Global Gamification: God-level Closed Beta Player

Chapter 8: It feels good to punch, but it feels better to pummel

A faint smell of blood permeated the campus.

“Senior, now that I’ve witnessed your ferocity during combat, I can say with certainty that your previous performance must have been pretty good. This Sunflower must have taken a fancy to your bravery and decided to develop you as a backup!”

Zhen Yu analyzed, “After all, to be able to group up with a god-like teammate in this apocalyptic world will greatly increase one’s survival rate.”


Sun Yuan was convinced.

Was the instinct of harem fighting engraved in a woman’s genes?

Zhen Yu somehow thought of many things with only a few text messages.

“If you think about it, maintaining a team of beauties is too tiresome. Aren’t I alone enough for you? You can do without her!”

Zhen Yu showed a smile, “Besides, I’m younger than her. Don’t I look cute in my high school uniform?” 1

“Sorry, but I prefer the mature type.”

Just as Sun Yuan was about to reply to Shen Jingran, she sent another message.

[I have to go now; we’re starting our strategy meeting for the tower of god. If there’s any news, I’ll secretly notify you.]

[Remember, don’t let anyone know that I was the one who gave you this information. Zheng Chun and his gang are barring you from all information; offenders would be the class traitors.]

[Be careful.]

“Are you seeing this? She ended the conversation when you didn’t reply. To advance by retreating; did her words make you feel as if she was willing to go against the entire world just for you?” 

Zhen Yu sneaked a peek at Sun Yuan, “To receive special treatment from the highly sought-after goddess, are you touched?”

“Not really.”

Sun Yuan exited WeChat, locked his phone, kept it in his pocket, and quickened his pace.

He spotted a few bicycles in the parking lot beneath the teaching building. There was also a shared electric scooter. The only reason it was still around was the three female spore monsters wandering nearby. 

Sun Yuan approached the monsters.

Before the hour is up, the spore monsters wouldn’t initiate any attacks. However, players approaching them were a different story.


The spore monsters growled and rushed over.

Zhen Yu tightened her grip on the pepper spray.

Sun Yuan kept his eyes on the first spore monster, waiting for the moment when she pounced. As he took a step forward diagonally to his right, dodging the attack, he twisted his waist and swung the baseball bat towards her head.


The head of the rain-infected spore monster exploded, leaving the headless body staggering a few steps before collapsing onto the ground.

First blood!

Zhen Yu mimicked the English announcement in League of Legends.

Her pronunciation was decent.

She was also taking pictures with her beloved R5 camera.

She thought he looked cool while fighting.

The other two spore monsters were swift and soon only 10 meters away from Sun Yuan, but he wasn’t afraid.

As his Street Fighter gloves activated, a burst of strength appeared within his body. He felt invincible and was ready to fight over a hundred battles.

He didn’t have space to dodge when both spore monsters attacked simultaneously. As such, Sun Yuan simply relied on brute force and swung the bat violently.

Peng! Peng! Peng!

The red and gold baseball bat caused small explosions whenever it hit the enemy. Not only was their body ruptured, but the impact also disrupted their attacks.

Both monsters were anxious, and they roared ferociously as they tried to grab Sun Yuan. However, his agility and strength were significantly increased due to the tripling of his physical abilities.

Ka-cha! Ka-cha!

The spore monsters were not in the least deterred when Sun Yuan broke all four of their arms. On the contrary, they intensified their attacks, hellbent on implanting their eggs in him.

Anyone else would have been deflated when faced with a barrage of attacks, but not him. He was equipped and experienced.

Sun Yuan took less than a minute to pound both spore monsters to their death.

The battered corpses fell to the ground.

Triple kill! You have slain three enemies.”

Zhen Yu mimicked as she clapped.

Sun Yuan ignored her and ran towards the shared electric scooter while keeping an eye on the door of the teaching building.

Six male students burst through the door abruptly and ran towards him. A bespectacled student asked, “Hey, where did you get that bat?”

“From the vending machine.”

Sun Yuan added, “I bought it with points.”

“Is it expensive?”

The bespectacled student looked enviously at the bat in Sun Yuan’s hand. Not only was it fashionable in red and gold, but it was also powerful. The explosions and blood splatters were reminiscent of the ultimate weapons in video games; it was very cool.

“Go see for yourself!”

Sun Yuan gave a prudent reply. He would be stupid to reveal the price tag of 6,000 points.

Just as he was about to inspect the battery level of the shared electric scooter, two students reached out as they grabbed onto the handlebar and seat.


Sun Yuan looked up.

The student holding onto the handlebar felt awkward as he made eye contact with Sun Yuan, but he did not let go. The other guy paid Sun Yuan no heed as he retrieved his mobile phone and attempted to scan the QR code.

It was a battle of speed.

“Hey! What are the two of you doing?”

Zhen Yu was angry.

It was apparent that the few of them hid in the school building in fear of the three spore monsters. Otherwise, they would have made off with the scooter already.

Now that Sun Yuan had killed the spore monsters, they came out immediately to take advantage of him.

Sun Yuan furrowed his brows as he smacked the guy with the phone on the wrist.


The phone dropped.

“F*ck, what are you doing?”

Chen Yanwu shouted as he hurriedly picked up his phone. He breathed a sigh of relief when he was sure the screen was undamaged, “This is the newest iPhone on the market. Can you afford to compensate me?”

