Ghost Story Club

Tenth Ghost Story - Minecraft’s Herobrine (15)


Boom, boom.

Sparks of lightning ran across the stormy night sky once again.

The giant human tower approached us through the mud, dancing and wriggling like a twisted serpent.

“Ha… not just one or two but…!”

More and more behind.

There were several human towers behind the one approaching us, each created with our replicas. The towers rose through the mud in a twisted manner, like a cluster of tornadoes swirling above the sea. Countless replicas waddled through the mud and continued their advance.

“What the hell is Jinhee doing!”

“Time flow is different here, remember. We have to wait, Prez!”

“Damn it!”

The roof had sunk almost completely into the mud. There wasn’t any place for us to step on so the five of us were pressed together.

The last wooden plank where we huddled together was so narrow that we were struggling to keep our balance on the edge, pressing our bodies against each other.

“They’re coming! They’re coming!”


I instantly looked up at Gyeongwon’s urgent shout. With panicked eyes, I saw one of the towers had already reached us. The replicas that were at the top of the tower leaned over towards us, attempting to grab one of us.


“Damn it!”


Before we could comprehend, the replicas began to fall one after another like pieces of blocks. It collapsed straight down, aiming right at the place we were on.

“Jump! Jump to both sides!”



As we jumped to both sides, the tower completely collapsed on the narrow plank, shattering it to pieces.

We dodged aside before any of the replicas could grab us.

[Gaaa- Gaaa-]

The members of the Ghost Story Club were separated from each other because of the human towers surrounding us. We fumbled our limbs in the mud, trying our best to stay afloat.

Huff, huff!

“Joon! Grab this!”

Sunah swam toward a large wooden plank floating above the mud and pushed it towards me.

“T-thank you!”

“Pull your body up…!”


I grabbed the edges of the plank with both arms and pulled half of my body on top of it. Holding my body, I barely kept my balance on the wooden plank to avoid sinking in the mud.

[Gueeeek- Gueeeek-]

The endless string of human towers surrounded us, swimming across the mud.

Far ahead behind one of the towers I could see Gyeongwon, Dukhun and Hayoon floating in the mud, barely holding their bodies from sinking.

“Is everyone okay?”

“We’re fine! We’re fine!”

Huuu, huuu.

Jinhee, please hurry…




“Hey, come over here for a moment.”

“Uh, us…?”

Two elementary school students, who were about to leave the internet cafe after finishing a game in a good mood, stared at Jinhee, who called them to go over, with question marks above their heads.

When the scary-looking older sister suddenly called out to them, they halted with a surprised expression.


“Fuck, come here quickly.”

“Yes, yes…”

The elementary school students looked at the large owner of the PC lying on the floor and hesitantly approached Jinhee.

The large owner, who was lying beside the seat, was none other than Dukhun. Jinhee had moved him there and taken his place in front of his computer.

“You guys know how to play MineCraft.”

“Ma, MineCraft?”


The elementary students moved their gazes at the monitor screen showing the graphics of MineCraft with a puzzled expression.

They were trying to comprehend what was the reason for the older sister with scary appearance called them to play MineCraft for.

“…Yes, we know. We were just leaving after playing that.”

“Then come here and help me out.”

The two students gave each other an unsure stare.

Whatever the reason was, they were glad that the older sister wasn’t asking them for money or robbing them. So they lowered their guard and relaxed a bit as they approached the seat where Jinhee sat.

“What do we have to do?”

“Summon some nuclear bombs and gliders with cheat keys.”

“Yes, just a moment…”

The elementary school students passed by Dukhun, who had taken an incredible amount of space on the cold floor with his belly sticking out. Approaching the monitor screen, they skillfully typed on the keyboard and summoned the items Jinhee instructed.

“…Uh. Where is this?”

“The coordinates aren’t even showing up…”

They muttered among themselves, confused at the fact that the MineCraft they were seeing on the screen looked different than the one they played.

Soon, several items were seen falling inside the screen.

“Here. I summoned some items with infinite durability. Do you need anything else?”

While asking so, the elementary student couldn’t help but glance at Jinhee shyly. Although she looked a bit scary because of her mean mien, her tight leather jacket, complementing her figure was beautiful.

And the fact that she had been playing the game they liked to play also filled their little hearts with curiosity and interest.


Jinhee crossed her legs as she made herself comfortable, quietly staring at the monitor.

“Then, summon any items you think are needed to play this game. Some cheat items if possible.”

“Yes, wait a minute…”

Tap- tap-


* * *


“Look up! Look up!”

Suddenly, Gyeongwon shouted at us from afar.

“Items! Items!”

“Hurry up and grab them!”

Various items suddenly started pouring down from the air along with the heavy rain.

