Favored By The Villain

<Episode 172>

I looked along the place where Lidan’s gaze was going and instantly shook my head. 

Right now, I’m 100% sure of what Lidan is thinking. He’s looking at a future that is completely unrelated to me. It’s up to an individual to spread the wings of their imagination, but no matter what, his imagination of me was too unrealistic. 

I couldn’t help it. I opened my mouth while bearing the feelings of an adult who breaks a child’s innocence. 

“Please don’t tell me you think I have the ability to return that land to normal.”  

Lidan listened to me and widened his eyes.  

“Can’t you do that?” 

“…It’s not a matter of whether I can do it or not.”  

When I was trying to say it was a hopeless idea in the first place, I saw Lidan’s face and hesitated. 

Lidan was smiling. With great brilliance, he tilted his head at me, who had not an inch of a smile on my stiff face and said, 

“Why does Levy decide that you won’t be able to do it even before you try?”  

Why can’t I answer? 

Lidan was only smiling as usual, but somehow, it didn’t droop like it did normally, there was nothing easy about it. I felt a strange pressure on me. 

 “You don’t know whether it’ll work or not yet, do you?” 

The corner of Lidan’s lips rolled upwards even more when he uttered the words. An ominousness struck me. 

“Should we test it out?”  

At first glance, it seemed like a suggestion. But the atmosphere and tone held a completely different feeling. 

‘If I don’t test it like he says, I have a feeling I’ll be tested right away anyway…’  

Come to think of it, there was one more person here besides me who’d think the complete opposite way. 

“She can purify the ground? What do you mean…”  

Even Roman, who I didn’t know why he was still behind me, treated Lydan’s thoughts with a grain of salt. It was when Lidan’s eyebrows moved like they were full of energy.  

“What? Is that true?” 


The side that was inspecting the ground suddenly became noisy. Lidan and I naturally looked at the place due to the sudden disturbance. 

At the center of the uproar was Aurora. I couldn’t see her face properly because Aurora had her back turned to us, but the faces of the people surrounding her were all bright. Like people who’d solved an old riddle. 

Lidan muttered in a surprised voice, wondering if he had seen the same thing as me. 

“Don’t tell me-”  

It could be seen from other people’s conversations that Lidan and I’d guessed right. 

“You found the answer?”  

“How do you get the land back?”  

The astonished voices came and gradually turned into murmurs. In the midst of the uproar, Aurora rose from the ground with her dirty hands and turned around.  

Soon, she drew a smile at the mesmerized. It was like a confirmed silent kill.  

“Well, Aurora is the person closest to the earth.”  

“The result was predictable from the beginning.” 

There were voices of acceptance and bitterness everywhere. It was a bitter disappointment. 

So what are the other Kraidens thinking? It was the first time in a while that I moved my eyes to find Elizabeth. 

“As expected, no matter how precious a pearl necklace you put on a pig’s neck, it is still a pig.” 

When I turned around after hearing what he’d said, Roman fixed his eyes on me and jutted to where Aurora was. 

It seemed to be an extension of what he had said to me in the hallway before. 

‘You should be aware of your place and stay still.’  

It’s not like you have any powers beside your mediocrity, who are you to say anything? 

I’d certainly given Roman a reply back then. ‘Regardless of my abilities, I did what any normal person would do.’  

It seemed that Roman wasn’t satisfied with my answer. 

“Before you lecture others, why don’t you take a look at yourself?” 

Unlike before, when Roman had laughed at me full of disdain, he accused me this time with no hint of even a smile. 

“Even the ‘normal choice’ you speak of is a luxury for a person as useless as you.” 

While the background was noisy, the air here seemed to still. 

I glared back at Roman. As if to speak on my behalf, Lidan uttered a vicious voice that I’d never heard before. 

“What the hell is wrong with him?” 

No matter what anyone said, this was unlike Lidan, who always responded to something with a smile. I stopped Lidan from trying to step forward. 

“Leave it alone.”  

“But, Levisia.” 

Lidan called out to me, throwing away even the nickname he’d been calling me by. It meant not to stop him. But I still blocked him. Lidan doesn’t have to come forward for no reason. 

In the past, even if he would slander me, I would deal with him in the most basic way to deal with others. Now I wondered if he was even worth doing so. 

Do I have to be polite to someone who looks at me like I’m a worm? 

Besides, I’ve already heard him rant once before and let it go. 

‘One time is enough.’ 

It was Roman who didn’t stop at the first time, but continued to do it a second time. I don’t know why he wishes to speak ill of me so badly. 

“Those words.”  

I can’t help but give him the attention he seeks if he comes at me so persistently. 

