Siniang, and then turned to follow Liu Fang.

The others looked at each other silently and walked away from Guo Siniang silently.

Guo Siniang’s face turned blue and red, not only the embarrassment of being caught speaking ill of someone behind her back, but also some anxiety, even fear.

She actually heard from her father that the Liu family used to be officials, so even if they were down and out, they were still different from others, and they could still spend money to buy land and build houses.

Moreover, Father Guo also said that their family should not offend them. Because they used to be officials in the capital, and they had a lot of contacts. Even if they were down and out, they could easily crush them to death.

Therefore, Father Guo has long ordered his family members, including the villagers, not to talk too much about the Liu family’s affairs, so as not to cause trouble.

But today, she was caught by Liu Siniang on the spot, and she talked about the rights and wrongs of the Liu family behind their backs, which completely offended the Liu family!

It’s over! It’s over! She’s really done this time!

However, no one pities her.

Liu Fang actually didn’t intend to do anything to Guo Siniang, she just went to Liu Fan’s house and told Uncle Liu to go to Li Zheng’s house and tell Father Guo about today’s matter.

However, she didn’t plan to do anything, but others didn’t necessarily.

Because, when she just returned to her home, she saw the group of plainclothes guards standing solemnly in front of the door, and the magistrate of Linshan County followed in ordinary clothes.

When their family passed through Linshan County, they made a special visit – after all, if they want to settle here, they have to meet the officials.

Zhang Zhuo was guarding in front of the gate when he saw Liu Fang approaching, he hurried forward to salute, “Greeting. I haven’t seen you for a long time, how is the young lady doing?” 

Liu Fang raised her eyebrows and said coldly, “I am sorry, My lord, I don’t know you, I’m afraid you get the wrong person.”

Zhang Zhuo: …

“Miss …” He looked at Liu Fang pitifully and said, “How could you do this? You…”

Liu Fang raised her hand to stop, “Stop! Okay, what’s going on? Why are you here? Where’s your master? Didn’t we agree that we won’t know each other from now on? Why did you even come here?”

Zhang Zhuo rubbed his nose and said, “Cough, the master happened to be going to the southwest to do some business, so we are here.”

Liu Fang narrowed her eyes, “So, you have been sending people to keep an eye on me? Keep an eye on my family?”

Zhang Zhuo hurriedly said: “Miss, this subordinate also wants to protect you and your family, and there is no malice. You can punish me!”

After that, he knelt down with a “bang”.

Liu Fang: …

She was too lazy to talk to this stubborn guy, looked up at the gate of the courtyard, and said lightly: “Enough being sneaky. Haven’t heard enough, seen enough? Hurry up, get out!”

Seventh Master rubbed his nose, walked out from behind the door, and smiled flatteringly at Liu Fang.

“Miss Liu, long time no see, how are you?”

Liu Fang kicked Zhang Zhuo to get him up and then walked slowly to stand in front of the seventh master.

“Thanks to you, I’m doing well. What’s the matter? Seventh Master intends to break the contract?”

Seventh Master shook his head quickly, and said in a very sensible way: “No, no.”


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