Weapons, armor, shoes, diamonds, logs…

“Joon! A boat!”

Huff! Alright!”

Amidst our surprised eyes, a wooden boat appeared out of thin air and splashed down in the mud.

Before it could get swept away by the heavy rain and raging storm, Sunah quickly swam over and grasped it firmly

Huff, huff.”

Slosh, slosh.

I also fumbled my limbs and waded through the mud, barely managing to reach out and grab onto the boat. Although in my mind I was moving my arms as if swimming, the mud was thick which made my lower body stuck inside, so I was just floundering.

“Joon, hurry…”

Watching me struggling to get onto the boat, Sunah swam over to me and got behind before pushing my butt from behind. With her help, I managed to get onto the boat, grabbing the edges and pushing my body up.

“Thank you, Sunah. Come on, hold my hand and come up!”


I reached out and pulled Sunah up onto the boat. We both began looking around for a piece of wood which we could use as a makeshift oar. I grabbed a piece of wood floating nearby and pushed the mud hard with it.

“Over there!”


We rowed hard in the direction of the items pouring down from thin air.

Splash, splash.

If it was my previous stamina, rowing in the mud like this would have been impossible.

However, thanks to the invincibility cheat, even after pushing my muscles to the extreme, they still felt stout and no tiredness greeted me. We quickly reached our desired location using our surprisingly tenacious stamina.

“Okay! I got it!”

My hand caught one of the items pouring down with the rain.

“But what is this!”

Since it was dark with occasional lightning flashing by, I caught something without knowing what it was. The item felt long and thin with a handle at one end.

I fumbled with the item and soon found a button in the middle of the handle. As soon as I pressed the button, a flash of light ignited above the handle and slowly climbed up, lighting the whole thing.


It was a lightsaber.

“Aahh! Aaaghhhh!!”

A human tower, perhaps attracted by the light in the midst of pitch black darkness, stood tall and separated me from others as it waddled in the mud.

Beyond that, from where the rest of the members were, I could hear Gyeongwon screaming at the top of his lungs.

[Is your family wealthy? Compared to our family, it’s nothing but a den of beggars.]

“Go away! Go away!”

A fake Hayoon was grabbing him from behind, desperately trying to pull him into the mud. The other members around was holding wooden planks, trying their best to keep their body afloat. Therefore, even after hearing Gyeongwon’s scream for help, they weren’t able to approach him to help.

“Sunah! Let’s go help quickly!”


Sunah grabbed a shovel that was shining even in the dark because it was crafted of diamond and began pushing the mud with it like an oar.

With her help, the speed of the boat increased in no time. Perhaps because of the invincibility cheat, none of us felt tired even after putting so much strain on our muscles.

“Let’s go!”


The human tower that separated me from other members soon blocked our boats approaching. It started twisting around our boat, making it difficult to pass through and help my members.



Enraged, I put down the wooden board I was using as an oar and grabbed the lightsaber. Standing at the bow of the boat, I swung it with all my might, hitting the human tower exactly in the middle.


Splash, splash.

[Joon, Joon.]

[Prez, Prez.]

The replicas that fell from the tower began fumbling their limbs in the mud, splashing them around and rushed towards us. I swung the lightsaber in hand again and cut a few of them as if cutting soft tofu and headed towards our destination.



I hit the middle of another human tower, splitting it into two and advanced to the rest of the members.



I finally reached Gyeongwon and stabbed the fake Hayoon, who was stuck on his back and trying to drown him into the mud with the lightsaber. The fake Hayoon was easily neutralized, and after getting rid of it, I urged them to get on the boat.

“This way! Get on!”

Haaa, haaa…”

Gyeongwon quickly climbed on the boat, with Dukhun and Hayoon following suit.

Haa, haa.”

The constant rain and wind, along with the replicas who were attacking us, fighting with everything had taken a huge toll on our bodies. Even Hayoon, who always had a calm expression, looked exhausted from the continuous mud fight in the rain.

Her long black hair was covered in mud, dishevelled from the fight with the fakes. But her transparent skin contrasted with the dark mud seemed to increase her eerie charm even more.

“Where is the nuclear bomb? I think I saw someone grabbing it earlier!”

“Hey… here…!”

Dukhun handed me the nuclear bomb the size of a basketball while gasping for breath.

“How do you detonate it?”

“I don’t know, just throw it!!”

“Fuck it…”


“Another item!”

We looked up just in time to see another item, more precisely a giant glider, appearing in the sky and falling down.

“Oh, it’s so big…”

“It looks like everyone has to ride it at once!”

The glider landed near the boat, its body tilting into the mud and almost sinking. But the members quickly jumped toward it, barely managing to reach out and grab it.

