Happiness Consists in Contentment

The Scholar’s Wife

Chapter 14 The Scholar’s Wife


Madam Liu lowered her head and curled her lips, “Am I this old?”

Pei momo smiled, “That’s right, Miss. In a blink of an eye, you are already a grandmother.”

Madam Liu snorted “I have been a grandmother long ago. Don’t you see how old their children are, they are almost ready to get married.”

Pei momo nodded, “That’s right. The eldest son of the eldest master is already fourteen years old and is about to get engaged. Eldest master also is in his thirties, right?”

“Isn’t it?” Madam Liu sighed, “I still remember how lively the night was when the eldest son just got married! He was still young and so happy that he almost got drunk…”

Pei momo looked at madam Liu with a smile and said softly: “The eighteenth young lady was born at that time.”

Madam Liu smiled, “Yes. This girl knows how to pick a time. The mansion was very busy at that time. At the evening, she was born. Not long after she was born, her elder brother set off to welcome the bride into the mansion… In a blink of an eye, she is going to get married too.”

Pei momo saw Madam Liu’s eyes flush, and quietly supported her, walked slowly and listened quietly.

“At that time, I hadn’t held a baby for many years. Even when Anhe was born, I just glanced at her. But for some reason, when little eighteen was born, hearing her little cries, I feel panicked…”

Madam Liu smiled as if she saw the frenzy in the mansion that evening: “But it’s very strange. When I stretched out my hand to hug her. Her eyes didn’t open, and she stopped crying immediately, she was so cute.”

“The eighteenth young lady has always been the cutest.”

“Yes! She’s so cute, she’s always getting teased by Anhe and Anzhuang. These two children have been mischievous since they were young. However, Anfang is still so silly, and always speaks well for them… What a fool.”

Pei momo smiled and said, “Eighteenth young lady is not stupid.”

Madam Liu laughed, “Yes, yes, she is not stupid. She is just too obedient.”

“It’s good that madam knows.”

“I know you love her. When she was young, as soon as she has craving, she didn’t dare to find me, but she will always go find you. You are the one who dotes on her the most.”

“Does madam not love the eighteenth young lady? You love her more than I do.”

Madam Liu smiled, “I do love her. But the more I love her, the more I was afraid. You didn’t know, at that time when I knew that Qi Yiniang almost made her suffer from tuberculosis, I wished I could kill that idiot!”

Speaking of this, Madam Liu still gritted her teeth, “After all, it was her biological child. How could she be so careless? A four-year-old child almost died overnight! At that time, I really wanted to kill her.” 

The corner of Pei momo‘s mouth twitched, “It’s like you don’t know what kind of person Qi Yiniang is. What else can she do besides cry? You have endured it for so many years, why bother to think about these things.”

“I was annoyed with her!” Madam Liu curled her lips and said, “Of course, I know. I also know that she has such a temperament. She is as soft as a piece of dough, and she can’t be kneaded. But I really didn’t expect her to be stupid! She can’t even take care of a child!”

“In the end, the eighteenth young lady is an auspicious person, turning every calamity into good luck! It’s just that madam has worked so hard in those days, and the lingering effect of the disease is still left behind.”

Madam Liu shook her head, “She called me mother, naturally, I have to do what a mother should do. Children are all the same, they came to this world cleanly, they should not be involved in the affairs of adults. Besides, they are all good children, and they have lived up to my hard work.”

“It’s just,” Madam Liu looked up at the distant sky, and said with emotion: “Momo, I never expected that one day I would really spend my whole life in the inner courtyard like this. The youthful me was also full of fresh clothes and strong horses, full of liveliness. At that time, I was thinking that I would use all my abilities to gain a foothold in the court and make a name for myself in the world! At least I had to leave a mark in Qing History, but I didn’t expect…”

[Xian Yi Nu Ma (鲜衣怒马) generally describes noble sons with glamorous appearances, wearing the most beautiful clothes, and riding the most powerful horses]

In the end, it was just a dream, no match for the cruelty of reality

Pei momo looked at Madam Liu distressedly, “Miss…”

Madam Liu smiled, looked at her, and said: “I used to be unwilling. On what basis women can only guard the inner courtyard? Are women really inferior to men? I also don’t want to turn myself into a mediocre woman who can only see a small area of the world. However, after I gave birth to Geng’er, I realized: Mother is also the greatest role of a woman! How difficult it is to be a good mother! And I have been doing it for more than thirty years.” Madam Liu looked at the courtyard’s flowers and trees, and the soft and peaceful lights hanging on the veranda.

“Perhaps when I was young, I still had some resentment in my heart. But now…” Madam Liu shook her head and said with a smile, “Momo, I feel that I have lived a very lucky and happy life!”

Pei momo’s eyes were red, smiled and said, “It’s good for miss to feel happy!” “

“Okay, momo, it’s getting late, let’s go back early and have a rest. By the way, tomorrow asked Cuiying to open the storeroom and pick out some good things… We should start preparing the dowry for Anfang! “


The figures of the two gradually drifted away. The servants followed behind them at a distance, and they couldn’t hear the discussion between the two of them…

The night gradually became quiet, and tomorrow will be a new day.

    … …

After getting engaged, Liu Fang’s life has not changed much. She still has to do morning exercises, greet Madam Liu in the morning and evening, and practice calligraphy and painting.

But there were still changes.