His words still do not hurt me at all, but it shouldn’t be natural of me to hear such things just because I’m used to neglect and survi-  

“I’ll return them as is.” 

I told you for sure. 

But you’re the one who hit my blunt nerve cord over and over again. If the line breaks, it’s your fault if it cuts your leg off.  

The man looked back at me with an absurd expression. 

“Even my interest is too much for such useless human beings.” 


“Before you admonish others, look back on your own position first.” 

At some point, the noise around me disappeared. It was because the noisy people’s attention had turned to one place.  

I sharpened my gaze like an arrow towards Roman. 

“If you’re so good, why…”  

[The bow is raised and held] 

[The siege is already narrowed.] 

“You still seem the same.”  

“What the hell did you-” 

The arrow that left from the spot of its manifestation struck Roman’s hand like a shot.* 


“Who the hell do you think you are?” 

Elizabeth’s hand, which was approaching, sparkled with light. For a moment, it looked like the light had wrapped around Roman’s wrist. 


Roman grabbed his burned wrist and retreated. However, he couldn’t take even a few steps away before he bumped into someone in the back. 

“Ugh, what…”  



Siaphyl, who hit Roman’s back, rubbed his forehead while squinting one of his eyes. 

His blue eyes shined like a blue blade in the shadows. 


Roman’s face turned white with a tearful voice. Soon, Siaphyl, who took his hand off his forehead, raised his head and looked up at Roman. 

“It hurts, brother…”  

“W-what, why…” 

Siaphyl’s small lips instantly drew a line and pouted, 

“What do you mean why? My brother came and bumped into me.”  

“It’s not that…” 


Roman turned his head again to look back at a voice that was not Siaphyl’s. Merril, who poked him in the back with her sword, shook her head cynically.  

“No, what?”  

I could see Roman’s neck as he gulped up and down very clearly. 

I watched his face as he repeatedly turned white and blue. Just in time, the person who had been waiting for a while passed by. 

The sound of the sword escaping from its sheath was bleak. 

“Why can’t you say anything even right before your mouth is about to be pierced?”  

Lidan, who immediately pulled out a sword from the sheath that Merril had given him, turned his wrist lightly with an unreadable smile. 

Unlike the light hand gesture, it split the air with a black buzz and a heavy sound of the wind.  

Roman chewed his lips at the apparent threat. Before long, his trembling gaze reached me. 

“What the hell is this? Everyone…!”  

Caw, the cry of flying bird interrupted him. Roman’s head looked upward by itself. At that moment, Harrol descended sharply as if he were going to peck at his eyes with his beak. 



The clever crow clawed its way under Roman’s eyes, flapped its wings and returned to its master. 

Cassian, who raised his arm so that he could land on it, muttered in a grave voice. 

“I forgot it was time for Harrol to eat.”  


If I were Roman, I would have become out of my mind right away. However, he seemed unnecessarily stubborn and strong, and couldn’t even faint. He fell on his buttocks with his hands under his eyes. 

The blood flowing in three different streams looked like tears. I think those scratches might leave a permanent scar.  


His eyes met with mine and he couldn’t say anything. In the end, he gave in to the Kraidens’ pressure.  

“Sister, sister. I think I have a bump on my forehead, please blow ‘Ho.’ on it.”  

Siaphyl, who ran up to me as if he had finally gotten the chance, squinted his eyes. Of course, there was no bump anywhere on the round forehead. 

They call this a ‘ho’ here too, eh. I shrugged without avoiding Roman’s eyes, pretending to look at Siaphyl’s forehead in tune with him. 

Even I, who had been stuck in the corner of the palace for almost my entire life, have people who take my side like this, which only begs the question, how have you been living yours?  

Then, seeing his eyes getting fierce at once, it seemed that this incident alone was not enough to dampen Roman’s spirits. 

“What do you mean?”  

But it was okay. No, rather, it was a relief. 

I hadn’t even needed to lift a hand yet. 

the arrow scene was a mess ngl i couldnt figure out how to translate it because it was practically written like onomatopoeia but basically, the arrow is a manifestation of Elizabeth’s ability, lightning, which is malleable as well for some reason it seems. she shot it at roman’s hand and to Levisia it looked like the light enveloped his hand for a moment. then his hand got burnt. thats it. hope you liked the chapter. btw im only adding the <episode __> because it feels incomplete to not add it, its not in the original text because otherwise it would be episode 88 not 172

Ami’s ko-fi page


  1. midoriha says:

    thanks! it is really cool to see levisia stand up for herself, and immediately all the kraidens on her side take acrion to defend her. haha! LOLOL harrold the crow is big fave!

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