Happiness Consists in Contentment

Farmer's Wife

Chapter 37 Farmer’s Wife

Liu Fang shrugged and walked back to sit under the shade of the tree, picked up the iron whip she dropped, and wrapped it around her waist again.

At this time, the people from the caravan came over.

The leader was a woman with a veil on her face only showing a pair of captivating eyes, dressed in brocade clothes, her hair was pulled in a bun with a jade hairpin.

She walked slowly and gracefully, noble yet indifferent, and walked up to Liu Fang with a group of servants, and stood still.

This was a beauty!

Liu Fang got up and looked at her, thinking to herself, although she couldn’t see her face, she still felt that she was a rare beauty!

After saluting, the woman said with a gentle and melodious voice: “Thank you for your help. If it weren’t for young lady’s help, I’m afraid I will lose a few escorts.” 

Listen to her words, watch her actions, Liu Fang sighed in her heart: A beauty is a beauty, she speaks nicely and her crusty is also beautiful!

From her words, it can be seen that she was the real owner of this caravan. Liu Fang admires: This beauty is amazing!

She smiled and said, “You’re welcome. I should be thanking you for taking care of me all the way. Otherwise, my family would be very troublesome.” 

The beauty understands the pun. Said: “Miss, don’t worry, as long as you doesn’t say that you have met me, your family will be safe.”

Liu Fang narrowed her eyes and stared at her.

Very good! This beauty is indeed poisonous!

Liu Fang smiled lightly, and said, “Your whereabouts have already been leaked. Is there any difference if I say it or not?” 

The beauty narrowed her eyes, and her tone became cold, “Really? Then do you think I have the ability to do it?”

Liu Fang snorted coldly, “Wait and see!”

The beauty stared in disbelief: “You!”

Liu Fang sneered and continued: “However, before that, I can kill you first!”

As soon as the words fell, Liu Fang pulled the beauty over as soon as she stretched out her hand!

The leader of the caravan guards reacted immediately and blocked her at the same time, but Liu Fang knocked him back three steps with only one swipe!

Everyone was shocked!

Even the beauty turned pale with shock and couldn’t believe it.

Liu Fang held the beauty’s shoulders with her left hand, and gently stroked her neck with her right hand, touching her ear slightly, and said gently and slowly, “Say, is it you who died first, or my family? Or— ——I will kill all of you, burn the corpse to destroy the evidence. Isn’t it better in this way?”

The caravan steward was almost scared to death!     

The beauty was also frightened by her words, her face turned pale, unable to respond, and her body trembled involuntarily.     

Seeing that she become honest, Liu Fang patted her on the shoulder and said, “So, don’t try to challenge my bottom line, or do you want to know the result after the challenge.” 

In the previous mission, she was born into one of the top families in a powerful country, what kind of battle haven’t she seen? Playing this trick with her?     

Liu Fang said: Play with you to death! →_→     

Beauty: Σ(° △°|||)︴

She was really scared to death!     

Growing up in riches and honour, all she has encountered were hidden intrigue and scheming. She had never met someone like Liu Fang.     

In terms of cunning and resourcefulness, she thinks she won’t lose to others, but today, she finally knows, no matter how many tricks, in front of absolute strength, it’s fart!

The beauty was very knowledgeable about current affairs. She trembled slightly, tried her best to maintain her dignity, and said to Liu Fang: “Don’t worry, no matter what happens in the future, my affairs will never involve young lady’s family.” 

That’s right!

Liu Fang smiled at her with satisfaction and let her go.

The beauty was still in shock, her legs were weak, she staggered, and almost fell, the maid who served her hurried forward to support her.

The caravan steward silently wiped the sweat from his forehead and smiled flatteringly at Liu Fang.

“Miss has worked hard, the master has prepared some gifts, and I hope you will accept them.”

Liu Fang waved her hand casually, and said, “Just give it to my elder brother.”

The steward saluted respectfully, “Yes, yes, the old slave will give it to him right away. Then miss please excuse me.”

Liu Fang waved her hand, the beauty with the help of her maid, forced herself to salute her, and then led everyone away.


When walking back to the caravan, the steward asked the leader of the guard, “Liao Gang, what do you think of your attack just now ?” 

Liao Gang was still in a trance and hasn’t recovered. He subconsciously said,  “The other’s party material arts is at least a Grand Master or above.”

The steward was shocked, and the beauty was equally surprised, and then smiled wryly, and said, “That’s all right, because of my recklessness, our family has offended such a big shot.” 

An unidentified maid followed behind the beauty said: “Miss, I’m afraid not necessarily.”

Everyone turned their heads to look at her, and the maid said calmly: “There are no rumors about such a master at such a young age, so it can be seen that the other party is not from the Jianghu. This is one of the reasons.”

[江湖 (jiānghú) literally translates as “Rivers and Lakes”, but figuratively refers to the “underground world of martial arts”. A section of society consisting of martial artists, gangsters, thieves, beggars, prostitutes, merchants, entertainers, and anyone else wanting to operate outside of mainstream society or in the grey area of the law]

Seeing everyone nodding in agreement, the servant girl continued:

“Secondly, the subordinates watched the other party’s actions, it seemed that Miss was coercing her family in your words, which provoked the other party’s anger.”