[Money money money money.]

[Ghost story, ghost story, ghost story.]

In the meantime, I hastily swung my lightsaber and cut apart a few of the ones that had been swarming around the boat.

With quick movement, we set up the glider on the boat.

[Guoooooo… gaaaaa….]

Splash, splash.

While we were busy setting the glider, a giant creature that looked way more frightening than before howled in the distance. The eye of the storm seemed to be raging around it as lightning flashed by.

Huff, huff.”

It waa huge… really huge.

It was like a whole mountain was moving.


A giant monster, with thousands of replicas clamped together, howled loudly in the distance.

At the same time, the little guys swimming around the boat also attempted to climb on the boat.

[Prez, Prez, Prez, Prez, Prez.]

[Joon, Joon, Joon.]

“You juggling bastards! There’s no end to them, fuck!”

“Ignore them! Just hurry up and throw the bomb, Prez!”

As instructed, I ignored the replicas swarming around us and clinging to the boat, and grabbed the nuclear bomb. Holding it tightly, I spun around in my place, like an Olympic athlete doing a shot put, and threw it far away with all my might.

“Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Eat this you fucking shit!!!!”


As soon as I threw it into the air, as if that was the trigger, the jet engine behind the bomb activated on its own. A huge flame erupted from its retractive hole and it advanced forward on its own. In an instant, it disappeared from its place with the speed of light, only leaving a thin after line of the burning flame.

The rocket flew through the darkened sky covered in thick clouds and toward the huge creature in the distance.

[President President President President]

[Joon Joon Joon Joon Joon.]

While we were cutting down the replicas surrounding us, a huge flash of light rose from the moving mountain in the distance.

At the same time, the cloud spreaded out in a circular pattern from its center and quickly evaporated as if disappearing into nothingness.

“President! Hold on tight President!”


The glider was quite large, with a 3m long body spreading on both sides of the boat. It had a pretty simple structure, consisting of only wings and a few frames to glide through the air.

The five of us on the boat stood in a line, holding onto the huge bar of the handle at the front of the glider and took our stance.

“It’s coming! It’s coming…”

“Hold on tight!”

We watched as flame erupted along with a dazzling mushroom cloud in the dark sky. It rose to the sky in the distance, creating a huge vortex of wind.

[ President President President… Gwaaaaaaaak-]

[Joon Joon Joon… Gwaaaaak-]

The replicas surrounding us and close to the explosion couldn’t withstand the heat. Their bodies soon turned to ash and flew away with the incoming wind.

The huge moving mountain made of our replicas crumbled under the explosion of the nuclear bomb.

“Hold on tight!”


The scorching heat soon reached us, who were standing on the boat. Flame engulfed the boat beneath us as soon as the heat touched it.

“It’s coming!!”


The shockwave swept away all the mud in its way and approached us with breathnecking speed.



The wind eventually reached us.

The power of the shockwave blowing us away was so strong that we couldn’t even open our mouth to scream.

A huge gust of powerful hot wind blew us away into the air, making the glider dance unstably in the sky. We were afraid as it began to sway uncontrollably, not understanding if it was going to rise above or tumble down on the ground.

Swish, swish, swish-

The glider turned over in a circle with us hanging from it. We barely managed our grip on the handle as the glider did another somersaults in the air before floating away.

Our bodies swung around in the air in shock, but fortunately no one lost their grip.

We flailed helplessly in the air, like a bunch of clothes flapping from a wire. Clenching our teeth, we put our weight on the handle of the glider and leaned on it, holding the handle with all our strength.


Soon, the shockwave passed by, and only a warm wind from far away continued to blow past our ears.

The glider finally found its axis in the air and stabilized its position, gliding through the sky gently.

Huff, huff.”

Huff, huff.”

After what seemed like forever, a sigh of relief left out mouths.

Haa, haa.

Our bodies, lining up beside each other holding on to the handle flew through the dark but clear sky relying on one glider.

This would be an impossible sight in reality, but thanks to the cheat key, we flew all the way. The strength holding onto the handle with abnormal strength never loosened for a second.

“Joon, look over there…”

I turned around at the sound of Sunah’s voice calling me, pointing into the distance. The huge mushroom cloud had already quieting down, only a coil of smoke rising to the sky was visible instead of flame.

The sun was rising from the distant meadow, brightening the surrounding.

“Dawn… It’s over…”

Perhaps because the eruption had cleared up the cloudy sky.

The mud covered meadow had returned to normal, stretching out endlessly.

Above the vast meadow, the sun was rising brilliantly, shining the dark sky.




T/N: I wonder why the fake Hayoons seem hellbound on killing Gyeongwon 🤔

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not work with dark mode