Falling To Paradise


They obediently slowed their pace at Aiden’s command, the only one they would obey, though they still expressed their discontent with whinnies.


“What are their names?”


“The one on the left with the darker coat is Wind, and the one with the white spot on his neck is Dancer.”


The horses, realizing their names had been called, pricked up their ears. Anje, now smiling at their antics, asked,


“Wind and Dancer? Did you name them?”


“I named Wind, and the previous owner named Dancer… apparently because he pranced around like a puppy when he was a foal.”


True to his name, Dancer still had an air of mischief about him. In fact, most of the time when the horses got into trouble, it was Dancer leading the charge.


“And Wind’s name was probably given for his speed.”


“Yes. He’s probably the fastest horse in Leslie.”


Aiden had almost broken his neck training these two because of their speed, but he had been able to acquire these energetic horses for a bargain price, so it all worked out.


“Wind seems to understand you when you praise him. He just glanced over here.”


“Horses are smart. Would you like to try driving them yourself?”


“D-Drive them? This carriage?”




She clumsily took the reins he offered her, balancing her parasol between her shoulder and neck.


“Whoa, wait a minute. They’re speeding up.”


“The horses know the driver has changed. Easy, don’t raise your voice. Hold the reins firmly.”


Aiden took the white parasol that was about to slip off the back of the carriage seat. Anje, not knowing what to do, panicked, but for now, she did as he told her and tightened her grip on the reins.


The jolts of the carriage and the horses were transmitted directly through the thick leather reins. Her heart pounded again.


“You’ve ridden a horse before, so it shouldn’t be too difficult.”


If she could learn to drive the carriage, she could go out to fetch people or go into town by herself. If she was going to live on the farm for a long time, it was best to learn now.


He carefully adjusted her hands on the reins, showing her how to hold them comfortably and how to control the horses’ speed and direction.


The horses, who previously had vehemently resisted being saddled when Anje had tried, now followed her instructions obediently, perhaps because Aiden was by her side or perhaps because they had become accustomed to her.


“I think I’m getting the hang of it now.”


Although the hands holding the reins felt a bit chilly, Anje was gradually gaining confidence. At the same time, a desire to run at a faster speed than now arose.


“Can I run faster?”


“As you wish.”


Anje looked for the whip that was a common sight in carriages, and realized that there was no such thing in his carriage.


Before Anje could ask if he had left the whip behind, Aiden noticed her gaze and explained.


“If you call their names and order them to run, they will follow your orders. The horses understand that you are now their owner holding the reins.”






Anje, hesitating but lowering her body slightly to be heard by the horses, called their names.


“Dancer, Wind. Let’s run.”


The horses, which had been walking at a brisk pace, increased the speed of their hooves. She tightened her grip on the reins to keep from losing them as they shook wildly.


The wind blowing along the road whipped around her, flapping the brim of her hat and the hem of her dress, and tangling her hair.


But she paid no attention, and stared at the road and horses unfolding in front of her. Her eyes, focused on driving the carriage, sparkled, and her cheeks flushed redder than any fruit.


The early summer scenery quickly passed by her left and right. The feeling of the horses, allowed to run, of exhilaration, flowed through the reins to her.


She laughed cheerfully in solidarity with them.


‘You’re having fun too.’


She too enjoyed the speed. Even when she was learning to ride, she had almost always walked, and had never run this fast.


Moreover, driving a carriage was a completely different feeling from leading a single horse.


She felt like she had more freedom and power. She thought it would be great if the road went on forever and she could keep running like this.


‘It’s exactly the same feeling as when I ran in the forest last time.’


A breeze swept in from beyond the road and approached them. A feather fell from the brim of her hat, which had been happily swaying up and down, riding the wind.


“My feather!”


“Here, I got it.”


Aiden caught the white feather and carefully put it in the front pocket of his shirt. He was able to do this because he never took his eyes off her.


“Don’t worry about anything, and run as fast as you like.”


“You said ‘as fast as I like’? Did you hear that, Wind? Dancer? Let’s go!”


Behind the carriage, which was running at a fast speed, kicking up dust, signs marking the boundaries of the land passed by.


「Dilton Farm – No Entry Unless Authorized Personnel」


The thick trellis vines that grew along the sign almost obscured the first word, “No.”


