Forbidden Confession

Chapter 19


Even though she was hiding because she was immortal, she was still the head of a proper family. That’s why she had quite a bit of work to do during the three days she stayed at the duke’s residence. As she breathlessly dealt with them one by one, the day before the masquerade ball arrived.


Sis couldn’t tell how dumbfounded she was when she found herself worrying about what dress to wear the day before. She wasn’t some young lady who had just debuted in high society. Who on earth was she so deeply troubled about trying to impress? … Alexis’s face suddenly came to mind, but Sis shook her head and tried to push him out of her mind.


She put on a green dress, which was one of the more modest dresses she had, and tied up her red hair, which was flowing like red waves, neatly. She also chose accessories that would be as inconspicuous as possible and went out, only to find that Alexis had already arrived.


Alexis, leaning against the carriage, stared at her for a long time without saying anything. Just when his gaze was starting to feel a little burdensome, he opened his mouth.


“Count Millan?”


“My uncle has already gone to the ballroom.”


Sis answered with a gentle smile.


There were many parties hosted by the palace for nobles with titles, such as the founding anniversary or birthday party, but the ball held twice a year was an event that required the attendance of all noble families. That is why Alexis, the head of the Duke of Vegas, and Duty Millan, the fake head of the Count Milan family, had to attend without fail.


Contrary to his brazen answer, Sis actually didn’t know where Duty Millan, or rather, Hasson, was or what he was doing. However, since she couldn’t say that outright, she just dealt with it skillfully.


“Let’s go now.”


Sis tried to calm her trembling heart the whole way to the palace. She had been with Hasson the last time, but it felt different to attend as Alexis’ partner. He had felt like a stranger back then, but now he felt familiar.


Before she knew it, the sky had turned a pitch-black color, and stars were rising densely above it. Looking out at the beautiful night view below, Sis suddenly opened her mouth.


“Thank you for asking me to be your partner.”


Even though I was still looking out the window while talking, I could clearly feel his gaze fixed on my face. It seemed unexpected that I was saying this. In the past, I couldn’t figure out his thoughts and actions, but now I can guess without looking, so I guess I really have become close to him.


“If I had chosen another Young-lady as my partner… … you would have been very disappointed.”


Alexis was still the one she had to fool. She had found out the location of the exhibition hall and even found out that there was a magical tool there that was supposedly the ‘Music Box of the Dead’. Now, if she could just find a chance to go there alone, it would be over.


So, I couldn’t let my guard down until then. I couldn’t let anything happen that would arouse suspicion.


However, when she saw the beautiful night view, her emotions naturally surged up, rejecting reason and opening her mouth on her own. This was not an intention to deceive him… … This was the sincerity that Siss wanted to convey at the moment.


After I said it, I felt embarrassed and deliberately looked outside, but no matter how long I waited, I still didn’t hear an answer.


Sis looked back at Alexis, holding onto the feeling of anxiety that he might be staring at her again with those sharp eyes that seem to dig into people’s minds.


“… … .”


He was staring at Sis, his chin resting on his hand, without saying a word. However, his piercing gaze was filled with a heavy emotion that could not be easily overlooked. His golden eyes, shining in the carriage lights, also seemed warmer than usual.


Fortunately, the carriage stopped at that moment. At the sound of the coachman’s voice announcing their arrival at the banquet hall, Sis quickly got up. She ended up saying something strange for no reason, which only made the atmosphere awkward.


“I, I’ll get off first.”


Normally, when a man and a woman were riding together in a carriage, the man would get out first and then escort the woman who was getting out after him. However, for some reason, feeling embarrassed, she completely forgot about that custom and got out of the carriage first.


No, I was about to get off. If it weren’t for the hand that suddenly grabbed my waist.


Her body naturally turned and at the same time, something touched her lips and rubbed against them. It was none other than Alexis’ lips, as hot and passionate as the golden eyes she had been facing.


As he raised his body as if trying to match her awkward posture, Sis bumped into the wall of the carriage. But instead of backing down, Alexis lifted her slender chin and kissed her more deeply.




As he twisted his head and thrust his sloppy tongue in, Sis finally let out the moan she had been holding back. Thump, thump. Every time they touched and separated, wet friction leaked out between their lips. Sis was embarrassed at first, but eventually gave in and hugged his neck at his outstanding kissing skills.


“Excuse me, master. We have arrived.”


Then someone knocked on the carriage door. It was the coachman who had announced our arrival earlier. He seemed to be taken aback when his master and his partner made no attempt to come out of the carriage, even though he had clearly spoken loudly.


