For the Beautiful Juliet

FTBJ Chapter 030


“Read it.”

It was only then that Enoch realized what he had thrown was a book. He responded, “What?”

However, Kinas didn’t say much. He looked down at the boy with inscrutable eyes, leaving only one remark before turning away.

“If you don’t want to, then don’t.”

☪︎ ִ ࣪𖤐 𐦍 ☾𖤓 ☪︎ ִ ࣪𖤐 𐦍 ☾𖤓

To put it simply, Enoch read the book.

Ironically, the book was exactly at his level. The text was appropriately sized, the words were simple enough, and the content was fairly interesting.

Moreover, he had nothing better to do.

As a member of the royal family, Enoch’s days were empty except for his language and etiquette lessons, which were necessary to avoid mistakes in official situations.

Even in those classes, there was no one to scold him if he decided to skip, so in a way, he could say he was always free.

During his free time, he usually wandered the palace or took naps. And then he got the book.

Although the person who gave it to him wasn’t likeable, he had enough curiosity to open the book and read it.

After finishing the book, he encountered one problem.

“…Do I have to return this?”

It was a dilemma about whether to return the book to its original owner or not.

Borrowed items should, of course, be returned to their owners. That was an obvious premise.

But Enoch didn’t know if Kinas had lent him the book or just given it to him outright. The man had simply tossed it next to him and walked away. It was an incredibly rude attitude.

Still, if it was a gift, that would be better. He could just leave it anywhere.

However, if it was a loan, he would have to return it, and Enoch didn’t particularly want to seek out Kinas again. That was a separate issue from having read the book.

“…Surely, he’ll come to retrieve it on his own?”

If it was a precious book, he would likely come back to get it.

He tried to convince himself of that. However, Enoch didn’t want to be that brazen person who borrows something and expects the owner to come take it back. Even if the other person had lent it to him without being asked.

In the end, there was only one conclusion: he had to go and return it himself.

He didn’t really want to, but there was no better option. Enoch got dressed and tucked the book under his arm. Knowing what Kinas’s palace looked like, he didn’t bother dressing up too meticulously. If he did, it would only embarrass him more.

The unprofessional guard at the Fourth Prince’s palace didn’t even ask about the purpose of the visit anymore. He merely bowed his head and stepped aside.

Having passed through the once hideous flower beds and several broken stones he had seen before, Enoch arrived at the garden. And then he realized.

Kinas was not alone.

Next to him, sitting beneath the cherry blossom tree was a robed figure. Enoch, seeing that, instinctively hid behind the bushes.

What’s going on? If there’s a guest, shouldn’t you at least say something?

He internally complained about the guard who had let him in without a word and secretly observed the two people.

The robed figure was a woman. Moreover, she was wearing quite a lavish dress.

What was visible beneath her black cloak was only the vibrant silk, but Enoch thought that the sight seemed oddly familiar.

I’ll just take a quick look at her face and leave.

He was curious about which woman would come to visit a man living in such a palace. Justifying himself as he secretly watched the two, Enoch continued to observe.

The woman leaned in and whispered something to Kinas before lowering her hood.

Underneath, several ornaments cascaded from her silver hair. Enoch’s pupils widened at the sight.

The only woman in the palace with such hair was Letina.

Haa. As she let out a deep sigh, she raised her hand and caressed the man’s cheek.

“Ah, Eben…”

Hearing the clearly audible name from a distance, Enoch felt his blood run cold.

That was the name of the Emperor.

For a moment, Enoch wondered if he had mistaken the person. But the man sitting under the tree was indeed Kinas. Although he bore a striking resemblance to the Emperor, it was not difficult to tell them apart. Their facial expressions and ages were too different.

If he could distinguish between them, there was no way Letina wouldn’t know. Yet her attitude toward Kinas was strange. She treated him like a lover, affectionately linking her arm with his and resting her head on his shoulder.

Anyone in their right mind would know that wasn’t how to treat a stepson.

It seemed that Kinas wanted to push her away. Enoch watched as the already tense man became completely rigid. He bit his lower lip, looking at Letina with an expression of someone who had been insulted.

It was a pitiful sight even from afar, yet he didn’t push her away.

