Happiness Consists in Contentment

Chapter 40 Farmer’s Wife

“Relying on your martial arts skills to attack these people who defend the country, bully the weak, and use force to violate the law, what kind of hero is this? If you have the ability, go to the battlefield to kill the enemy! Go fight with them! A bunch of brain-dead. Idiots with nothing to do!”

The old man: …

Other pirates: …

Liu Fang said to them coldly: “If you still have a little conscience in your heart, you can go back with these lords and get punished honestly. Even if you have to be beheaded, it was also the consequence that you should bear, and it is no different from others. If everyone in this world is like you, how can ordinary people live? Think about those innocent people, and think about yourselves, do you have the face to live?”

A young boy among the pirates retorted: “But the officials arrested the junior sister for no reason. He is the son of the county magistrate. It was because the junior sister is beautiful” 

Liu Fang: …

Damn, Could it be that her family was in danger of being buried at the bottom of the river just because of such a bad thing? Damn, if this is the case, she will personally beat up that bastard who robbed a good girl!

She turned her head to look at the navy, and a man who looked like a general came out and cupped his hands and said, “Miss, our county magistrate has always been fair and honest, and his son has always been a man of good character and has never been aggressive. He has never forced anyone.”

Liu Fang didn’t believe his words, and said: “Then let this fair and honest county magistrate come over, and bring his son along to confront these people!”

That general nodded and said, “I have already notified the lord, and he should be here soon.”

Liu Fang raised her eyebrows. It seems that what this man said is true! This magistrate must also be a good official: At least, he was a responsible official.

Otherwise, the Navy would not have notified the county magistrate the first time they encountered pirates, and the county magistrate would not have arrived “soon”.

In fact, it hasn’t been too long since this incident happened. At least, those pirates haven’t had time to go destroyed the boat yet.

If the county magistrate hadn’t been very responsible, he wouldn’t have rushed over after hearing the news, and the general wouldn’t say the same thing: Most soldiers were straighter and don’t have so many curves.

Very good, finally encountered a normal thing.

Liu Fang felt better.

At this moment, Qiu Yun flew over.

Her martial arts were not weak at first, and she has been taught by Liu Fang recently so her martial arts have also improved. Jumping between boats was very simple for her.

“Miss, the master asked this slave to see how you are doing.” Qiu Yun saluted Liu Fang as soon as she stood still.

Liu Fang nodded to her and said: “I’m fine, go back and tell father, I need to deal with this.”

Qiu Yun looked at the pirates who were tied up, as well as the old man and young man lying on the deck. She nodded, bowed to Liu Fang, and replied respectfully: “Yes.”

She flew back to Father Liu and explained the situation. Father Liu nodded and asked her to come back to serve Liu Fang.

So Qiu Yun flew back again.

Liu Fang: …(ー_ー)!!

It’s not too much of a hassle! Flying around like this.

Liu Fang didn’t wait long for the county magistrate arrived.

Coincidentally, his son and that junior sister who was said to be beautiful came with him.

When Liu Fang saw the magistrate’s attitude, she knew that the other party reacted very quickly and was very smart.

The magistrate himself sighed helplessly in his heart. These people from jianghu were really lawless, but he has no way to stop them.

Not to mention him, even the emperor can’t stop this group of people who treat the law as nothing.

It’s not that the emperor didn’t have more powerful people than these people, but it was impossible for the emperor to send those people to help the county stop these people from jianghu.

Therefore, the government and the people below were the one who suffer.

The lucky one only lost some property, and it can be regarded as spending money to prevent disaster. The unlucky one would sustain an injury. Even more tragic one, sorry to say, it’s normal to have broken arms and legs, if you are not careful, you will lose your life.

Regarding this, the government was also very troubled: they will definitely not be able to beat this group of people, but to bring out facts and reasons, they will not listen to you!

Therefore, even if they wanted to rectify these people, the officials at the bottom could do nothing, so they could only turn a blind eye.

The same was true for the magistrate of Yangtong County, there was really no other choice.


In fact, he brought his son and that junior sister here, he didn’t know the situation here. He just wanted to ask the junior sister to help make peace and see which family came to make trouble.

Unexpectedly, when he arrived, what he saw was the current scene, which made the county magistrate unable to react at once.

The junior sister was startled, and rushed straight to the injured old man, crying and shouting: “Grandpa!”

Liu Fang: …

Well, it turned out to be a family.

Liu Fang was curious about what was going on with this girl. It didn’t look like she was ‘forced” by someone.

The general of the marine told the magistrate what happened, and the magistrate looked at his son dumbfounded: You have caused trouble! You solve it!

The son of the magistrate: …(ー_ー)!!

He also didn’t know how it became like this!

Where did he force the civilian girl? It’s obvious that she saw he was good-looking, so she clung to him, okay?

He was also very speechless!

