Happiness Consists in Contentment


Liu Fang knows that she was dead, nevertheless a sudden death from overwork!

She watched calmly as her body was discovered by her colleagues, called an ambulance, and the police. Then after a lot of hustle and bustle, notified her parents, elder brother, elder sister, younger brother…

Watching her body being cremated, watching the insurance company come over one after another to talk to her parents about the insurance benefits, and the company boss also came to talk about the compensation for her sudden death due to overwork

After seeing her own funeral and seeing so many people come to offer their condolences. Liu Fang thinks that she has no regrets in this life

A college student who came from a rural area, she struggled all the way from poverty to the present. Now she has a house in the fourth ring road, a nice car, and a lot of savings in this first-tier city, and bought for herself a pile of insurance, a will was made, and after death, so many people come to mourn and send her off, which was enough.

[Shi huan lu (四环路) is a controlled-access expressway ring road in Beijing, China which runs around the city, with a radius of approximately 8 kilometers (5.0 mi) from city center]

At least, her parents did not favor sons over daughters and did not treat her badly. She was admitted to the university, and her family, including her elder brother, elder sister, and younger brother, did their best to provide for her.

She also lived up to their expectations: she had excellent grades all the way to university, she completed her studies with a first-class scholarship, and she went out to work all the way to her death, and was highly valued by the company boss.

After her death, she also left all her property to her parents, so that they can at least have something to depend on so that the white-haired person will not have nothing after sending the black-haired person.

[Bai fa ren song hei fa ren (白發人送黑發人) refers to offspring that died before its eldership]

Liu Fang feels that she has done what she can do, and she has no regrets in this life!

Standing in front of her own tombstone, sending away her parents who were still supporting each other, and her older siblings and younger brothers who were still crying silently, Liu Fang looked at the photo of herself on the tombstone with mixed emotions.

Time can calm the grief of her relatives, but she was probably one of the few people who still can watch her cremation, burial, and finally erecting a monument after her death.

This things really makes people feel complicated.

“Uh, here it is. You are Liu Fang, right?”

Just as Liu Fang was immersed in her thoughts. A man in a pure black suit and a black notebook appeared in front of her.

“Are you Liu Fang? Alright, time is up, it’s time to go with me.”

Liu Fang looked at the man with hesitation on her face. When the man saw this, he didn’t talk nonsense. He waved his hand, and a black chain instantly flew out of the cuff and wrapped around Liu Fang’s neck in an instant.

Liu Fang only felt that her body was not under her control. As soon as that man pull, she rushed forward.

She was startled, thinking that she would fall, but she didn’t expect that in just a moment, the time and space has changed, and she come to another place.

There was a long asphalt road in front of her, and there was a tall gate tower not far away, which reads: Underworld!

(⊙o⊙)! ! !

So, this is the underworld? then the one pulling the chain is Ox’s head? Horse face?

[Niu tou (牛頭) and ma mian (馬面) are two guardians of the underworld in Chinese mythology. As indicated by their names, both have the bodies of men, but Ox-Head has the head of an ox while Horse-Face has the face of a horse. They are the first beings a dead soul encounters upon entering the underworld; in many stories, they directly escort the newly dead to the underworld]

The man in black pulled Liu Fang into the underworld, then waved his hand, took back the chains, and said to her as he walked, “Liu Fang, you are dead, did you know that? Now, you have already entered the underworld. As for me, I am the messenger that is responsible for sending the soul.”

“The messenger?” Liu Fang raised her eyebrows, “But you don’t look like it at all.”

His appearance looked like the elites in the city.

“Well, it almost has the same meaning as the past Ox’s head and Horse face, also the black and white impermanent. However, now is the new century, and the work of the underworld is very different. In the past, Ox’s head and Horse face, black and white impermanence were popular. Now, little fresh meat and handsome uncle is the mainstream. There is no choice, the underworld also has to keep up with the trend and can only change the appearance of the messenger. Haven’t you seen that even the gates of the underworld have been rebuilt? Besides, there are so many people waiting for reincarnation in the underworld now, but there are fewer and fewer people in the world who are willing to have children. The underworld has heavy work and needs many messengers. So, now all the messengers looked like me.”

[Xiao xian rou (小鮮肉) is an internet buzzword in China used to describe handsome young males. It is most commonly used for celebrities, particularly rising stars]

Liu Fang suddenly said, “Then am I going to wait at the Naihe Bridge now?”

[In Chinese folklore, the souls of people must cross the Naihe Bridge to reincarnate. The bridge located in the underworld]

The messenger smiled, “No need. There is no more place at Naihe Bridge. It has been overcrowded eight hundred years ago. Now, you first report to the archives, and then take a look at your merits and demerits during your lifetime. And then queue up for reincarnation. “

Liu Fang followed along and looked around, and found that the entire underworld was like a big city that combines modern and ancient times, with spacious roads, tall buildings, neat houses, various types of shops, and people walking on the streets. Uh, or souls?

In short, if Liu Fang hadn’t known that she was really dead, and this place was indeed the underworld. She would have thought she was just on a business trip to another prosperous city.

The archive was actually The book of life and death that the judges used to manage, but now the human population was so large, so many people live and die every day, the underworld was also very busy, and the judge alone cannot handle it.

[The Book of Life and Death is a record of the lifespan of the human being or other sentient beings in the underworld in Buddhism, Taoism, and East Asian folk beliefs. The lifespan of each person is different. The “Book of Life and Death” records the length of each person’s lifespan and all life information from birth to death is contained in it]

Moreover, the underworld was full of souls, in order to solve these problems Regarding the work and life of souls, the underworld has also thought of a lot of ways and created many positions, so that these souls can stay in the underworld in peace. This was how the archive room was born.