The beauty sighed, “Indeed, I was reckless.”

The maid’s attitude became more and more respectful and said: “Thirdly, what the other party said when she was accepting apprentices: ‘Today, since you have entered my sect, you are a member of our sect. you must abide by the rules of our sect: abide by the law, behave in a responsible manner, and be worthy of heaven and worthy of the people!’ Missl, you see, this person follows a principle in everything she does.”

The beauty asked: ” What principle?”

Others were also very curious, the maid smiled and said: “It’s exactly what she said: abide by the law, behave in a responsible manner, and be worthy of heaven and worthy of the people!” 

Everyone pondered for a while, The beauty said with shame: “I am the one with the small mind.”

She turned her head and said to the steward: “Lin Bo, after a while, you must choose the most precious thing to give to them. Since we want to apologize, then we must show sincerity!”

The steward⎯⎯Lin Bo respectfully responded, “Yes, master.”

The beauty said to the maid again: “Leng Shuang, you are the most outstanding female guard around me, from today onwards, you will serve this person, From now on, she will be your master. Do you understand?”

Leng Shuang knelt down respectfully and saluted, “Yes, master, I understand.”

The beauty smiled, asked her to stand up, and said, “Maybe she will not trust you easily. So, whatever she asks, you should answer honestly, in front of her, any secret is no longer a secret. Do you understand?”

Leng Shuang nodded, “Subordinates understand.”

“Also,” the beauty turned around and looked at Liu Fang, who was sitting under the shade of a tree not far and said: “You can’t lie to her or hide anything you do. Otherwise, I’m far away in the capital, and I can’t save you even if I want to. Besides, under the hands of this master, I don’t have the ability.”

Leng Shuang said calmly: “Master, don’t worry, subordinates know what to do.”

The beauty turned around, gave her a slight nod, and led the others away.

Leng Shuang bowed and saluted, and when they were far away, she straightened up and smiled slightly: She really bet right!

She looked up at the blue sky and smiled, that’s great! From now on, she can live in the sun dignifiedly!


Liu family has many members and limited luggage, so it was quick to pack up.

Lin Bo brought eight boxes of presents and a box of banknotes. The banknotes alone cost 200,000 taels!

What a great deal!

Liu Fan didn’t dare to accept it and wanted to find Liu Fang, but Father Liu stopped him and said, “Accept it.”

Liu Fan hesitated: “This, isn’t it good? This is two hundred thousand taels, not two hundred taels.” 

Father Liu stroked his beard and said, “It is precisely because it is 200,000 taels that we have to accept it.”

Liu Fan was just overwhelmed by the other party’s generosity. He was also a scholar and has entered the officialdom. Although, the official position was not that important.

As soon as he heard Father Liu’s words, he understood, nodded, and said: “Yes, Father.”

Lin Bo watched and listened with a smile on the side. He became curious about their family: seeing their behavior, they were not like ordinary people!

Father Liu was only a small official with a low position, he was not really stupid.

If he was really stupid, it would be impossible for him to stay in the Imperial Academy for so many years, not to mention that he was safe and sound, and still able to stay in an inconspicuous position, until he was cannon fodder when the court battle was at its worst.

Those foolish ones have already been cannon fodder, and their fate was much worse than Father Liu’s.

Therefore, Father Liu, Liu Fan, and the other brothers were really not mediocre.

They still have a basic sense of politics/government.

Father Liu also knew why the other party gave such a generous gift: it was nothing more than wanting to make friends with Liu Fang, a person with extraordinary martial arts skills. Moreover, it was hush money.

That’s why Father Liu accepted it calmly.

As for Liu Fang, she looked at Leng Shuang and remained silent: She probably got the wrong script.

Why did a female guard come in just after she took a mountain bandit as a disciple?

The plot she should have was about the lives of the concubine’s daughter, not the plot about fighting for hegemony!

Is this mission a bit off track?

However, it still needs to be dealt with.

She looked at the expressionless woman in front of her, with delicate features and a very inconspicuous temperament, but upon closer inspection, she was a woman that could not be ignored.

“Your master asked you to come here?”

Leng Shuang bowed respectfully and replied: “Yes. However, it is already the former master. Now, this slave is yours, and you are the master of this slave.” 

Liu Fang raised her eyebrows, bullying her ignorance!

“Are you a female guard?”

Leng Shuang was really stunned, and looked at her.

Liu Fang said indifferently: “Is it strange? How could I know about the female guard? Heh.”

Leng Shuang said respectfully, “I really didn’t expect Miss to know.”

After all, only the truly top-notch wealthy families would know about the special existence of the female guard.

Liu Fang’s expression was still calm: “Go back, I won’t accept it.”

Liu Fang knew very well what it meant to have a female guard by her side, and what she was most afraid of now was trouble.

Leng Shuang didn’t say anything, but suddenly pulled out a dagger, pulled it out, and wiped it on her neck very decisively!

Liu Fang was shocked, subconsciously knocked off her dagger, and looked at Leng Shuang who was still calm in disbelief.


  1. Esli E.S.M.A says:

    Well, that escalated…. THANK YOU!

  2. Another Leng Shuang, now there are two badass Leng Shuangs 🤩
    Thanks for update⚡

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