Instead, the man bowed his head toward Letina and whispered as if he truly were her lover.

“Yes, Letina.”

That voice sounded truly desolate, but what followed was nothing compared to that.

Letina treated Kinas as if he were Eben. She whispered words of love to him, caressed his cheek, and spoke of the future.

However, her eyes were not on him. Enoch thought his mother must be quite intoxicated. There was no way she could treat someone like that otherwise.

Kinas did not resist her complete disregard for his true nature. He nodded obediently, offered his face, and spoke words that were no better than empty promises.

Watching this unfold made Enoch’s stomach churn. He clamped his mouth shut and hastily left the place, leaving behind the book he had intended to return.


☪︎ ִ ࣪𖤐 𐦍 ☾𖤓 ☪︎ ִ ࣪𖤐 𐦍 ☾𖤓


For several days, Enoch mulled over what he had witnessed that day.

Letina had definitely called Kinas ‘Eben’.

But the actions she took with him were things she hadn’t done with the Emperor. To be precise, they were things she couldn’t have done.

And Enoch had a gut feeling that this wasn’t the first time she had acted this way. Kinas, enduring everything, seemed accustomed to the situation. So, it was likely that something similar had happened before.

Was she so intoxicated that she made a mistake?

It was a ridiculous reason. Yet Enoch didn’t want to believe that Letina had called Kinas “Eben” while she was sober. This was because Kinas, who was subjected to such treatment, looked painfully tormented.

And one more thought crossed his mind as he recalled that situation.

Why didn’t Kinas resist?

He could have easily pushed Letina away. Despite the difference in their ranks, they were both members of the royal family, and though he didn’t want to put it that way, he was being violated by Letina.

If he wanted to resist, he could have done so without any trouble.

Even if he lived in a dilapidated palace, the servants of the imperial palace had a duty to care for the royalty.

So if Kinas had asked for help, anyone would have come to his aid.

But Kinas just sat there, pretending to be the Emperor, nodding in agreement with Letina’s words. He must have known that impersonating the Emperor was a serious crime, but he still did it.

If he had looked happy, it might have been different, but Kinas that day looked terribly unhappy.

Since seeing that face, strangely enough, Enoch no longer felt as much animosity toward him as before.

Moreover, there was still an unresolved issue on his mind. The book he had left behind was one of them.

Eventually, Enoch had no choice but to head back to Kinas’s palace.

The entrance to the palace, which he visited for the third time, was completely empty. The guard had clearly left his post during working hours.

Enoch didn’t wait for the guard to return and went inside the palace.

As he passed through the ugly scenery he had grown accustomed to, he arrived at the place where he had hidden before, only to be taken aback.

The book was gone.

He was sure he had dropped it right here. Just as he hurriedly looked around, a voice suddenly called out from behind him.

“Are you looking for this?”

Startled, Enoch turned around. A man with red hair was holding a book.

The slightly worn brown-covered book was one he recognized well. Seeing Enoch nod awkwardly, Kinas let out a sigh.

“You’re just coming and going as you please now,” Kinas said, and he had every right to say that.

However, driven by a sudden rebellious impulse, Enoch muttered, “There’s no one to guard the place anyway.”

“Even so, if you come in whenever you like, what’s the point of having personal space?” 

Whatever, why am I even talking to you? Kinas shook his head and let out another sigh.

“If you’re done with your business, go back. I have nothing to say.”

His words clearly conveyed his annoyance, which pricked Enoch’s pride, leading him to impulsively retort, “I have something to say.”

“Go ahead.”

“Why did you do that the other day?”

It was a question lacking a proper explanation, but Kinas understood immediately.

“Ah,” he sighed, pushing back the hair that had fallen over his face while frowning slightly. “I was wondering when you had come and gone.”


“I knew you hadn’t learned proper etiquette, but I didn’t realize you had a hobby of hiding and eavesdropping.”

“…Mother clearly called you by someone else’s name.”

“And so?”

The question was sharp, but Enoch felt like it stung both of them.

Swallowing nervously, Enoch asked, “So why did you just listen and do nothing?”





  1. Leila says:

    Woahhhhh 🙀

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