Happiness Consists in Contentment

Chapter 39 Farmer’s Wife

But, that’s all.

After all, Qiu Yu has always lived in a simple environment, and Liu Fang as her master, actually treats her very well and respects her quite a bit.

So she still retains the innocence and simplicity that ordinary people have.

Of course, she was also extraordinarily soft-hearted and kind.

Even if she had encountered assassination, and robbed by bandits. In Qiu Yu’s mind, she never thought of anything other than worshiping her master more.

But Qiu Yun was different.

She came out of the darkness, so she cherishes the present day very much.

She really didn’t care that much about Qiu Yu’s action.

Seeing this Liu Fang felt a little funny, but also had a little headache-

Qiu Yu always looked like “Miss, you scummed me”, Liu Fang was really wronged and dumbfounded.

Isn’t she a like-mind

As the master, can’t she have another maid to serve her? →_→

This maid was also spoiled by her.

Qiu Yu got accustomed after a while, she just didn’t get used to it, and it will be fine after a period of time.

It was Qiao Zheng who made Liu Fang felt astonished the most!

She didn’t know how this guy grew up, he didn’t have the slightest bit of understanding about the way of the world, and he was also a single-mind person.

Fortunately, Liu Fang was his teacher, and her words still weigh a lot. That’s right, she has to teach from scratch, Liu Fang feels tired. ╮(︶﹏︶)╭

Then there were those children.

Ever since Liu Fang showed her superb martial arts, this group of children especially worshiped their aunt.

Bored on the boat, Liu Fan began to enlighten the young children and teach them to read.

But these children want their aunt to teach them martial arts!

Liu Fang spread her hands: Fine, who made them feel so idle now?

She just taught. Anyway, she has to teach her apprentices. Herding one sheep and herding a group of sheep, wasn’t it all herding?

But Qiu Yun also join. Qiu Yu who saw it also came to learn. The amazing thing was after others saw it they all join with great interest.

Liu Fang: …

Okay, everyone wants to learn, she teaches everything!

Who is afraid of who!

In this era, the waterways were well-developed, so the Liu family traveled very quickly. After traveling for seven or eight days, they almost arrived at Luozhou.

But, this time, Liu Fang really felt that she got the wrong script, why did she have to encounter trouble every time on the journey? She was also puzzled!

Could it be that her physique for this mission is a disaster?


Liuzhou was not far from Luozhou, and Liuzhou was a very small prefecture. There were only three county towns under it.

However, these three county towns were extremely prosperous, with extremely well-developed water and land routes. Therefore, Liuzhou Prefecture was a truly prosperous area, a land of wealth and honor.

Therefore, there were quite a lot of wealthy families here.

And in this section of the waterway, there were a lot of pirates.

Liu Fang thinks that this mission was really unfriendly, it was exceptionally unlucky. She always encountered dumbfounded situations.

For example, this night, when they were mooring at the wharf in Yangtong County at the junction of Liuzhou Prefecture and Luozhou Prefecture, they unexpectedly encountered a large wave of pirates!

Liu Fang couldn’t help complaining in her heart: What happened to this world? Are pirates so arrogant nowadays? There was Navy guarding near the pier. Under such circumstances, they still dare come to rob?

This was also a talent!

What’s more, the dumbfounding and incredible thing was that the pirates were so skillful that the Navy can’t beat them.

What the hell is this? !

Was the emperor of this world so incompetent? Were all the Generals were so weak?

Liu Fang really couldn’t figure it out.

However, no matter how much she complained, she still had to take action.

She asked Qiao Zheng and Qiu Yun to protect the Liu family and hide in a safe place—in fact, there was no safe place, they were still on the boat. The pirates have a large number of people and fierce firepower, they can’t get ashore!

Liu Fang saw that if things went on like this, their boat would not be able to last long, and the NAvy also looked like they were completely silenced.

She couldn’t figure out, how incompetent the government in this world is, to make these people treat the law as nothing. Killing people at every turn.

Seeing this really makes her very angry: She still abides by the law after her death and becomes the employer of the Quick Transmigration Department. She can’t see these people trampling on human life and trampling on the law!

So, Liu Fang exerted all her strength and soared into the sky, as if she could fly and flew straight to the pirates’ boat, and wiped out all the archers who kept firing arrows. ——This time, she just beat them and made them unable to resist. She did not kill them.

Just like that, Liu Fang was flying around in the night sky like a bird, finishing off all the archers on the pirate side.

This naturally attracted the attention of the pirates, and soon, a master came to stop Liu Fang with a sword.

It’s a pity that Liu Fang’s martial arts realm was really at the top of the world. That so-called master’s menacing sword, just like Qiao Zheng’s sword at the beginning, was broken by Liu Fang to piece in seconds!

The other party was shocked!

Without giving him a chance, Liu Fang slapped the other party away. No matter whether he was seriously injured, or fell directly into the river, anyway, Liu Fang continued to fly to the next boat.

