Happiness Consists in Contentment

Farmer's Wife

Chapter 30 Farmer’s Wife

What kind of answer is this?

Liu Fang became puzzled and also felt strange.

In her impression, Aunt Chen was a very peaceful person. She can stay in her own yard and not come out for a year. The days spent were still very unrestrained, very satisfied, and comfortable.

However, Liu Fang knew since she was a child that Madam Liu actually hated Aunt Chen very much.

But the strange thing was Madam Liu didn’t care about Aunt Chen giving birth to a son and a daughter, and she still supported Aunt Chen well. The servants were not even allowed to speak ill of Aunt Chen in private, or instigate her relationship with Aunt Chen.

This really puzzled Liu Fang.

This was totally unreasonable and not normal.

Logically speaking, if Madam Liu hated Aunt Chen so much, she would definitely make things difficult for her, but she didn’t. If you say that she treats Aunt Chen pretty well, but she didn’t want to see Aunt Chen, and won’t let her come out to pay greeting…

And what about Aunt Chen? She was really honest, stayed very obedient, was content with her lot, and never appeared in front of Madam Liu.

According to Aunt Chen, Madam Liu was very good and never complains or was jealous.

This was so strange!

Just like now, Liu Fang looked at Aunt Chen’s face full of gratitude to Madam. Liu. She really doesn’t understand.


A flashed of thunder and lightning, mixed with what seemed to be the sound of horseshoes came from a distance.

Liu Fan went to the door and looked into the distance, and saw a group of people on horseback hurrying towards their side.

He turned around and walked up to Father Liu and said, “Father, there is a group of people on horseback outside. According to visual inspection, there are about ten people. It seems that they are here to shelter from the rain.”

Father Liu said, “The temple is so big, it shouldn’t be a problem.”

Liu Fan nodded, then turned around and asked everyone to give up more than half of the space for the visitors.

It happened that the eldest young madam had cooked dinner, so everyone gathered for dinner first.

The second master⎯⎯Liu Ying and Liu Fan exchanged glances, and nodded: I don’t know whether the visitor is good or bad, and there are old and young in their family, so we still have to be careful.

The others also understood and prepared carefully.

Before they finished their meal, the people arrived outside the ruined temple.

“Seventh Master, take shelter from the rain here first, it’s not far from the capital.” 


Everyone got off their horses neatly, led the horses, and walked in, seeing the Liu family, the leader Seventh Master was stunned and taken aback.

Seeing that they were eating, Seventh Master lifted the hat covering his head, cupped his hands, and said: “Excuse me, I am here to shelter from the rain, please bear with me for a while.” 

Liu Fan got up and replied, “Young master, you are polite, this is a land without an owner, make yourself comfortable. there is no need to be so polite.”

Seventh Master smiled, “Thank you.”

Liu Fan also smiled, “Please, young master.”

Seventh Master took the others to the other side of the temple. On the one hand, keep a distance from Liu family and organize the arrangements.

Liu Fang looked at them, then lowered her eyes and continued to eat, and Liu Fan also sat down to eat again.

For a while, they did not disturb each other, quiet and peaceful.

It’s just that when the Liu family started drinking fish soup, the people on Seventh Master’s side felt a little uncomfortable. Seeing the cold dry food in their hands, they swallowed involuntarily.

Seeing this, Father Liu asked Liu Fan to give half of the fish soup to the other party. Seventh Master was grateful, Liu Fan also sat down and chatted with Seventh Master.

Seventh Master said with a smile, “I’m a merchant. I happened to be returning to the capital, but it was raining heavily. I couldn’t help it. I was afraid that the goods would be damaged. I was really tired, so I came in to take shelter from the rain.” 

Liu Fan looked at the box on the ground, smiled, and only nodded to pretend to believe, but he was very worried in his heart: The other party was probably a noble, and he didn’t know if it will implicate his family or not.

Liu Fang could also see it. The others looked at each other. Except for the ignorant children who were sleepy after eating, all the adults were worried.

Seeing the sky gradually darken, everyone became more and more uneasy.

Liu Fan had already returned to the Liu family, discussed with Father Liu, Liu Ying and others, and then each of them explained in a low voice to their wives, and the few servants Liang momo and others.

In short, if something unexpected happens tonight, they will take people to hide quickly to avoid being implicated.

But Liu Fang felt that if something happened, they would definitely not be able to hide as much as they wanted. But things have come to this, even if it was really so unlucky, she can only do her best to protect their safety.

As for the group of people on the opposite side? Sorry, she didn’t have that much free time.

It was often written in novels: when the moon is dark and the wind is high, it is time to kill people.

Liu Fang always thought it was an exaggeration: the sky is dark, and you still kill people? Can you see it?

However, when she actually met the situation, she realized that she was naive. They came with a torch, they naturally could see it!

In the middle of the night, when the ruined temple was quiet, everyone was resting with their eyes closed. As for whether they fell asleep, only they knew.

What broke the calm first was a rain of arrows breaking through the window!

All at once woke up everyone, oh, except the kids.

Liu Fan and others hurriedly hid the children in their arms, and Father Liu also took Madam Liu to hide behind the tall Buddha statue.

