Falling To Paradise


Mary leaned in and whispered softly to Anje.


“You two are planning to go to the summer fair together, right?”


People ordering new clothes at this time of year usually had the same reason. Anje nodded.


“Yes, it’s my first time attending the festival, so I’m excited.”


Normally, festivals like these were part of commoner culture, and nobles like her didn’t participate. They just listened to the distant sound of fireworks and thought it was noisy and undignified.


But now, it was completely different. She was already overflowing with anticipation and excitement.


“You’re planning to wear the last dress you tried on, right? Then I’ll make sure your husband’s outfit matches it.”


Anje was a bit flustered by Mary’s thoughtful consideration.


“Oh, you don’t have to go to that trouble.”


“What are you talking about? On the day when all the townspeople gather, you’ve got to stamp your claim—this man is mine. What if some other woman targets such a fine gentleman?”


Mary’s passionate words made Anje abandon her objections. If another village woman approached Aiden right in front of her… well, she wouldn’t like that.


Of course, it wasn’t because of something trivial like jealousy. It was a matter of pride.


“In return, if anyone asks where you got the clothes, you must say they were made at our fabric store, okay?”


“Of course.”


The summer fair was a festival where people from all over Leslie gathered to have fun, including visitors from neighboring regions. Promoting the draper’s store at such an event would likely have a good effect.


A few minutes later, Aiden, looking tired, and Pierre, full of energy, emerged from the fitting room.


Anje suppressed a laugh and spoke to them.


“You two already look like you get along well. I was thinking of visiting Mr. Pierre’s house with Aiden soon.”


“It would be a great honor, madam.”


Anje hesitated when she was about to ask for a possible date. Among nobles, there was an unspoken rule that the first private visit between families should be during afternoon tea time.


But maybe these people have different rules? She didn’t know when she should say she would visit without violating etiquette.


Mary, jumping into the conversation, dispelled her concerns with a single sentence.


“I’ll sneak a bunch of meat from my father’s butcher shop! Let’s make barbecue together in the evening.”


So it’s okay to eat together right away? Barbecue, that sounds delicious.


‘It’s not bad to have this kind of casual gathering without worrying about formalities.’


Anje looked at Aiden for approval. Seeing her bright expression, he immediately nodded.


“Yes, then we’ll see you soon.”


“Since it’s raining a lot, we’ll load your luggage into the carriage. Oh, of course, not me, but my brother.”


“Marie, you’re stronger than—ouch. Fine. You left the carriage at Mrs. Hudson’s inn, right? I’ll load it into the luggage compartment properly.”


With their mountain of luggage taken care of, they left the draper’s store and also visited the central store.


Unfortunately, they didn’t sell the holly seedlings that Anje wanted to plant, but they were told that there were several growing at the village pastor’s house, so they could probably get some.


“We can ask Mrs. Meg to help later.”


Through Meg, who was close to the pastor, they would probably obtain them easily.


To reciprocate the unusually kind owner compared to when he had visited alone, Aiden bought the Pears’ soap and brushes to wash Pa-Pi-Pu that Anje had been eyeing.


Jingle, jingle—


“Thank you.”


The owner nodded his head politely, and as soon as they stepped out, he called to his wife, who had been pretending to organize the shelves.


“Did you see that too? It was the same last time he visited.”


“Yes, just like you said, it’s as if he’s become a different person.”


They vividly remembered Aiden’s gloomy and dark impression, having encountered him most frequently among the shopkeepers.


He was a man who simply bowed stiffly and bought only what he needed, with dry eyes that seemed devoid of any emotion.


Seeing him appear with such a bright face, if not for his distinct eye color and hair color, they might have thought he was a different person.


The two were so surprised by this change that they engaged in an animated conversation.


“His wife must be a good person.”


“She’s also beautiful, isn’t she? Doesn’t she look just like a princess? Maybe she’s someone of high status?”


The woman gave a small laugh and playfully teased her husband.


“What would someone like that be doing in this rural place?”


“Well, that’s true.”


In any case, it was a good thing that their longtime neighbor had changed in a positive way. Especially since he was now a neighbor who spent generously.


Meanwhile, unaware that the shopkeeper they had just visited was talking about them, the two walked side by side on the damp cobblestone path.


“It looks like more people are coming out.”


As the rain subsided, more people began to stroll through the streets, and the shops lit their windows and drew back the curtains. The previously empty town started to regain its vitality.


