Follow Your Heart

FYH I Chapter 05

Fate of Receiving a Deit

From a young age, Kang I-jae had often seen real-life celebrities who appeared on TV come to Yeongsan for personal reasons.

Even more so, she had seen influential figures from politics and society, figures that were hard to spot even on television come to her.

But what people didn’t realize was that the truly rare people were not celebrities or political figures. but It was someone like Yeongsan Halmae.

Her spiritual insight made her a renowned shaman who was extremely difficult to even make an appointment with.

Even if one managed to secure an appointment, if she thought she had nothing to tell that person, she’d send them away without even taking a single penny. She was a sharp and picky old woman.

Or maybe she was just born that way.

I-jae’s ability to see things, which began when she was seven, became clearer while living with Yeongsan Halmae.

And she knew all too well what the fate of people like her usually was.

Once you start seeing things, the next step was the arrival of spirits. If you don’t accept the spirits, you get sick or, in severe cases, die.

People referred to that as “shinbyeong” (spirit sickness).

Even though she had only opened her eyes, I-jae didn’t want to be sick, nor did she want to die.

So, she felt she had no choice but to accept it.

“Halmae, can you perform the ritual for me.? I don’t want to get sick like that man earlier. I want to do it before I get sick.”

“You little rascal, eat well, don’t spout nonsense again. You’re not destined to receive spirits. Just live your life and go wash the dishes.”

What exactly does it mean to not be destined to receive spirits? Why can’t I do it?

I-jae only realized the reason at the age of 25.

Because she was fated to die young before even receiving a spirit!

Halmae had known that from the beginning.

The complex feelings of despair from the moment the bus overturned were still vivid in her memory.

“How tragic.”

In front of her mirror stood Hailey Duncan, with apricot-colored hair and apple-like cheeks.

Her face was still holding on to a youthful innocence, which looked fresh and girlish.

But for I-jae, it was always the other parts that caught her attention first.

She crossed her arms and tilted her head.

“Indeed, you don’t have much luck either. I know you’re pretty, though.”

Hailey was similar to I-jae in that she also lacked parental fortune and died young.

Feeling awkward with the unfamiliar face, Hailey made various expressions before turning away with a sigh.

It had been four days since the wedding, but she hadn’t seen the king again.

With no official schedule, all she had was brief encounters during receptions, after that, she was left alone all day.

That’s why they said you shouldn’t do fortune-telling for free for people.

She hadn’t expected any courtesy, but honestly, she felt a little disappointed.

Even though it was an expected outcome, feeling this way was probably because her life had been a continuous string of loneliness.

But shaking off those feelings, I-jae decided to start the task she had been planning for days.

Once spirits revealed their presence, they often started to bother her.

Similarly, I-jae, who had made her presence known through ritual, could no longer ignore them.

It was a strong sign that this life was also doomed.

[Roderick is a drunkard!]

[He will definitely kill you! That’s your fate! You can’t avoid it!]

[You will die! You will definitely die! Die! Hahaha!]

“Yeah, thanks for letting me know. But isn’t it a bit too harsh to die again so soon after dying once? And, well, I need to see your face first, right? …Who am I talking to now?”

It was a relatively safe place, and the only spirits around were just lost souls.

I-jae clicked her tongue and started rolling up the paper she had brought from the study.

She lit that paper with the help of a candle and began to brush off various spots on the wall with it.

It was like a ritual to expel negative energy.
Since she didn’t have the ability or the intention to get rid of them, she planned to send them away gently, just like she had done a few days ago.
I-jae started writing talismans with much more effort than before.
As she hid each talisman behind frames and under the bed, completing the protective barrier, she finally scanned the room.
But then she noticed one spirit that hadn’t left, trembling with its face buried in the box.

Its head was hidden inside the box, but its round bottom was sticking out, unable to find a place to hide.

Seeing how adorable it was, she thought it definitely wasn’t a vengeful spirit.

There really are all sorts of things in this castle.

“Hey, who are you? Aren’t you going home?”

At this, the spirit slowly turned its head toward I-jae.

As she squinted and focused, she could start to read its expression.

Its big eyes were watery.

[This is my home.]

I-jae couldn’t help but chuckle.

Sensing that the spirit had no malice or resentment, she spoke to it softly, like comforting a child.

“Don’t cry, it’s just you and me here. How long have you been here?”

[…Who are you?]

“I-jae. Kang I-jae.”