* * *


Arriving in town, they left their carriage in the inn’s stable so that their weary horses could rest.


“Here, one penny.”


The boy who managed the stable couldn’t even meet Aiden’s eyes as he gave him the money, but he couldn’t help but stare curiously at the woman accompanying him.


He pretended not to notice the boy and guided Anje towards the center of town.


“The shops are all gathered around here.”


Perhaps because it was market day once a week, Anje found town to be more lively than she had expected.


She muttered as she looked around the bustling square.


“There are quite a lot of people.”


“People are likely stocking up on essentials before summer truly begins.”


They needed to cross the square to get to their destination. Aiden walked ahead, assuming that Anje would follow him on her own, but after a few steps he realized that she was not behind him.


“What are you looking at so intently, young lady?”


Anje, who had been standing still and staring intently at a shop display, came to her senses at his voice and hurried to catch up with him.


“Oh, I’m sorry. Everything is so fascinating.”


For her, who had never been in such a crowded space with commoners before, everything seemed strange and new.


From the fish with their gills flapping on the stalls to the old woman selling coffee and sandwiches on the street to the peddler selling pots, toothpicks, and other miscellaneous items.


Noticing that her feet kept stopping as she followed him, he reached out his hand instead of scolding her.


“It’s good to look around, but don’t get lost.”




Anje’s hand, which had started walking again, was clasped in his. Anje opened her mouth in surprise, then replied curtly.


“I’m not a child, you know. Aren’t you looking down on me too much?”


Her words were harsh, but she didn’t mind that he was looking out for her.


His hand, which was like an old wood or a huge rock, felt quite reliable. She also thought it was like him to grab her hand gently without using too much force, out of consideration for her.


Misinterpreting her tone, he thought for a moment and muttered hesitantly.


“Well… if you don’t like this, please let me know.”


He had taken this action thinking that it was okay to this extent given the special circumstances, but he became worried that she might be holding back her dislike of holding his hand.


Not knowing if he would come out and ask her what she wanted, she, like him, fell silent for a moment and then whispered to him, barely audibly.


“……I don’t mind.”


At her answer, he deliberately suppressed his relieved expression and replied curtly.


“I see.”


The grip on her hand tightened slightly. She noticed that the back of his ear, which she could see, was redder than before.


‘Is he really this embarrassed just from holding hands…? Wait a minute, am I crazy?’


If she had pretended to get lost earlier and slipped away through the crowd, she could have found a carriage heading straight to the capital. She had missed the chance due to her lack of quick thinking.


She was about to bite her fingernails but realized that hand was held by Aiden, so she bit her lip instead.


‘No, wait, another chance will come.’


For now, she needed to figure out where they were.


“Excuse me, Sir Aiden. Where are we going?”


I think we just passed the central store, didn’t you say I could pick up my mail there?


I heard that if you turn right from the central store into the alleyway, there are carriage drivers gathered who go to other provinces.


“Don’t we have to go to that building to get the letter? And you said you needed to buy sugar too.”


“There are more important things than sugar.”


“What is that?”


“It’s a secret.”


“A secret?”


She tried to get an answer from Aiden several times, but he stubbornly exercised his right to remain silent.


After walking for a long time along a complicated path that Anje could not memorize, Aiden stopped in front of a single-story pink building.


Anje read the sign that had been freshly painted and was still shiny.


“‘Penny’s Drapery Store…?”


Through the glass window, she could see ribbons, rolled-up fabrics, bags, hats, and other things hanging down.


Did Sir Aiden want to have his clothes fitted because of the talk about suits we had on the way here? Anje had the wrong guess.


Jingle, jangle–




A young man with a bored expression who was cutting fabric over the counter raised his head.


His brown eyes were fixed on Anje for a moment. In an instant, he changed his demeanor and voice and jumped out from behind the counter.


“Bonjour, Mademoiselle.”




Anje, who didn’t expect to hear a foreign language in this place, followed his greeting like a parrot.


* * * *


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Hi, I'm J! Hope y'all enjoy reading^^


  1. Jen says:

    Thank you very much for your hard work, I want to know what will happen in the town. I understand what Anje is thinking, the good thing is that regardless of what she thinks about him in her conscious mind, we all know that she is already in love with Aiden.

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