“I should be the one asking you, what do you think you’re doing?”

Sun Yuan was pissed.

“This is a shared electric scooter. Didyou think it belonged to you?

Chen Yanwu argued as he pressed the confirmation button, unlocking the scooter.


Zhen Yu scorned.

“You were in the wrong here.”

The bespectacled student interrupted as he stared at Chen Yanwu, “There are so many bicycles lying around, can’t you just pick one of them? Why do you have to snatch their scooter?”

Chen Yanwu kept his mouth shut as he held the handlebar, intending to leave.

Less effort was needed to ride a scooter than to cycle.

No one was stupid.


Sun Yuan grabbed the handlebar in amusement.

“What’s wrong? You want to hit me again?”

Chen Yanwu raised his voice, “I’m from the faculty of law. If you harm me, not only will you be fined, you’ll also be thrown in prison.”

“Senior, ignore his nonsense and just whack him!”

Zhen Yu was infuriated.

There were all sorts of people in the world. Self-centered people like him were a dime a dozen.

Under normal circumstances, Sun Yuan would be wrong to attack him. But now that the world has been gamified, no one was around to enforce the law.

Sun Yuan released his grip on the handlebar.


Chen Yanwu snorted in delight; how dare he provoke the top student of the law department.

Sun Yuan should be grateful he wasn’t sued till he was bankrupt.

Just as he straddled the scooter and was ready to go, a red gloved fist flew over, punching him in the nose.


Chen Yanwu had his head knocked so far back that he was stunned as pain flooded his mind.

Plip! Plop!

Blood dribbled over his mouth as it dripped on the floor.

“Snap out of it and dial 110!”

Sun Yuan approached Chen Yanwu and gave him another punch as he spoke. 


Chen Yanwu staggered backward, losing two teeth.


Sun Yuan grabbed him by the collar and pulled him back for another punch.


Chen Yanwu reeled back and fell to the ground. He struggled but was unable to get back up.

“Senior is so domineering!”

Zhen Yu cheered.

Sun Yuan turned towards the other guy holding the handlebar.


He retracted his arms instantly, his face pale from fear.

“I-I’m going to sue you!”

To be pummeled before such a beautiful girl drove Chen Yanwu mad with embarrassment.

His father was a well-connected lawyer. If it wasn’t for the state of the world, Sun Yuan would be fined thousands of yuan and possibly kicked out of university.

But now…

Sun Yuan lifted his foot and kicked Chen Yanwu in the stomach.

“Go on, sue me. Make it quick.”

Sun Yuan got on the scooter, “Zhen Yu, go get a bicycle. Be quick; we’re leaving!”

“Cycling is tiring!”

Zhen Yu whined and sat on the basket of the scooter.

A shared electric scooter had no backseat.


Sun Yuan froze.

Although he had always been envious of couples riding scooters in such a manner, he felt awkward when he was the one doing it.

“Senior, it’s already the end of the world. No one cares anymore.”

Besides saving strength, Zhen Yu also wanted to get closer to Sun Yuan.

Riding together was the best way to raise affection. 


She was a master when it came to conquering hearts.

“Where do you plan on going?”

The bespectacled student parked his bicycle beside Sun Yuan and asked with a smile. His gaze, however, lingered on Chen Yanwu.


He wanted to rob someone with the courage to fight the monsters head-on. Wasn’t he looking for a beating?

“Kill the monsters.”

Sun Yuan was concise and to the point.

“Excuse me?”

The student went stiff.

“Senior, do you want to join us?”

Zhen Yu laughed and asked.

The bespectacled student looked towards Zhen Yu.

He wanted to group up with her, but it was too dangerous to fight the monsters.

“Why risk your life? We can just find a place to hide while we wait for the military to save us; what do you think?” 

He suggested.

He was impressed with Sun Yuan’s ability and wanted to follow him.

“The military won’t be coming!”

Sun Yuan chose to ignore Zhen Yu when he realized she had no intention of getting off. As time was precious, he rode off towards canteen 1 to kill rare monsters for equipment.

“Is anyone coming along?”

Zhen Yu asked.

It was good to have cannon fodder.

Everyone avoided her gaze in embarrassment.

No one dared to follow along.

She was incredibly impressed with Sun Yuan when she saw the scene.

She was lucky to have met him.

“That girl is the content creator on Bilibili, Nangong Yu’er, right?”

A student asked curiously, “I’ve seen her videos before.”

“She was also the host on Shark TV. I think her fans totaled up to over a million.”

The bespectacled student sighed as his gaze fell upon her legs.


Black stockings over her pair of snow-white legs.


He was tempted to sneak a picture.

“Senior, set sail!”

Zhen Yu raised her right hand as she pointed forward.

“Set sail? This is not a ship!”

Sun Yuan had to hand it to her.

She was too optimistic!

Having her around was enough to alleviate some of his concerns and worries.

The bespectacled student watched as Sun Yuan rode off with Zhen Yu. He was jealous; he also wanted to flirt with a beauty dressed in a high school uniform.

He suspected Sun Yuan would soon be dead with his recklessness.

When that happens, he would have a chance to team up with Nangong Yu’er.


1 The author wrote junior high/middle school here when JK was used previously.


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