Anje held his hand tightly, carefully scanning the surroundings for any sights or sounds that might have a negative effect on him.


“If you start feeling strange, let me know.”


Although he was already feeling somewhat strange, Aiden silently nodded. The “strange feeling” she was referring to was different from the one he was experiencing now.


While she, like a meerkat, eagerly observed the scenery under the parasol, he squeezed her hand even tighter.


Right now, she was holding his hand purely out of kindness, worried that he might have another seizure or anxiety attack like before, trying to keep him calm. But he shamelessly decided to make the most of this kindness.


“Oh, look at that person. He’s about to use a whip on the horse.”


She looked at him with an anxious expression, noticing that he was holding the items they had just bought from the store and the handle of the parasol. She waved her hand frantically.


“Lower your back a bit.”


“Like this?”


Aiden obediently bent his body as she instructed. The white parasol lowered further, completely covering their heads.


With the outside world blocked from view, it felt like they had entered a secret base just for the two of them.


“Just a moment.”


When she let go of his hand, he felt a brief pang of disappointment and emptiness. But soon after, a warm, sunlight-like hand, contrasting with the cold rain, covered both his ears.


“I’ll block the sound until it stops.”


He froze in place, awkwardly bent over.


Her face was so close to his.


It felt as if his heart had moved to his ears, thumping loudly. His red eyes were fixed on her pale pink lips, trying to read what she was saying.


More than the scars of the past or the trauma that could resurface at any moment, his mind was consumed with a single thought.


‘If I were to kiss her there right now, what expression would she make?’


He gritted his teeth, desperately trying to suppress the urge that was dangerously close to his limit.


Humans were such insatiable creatures. Just when he thought he was satisfied with one thing, he wanted more.


He thought it was enough that she held his hand, kissed his cheek, and stayed close by without pushing him away.


But it wasn’t.


“It’s done. The whip sound has faded away.”


He forced himself to step back from his kind and innocent savior, putting on a stiff smile.


“Thank you. Shall we head to our next destination? We’ve got the clothes, so next up is shoes.”


He sincerely hoped that she hadn’t noticed his unwholesome feelings.




* * *


“—den? Aid..en?”






“…Oh, yes. Yes?”


Aiden finally snapped out of his thoughts after hearing his name called several times. Anje, who had been trying to get his attention, handed him a porcelain cup with droplets of condensation on it.


“Here, drink this. It’s hot today.”


“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t hear you calling.”


“It’s fine. Just drink it before the ice melts.”


Inside the cup, square ice cubes floated in lemonade. It was homemade lemonade, quickly made by mixing about a quarter cup of pre-made lemon syrup with cold water.


Both Anje and Aiden often drank this beverage as the weather got hotter.


“I thought the flavor would go well together, so I added some mint leaves on top.”


“…It really does go well. The mint smells wonderful.”


“Right? Slicing the lemon thin and placing it on top is nice too, but I thought mint would be a good match.”


Anje sat down right next to him after handing him the cup.


They were not in the kitchen where they usually spent their time but in a cooler and quieter living room that also served as a multipurpose room.


“By the way, I was wondering what you were so focused on in the living room…”


Anje looked at his ‘work’ and bit her lip for a moment, then burst out laughing, unable to hold it in.


“My goodness, you made this much? I’m the one who learned this from Mrs. Meg, but you’ve been more dedicated than me.”


Aiden was surprised when he looked at the piled-up objects. As she said, the sheer number of results was excessive for just a few hours of concentration.


A mountain of sparkling white square lace motifs, with delicate flower-inspired designs, each about the size of half his palm.


Unable to hide his bewildered expression, he put down the crochet hook and yarn he had been holding.


“I didn’t realize I had made so many…”


His ‘escape’ to forget his troubled thoughts about Anje had initially begun with chopping firewood.


The logs stored in the barn were shattered to pieces under his hands as he swung the axe relentlessly.


However, he had already chopped a lot of wood shortly before, while considering whether to intentionally hurt himself, and since it was getting hotter and there was less need for firewood, there was now no space to store it.


He tried to immerse himself in other farm work, but perhaps because he had often turned to farm work when troubled, it no longer had the same effect.


Then, by chance, he became engrossed in this lace crocheting.


* * * *


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Hi, I'm J! Hope y'all enjoy reading^^


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