Falling To Paradise


Anje, who had been lost in uncomfortable thoughts, shook her head vigorously.


“No. It’s not that… it’s just that the skin on my fingertips is peeling, and it bothers me…”


He focused intently, trying to read her emotions from her stuttering face. Lately, he felt that a part of her mind was always somewhere far away.


But Aiden, who prided himself on knowing Anje’s innermost thoughts better than anyone, now found himself uncertain of his abilities.


As his feelings for her deepened, his perception became both sharper and duller. Sometimes he saw hope in her voice and actions, and at other times he sensed endless despair.


He couldn’t tell if what he saw in her was false positivity or exaggerated negativity. He recalled something his grandfather had taught him about hunting when he was young.


‘For a hunter, the most important thing is to observe keenly and calmly. Don’t let emotions cloud your gaze. Fearful eyes will see an ordinary puddle as leopard tracks, and haughty eyes will mistake bear fur for squirrel traces.’


His eyes, however, were already mixed with other emotions when he looked at her.


So, he gave up trying to read her and instead suggested something he could do.


“There’s some grape seed oil in the first-aid kit. It’s good for rough skin. Here.”


“I can do it myself…”


“Didn’t you injure one of your hands?”


“It’s just a small cut, but you wrapped it up so much that I can’t use it.”


“So, it’s my fault in the end.”


Where was the man who said he would treat her coldly again? Even if she was injured, this was an excessive luxury.


Still, she was grateful that he didn’t frown or scold her upon seeing her bad habit, but rather showed concern.


‘I’m thankful… but don’t make me grow too attached like this.’


She looked down at the top of his head, which was diligently applying the oil. His rough hands touching her palms and between her fingers was so ticklish that she couldn’t help but giggle.


“Hehe, it tickles.”


“It’ll be over soon, bear with it.”


The combination of the right amount of warmth and oil made her hands, which were now smooth and sleek, smell good. Anje wiggled her hands and sniffed them before thanking him.


“Thank you. You’re really overdoing it for a minor injury. If you ever hurt your hand, I’ll help you with everything, from meals to anything else. Don’t refuse next time.”


He coughed hard as he swallowed wrongly while tidying up the first aid kit.




Help with everything? Suddenly, he thought it wouldn’t be so bad to injure his hand a little.


Maybe he should go chop some wood later. It wasn’t necessary in the summer except for cooking, and they already had a lot stored…


While he seriously considered staging an injury, she returned to her previous thoughts, this time looking at her now smooth fingertips.


‘I know why I feel so uneasy.’


When she needed people to comfort her, all her friends turned their backs on her. If she left him alone in his current lonely and painful state, she would be doing the same thing.


She didn’t want to return the betrayal and anger she had felt to Aiden. He was a good person who treated her kindly, despite some misunderstandings.


‘Okay, the problem is simple. I just need to solve his issues before I leave.’


To lessen the uncomfortable feeling of imagining him left alone on the farm, there was only one way.


‘I’ll help him be okay without me.’


She would create friends for him other than herself. If there was one thing she was confident in, it was her social skills. She could easily bridge the gap between Aiden and the townspeople.


The seizures… were a problem because there was no cure. But what if she helped him practice facing his fears? Maybe he would gradually get better?


Going with him to crowded places like the town or the summer fair would be ideal.


She resolutely chewed on a soft, melting tomato. Now that she had a clear goal, she felt much more at ease.


“Aiden, is Mrs. Meg still outside?”


“Oh, yes. She said she was cleaning the fence because it was too dirty…”


In truth, it wasn’t that dirty, but Meg, hoping the couple would have some time alone, was still outside.


Aiden had seen Meg’s round face peeking into the kitchen several times through the window behind Anje, but he pretended not to notice.




Anje immediately set her newly formed plan into motion.


“She must be lonely eating lunch outside alone. Let’s invite her in to eat with us.”


They had made plenty of gratin and biscuits. If it wasn’t enough, they could pick some vegetables from the field to make a salad. The lettuce, in full harvest season, awaited their hands.


“Oh, yes. I didn’t think of that. I was so worried about your injury that… I’ll go get her.”


Watching Aiden quickly disappear out the back door and then return with Meg, Anje smiled subtly.


Although Meg and Aiden were already on friendly terms, it would be good to strengthen their bond as neighbors. She should invite Meg over for meals or tea more often, even if it’s not a Monday.


Or, she could visit Meg’s house. It was an intriguing place for her, as she had never visited other homes in the area.


‘Thinking like this, I feel like I’m acting like a real wife.’


Managing her husband’s social connections and building relationships with new people… She chuckled to herself at her silly thoughts, then suddenly paused.


‘Once he is okay without me… I can leave without any regrets, right?’


She should be able to.


Her brief uplifted mood burst like a bubble and sank below the surface. But she gathered her strength and smiled at the approaching Meg.


“Welcome, Aunty.”


“Thank you for inviting me, young lady. You’ve prepared all my favorite dishes. Tomato gratin! Hmm, your cooking skills have really improved.”


Meg, bustling to take a seat, took a big bite of the gratin and couldn’t hide her admiration.


“It wasn’t me, it was Ai—”


“Anje made it. She even hurt her finger in the process.”


“Oh dear, you got hurt? You poor thing, you must have worked so hard”


Although all she had done was cut the tomatoes for the gratin, he readily gave her credit for the dish. She nudged his foot under the table, but he only put on an innocent expression and lightly touched her shoe with his toe.




“By the way, Anje. Are you a firm peach person or a soft peach person? We were just discussing this as we walked over here, and we couldn’t agree.”


What Aiden grew in his orchard were Fitzroy peaches, a firm variety that people liked.


“Soft and sweet is better than something hard like a turnip.”


“Don’t you think firm peaches are the best, with a lively crunch and no matter how much you eat, you never get tired of them?”




Unable to narrow their differences, Meg and Aiden, who had been arguing heatedly, subtly pressured Anje.


“And you, young lady? You like sweet things, so our peaches must be your favorite, right?”


“Everyone in the Fitzroy family prefers firm peaches.”




It was a simple question, but it felt like she needed to answer carefully. Anje began to think about what kind of diplomatic answer she could give so as not to offend either of them.


The art of getting along at the Dilton Farm was much more difficult than the social etiquette she had learned in society.


* * * *


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Hi, I'm J! Hope y'all enjoy reading^^


  1. Hanra says:

    Thank you for translating it! Please continue this sweet series 💕
    Oh anyway, I prefer firm peaches than soft ones, since I like the feel ‘crunchy’ while eating it~

  2. Usurpadora says:

    I prefer the soft peaches too🥰🥰🥰

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