For the Beautiful Juliet

FTBJ Chapter 008



Whenever Juliet thought about that fact, she felt a surge of indignation and a sense of despair.

So, she lashed out. But after venting her anger, she would realize that even this had happened under his tolerance.

Despite knowing this, there were numerous occasions when the mere sight of his face made her stomach turn. But, so what?

He shouldn’t have asked her for anything if he had a conscience. He should have forcibly taken or coerced her. That would have made her less miserable.

But there was no need to be so angry. Juliet had already lived with the man for several years, and she had gotten used to his demeanor. It had been a while since she’d lost her temper for this reason.

Although she knew it logically, Juliet couldn’t suppress the sudden rising emotion.

The man seemed to notice that something was wrong as he observed her rapidly changing expression.


“I know this is unpleasant. But if you just give me a moment, I’ll…”


His desperate excuse was probably an attempt to salvage the situation.

But Juliet didn’t let him finish.

She cut him off sharply.




Her voice was surprisingly cold, even to herself.

But she didn’t blink once.


“Is it even right for you to ask me for anything?”



Well, seeing his foolish expression felt thrilling. Her emotions tangled at that moment, and blaming him felt as natural as breathing.

However, the subsequent frustration and inexplicable discomfort quickly overshadowed the thrill.

So, Juliet turned her anger on the man in front of her. It seemed like that was the only way to make her feel slightly better.


“If you want my hand, stop with the pretenses and just take it. Isn’t that your style?”

“I truly had no intention…”

“Stop with the nonsense excuses. You know I’m not buying it, don’t you?”


He knew. She knew that, too. Being sharp and aggressive like this wasn’t going to change anything.

But Juliet didn’t know any other way to handle him. The peaceful conversation they had before was truly just a whim.

She even decided to forget all about that day’s whims. In a sense, she didn’t have the patience to repeat it all over again.

Eventually, instead of trying to salvage what was spilled, Juliet chose to spill it all out.


“Stop pretending to care for me. It’s even more disgusting.”


All of those things were really, unbelievably easy.




After that day, the man didn’t visit her again.

Juliet felt a sense of awkwardness, but she didn’t express it out loud. She didn’t even want to acknowledge it to herself.

Instead, she busied herself with trivial matters. She ordered the maids to rearrange the items in the bedroom and remove a painting that she couldn’t tell was real or imaginary.

The maids were confused about whether she had regained her vigor or was exhausting her remaining strength, but they obeyed her instructions well.

As a result, the room’s scenery changed several times, but none of it pleased her.

After instructing to fill every corner of the room with different items, Juliet pondered what the problem was. Even with all the changes, she still couldn’t shake off the discomfort.


“It’s weird.”


The maid, who had been reading by the bedside, looked up.


“What do you mean?”

“Something doesn’t feel right, but I can’t put my finger on it.”


Maybe it was because there were too many things. It was unsettling.

As she glanced around with that thought, Juliet realized that the chair the maid was sitting on belonged to the man.


“Hey, don’t you have another chair to sit on?”


“I can’t stand looking at that. Bring another chair and get rid of that one.”


The fact that she had told the maid to put that chair beside her bed just yesterday didn’t seem to matter. The maid quickly removed the chair and brought another one.


“This one is much better.”


Juliet muttered under her breath, but it was more of a self-affirmation than genuine appreciation.

After that, she continued to make many changes. She ordered the maids to cover the statues with cloth and take away the flowers. However, when she realized that it looked even worse, she told them to bring the flowers back.

Everyone knew that all these changes were just meaningless whim. But since Juliet wouldn’t acknowledge it, the task of moving and removing furniture continued for a while.

However, when there was nothing left to change, Juliet had to accept it too. Nothing had improved. Despite all the commotion, Juliet still wasn’t pleased with everything.

Maybe it wasn’t the stuff that was the problem.

Sometimes that thought crossed her mind. Juliet would then question herself. But if it weren’t for the objects, what else could it be?

Naturally, thoughts flowed to the one who wasn’t a piece of furniture but seemed like one.

But because there was nothing she despised more than admitting that, Juliet stubbornly ignored the truth. She was raised without ever bowing her head; her pride was always important to her. Even if she was dying, that fact wouldn’t change.

So Juliet didn’t inform the man about her illness or call him back into the bedroom.

It didn’t matter whether he was poking around about her illness from behind or whether he would come immediately if she called.




It was a day like any other.

Around that time, Juliet gave up on changing the furniture. Instead, she was being capricious about something else.

She was making the maid who read to her very uncomfortable by constantly asking her to switch to a different book before finishing the one she was reading.

But Juliet wasn’t trying to be difficult. She just couldn’t find a book that she liked.

The maids tried to soothe her, switching between different books and even bringing out ones she had liked in the past.

Considering their efforts, it would have been right to listen to at least one book to the end, but Juliet simply couldn’t bring herself to do it.

That evening, the maid had to open a new book again due to Juliet’s whims. Juliet nodded at the maid, who was reading the title of the third book she liked. However, it was clear to everyone that she wasn’t really satisfied.

The maid began to read in a soft voice.


“My name is Urgas, and I dedicate this book to Princess Yellen, the esteemed daughter of a prestigious dynasty.”

Her summer-leaf-like eyes make one’s heart boil with passion; her noble hands make one’s skin burn with flames; and her gentle feet make even the most stubborn ones submit.

Yellen, daughter of the Eternal King, thy breath is dearer than the heavens, thy life is dearer than the earth, and many young men would give their lives for thy desire, but I, Urgas, say that my heart is the heaviest of all.

For you, I fear neither the land of death, nor the river of life, nor the poison of countless treachery and betrayal.




Juliet shook her head. She didn’t want to hear anymore.

The story of the hero Urgas was one of her favorite tales, but strangely enough, it didn’t appeal to her today.

Watching the maid lower the book according to her whim, Juliet thought to herself. Strangely, she always liked that one.

The story revolves around the hero, Urgas, falling in love with Princess Yellen.

In the story, Urgas goes on many adventures for Yellen. Whether it’s getting her the jewelry she wants, avenging her enemies, or simply indulges her whims.

Urgas truly loved Yellen, but unfortunately, Yellen didn’t want his love. In fact, she didn’t want anyone’s love.

However, like many suitors before him, Urgas didn’t take her rejection seriously. He was no different.

So, like she did with countless suitors before, Yellen also pushed Urgas into danger, promising him her love if he accomplished the impossible tasks she set. She drove away her previous suitors in a similar manner.

But unlike those who either died or gave up on her, Urgas managed to fulfill everything Yellen asked for. Yet Yellen still didn’t want to give him her heart, so she offered him a cup instead…

He knew that the cup contained poison, but Urgas drank from it anyway. The story ended there. It was only natural since the main character was gone.

Even though tragic endings weren’t her preference, Juliet still liked the story of Urgas. It was because of the memories of Driene reading it to her by her bedside when she was young.

The story’s princess had the same name as Juliet, so Driene would often read it to her. Sometimes, he would even add unnecessary advice.


“If a man you don’t like proposes, just dismiss him like Yellen did.”


It was too early for her to understand back then, but Driene’s voice was serious. Juliet chuckled at the seriousness, finding it amusing.


“Oh, my brother, what if someone like Urgas showed up?”

“Then you’ll have to give him the poison.”

“How could I, if he’s done everything I ask?”

“A man that clueless deserves to die.”

“If you can’t do it, I’ll do it. I don’t even need poison.”


Driene said and covered Juliet with a blanket.

Of course he was joking. Driene usually played with his younger sibling every night.

Juliet yawned and buried herself under the covers.


“But please don’t kill him. I still want to get married.”




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