Naturally, there will be other people to stop her, but no one can stop her at all!

Until Liu Fang finished all their archers and was about to go back, an old man with a white beard approached and stabbed Liu Fang with a sword!

Liu Fang narrowed her eyes: The speed was very fast, completely different from those before!

This was a master!

Liu Fang didn’t dare to take it lightly. She didn’t use her hands to block it. Instead, she brandished an iron whip and entwined towards the opponent’s long sword.

The old man smiled coldly, his offensive remained the same, and he was aggressive. He wanted to smash Liu Fang’s iron whip with a twist of his hand.

However, what he didn’t expect was that Liu Fang’s hand shook, and the iron whip suddenly stretched, turning into a spear!

Liu Fang stabbed smoothly, and the spear pierced the old man’s shoulder. The other party screamed. Liu Fang picked up the spear, and the old man was lifted up!

Although the old man was stunned by Liu Fang’s action, he quickly regained his senses and slashed at Liu Fang’s hand with a backhand sword.

However, he forgot that what Liu Fang held was not an ordinary spear, but one that could be turned into a whip.

Therefore, Liu Fang’s hand shook again, and the spear changed into an iron whip, which immediately entangled the old man’s long sword. She flew and before the old man changed his moves, she circled around the old man, and the white-bearded old man was bound by her just like that.

Liu Fang pulled her hand, raised her hand with a palm, and slapped the old man until he vomited blood, and his face was pale. Then she carried the old man and walked to the top of the ship’s mast, stood still on it, and held the old man in one hand. While using her internal energy, she shouted: “Everyone stop! Otherwise, I will kill him!”

All the pirates who were fighting below were shaken by the voice with internal energy, and their ears were ringing!

They couldn’t help but look up at Liu Fang with astonishment on their faces!

The Navy also stopped. They seized the opportunity to drag away the seriously injured companion, and the rest of them were also on guard, looking up at Liu Fang.

Liu Fang stood on the mast. As if walking on flat ground, as if she couldn’t feel the mast shaking with the night wind.

Her voice spread to everyone, and said: “All pirates, put down your weapons, squat down with their hands on their heads, and let the Navie tie them up. If there is anyone who resists, I will kill this old guy! “

The pirates looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

And those people with good martial arts held swords, their faces were full of anger, but they couldn’t come forward, and many people grabbed those who wanted to rush forward.

Liu Fang glanced at them coldly, and exerted force with his hands, the old man with white beard screamed: “Ah!” The leading young man came out and said loudly: “Wait a minute! We will do it right away!”

Liu Fang snorted coldly, loosening her grip but still pinched the old man’s neck.

Seeing this, the young man breathed a sigh of relief. He was probably the real boss, so when he waved his hand, all the people below dropped the weapons in their hands, including himself.

Squat down obediently, and put their hands on their head.

The Navy standing guards next to them: …

Very Good. Seeing this, Liu Fang nodded in satisfaction, and said to the Navy: “My lords, collect all their weapons, and then gather them all up and tie them up. Don’t worry, they don’t dare to resist. Otherwise…huh!”

The Navy understand, but they still feel quite dazed: Now in the Jianghu, there were people who know how to abide by the law?

What a miracle!

Although the Navy couldn’t believe it, they still did what Liu Fang said, tied up all the lawless pirates, and gathered them on a large ship.

Seeing this, Liu Fang flew down and landed on the ship.

But the young man immediately taut open the rope and move quickly, trying to snatch the old man back when Liu Fang was not on her feet.

It’s a pity that Liu Fang has been on guard all the time. She raised her foot and kicked the opponent until he vomit blood. The young man flew and lay down in front of the group of pirates who were about to move. Then Liu Fang came down and stood on the deck.

“What? Among you, is there anyone who is stronger than him?”

Liu Fang looked at the young man coldly, and said to the group of pirates who were now as quiet as chickens: “If there is no one, then be honest! If you don’t want to stay on the boat, I’ll throw you all into the river. Anyway, you’re just out of your mind!”

The water thieves: … refused to accept it!

But Liu Fang said: Hold on!

She lifted the white-bearded old man with one hand, threw him, shook her hand, and took back the iron whip. The old man lay limp and powerless on the deck, looking at her with grief and indignation.

Liu Fang said lightly: “Since you dare to rob, you have to be prepared to be arrested. What? Now that you are not as skilled as others, you have been arrested, so you are not convinced? Then look at them—” 

Liu Fang pointed out the corpses of the soldiers who were killed said: “These people are all soldiers. They are the people who protect the safety of this county! They are the people who protect the people in the city! When you kill them, why don’t you think that others was not convinced?”

She looked at the old man coldly, “I don’t know why a person like you would do such a thing tonight. But your behavior is extremely shameful! You are no different from a traitor!”


  1. Momo says:

    Oh, the burn!

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