Happiness Consists in Contentment

Farmer's Wife

Chapter 36 Farmer’s Wife

After the matter of apprenticeship was over, everyone dispersed, clean up the battlefield, packed their luggage, and prepared to move.

It’s not that they were big-hearted and don’t worry about whether bandits will come again, but they had to clean up the scene. Otherwise, they would not be able to move if the debris were blocking the road.

And during the scuffle just now, some of those horses, mules, were scared away. They have to rearrange their carriage, don’t they?

It was good if they can find them. If they can’t find them, then they have no choice but to give up a carriage and squeeze with others.

Liu Fang walked up to the Liu family and saluted Father Liu.

Qiao Zheng, who was following behind, hastened to imitate his master, and also saluted Father Liu, with a respectful and well-behaved attitude. They could not see his ferocity from the previous fight at all.

Father Liu: …

He looked at his daughter, he had nothing to say about her accepting Qiao Zheng as an disciple: from the way she accepted her disciple, he knew that she had her own sense of proportion, so he was very relieved.

That’s right, he was worried about her safety when he watched her fight Qiao Zheng, but later saw that she easily beat Qiao Zheng to tears, Father Liu was relieved, and at the same time he knew—— His daughter was really strong, very strong!

So, now he really has nothing to say.

Father Liu said to Liu Fang full of distress, “You’ve been tired, take a rest, and let your elder brothers do the rest.”

Madam Liu nodded with a smile: “Yes, take a rest quickly. You don’t need to worry about the rest. Leave it to your elder brothers.”

Others also nodded in agreement, Liu Fang looked at them and smiled: This was her family!

Very nice! Lucky for her!

Liu Fang was obedient, bowed to Father Liu and Madam Liu, asked Qiao Zheng to help, then walked to the side of the road under the shade of a tree, found a rock to sit on, tidied up her iron whip, and watched her family work by the way.

Aunt Chen didn’t come over, she just held her elder brother’s hand tightly, tears streaming down her face: Fortunately, fortunately! Daughter is really amazing!

When she saw Qiao Zheng’s big sword slashing at Liu Fang just now, she was frightened, but now she was suddenly relieved and couldn’t help crying.

Chen Da was also very excited, but after all he didn’t have Aunt Chen’s motherly heart, so he recovered quickly. But when he came back to his senses, he realized that his hand was so painful!

“Little sister! You hurt my hand!”

Chen Da broke Aunt Chen’s hand, seeing the bruised on his hand, it hurt so much that he want to cry: “Little sister, why did you grab me with so much force? It hurts! Hiss…”

Aunt Chen: …

With tears in the corners of her eyes, she didn’t know what to say when she saw her elder brother clasping his hands and screaming in pain.


When Father Liu and the others saw the appearance of their siblings, they were silent for a moment, and then burst into laughter!

Chen Er shook his head with a helpless smile, and said, “Okay, elder brother, don’t shout. It’s embarrassing for an old man to shout like this.”

Chen San hurriedly dragged him away, and apply ointment on him.

Everyone laughed and dispersed, each busy.

Aunt Chen walked over, sat beside Liu Fang, and hugged her tightly.

Liu Fang stayed quietly in Aunt Chen’s arms, obedient and docile. The mother and daughter hugged quietly like this, and neither of them spoke.

Seeing them like this, Madam Liu’s eyes couldn’t help but get teary. She wiped the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief.

Father Liu sighed, took her into his arms, walked to the other side and sat down in the shade of a tree, “Okay, fourth daughter is fine, the child is fine. Look, she has also taken in a powerful disciple…” 

Madam Liu angrily glanced at him, “Husband, Did you not worry?”

Father Liu smiled wryly, “How is it possible? Fourth daughter is also my child!”

That’s right! Madam Liu remained silent. She was also her child, and she also call her mother…

“Husband, I was wrong.”

Madam Liu said softly, looking up at the blue sky and white clouds, “Just because I can’t let go of the knot. So I rarely take care of the second daughter and the others. But now, I find that I was wrong, really wrong. In the beginning, no one is to blame, no one complained. To blame, I can only blame myself, blame myself.”

She smiled bitterly, “But, I have been cowardly for so many years, and most of my life has passed…If it weren’t for this time, you had an accident and our family suffered such a catastrophe. I have encountered so many things along the way from the capital., I am afraid I will continue to make mistakes like this…”

Father Liu sighed, holding her in his arms in silence.