“Yes, I’m I-jae.”

For the first time in this world, she was able to say her name out loud.

“What’s your name?”

[Name? I don’t have one. No one’s ever called me anything… You’re the first human to see me.]


[Yes. I-jae, I’m really scared.]

“What are you scared of? Me?”

Is it because of this? No matter how I look at it, it doesn’t seem like a vengeful spirit.

Just in case, I-jae blew out the flame on the paper.

And soon, she figured out the reason.

‘Ah… there is a crack in the box.’

The box that looked like a jewelry case was clearly no ordinary object.

It looked like it was at least a hundred years old.

Wasn’t this almost a national treasure? Why would they leave something like this in the room I am using?

That spirit, whose gender was ambiguous, seemed like a spirit that usually attached itself to very old objects.

It must have originally been sleeping inside the box, but as the box began to break, it could neither hide nor use its power freely.

But messing with such an object carelessly could lead to serious consequences.

“Sorry, I can’t help you. This isn’t something I can do.”

Putting her own safety first, Ijae firmly declined.

The round eyes just stared at Hailey.

They seemed to know they were cute.

“No, even if you look at me like that, I can’t help you.”


“If I touch it wrong, I’ll be affected too, and you’ll disappear.”

Yet the round eyes continued to stare at her. and now she could faintly see the pale lips pouting slightly.

“Instead, I’ll make sure no bad energy enters this room. I’m doing that right now. That should make you feel safe too. How does that sound?”

[Okay! That sounds good! And also…]

“And also?”

[Can you put one of those things you’re holding inside my home too?]

She guessed that the box had probably been around for about a hundred years, maybe even a few hundred. It had to be ancient to hold onto such strong energy.

Carefully, she opened the box and put a talisman inside. The spirit looked relieved and happy, which made her smile. It was the first real smile she’d had since she got here.


Early in the morning, the king received a visit from the commander of the First Knights.

“Glory to Kaien.”

As Jade offered a respectful salute, Roderick gave a slight nod.

He noticed that the king’s mood was good despite Duncan being present in the royal castle.

“They say there was a strange burning smell coming from the Queen’s chamber.”

“A burning smell?”

Roderick furrowed his brows as he heard something entirely unexpected.

“Yes, apparently there was some ash in the room as well.”

“From nearly drowning to jumping into a fire.”

Roderick referred to Hailey’s incident.

Jade hesitated while observing the king’s mood.

Unfortunately, this was not the end.

“And the day before yesterday, she asked for a carving knife.”

“A carving knife?”

“Yes, and since then, she’s been carving something in her room every day.”

“Carving? What exactly?”


The king asked in confusion,

The knight commander’s expression became dark.

“I don’t really know.”

“Aren’t you the commander of the 1st Knight Division of Kaien?”


“And yet, you’re telling me you don’t know what’s happening in the palace?”

“It’s not that, Your Majesty. We’ve investigated, but no one seems to understand what she’s making.”

Roderick couldn’t help but chuckle.

“I’ll investigate further and report in detail.”


“And make sure to take the knife away.”


The original promise was until she wore the crown.

For a woman who had caused such a scene claiming she would die, Hailey had fulfilled that promise quite calmly.

However, from the perspective of the royal family, which now had to deal with troublesome rumors and a wearisome in-law, Hailey Duncan was someone who needed to stay alive a little longer.

“Make sure to keep a close watch on her.”


“Before that woman burns down the entire castle.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

When Roderick spoke a bit harshly, Jade let out a sigh.

But when the king, who had been scowling, suddenly rubbed his forehead, Jade rushed over, concerned. Knowing that the king sometimes experienced these episodes, he lowered his voice and asked, “Are you unwell again?”


Roderick gestured for him to leave, but as he did so, his thoughts drifted back to Hailey. He vividly recalled the startled look on her face when she woke up.

‘It must have been uncomfortable and hot while I was sleeping…’


Despite his words, Roderick found himself chuckling. He couldn’t shake the feeling that something unusual had happened that night.

Though Hailey Duncan had insisted that nothing happened but he strongly suspected that he had done something. Yet, he couldn’t quite remember.

There were times when he found himself gripping a sword without realizing it, and these occurrences were becoming more frequent.

Roderick was well aware that he was slowly losing his mind.

And he knew it was getting worse.

But as the king, he couldn’t announce to the entire kingdom that he was going crazy, so he remained silent.



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