Only then did Sis realize that they were inside a carriage. It was a defenseless place where if only one curtain was opened, they


would be able to see him kissing her passionately.


Sis pushed his chest urgently. Alexis reluctantly backed away, biting her lower lip as if he still had feelings for her.


“Suddenly, what… … .”


“Suddenly? It’s you who were provoking me.”


“Me? When exactly?”


“Are you asking because you don’t know?”


I asked him questioningly, but it seemed like he knew. It seemed like her thanks to him for her instead of looking for another woman had a certain stimulating effect on him.


Sis avoided his gaze and rubbed her lips with the back of her hand. The saliva that flowed down his entangled tongue spread and made her lips glisten.


“What is this? Even the lipstick is all erased.”


Something red appeared on the back of my hand where I had rubbed my lips. I didn’t check in the mirror, but it was obvious that the makeup I had applied to my lips had all come off.


Alexis bent down and wiped the smeared lipstick from under her lips with his fingers. Her lips, which had been murmuring, could not help but close at the affectionate touch that seemed to be handling something precious.


But soon, her lips parted again. Only now did she notice the red marks on his lips. The cause, of course, was her lipstick.


“I, it’s not time for you to clean mine.”


Siss took his hand and pulled him closer to her. Alexis flinched when she suddenly approached him with a sudden stride.


He would often rub her lips with more careful and meticulous eyes every time he looked at the business documents. The situation where they took turns caressing each other’s lips was so subtle and awkward that it was hard to explain. But it wasn’t a bad feeling.


“Are you done?”


As she checked his cleanly wiped lips and tried to take her finger away, he suddenly opened his mouth and bit the tip of her finger. He bit so lightly that it didn’t hurt, but her fingertips felt tingly as if they were being electrified. When she pulled her hand away in surprise, he chuckled as if he had expected her reaction and it was not something new.



It was only when it came closer to my face that I realized it was a mask.


The mask he had given her was dark green with white feathers as decoration, just like Sis’s dress. Alexis also wore a jet-black mask with gold fur decorations and opened the carriage door. Sis, who had been lost in his appearance wearing the mask like a prince from a fairy tale, regained consciousness when he grabbed her hand and pulled her closer.


Looking around, she and all the other invited guests were wearing fancy and elegant masks that were appropriate for the purpose of the ball. As she walked by holding Alexis’s arms, Sis kept looking around. The masks that people wore were so varied that it was fun to look at them.


The ball was similar to the last time I attended, but it felt a little more free-spirited. I don’t know about other times, but this time it was a masquerade ball where you cover your face and meet people face to face, so it was especially so.


It was Sis’s first time attending a ball. When she attended social gatherings appropriate to her age, that is, hundreds of years ago, the concept of a ball did not exist. Sis, she, boasted a history even longer than the ball.


As I entered the ballroom, I saw many masked people of all ages, men and women, talking together. Although the masks were unfamiliar and unique props, they played a huge role in stimulating people’s interest. The conversations that took place without knowing each other’s identities because of the masks brought unexpected tension and excitement.


“It’s definitely good to wear a mask.”


When Siss looked at Alexis, he, who had been staring straight ahead, turned his head slightly and met her eyes.




“I feel less tired because they won’t gather together.”


Even though he was wearing a mask, his face seemed to be furrowed. Gathering probably meant people. Sis thought back to the last banquet where people surrounded him as soon as he appeared.


Sure, she would have been tired if she had been with him. It’s not something she’d even imagine, but it’s something she’s actually experienced. When Sis was quite famous in the social world, she’d be embarrassed by the crowds of people who’d come to the banquet. That feeling still lingers, and I still feel awkward about the attention pouring in.



“Shall we go somewhere quiet?”


Sis glanced around. In fact, since Alexis entered, he had occasionally caught their eye. Even though he was wearing a mask, they had recognized Alexis. And they kept glancing at him and her as if they were wondering when they would approach Alexis.


“You’re seducing me again?”


Sis, who had been watching them closely like a knight observing his enemy, suddenly opened his eyes wide at the words he heard.


“What did you say?”


“It was the same in the carriage too.”


Alexis said something that would make people cringe, but acted as if nothing had happened. Sis burst out laughing in disbelief.


“When on earth did I do that? I feel like the Duke keeps taking it in a strange sense.”


“A woman who just had sex with me wants to go somewhere quiet. What should I take this to mean?”



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