Happiness Consists in Contentment

 Chapter 38 Farmer’s Wife


Liu Fang was so angry!

She really didn’t expect that she would really do it when she said she will kill herself!

what did this mean? Is it a threat?

“Are you threatening me?”

Leng Shuang’s expression remained calm, as if she didn’t see Liu Fang’s action, or as if she wasn’t going to commit suicide just now, and she didn’t pay any attention to the dagger that was knocked to the ground.

She just said very calmly: “Since Miss knows about the female guards, Miss should know that if she doesn’t accept this slave, then there is no need for this slave to live in this world.” 

Liu Fang was taken aback: She forgot, this was not the great Jin Dynasty, nor the era under the rule of the women emperor.

At present, in this world, in this era, if female guards have no value, then there was no need for them to exist except for death.

This was completely different from the Huangling Army during the Empress’s reign in the previous mission: it was like a female soldier in modern times, although it was also the female guards, it was completely different.

Liu Fang felt a little sad suddenly. She looked at Leng Shuang, who was still calm as usual and didn’t know what to say.

After a while, Liu Fang said to Leng Shuang lightly: “So, you did it on purpose.”

Leng Shuang secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and her whole person seemed to relax. She smiled slightly and said, “Yes. This slave was doing it on purpose. Because this slave knows that Miss will not watch this slave die.”

Liu Fang: …

She rolled her eyes angrily, “Since you call yourself a slave, what about your deed of sale?”

Leng Shuang smiled and said, “In housekeeper Lin’s hand. Now it should be in Miss’s elder brother’s hand.”

Liu Fang glared at her, then looked up at Lin Bo coldly.

Lin Bo: …

He hurriedly cupped his hands to Liu Fang and gave a flattering smile.

Liu Fang snorted coldly, sat back under the shade of the tree, and said lightly to Leng Shuang: “You should know the rules. Do you understand what to do in the future?”

Leng Shuang knelt down respectfully and said: “Your servant understands! “

“Okay. If that’s the case, you should change your name. From now on your name is Qiu Yun.”

“Yes, Miss.”

In this way, Liu Fang accepted a female guard who was good at martial arts and resourceful.

Liu Fang spread her hands: There was no other way! She can’t really watch people die, can she? ╮(︶﹏︶)╭

Lin Bo was so impressed by Liu Fang that he didn’t dare to provoke and disturb Liu Fang. He urged his followers to clear up the road and tidy up the caravan’s goods, and then hurried on the road.

The Liu family followed closely behind.

Although they all looked at Qiu Yun curiously, everyone in the Liu family didn’t say anything about Liu Fang’s acceptance of her, let alone have any objections: Liu Fang was there anyway.

Now, they trusted Liu Fang even more.

When they arrived at the next town, the caravan separated from the Liu family. One team continued to move forward, while the other stopped and entered the town.

It wasn’t that the caravan didn’t want to wait for Liu Fang’s party, but Lin Bo knew that Liu Fang didn’t want to see them, and he was worried that doing so would arouse Liu Fang’s resentment, so they had to separate.

As for Liu Fang party, they went straight to the town’s yamen. Qiao Zheng knew that this was the time for him to fulfill the first condition.

So he was very straightforward, jumped out of the mule cart, and walked into the Yamen with his head held high, as if he didn’t turn himself in, but came to find fault.

No way, who made him look so vicious that the yamen servants guarding the gate of the yamen were so frightened that their legs limp?

 Liu Fang: …(ー_ー)!!

Well, her disciple looks shabby, that’s not what he wants, he can only blame his parents for not being good enough.

Liu Fang waited for Qiao Zheng. She gained some experience after the last mission: In the previous mission world, she had to learn everything she needed to learn and understand everything she needed to know—for example, the law.

Therefore, she has a deep understanding of the current law in this world.

This experience comes from the previous mission, Duke Liu’s affairs⎯⎯ it was said that when Duke Liu was young, someone saw Duke Liu’s business, bullied him for being young, and wanted to cheat him. Unexpectedly, Duke Liu memorized all the laws of the Great Jin Dynasty by heart, and even some regulations set by different governments in various places. He was also understood everything thoroughly.

So, one can imagine the end of the person who wanted to cheat Duke Liu.

Because of this, Liu Fang thinks that the law was a good thing!

Think about the underworld, ghosts also have to abide by the law.

Then, it was really necessary to understand the laws here. Wasn’t it being used now?

Like this robbery and assassination, the last assassination was actually hidden under the law.

This was also caused by the imperfect laws of ancient times, and it was also the malpractice of feudal society.

Unless there was a ruler like the empress of the Great Jin Dynasty in the last mission, otherwise, it was impossible to change the status quo.

Liu Fang was also helpless about this. She can’t be a Mary Sue, overthrow the current emperor, and become an empress herself, right?

