Gentle to the Bone

Shen Yansheng and Lu Jingce looked at each other for about half a minute, and her confused consciousness finally came back slowly.

When she realized what she had just said, her whole brain went on a little short circuit.

Seeing that she was being like a fool, Lu Jingce raised his hand to pinch her chin, with a half-smile, and his tone was a little awkward, “What did you say just now? Say it again? I just watched you wash ? Do you want me to help you wash?”, He touched Shen Yansheng’s waist, feeling the skin of her waist through the skirt, found the zipper on the side of the waist, and made a gesture to help her take off the skirt.

During the whole movement, Lu Jingce looked at Shen Yansheng with a smile in his eyes, he was obviously doing dirty things, but he was born with a dignified looks, and when he did such things, his eyes were open, without any obscenity.

Shen Yansheng’s skin that was touched by Lu Jingce’s palm felt goosebumps uncontrollably, like an electric shock.

Her body tensed unconsciously, and it didn’t escape Lu Jingce’s eyes.

She was so nervous that she held her breath, as if she was facing a big enemy.

Lu Jingce saw her nervousness and refusing to resist, which made him less interested. He let go, got up and walked back to the sofa, took out a cigarette from the cigarette case on the coffee table, and said softly: “You are so nervous before doing anything to you, if I really do something to you, will you still be able to keep your innocence?” He sat on the sofa, picked up the lighter on the coffee table and lit the cigarette, then he raised his head and looked at Shen Yansheng.

Shen Yansheng has completely sobered up now, she is not stupid, she can see that Lu Jingce is not happy anymore, after thinking for a while, she said: “That’s not what I mean. I’m just…just not ready yet.” She knew now she is Lu Jingce’s person, this kind of thing will happen sooner or later, but she can’t control her physical tension.

Lu Jingce sat lazily on the sofa, with a cigarette in one hand, and a lighter in the other hand, looking at Shen Yansheng with a half-smile in his eyes, and asked her, “Oh? Then when are you going to be ready?”

Shen Yansheng pursed her lips unconsciously, and thought for a long time but couldn’t come up with an answer.

At this time, the doorbell rang outside.

Lu Jingce was holding a cigarette, got up and went to open the door.

It was the hotel front desk who brought up the hangover medicine, Lu Jingce took the medicine, closed the door, walked back to the sofa, and said, “The hangover medicine, come and take it.” Shen Yansheng hesitated a little, then got up and walked to the sofa, and sat next to Lu Jingce down.

She picked up the hangover medicine on the coffee table, looked at it, and asked, “How many pills do I have to take?”

Lu Jingce poured water for her, and answered her in one word with care, “One.”

“Oh.” Shen Yansheng became docile after a while, picked up the water Lu Jingce poured for her, and obediently took a pill.

After taking the medicine, she sat there holding the cup.

Lu Jingce looked at her, saw that she didn’t move for a long time,and was amused by her for a moment, “What are you doing sitting there stupidly? Don’t you want to sleep?”

Shen Yansheng looked at him sideways, trying to say something, the words reached her throat, and in the end still didn’t say it.

She put down the glass, but after all, she still couldn’t stand the smell of alcohol on her body, so she went to the bathroom to take a shower before crawling into bed to sleep.

Maybe it was because she was too tired from playing today, or maybe it was because she got into bed after drinking, the appropriate temperature made her whole body warm, and she fell asleep in a short while.

She was not on guard against Lu Jingce, after all, she was Lu Jingce’s, even if he really did something to her, she had no right to refuse.

But how could she know at this time that Lu Jingce had waited for so many years, tried every means to keep her by his side, and what he wanted was never just her body.

If he just wanted a woman, he wants none.

Because of drinking last night, Shen Yansheng slept soundly, and it was almost noon when she woke up the next day.

When she opened my eyes, she
found that the sun was already shining brightly outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, and the sky was as blue as washed, and there was no cloud in the sky.

She sat up from the bed, because she had just woken up, she was not too awake yet, sitting on the bed, looking at the yard outside through the floor-to-ceiling windows.

The sun in winter was too warm, the sun shone on the dead leaves all over the yard, which made Shen Yansheng feel the warmth that she had not seen for a long time.

She lifted the quilt, got off the bed barefoot, walked to the yard, stood in the sun, and let the sun shine on her.

She felt that her body became warm, and even her heart, which had been immersed in the ice cellar for too long, became warm little by little.

She looked up at the sun in the sky, and suddenly thought of the sentence that the cold winter will pass and the sun will rise again.

When Lu Jingce came back from outside, he saw Shen Yansheng wearing a white nightgown, basking in the sun.

Her back was facing the direction of the door, the sun fell on her body, her whole skin seemed to be glowing, and even her hair was tender.

Lu Jingce walked into the house, walked to the door leading to the courtyard, and leaned against the door with his hands in pocket.

He looked at Shen Yansheng’s back, and didn’t make a sound to disturb her.

Time seemed to freeze at that moment, Lu Jingce looked at Shen Yansheng for some time, as if he could never get enough of it.

In the end, Shen Yansheng turned around and saw Lu Jingce leaning against the door looking at her.

She couldn’t help being stunned for a moment, and then asked: “When did you come back?”

She walked towards Lu Jingce, and said with a smile, “The weather is really nice today.”

Her bright smile fell into Lu Jingce’s eyes, causing a smile to flash in his eyes as well. He teased her and said, “You still laugh? I thought you couldn’t laugh anymore.”

Shen Yansheng pursed her lips and smiled, and said, “Maybe it’s because I slept so well last night that I woke up when the sun was up.”

Lu Jingce laughing at her, “Yes. who can sleep like you.”

Shen Yansheng was really in a good mood today, the smile on her face never faded, and asked again: “Shall we go home today?”