Aunt Chen was about to pull Liu Fang to hide, but Liu Fang pulled her first, stuffed her behind the Buddha statue where Father Liu and Madm Liu were hiding, and said to them: “Don’t come out.”

After saying this she pull the iron whip at the waist, went to the stone platform where the Buddha statue was enshrined, and guarded it.

Here, as long as she guards, Father Liu and the others will be safe and sound.

Aunt Chen was about to die of anger, she anxiously shouted to Liu Fang: “Daughter, come back quickly!”

Father Liu immediately covered her mouth and said, “Don’t shout! What if you lead people to Liu Fang? What to do?”

Aunt Chen could only feel anxious, her eyes were red, but she really didn’t dare to shout.

Madam Liu comforted her, “Don’t worry, Liu Fang is not a reckless person, she must be sure to do this. Let’s not hold her back, just stay honest and help her.” 

Aunt Chen could only silently weep and nod, only then did Father Liu put down his hand, “Don’t worry, Liu Fang will be fine.”

Aunt Chen cried and nodded, “Well, she will be fine.”

The other party probably came with a lot of people. After releasing the rain of arrows, they began to surround them and went straight to the Seventh Master’s side.

Of course, several men in black surrounded and stabbed Liu Fang with their swords.

Probably the opponent thought that Liu Fang was an amateur fighter, so their attacks were not sharp.

This instead gave Liu Fang a chance. After all, she has no actual combat experience.

In the last mission, she had a smooth life, and even if something happened, her elder brothers and elder sisters could take care of it. As for this mission, even though she had tested her own martial arts, she hadn’t really fought anyone, let alone an assassin like this.

Therefore, she really has little experience.

It’s all right now, the other party despises her because she was a woman, but she has a chance to adapt to actual combat.

In the beginning, Liu Fang was a little flustered. It was her first time, and feeling nervous was inevitable.

After that, she slowly found the feeling, and her movement became more and more comfortable.

The other party was taken aback!

It was fine if they can’t kill Liu Fang immediately. But now, none of the three of them can take her down, and there were signs of losing to her.

The other party looked at each other, and as soon as their moves changed, immediately became more fierce and deadly.

As said earlier, Liu Fang’s body, muscles, and bones were all extraordinary in this mission. In addition to the martial arts cheats she has learned, the Liu family just thought it was child’s play for coaxing the children and letting her do what she wanted. But she knows her own level, she can be said to be a master.

Since she was a master, how could she be killed by just three opponents after she got used to the actual combat?

Therefore, while the Liu family was stunned, Liu Fang’s iron whip was like lightning, and with three swipes, the three of them were wiped out!

Everyone who was fighting was shocked when they saw it!

Seventh Master’s heart skipped a beat, this couldn’t be the elder brother’s backup, right?

Such a powerful character, they can’t beat it!

Seventh Master felt that his group of ten or so people couldn’t handle it, and those who came to assassinate him also felt that it was not good. Why was there such a master on the other side? The information didn’t mention this!

The information is wrong! It’s killing them!

Assassins: (ㄒoㄒ).

Seeing that the situation was not good, the assassin leader hurriedly blew his whistle, signaling to retreat!

Seeing this, Seventh Master hurriedly said to Liu Fang who was about to stay where she was, “Young lady, no one should be left alive. If they go back, your family will die!”

Liu Fang turned to look at him, ” What about you?”

Seventh Master was stunned, then understood, and hurriedly said: “I swear, after leaving here, I will never see young lady’s family. If I violate it, I will be struck by lightning!”

Liu Fang sneered, “There is no need for thunder. I will personally come to your door and chop you.”

Seventh Master: …(ー_ー)!! Is this the time to say this?

Liu Fang knew that the other party was using her, but he was right, if these assassins returned alive, it would be a disaster for her family!

She can’t be soft-hearted! Now is not the time to be a saint!

Therefore, Liu Fang stepped down and said to Seventh Master, “Send some good men to follow me, and the others stay here to protect my family. If something happened to them you don’t have to live.”

With a flash Liu Fang went straight to chase the assassin leader, her movement was very gracefull, and stopped them with a backhand whip.

Seventh Master quickly asked his guard leader to lead a few people to help, while he personally guarded in front of the Liu family.

The Liu family: …

Liu Fang deserves to have a body with extraordinary talent, and her moves were agile and neat. The assassin leader couldn’t survive two moves under her hands and died.

The assassins on the side saw it and were so frightened that they tried their best to escape. Moreover, Liu Fang’s speed was too fast, and Seventh Master’s guard leader led others to help intercept.

The iron whip in her hand was like a silver dragon, and her movement was graceful like dancing, but she reaped the lives of assassins just by raising her hand!

The blood was washed away under the heavy rain, leaving only a faint smell of blood in the cold air.

When Liu Fang stopped her move and stood with her hands behind her back, all the assassins were lying on the ground.

The leader Zhang Zhuo looked at this scene in awe. Standing in the center of the courtyard, the girl dressed in coarse green clothes had a cold face, like a fairy with an outstanding appearance!

Was Liu Fang beautiful?

There was a biological mother with a beautiful face, so she was naturally beautiful.


  1. 😍🤩 this is what im craving for

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