When Liu Fang arrived at the archive room, the staff put out her files, checked her merits and demerits during her lifetime, and told her that there was a little merit, and if she waited for reincarnation, it would take at least a thousand or two thousand years.

Liu Fang: =_=!

A thousand or two thousand years?! Surely not a joke?

The staff of the archives has seen many new souls like this, they patiently said: “Now in the human world, in addition to the great evil and great good judgment: the former is directly thrown into the eighteenth hell and after punishment they will directly throw into the animal realm and let them reincarnate; the latter just depends on how much merit they have to jump into the queue to reincarnate. Most of the others are ordinary people. What does it mean by ordinary people? There is no great evil, not even a small amount of evil, and there is no great good, but a little good. In this way, there is not much merit and virtue. Those in the front line up waiting to be reincarnated, and those in the back who jump in line because of enough merit, go back and forth, and naturally, the time to wait for reincarnation will be longer. “

Seeing that Liu Fang’s expression was quite calm after listening, the staff continued, “Actually, you don’t need to feel unfair. Anyone who can jump in the queue and reincarnate has a lot of merit. They must be the kind of scientists who have made great contributions to mankind, the heroes who sacrificed themselves for others, and the soldiers who guarded the country who died young. When people are alive, they serve the country and the people, and they make selfless devotion. After they die, it’s actually nothing, right? You can’t sacrifice them before and after death. This is the biggest injustice, isn’t it? In short, you are going to be reincarnated now, and the queue must be very long. And now the underworld is not allowed to use ghost coins because of the proliferation of printing coins in the world. Moreover, the civilized memorial can no longer continue to burn paper, so the current currency in the underworld is all merit. You don’t have much merit and virtue, you can go to the recruitment office in front and ask if there are any jobs you can do. There are many departments in the underworld now, and there are plenty of positions. You can rest assured that you will be able to find a job. “

Okay, what can a newcomer do?

Liu Fang was stunned after hearing this, and went out of the archives room. At a glance, there was the recruitment office.

It was right in front!

Liu Fang crossed the road and walked away. Entering the recruitment office, as soon as she enter the door, a staff member greets Liu Fang and asks Liu Fang’s work intention.

Very good, it was exactly the same as the human resources company in the human world.

“Like this, there are many departments in the underworld, and there are also many jobs. Specifically, the quick transmigration department has the most jobs. Your waiting for reincarnation must be very long. I suggest that you should apply for a job in the quick transmigration department. First, quick transmigration, you must have read the novel, and you must have a certain understanding. You went through a world, you can live a whole new life, and you can learn something. Second, the quick transmigration department is also a place where you can accumulate merits relatively quickly. What do you think?”

After some inquiries, the staff quickly gave advice, and it was quite relevant when Liu Fang heard it, so she agreed.

After filling out the application form, Liu Fang followed the staff out of the recruitment office and walked to the fast-passing department at the back of the street. Along the way, she also passed some system departments, express delivery departments, intermediaries and the like.

When she arrived at the quick transmigration department, the minister received her, read her application form, and said: “Well, recently, there is a concubine department in the quick transmigration department that is relatively short of staff. The main reason is that there are no challenges and not many merits. Let’s take a closer look at the case.”

Then the minister waved his hand, and something like a volley screen appeared, with the names of the cases lined up densely.

“Actually, it is a case published by some transparent concubine in various small worlds. Their wishes are very simple, that is to live a good life and not be cannon fodder. As long as you live your life till the end of your life, they are willing to give merit. Of course, this kind of merits is not much. The minimum is five, and not more than ten. The good thing is that there is no house fighting and other messy things. Look, do you want to do it? if you want to, we will officially handle the entry. The salary is the salary of regular workers, the basic salary is 500 merits, and one case will be submitted with a little merit, plus the merits paid by the original owner of the case. In addition, the company will cover three meals, five Insurance and one housing fund. What do you think?”

Five insurances and one housing fund? Liu Fang was a little confused. However, she looked at the dense case names, and it was really not particularly difficult, or perhaps she needed to fight, and that’s fine.

“Then do these cases require marriage and childbirth?”

“Cough, of course. To be honest with you, it is because the people who published these cases are not beautiful women themselves, nor do they have a particularly outstanding family background. The range of people who can choose to marry is not very top-notch, so many newcomers are reluctant to accept them. As for the old one, they also feel that there is no challenge, and there is not much merit, so no one does these tasks. I have accumulated so much. To put it bluntly, many publishers have been reincarnated, but when they first came, they always felt that they had regrets in their lives and wanted to live a better life, or in other words, live a smoother and more stable life. They came here to announce these tasks, and the merits were also left by them at that time. So, you don’t have to be burdened. As long as you live in peace and die naturally, you can complete the tasks and get merit points.”

It seems that these cases were very simple, Liu Fang was a little moved.

“Can you let me try it first?” 

The minister was very happy, “Okay, You can try. This way, you can try a task first, and then make a contract when you’re done, how about it?”

Liu Fang felt relieved and nodded, “Okay. .”

In this way, Liu Fang temporarily stayed in the temporary lounge of the quick transmigration department, and the minister chose a task for her and asked her to try it.

“Before doing the task, I have to make it clear to you. Every time you transmigrate, you are transmigrated as a fetus, which makes it easier for you to accept the background of the times around you. However, the background of the dynasties in the small world you go to will also change when you enter, it is automatically stored in your mind, and you can read it at any time, which is equivalent to a smart world map and a world history museum. Specifically, you will understand when you go. Now, I will send you there. “

Liu Fang lay on the bed in the lounge, her eyes darkened, and when she woke up again, she was in a different world.


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