Follow Your Heart

FYH I Chapter 06

。・:*:・゚★ Translated by Gon 。・:*:・゚☆


。・:*:・゚★ Edited by CYL0 。・:*:・゚☆


After driving away all the evil spirits and placing talismans in the barrier, Haliey was bedridden for a week.


It was like pouring an unmanageable amount of alcohol into a container, which will eventually tear apart.


Hailey was an ordinary human who had barely stepped into the realm of the extraordinary.


So whenever she used powers beyond common sense, she would always feel sick.

Still, the king wasn’t completely heartless; when he heard that his legal spouse was ill, he sent medicinal herbs and even came to check on her once.


She decided to consider that as receiving a fee for the ritual.


When he walked into the room, a bunch of angry spirits bounced off his shoulder.

At that moment, Roderick frowned a bit. But when she saw a few more stubborn spirits manage to slip into the room, she realized the barrier wasn’t strong enough.

She wanted to create a safer space for him.

That’s why she was amidst carving a small Jangseung to put in the room when the head maid suddenly snatched the knife away, saying it was too dangerous.

The unfinished statue of the great general had a blunt and elongated shape.


For some reason, people who saw it blushed and made pretty disgusted faces.

She only managed to finish a crudely made prayer bead bracelet.

[Lee Jae. How do you see me? Many priests have come to this room, but no one has looked at me.]


She was lying on the bed and lazily moving her ankle, replied while reading Hailey’s diary, which she had brought from the duke’s estate.


“They’re just quacks. There are plenty of legitimate priests who can see spirits.”


There are always frauds everywhere. This world was no exception.


Lee Jae said indifferently.


“That’s how they extort money. If you close your eyes, you’ll lose your nose.”


[I don’t have a nose!]


Lee Jae paused and stared at him.


Upon closer inspection, it really only had eyes and a mouth.


“…Anyway, always stay alert. Those who are widely known are not the true masters. The real masters are concealed… Ugh, who am I talking to again?”


She found talking to herself more and more with no one to have a proper conversation with.


In fact, Lee Jae often talked to herself.


There weren’t many people to converse with in the countryside or mountains, and the spirits constantly spoke to her.


Shaking her head, Lee Jae returned her gaze back to Hailey’s diary.


October 16, Year 497


Tomorrow is my birthday. I wonder who will make my birthday cake?


My mother will buy a strawberry cake, but that’s not important.


As long as it tastes good, that’s all that matters.」


As Lee Jae was trying to fill in Hailey Duncan’s incomplete memories by reading her diary,


One thing was certain.


Hailey was someone who had no compassion for paper and wood.


While Lee Jae lay on the bed, staring blankly at the ceiling, someone knocked on her door.


It was the head maid, Deborah.


“An official letter has arrived from the Duke along with the medicine. The herbal medicine will be brought after the palace staff confirm its condition.”


Receiving the letter, Lee Jae shook her head.


“The medicine is fine. I won’t take it since I’m not sick anymore.”


“Is that so?”


Nodding, Lee Jae waited for Deborah to leave before unfolding the letter.


It was from Duke Duncan, and perhaps due to etiquette or being conscious of the palace staff, the tone had completely changed.


「Your Majesty the Queen.


I heard you were unwell; how are you feeling now?


With a worried heart, I sent some herbal medicine that I managed to gather.


Your father wishes to ask you one thing.


While there must already be many people in the palace attending to you, how about sending some from the Duke’s household so you can be a little more comfortable?


I hope you can regain your health and peace of mind.」


Lee Jae folded the letter, her expression troubled.


Hailey’s emotions were now almost non-existent in her physical form.


Her soul had long departed, and emotions naturally faded over time.


Hailey, what would you have wanted to do?


Staring at the diary with a troubled expression, Lee Jae called for Deborah again.


“I want to see his majesty. Do you know where he is right now?”


When the queen asked an unexpected question, the head maid lowered her head, looking a little flustered.


In the royal audience chamber, a chaotic scene was unfolding.


Roderick’s blue eyes dripped with anger as he received reports of the embezzlement by a low-ranking official.


It was certainly a matter worth getting angry over.


However, the king pressed his forehead for a while before roughly sweeping everything off the desk. The crashing sound made Jade frown.


He knew from recent years of experience that this was a bad omen.