For example, the wedding dress has to be embroidered. Although the dowry was prepared by Madam Liu, she also has to follow Madam Liu. The first reason was to learn, and the other was to let her choose her own dowry. What’s more, Yang An started to communicate with her frequently.

Almost one letter a day, Liu Fang was actually quite surprised that he has so many words, never repeating the same words, and the writing was brilliant, which makes Liu Fang very ashamed!

——Her reply seems to be very ordinary, and it was too plain. Did she need to study more, in case there was a generation gap between the two of them when they got married…

When Anhe returned home on the third day, Liu Fang saw that she hadn’t changed much, and she was still living a free life. It was said that she moved out of the Count Wenyi Mansion the next day.

[A traditional wedding custom of the Han nationality. It refers to the first time a woman returns to her natal family to visit relatives after she gets married. The newlyweds return to their parents-in-law’s home after the third day of their marriage, and for the bride, it is to return to her mother’s home after becoming a married woman for the first time]

Liu Fang really didn’t know what to say about this seventeenth elder sister. Madam Wenyi was probably just being polite, but she didn’t expect this silly couple to move out in such a hurry!

It was also a talent!

Madam Liu also rolled her eyes when she heard this, and said to Anhe angrily: “You just do what you want!”

Anhe smiled and shrugged her shoulders in disapproval, “Don’t worry, mother. Daughter knows very well that mother-in-law is happy !”

Madam Liu: … Haha. Believe your evil!

Liu Fang also shook her head at a loss for words, “Elder sister, are you sure Madam Wenyi is really happy? Isn’t she holding back and preparing to kill you?”

Anhe was annoyed, “Am I that stupid? If it wasn’t for my mother-in-law really wishing we could move out, how could I move out the next day after I got married, I’m not stupid!”

Liu Fang: …You are being despised by others, and you still feel quite proud? (ー_ー)!!

Madam Liu: … I can’t even look at this stupid daughter! →_→

Anhe curled her lips, “Okay. I know. My mother-in-law just dislikes me and my husband. But what can I do? My mother-in-law is an upright person, and for me, my back hurts if I sit upright just for a moment. I really can’t stand it. Isn’t it pretty good now. My husband and I have moved out, and it will be fine to greet them often in the future. We don’t have to dislike each other anymore, right? “

Liu Fang, Madam. Liu: …

“Whatever, you’ve married anyway, live as you like.”

Madam Liu finished speaking angrily, and directly drove Anhe and Liu Fang out.

Anhe and Liu Fang stood at the door and looked at each other.

Anhe shrugged: It has nothing to do with me!

Liu Fang stared at her dumbfounded: It has nothing to do with you. Who else is it related to?

Anhe shrugged again: Well, there is a little.

Liu Fang: …That’s enough!


Life went in the midst of turmoil from time to time, and time also passed unknowingly.

In June, Liu Fang’s eldest nephew, the eldest son of the eldest brother got engaged.

In August, Liu Fang held the hairpin ceremony.

In December, after Yang An’s unremitting efforts, Madam Liu finally agreed to hold their wedding.

Liu Fang is finally going to get married!


The 18th day of December, it was time to get married.

On this day, the people of the entire capital crowded into the streets to watch the excitement, talking about this unexpected marriage.

“Hey, this young master of the Yang family is really lucky! To be able to climb up to Duke Liu Mansion is also a genius! “

“I heard that he is very handsome!” “

“The young lady in the Duke Liu Mansion must be ugly. Otherwise, how could she fall in love with him?” It is also hard for Young Master Yang to bear such humiliation…”

“Tsk tsk, these words are so bitter! How do you know that the young lady in the Duke Liu Mansion must be ugly? All the people in the capital know that Duke Liu Mansion is famous for producing beauty! Whether it is a son or a daughter, they are good-looking, and were praised by everyone.”

“But, this eighteenth young lady has always been rumored to be ugly!”

“Oh, she was born in a family like Duke Liu Mansion, and her brothers and sisters all have good looks. Even if she is ugly, she looks better than you and me. Even if she is ugly in the eyes of others. This ‘ugly’ is still good-looking compared to you and me, so why do you have the confidence to say that the other person is ugly!”

“Uh…you haven’t seen her before, how do you know that the eighteenth young lady of Duke Liu Mansion is not ugly?”

“Hey, you don’t need to mention it. I really have seen her before. On that days, when visiting the lake on the outskirt of the capital. I have the honor to meet the two young ladies from the Duke Liu Mansion. No matter which one between them is the eighteenth young lady, they are more beautiful than me. I don’t think I am ugly, so how can you say that the young lady from the Duke Liu Mansion is ugly?”

Everyone looked at his face which was delicate and pretty, but the skin was a bit dark, so it didn’t look that good, but it really can’t be said to be ugly

In this way, everyone nodded in agreement.

“Yeah, in this case, that young lady isn’t ugly!”

“I don’t know who is so wicked, to always say that the young lady is as plain as a pikestaff, it’s too mean and vicious!”

“Yes, yes …”

“That’s why Mr. Yang is really lucky! Not only has he climbed up to the Duke Liu Mansion, but he can still marry such a beautiful lady!”

Everyone nodded in agreement!

Envious, and a little bit jealous. →_→

Let’s not talk about the bustle on the street, the Duke Liu Mansion was also very busy.

The servants shuttled back and forth, swift and agile. The guests and relatives had already arrived at the door, giving congratulation one after another.


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