After Liu Fang knew what happened, she wanted to roll her eyes even more, and in fact she did.

She said to the junior sister who crying until out of breath: “Okay, don’t cry. Since you are safe and sound, why don’t you tell your family that you are safe? Making your family misunderstand this and bring so many people to burn and killed at the pier, and killed so many people? Do you still have the face to cry?”

The junior sister sobbed and said, “I, I ran away from home, I was angry for a while, so…”

Liu Fang: …

Others: …

Things were so absurd, but they happen to be true. This really… makes people at a loss for what to say.

In any case, things were finally cleared up and resolved.

The next thing will be handled by the magistrate himself.

Liu Fang only pressured the pirates who killed people to go to the yamen. In order to prevent them from escaping and rebelling, she made them take a medicine that temporarily seal their power.  

This was also the prescription she learned in the previous mission. When the Empress wanted to rectify the people in the Jianghu. Because her sisters were the empress’ confidantes, she also has this prescription.

What makes Liu Fang feel ridiculous was that those so-called pirates were not real pirates at all, but a disciple of a sect called Shuiyue. But pretending to be a pirate and coming to save people presumptuously.

In this incident, the most innocent people were the soldiers who were killed. Liu Fang stayed here for a few days and accompanied the magistrate to the homes of the soldiers who died in the line of duty to express their condolences.

Seeing the sad expressions of their family members, Liu Fang only felt heavy.

It’s a pity that her ability was limited, and she can’t do more for these people, nor can she change the current situation.

She can only leave some money to these families so that their life will not be too difficult.

Qiu Yun followed Liu Fang back, they will continue their journey today, and they will arrive at Luozhou Prefecture soon.

Seeing that Liu Fang was expressionless along the way, Qiu Yun couldn’t help asking: “Miss, are you still thinking about this matter?”

Liu Fang looked at the bustling crowd in front of her and said, “Un, because of a little girl’s willful behavior, they killed so many people abruptly. Their deaths are too worthless. These people in the jianghu are too chaotic and lawless.” She sighed, “Unfortunately, I can’t change everything at all.”

After thinking for a while, Qiu Yun said: “Miss, you can actually go to the martial arts conference. With your martial arts, you will definitely become the leader of the martial arts alliance. By then, won’t you be able to change everything?” 

Liu Fang sneered, and turned her head to look at Qiu Yun: “What? Did your master ask you to test me?”

Qiu Yun shook her head, “Miss, this servant’s current master is you, and the future master will only be you.”

Liu Fang smiled and turned her head to look at those who were still running around for their lives.

“If only things were really that simple. Being the leader of the martial arts can change all of this. Heh.”

She shook her head and walked forward slowly: “Don’t talk about the leader of the martial arts, even if the current emperor wants to change everything It’s not a simple matter, I don’t have such a great ability.”

Qiu Yun looked at her and said: “But Miss, your martial arts are already rare in the world, as long as you make a move, who would dare not follow?”

Liu Fang shook her head, she just arrived at the pier and boarded the passenger ship, followed by Qiu Yun.

“It’s not that simple. Just like this time, why did the magistrate finally let those people go? Isn’t it because he didn’t dare to offend them? These so-called sects don’t care anything when they fight, and the government’s power is limited, so the magistrate can only compromise, and dare not really deal with them according to the law. As for me, it’s the same. I am alone but I have a family, these are my weaknesses. No matter how powerful I am, no matter how powerful my mind is, I can’t beat everyone who is crazy. Don’t people from those sects only listen to their master? They only need to nod their head, and regards the law as nothing. Of course, I can suppress it for a while, but I can’t suppress it forever. Moreover, I will become the target of public criticism, being targeted by everyone, and my family will be implicated. So, Qiu Yun, no matter how good I am, right now, I can only take care of myself and my family. I don’t have the ability to change the world. do you understand? “

Qiu Yun nodded and remained silent.

After being with Liu Fang for a long time, she sometimes wondered whether she was doing the right things.

As the young lady said, even if she felt it was wrong, she really didn’t have the ability to change it for the time being.

Liu Fang took her to meet with Father Liu and then went to rest.

After that, nothing happened along the way, and they arrived at Luozhou Prefecture safely. After two days journey, they arrived at Lin Shan County, after resting for another day, they arrived at Tonghe Town


Tonghe Town was located in the southwest of Luozhou Prefecture. Because the town was crisscrossed by rivers, the waterways were well connected. 

In recent years, due to the Grand Canal, this place become more and more prosperous.

And just as the three brothers of the Chen family said, flood control dams have been built here. They have not suffered from drought or flood for more than 20 years. Therefore, the lives of the people here were getting better and better.

The land has improved, and the nearby villages have also been lifted out of poverty and become prosperous. A good life where everyone has brick houses.

The Chen family has lived here for generations. Although the ancestors have always been farmers, but due to the hard work of the descendants, life was getting better and better now.


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