Lu Jingce asked her back, “Do you still want to play? “

Shen Yansheng was stunned for a moment, she looked at Lu Jingce, and tried to ask: “Can I stay if I want to play?”

Lu Jingce said, “It’s up to you. Anyway, I have nothing else to do today.”

Shen Yansheng didn’t relax to play for a long time. However, in the past six months, because of family affairs, she has almost suffered a nervous breakdown. Every day when she wakes up, she feels that there are heavy boulders on her body, which can crush her in the next second.

When she was kidnapped to Heifeng, for a moment, she actually wanted to jump off. You can be relieved by jumping off, and you can forget a lot of painful things by jumping off.

But the idea of committing suicide was only for a moment. She thought of her elderly parents, and thought that she still had a dream. No matter what, she still wanted to survive.

As long as you survive, there is hope.

When eating at noon, it was the restaurant that Lu Jingce chose, a western restaurant on the top of the mountain.

There was someone playing the cello in the restaurant, Shen Yansheng looked at it with her chin propped up, with an envious look in her eyes.

Lu Jingce followed her gaze, then turned back to look at her, “Like it?”

Shen Yansheng nodded, she looked at Lu Jingce, and told him about her childhood, “Actually, I don’t have much talent in music. I learned to play musical instruments when I was young. From piano to guzheng, from guzheng to pipa, and later to cello, I don’t know how many teachers have changed along the way. I’m not good at learning, but I like to learn. Anyway, I want to learn this today, and I want to learn it tomorrow. Like that, my parents dote on me very much, but whatever I want, as long as I ask, they will satisfy me unconditionally. When I was in high school, I participated in the cello competition held in the city. I didn’t expect to win the prize.”

At this point, she couldn’t help but laugh, and asked Lu Jingce, “Which place do you think I won?”

Lu Jingce said, “First?” Shen Yansheng laughed out loud, showing three fingers on her left hand , “I took the third place, the level is really poor.”

“But my dad is so proud, he always praises me when he meets others. Even though it is the third place, he praised me even more than the first place. Once, I was reading a book and saw a book introducing a handful of antiques. I saw a cello and casually said that I wanted to own it.”

“I really just said it casually at the time, and didn’t take it seriously. Who knew that my father really went to help me find that cello, and it was on my eighteenth birthday. At that time, he gave it to me as an adult gift.”

Recalling the past, the smile on Shen Yansheng’s face gradually faded, and a layer of mist gradually clouded her eyes, and said softly: “Later, my mother told me that in order to help me, my father had a hard time buying it. He went back and forth to Europe several times, came to the door with money, and finally begged someone to sell it to him after talking all kinds of good things.”

At this point, Shen Yansheng choked up unconsciously, and fell silent for a while, then she said: “Actually, my father has never begged anyone in his life. He is a very proud person, and he has a good face. He has never opened his mouth to anyone in his life. But that time, he told him all the good things to help me buy a cello. So I have always cherished it all these years. When our family went bankrupt and auctioned off, I took the cello to a friend’s house and hid it. Later, the usury chased the debt, and I had no choice but to sell it.”

Shen Yansheng thought time is an understatement, as if she has to let go, but the day she sold the cello, she really hid in bed and cried all night. In the past six months, she hated Fu Shiyu many times. When her mother was sick and couldn’t arrange a ward, and no one answered her calls to Fu Shiyu, when the loan sharks came to her house for the first time to throw things and blood. When she was desperate to sell her cello, when she was caught on the Heifeng and stood on the edge of the cliff. In every moment of her despair, she hated Fu Shiyu.

She didn’t understand why there would be someone who usually made strong vows, but when she really needed him, he could disappear from the world. Thinking of this, her eyes seemed to have tears in them, she turned her head and looked out of the window, trying not to let tears flow down.

But even though she was holding back his tears, her eyes turned red. Lu Jingce sat across from her and watched, took a tissue from his hand and handed it to her, “Don’t cry, you’re so ugly.” Shen Yansheng unconsciously frowned, she was a little angry, turned her head to look at Lu Jingce, and couldn’t help but say, “Do you have heart? If someone else is crying, it’s fine if you don’t comfort them but your mouth is still poisonous .” Lu Jingce looked at her, unable to hold back laughter, with a chuckle, he leaned over, wiped Shen Yansheng’s tears with a tissue, and said, “You can still quarrel with me, you don’t look very sad.”

Shen Yansheng patted his hand away, not wanting to talk to him. After lunch, Shen Yansheng went to the ski resort next door to play. Lu Jingce was not interested, so he sat on the bench in the rest area next to her and waited for her.

Shen Yansheng skied very well. When sliding down from the top of the mountain, she felt like she was flying, and all the bad emotions were released at that moment.

She played happily all afternoon, and when the sun was about to set, she slowly put away the snowball fights and walked to Lu Jingce’s side. Lu Jingce had been sitting here all afternoon, he was patient like never before, when he saw Shen Yansheng walking over, he stretched out his hand to grab her into his arms. Holding her neck with one hand, looking down at her, the corners of her lips twitched into a smile, “Have you played enough?”

Shen Yansheng said, “It’s okay.”

She knelt down and took off the skis. Seeing the snow on the ground, she suddenly thought of playing a prank, quietly grabbed a handful of snow, and when she got up, she quickly stuffed the snow into Lu Jingce’s shirt collar. The cold snow clung to the skin of Lu Jingce’s neck unexpectedly, causing him to frown.

As soon as Shen Yansheng saw Lu Jingce’s frown, she wanted to run away, but before she could, Lu Jingce snatched her back. Before he could lose temper, she surrendered, “I was wrong, I was wrong, I dare not do it again.”

Lu Jingce put his arms around her waist, looked at her with a slight smile in his eyes, pinched her face, “Where are you wrong?”


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