Grand Duke's Beloved Granddaughter


Upon seeing the manifested divine power on my hand, Anita let out a small exclamation of amazement.

The light shone brightly, like the sun in the sky, but strangely, it didn’t dazzle or hurt my eyes when I looked at it.

Instead, it felt soothing and relieved any sense of fatigue.

I was also fascinated by the light and stared at it for a long time.

“Well done. You learn quickly. Soon, you’ll be able to reach even higher levels.”

“Truly astonishing!”

Along with Vibru’s words, Lionel exclaimed with awe.

“Mirabel, you are truly more remarkable than I thought.”

Lionel checked the divine power I created with a slightly awed expression.

Feeling a bit excited, I concentrated even more to enhance the divine power.

And then, suddenly…


With a loud sound, the bright light shining on my hand suddenly dissipated. Startled, I took a step back and accidentally bumped my bottom, causing me to wince in pain.


“Little miss!”

“Are you okay?”

Calina and Anita rushed to me anxiously, examining my condition.

Although I was surprised by the sudden explosion of light, fortunately, I was unharmed.

“Are you alright?”

“Oh, yes. I’m fine.”

I brushed off my startled heart and looked at Calina and Anita, who were concerned about me.

“I’m fine. Are you both okay? Did either of you get hurt?”

“We’re fine. We’re just relieved that you’re not hurt.”

“Yeah, we were so startled.”

“I’m sorry for surprising you. And thank you for worrying about me, both of you.”

With Calina’s help, I stood up. Anita quickly brushed off the dirt around my bottom with her small hand.

“Father, why did this suddenly happen?”

Trying to calm my still-startled heart, I asked Lionel.

Lionel, still taken aback, couldn’t utter a word.

“Lionel, Father?”

As I called Lionel’s name, he finally regained his senses.

“Are you alright?”

Looking at him, who belatedly expressed concern for me, I nodded.

“I’m fine. I was a bit startled, and my bottom hurts a little from the fall… But why did that just happen?”

“You lacked the ability to control your divine power properly. It’s natural for the pressure to build up and burst if you keep gathering it recklessly, isn’t it?”

Vibru explained as if passing by. Then Lionel spoke up.

“The divine power condensed unevenly and scattered. Although you were startled by the sudden explosion, divine power itself doesn’t harm people, so it’s not dangerous.”

Both Vibru and Lionel were saying the same thing.

It seemed that because I couldn’t properly control the divine power and kept gathering it without caution, it ended up bursting.

Having too much divine power could even be risky, it occurred to me.

It seemed like I needed to learn how to control the divine power more precisely.

“By the way, I’ve heard about it in theory, but this is the first time I’ve actually witnessed it. The divine power getting so concentrated that it bursts.”


As Lionel muttered, I raised my head and looked at him. He confirmed my state with an amazed gaze and smiled.

“If I were to assess your situation, you have already felt and manifested the divine power. So, what comes next is how to control this divine power more precisely. There’s something I need, so please wait for a moment, will you?”

“Sure, I’ll wait.”

Upon hearing my response, Lionel Priest briskly walked off somewhere.

I watched his retreating figure as he headed somewhere.

“It seems like you possess extraordinary abilities. The fact that the priest is so astonished…”

Calina, unaware that I had become a chosen one and a saint under Vibru’s selection, mumbled to herself, facing me.

Feeling a little embarrassed by the awkwardness of the situation, I let out a forced smile. Then a thought occurred to me, and I turned to Calina and Anita.

“Just in case, I hope we don’t mention what happened here to anyone else.”

It didn’t matter if others knew, but if it was Dainie, it would be a different story.

If Dainie found out that I was the saint of the Duana Temple, I couldn’t predict how she would react.

Fortunately, Calina and Anita were unaware of me being the saint.

Moreover, they had visited the Duana Temple upon hearing rumors about someone with potential for divine power, so even if word got out that I used divine power, it wouldn’t be a significant problem.

The crucial point was that the divine power I used was stronger and more significant than the usual.

“Of course, little miss. I am your maid, so don’t worry.”

“Thank you.”

Calina said with a smiling face.

“Yeah, I’m also your maid, little miss!”

Anita followed, her determined expression causing me and Calina to burst into laughter together.

At that moment, Lionel Priest began to approach us from a distance.

Putting aside the small talk, I observed Lionel Priest. In his approaching hand, there was a small crystal-like object.

“What is that?”

Unable to contain my curiosity, I asked Lionel Priest.