He hadn’t been such an angry person in his childhood. Roderick’s cruel side had increasingly surfaced since his ascension to the throne three years ago.


That position was like that, and he tried to understand, but drawing his sword and using force over trivial matters was too far removed from how he used to be.


He acted like that even towards his close friends, making it sometimes unbearable for them.


And holding the letter in her hands, Lee Jae witnessed that scene outside the audience chamber.


Of course, she saw things that others couldn’t.


Why do those things seem to multiply every time I look?


Seeing Roderick grip the glass on the table, Lee Jae tightly closed her eyes and turned away.


“……I’ll pretend I didn’t see anything. Really. I didn’t see anything.”


Too flustered, she accidentally used honorifics again, but no one paid attention. The guards turned their heads away, looking pale as they stared at the king.


Only the official lying on the floor, unable to flee, was trembling with his head covered.


“……Why has it gotten worse? It’s so concerning.”


“Your Majesty, I think it’s better to leave now.”

Deborah cautiously grabbed Lee Jae’s arm and gently pulled her away. It was something that Lee Jae could have experienced on her wedding night.

She hesitated before nodding.

‘Let’s pretend we didn’t see anything. I decided not to get involved. What could I possibly do in front of all these people?’

At the sound of the glass the king had thrown shattering on the floor, Lee Jae flinched and looked in that direction.

The moment Roderick drew his sword from its sheath, Lee Jae shook off Deborah’s arm, sensing genuine murderous intent.

Without realizing it, she dashed into the audience chamber.

“Your, Your Majesty.”

As soon as she ran in, Lee Jae regretted it.

With her unfortunate fate, it was a problem that her eyes could see unnecessary things.

She blamed Deborah for not holding onto her tighter, but it was too late for that now.

Hailey, I’m truly sorry.

The body you managed to preserve will lose its head today.

The end of the second fate we shared seems to be set that way.

There was no turning back now. Lee Jae quietly grabbed Roderick’s arm.

A chilling silence enveloped the audience chamber.

However, something strange caught Lee Jae’s eye.

The vengeful spirits that were circling around the king were gradually moving away.

Kang Lee Jae was someone who was quite concerned about her own safety.

Her fate had always been so grim.

She had no choice, given the wretched fate she was born with.

Only then did she remember she’s wearing the prayer bead bracelet inscribed with talismans and symbols.

In truth, in the world she came from, that was a pretty crude form of protection.

Even if the mountain goddess accused her of being a fraud, she wouldn’t have a retort.

But still, even this kind of talisman seemed to make the vengeful spirits drift away, just like last night.



As the silence continued, people began to worry about the young queen.

Jade thought it was time to intervene this time.

However, after frowning for a while, Roderick looked around.

He observed the scene with an unreadable expression and let out a shallow sigh for a moment.

Then he sheathed his sword.

He looked down at Lee Jae and silently asked, “Why?”

That question startled even Lee Jae, who had been assured.

How can you act so calmly in this situation?

But since the king was waiting for an answer, she needed to find a wise response before he asked again.

Bringing up Duke Duncan would be a dangerous move.

Thinking negatively would only strengthen the vengeful spirits.

“Um… I came to ask for a cup of tea, but it seems I’ve come at a bad time.”


“If it was rude, I apologize.”


“I didn’t get to thank you for the herbal medicine you sent last time.”

Amidst all this, Lee Jae subtly brushed away the drunken spirit clinging to the king’s shoulder with the wrist that wore her beaded bracelet. Be calm, be calm.

I know. You were born with good fortune that I don’t have. So I can do this much.

Then Lee Jae looked at Deborah with a pleading expression.

As the head maid, she should have more awareness; otherwise, as the Duke said, she would think to call someone from the household.

“Your Majesty, it seems the tea offered by Queen Hailey from Roshlok was to your liking.”

Lee Jae put on a serious face.

She was amazed that their movements were more in sync than she had expected.

Now, only the king remained.

After a brief time of silence, Roderick raised his hand and casually pointed his finger.

It was an order for the prostrate official to leave.

The official looked as though he had been brought back to life.

Roderick, roughly brushing his hair back, then gave a short nod to the head maid.

“Bring it here.”

At that moment, everyone else in the audience chamber also appeared as if they came back to life.

Someone let out a sigh of relief without realizing it.



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