Not to mention what impact this will have on the way of heaven in this world, but to say that initiating a war will cause people to lose their lives and the people will suffer.

This kind of thing, not to mention other things, it must be miserable for the innocent people involved.

It would be fine if this dynasty was really bad, but currently it didn’t. Just because the rules and systems were not perfect and do not conform to Liu Fang’s cognition, was it really a good thing to mess around like this?

Liu Fang thinks: not necessarily.

History has its own reason, and existence has its own necessity.

No matter how bad the feudal system was, there was still a system in place. Like slavery, feudalism, and then constitutional monarchy…

Which world was not progressing step by step, history was advancing step by step, and the system was improving step by step?

If everyone can self-righteously pull the world to a more advanced direction at will, regardless of whether people in this era can accept it or not, it will be a disaster, not a revolution.

Even if it was a revolution, it will require the sacrifice of countless people in exchange for it.

Who will lead a revolution in a peaceful world?

That’s not a revolution, that’s making trouble!

Freedom has never been the will of one individual, but the will of the entire society. Just because you were upset, you have to make the whole world restless.

That’s what a neurotic would do.

If Liu Fang was in the position like the empress in the previous mission, then of course she would make reforms.

After all, the position she was in gave her different rights and responsibilities.

But now she was just a concubine daughter of a Hanlin officer whose family has been ransacked. It was considered good if she can take care of herself and her family.

Even if her martial arts were invincible, can she change the whole era and the whole world by herself?

Well, she was a human being, not a god.

Even if she was time-traveled, she was only mature in thinking, has a little more knowledge, and didn’t have any awesome cheats. She was still a mortal, okay?

Besides, she didn’t have the interest and enthusiasm.

Otherwise, she wouldn’t be an employee of the Concubine Division. Wouldn’t it be good to change to another division and do other tasks?

As for her understanding of the law, it was just to make her life better in this mission world.

But she has no intention of making trouble because of this.

Taking Qiao Zheng as a disciple this time, she had actually thought it through. it would be best if she could teach this idiot well, and it doesn’t matter if she can’t teach well.

Her body was endowed with extraordinary talent, and her martial arts were profound, so she probably can live for a long time. With her here, Qiao Zheng would naturally be cleaned up clearly and honestly.

It can be said that Liu Fang can take care of this disciple for a lifetime. No matter where he went in the future, as long as Liu Fang wants to deal with him, he can be found: there was still a smart map in her mind!

It was easy for her to find someone.

Liu Fang now feels that this smart map was also a good thing, and it can also navigate accurately. She was no longer afraid of getting lost in the mission world.

This can be regarded as a “golden finger”. (ˆ▽ˆ❁)

Qiao Zheng’s halfway robbery was serious, but it’s not really considered serious. After all, he didn’t kill anyone: In fact, Liu Fang doesn’t know if it’s true, so let’s just believe him for now.

No murder, the sufferer was still safe, and no property was lost: it is a failure, so the guilt was not too great.

Because of the caravan, Liu Fang didn’t want to let her family fall into an unnecessary fight, so she just asked Qiao Zheng to admit to “robbing”, and the target of the robbery was Liu Fang’s party.

Needless to say about bandits or something, whether they were bandits or not is still open to question. Even if it was a real bandit, it was still a battle for power, so there was really no need to mention it.

In this way, Qiao Zheng was beaten a hundred times. For a martial arts practitioner like him, his internal strength was not bad, so it was just a matter of tickling.

Therefore, after a while, Qiao Zheng came out without incident.

He patted his chest in front of Liu Fang, and said with a smile, “Master, disciple has already been punished!”

Liu Fang nodded slightly, “Okay, let’s go, let’s go to the inn to rest first.”

Qiao Zheng jumped into the mule cart and took the reins and drive the carriage.

Liu Mo: …

Fine, now, he didn’t have to drive his sister’s carriage.

He simply got out of the carriage and sat on the mule cart behind.

Seventh Master Liu Sheng: …

The group found an inn to rest.

Along the way, the members of the Liu family never encountered anything, and Liu Fang had no chance to make a move. They arrived at Pingzhou in a safe and sound way, and then boarded the passenger ship and headed for Luozhou.


On the boat, because the space was limited, people were very idle. Liu’s family has many members, so they directly chartered a boat, which was peaceful.

It’s just that the people around Liu Fang were a little noisy.

The first was Qiu Yu and Qiu Yun.

Qiu Yu has been with Liu Fang since she was a child. Although she was not particularly smart, she still can be considered as clever and had a pure personality.

But because of her pure character, her thinking was very simple: Seeing her master accept Qiu Yun, she immediately feels a sense of crisis and felt Qiu Yun was not pleasing to the eye.


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