“Please accept it.”

Lionel Priest handed me the crystal he brought.

I bowed my head and examined the crystal. It felt familiar somehow.

“Do you remember the room you entered when you first visited the temple?”

Upon Lionel Priest’s words, I recalled the Crystal Chamber where I met Saint Fleon.

“Yes, I remember.”

I couldn’t forget it. That day, I experienced the moment when a person who had been perfectly alive turned into ashes in an instant. It was a shocking event that I had never experienced in my repeated lives.

And I remembered the mysterious crystals arranged in the room like furniture.

Belatedly, I realized that the crystal in my hand resembled those crystals from that time.

“Could it be… Did you bring this from there?”

“Yes, that’s correct.”

I asked just in case, and it turned out to be true.

“Why is that?”

As I examined the crystal, I asked. It was transparent and beautiful, but it gave me a slightly eerie feeling because it had no warm memories associated with it.

“I’m not sure if you remember, but this crystal has the ability to contain divine power. That’s why you were able to meet ‘that person’ in that place.”

I almost dropped the crystal at the unexpected revelation.

If Vibru was right, that room was where Saint Pleron, who had come from the future, was sealed.

And the power of this crystal, which enveloped the entire room, seemed to be the power that sealed him.

I couldn’t dare to drop the crystal I was holding and was unable to hold it properly. Looking at Lionel Priest in that state, he smiled faintly.

“With this small crystal, it won’t exert that much power, so you don’t have to worry.”

“Ah, I see.”

To reassure me, Lionel Priest added a remark. Although I didn’t distrust Lionel Priest’s words, I couldn’t completely hide my uneasiness.

“This crystal will help you suppress your overflowing divine power. From now on, please keep it with you as you practice.”

Realizing why Lionel Priest gave me this crystal, I nodded.

“Got it.”

“Now, let’s gather the divine power at your fingertips once again, shall we?”

Following Lionel Priest’s words, I held the crystal firmly in one hand and extended the other hand towards the empty space, concentrating my divine power.

Unlike before, where the divine power burst out in an instant and formed a bright haze at my fingertips, this time, it started gathering very faintly.

I opened my eyes wide, observing the divine power gathering and condensing on my hand like a thin thread.

I couldn’t believe the change that occurred merely by holding the crystal.

“Excellent. Now, let’s try shaping the divine power into a square.”

Lionel Priest first demonstrated the shape I should create.

I followed his lead, exerting effort to make the divine power appear as square as possible. It felt like kneading a lump of clay with something other than my hand.

However, the divine power did not move as I pleased.

No matter how many times I repeated and exerted effort, the entangled divine power remained in a circular thread, showing no sign of turning into a angular shape.

“Well, let’s stop here for today.”

While I was making an effort to shape the divine power into a square, Lionel Priest clapped his hands and spoke.

Finally, I dispersed the gathered divine power from my hand and released the tension in my shoulders.

I had been concentrating so intensely that my shoulders felt stiff. Not only that, but my forehead was also covered in sweat.

As I instinctively tried to wipe the sweat with my sleeve, Anita quickly took out a handkerchief and wiped my forehead for me.

“Thank you, Anita.”

“You’re welcome.”

I smiled as I looked at Anita, who smiled back at me.

“You must be tired today, so you can rest now. When would be convenient for you to come next time?”

Lionel Priest asked. After briefly considering my schedule, I hesitated before answering.

“I’ll come in six days at 1 p.m. That time should be available.”

“Sounds good. I’ll be waiting.”

After confirming the schedule, Lionel Priest guided us out of the temple.

As we left the temple and looked at the central clock tower, we realized that it was already past four o’clock.

We hadn’t realized the passage of time since arriving at the temple, and three hours had flown by.

Eager to return and rest, I got on the carriage. The carriage sped along the road at a moderate speed.

The breeze coming in through the window seemed to cool my body, which had heated up from manipulating the divine power.

Finally, when the carriage arrived at the Grand Plaza, it was time for me to get off.

I felt the gazes of people observing me as I stepped off the carriage.

Curious about the gazes, I looked around and unexpectedly saw Prince Adrian there.


Translator Note:

This chapter was translated by Bree.

Next chapter will be released on September, 9. To read chapters in advance support us on Patreon!!


RJR note: Sorry for writing in Bree post but I will be 2 weeks out (in a family travel) so don’t worry because this story won’t be dropped BUT during 2 weeks there won’t be any new release (even if it was tranlated by Bree). SORRY!!


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