After a while, he said quietly, “Actually, I was also at fault…”

Madam Liu smiled, then turned her head and said to him with tears in her eyes, “Husband, don’t excuse me anymore. You and Aunt Chen, it’s all because of my fault that it’s come to this point…”

Father Liu covered her mouth and said anxiously: “My wife, what you said is wrong! Aunt Chen and I are not what you think…” 

Madam Liu smiled, tears slowly falling from the corners of her eyes. She pushed Father Liu’s hand away and said, “Husband, you are fine, and Aunt Chen is also fine. Besides, she is beautiful, and she is your concubine. You fell in love with her, isn’t that a normal thing? Besides, I was really crazy at that time! If not, how could I forcefully push you, my own husband, to someone else? So, everything is my fault. If it weren’t for my paranoid thoughts, how could I let you, Aunt Chen, be like this? Husband, you have spoiled me for so long, you really spoiled me! Make me selfish and horrible! Fortunately, everything is over now…Our family can still be together and safe, I am really satisfied and happy! “

Father Liu’s eyes turned red after hearing this, and his voice choked up: “My wife, it’s my fault. That’s why you suffer. It’s not your fault, you don’t have to blame yourself so much. “

Madam Liu smiled peacefully and relaxed, look at him, and said: “I am not blaming myself, I have figured it out. ” 

Father Liu looked at her with a relaxed expression and a smile from the heart. Then he heaved a sigh of relief, and said with a residual crying sound: “It’s good if you figure it out, it’s good if you figure it out…”

After finishing, Father Liu wiped the corners of his eyes.

Madam Liu: …

Forget it, anyway, he was used to pampering her, so just let him.

Madam Liu wiped away her tears, put aside the past, thought about something, and said to Father Liu: “I’m afraid this matter is not easy. Husband, you have to take care of fourth daughter. “

Father Liu understands Madam Liu’s meaning. This caravan was definitely not ordinary. It can be seen from their well-trained appearance just now.

Moreover, so many bandits have been dispatched to rob and kill the caravan this time. The behind-the-scenes master could also easily find an unworldly expert like Qiao Zheng to impersonate the bandit leader. 

These two groups of people were not simple as confronting each other. Now they were involved in it. He didn’t whether it was a blessing or a curse.

Madam Liu was worried. The other party will focus on Liu Fang because of this: Liu Fang’s martial arts were so high, no matter which side has her, it will be even more powerful!

Father Liu nodded, “Don’t worry, I will. “


On Liu Fang’s side, it took a long time for Aunt Chen to let her go, wiped her tears, looked at her with red and swollen eyes, and asked softly, “Were practicing martial arts hard?” 

Liu Fang was stunned, looking into Aunt Chen’s eyes, It was full of distress for her, and her heart suddenly became sour.

Her eyes were slightly red, she smiled, shook her head and said, “It’s not hard. Even if I was injured, it hurts a lot, but when I think of protecting myself and my family, I think everything is worth it! Those injuries, those pain, so I don’t feel bitter anymore.”

She said it calmly, but Aunt Chen was so distressed by her current state!

But she couldn’t say anything more, it was too late.

She could only keep crying, crying, sobbing and said: “It’s mother’s fault. You were so young at that time, I didn’t realize it at all…I really…” 

Liu Fang didn’t comfort her, just hugged her. Holding Aunt Chen, let her cry wantonly.

She knew that after realizing that her martial arts were really powerful, her family would definitely think of the pain she had suffered in the past years.

These were unavoidable and impossible to avoid.

Especially Aunt Chen!

She was Liu Fang’s biological mother, and Liu Fang was born with difficulty after nine months of pregnancy. She really loves Liu Fang wholeheartedly.

However, Aunt Chen at that time, and the Liu family at that time, it was impossible nor was she allowed to do more.

Therefore, when Liu Fang was a child, she basically could only see her father, mother, and biological mother within the specified time.

At that time, Liu Fang could only meet all the family members including her eldest brothers occasionally: After all, she was too different from them in age, and each was busy with their daily life, so they had no chance to get along with each other.

At that time, they all lived in a frame, and no one wanted to break it.

If there was no this disaster, everyone depended on each other all the way, getting along day and night, she was afraid they would not have discovered all this.

If they had a peaceful journey and Liu Fang never take action, then they would never have imagined that their daughter (sister) would be a person with high martial arts skills.

Liu Fang’s general idea was she will go through this life smoothly and peacefully, complete the task – get married and have children and then die of old age naturally.

But the reality was reality, and there were no in case and no ifs.

Her martial arts protected her family along the way, but it also aroused the guilt in their hearts, and dug out their hidden memories in the past! Feeling in debt toward her.

In Liu Fang’s view, this was completely unnecessary.

They are a family! Love and cherish each other so how can it say they owe her?

But because her family was so good, it was only natural for them to feel indebted to her.

What else can Liu Fang say about this?

It can only be like this ╮(︶﹏︶)╭, as long as they are happy.

Therefore, Liu Fang quietly waited for Aunt Chen to vent. After she had cried enough and stopped completely. Liu Fang gently wiped her tears, quietly touched the back of her head with her left hand, and gently pressed her sleeping point.

Aunt Chen closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Liu Fang hugged her, got up, walked up to Liu Mo and said, “Sixth elder brother, Auntie is tired, you can let her sleep in the carriage for a while.”

Liu Mo looked at her, nodded, took Aunt Chen, and said: “Fourt younger sister, you are a younger sister, so don’t put too much pressure on yourself. As elder brothers, we are not without ability. You can let us do some things. The most important thing is that you are happy.”

Liu Fang smiled, “Okay, I see.”

Liu Mo nodded, carried Aunt Chen into the mule cart that had been sorted out, settled her down, got off the cart, and continued to work.


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