Failed to Train the Beast Male Lead

“…You and Sis?”


The two boys asked while hugging the swords they had just received as gifts.

The Duke had given them these swords as presents.

They recognized these swords. They were the ones displayed in the blacksmith shop they visited daily when they went to the capital.

Even the 1st Knight Order couldn’t afford these swords due to their high price.

They were said to be rare pieces made by dwarves, who weren’t usually friendly to humans. And he brought not just one, but two as greeting gifts. The two were stunned by the Duke’s extravagance.

Perhaps because of this, they accepted the fact that the Duke and Carol were dating rather calmly.

“I see.”

“…Is that all you have to say?”

At Carol’s words, both of them nodded simultaneously. They finally understood why she had been acting suspiciously both in the North and here, which actually made them feel relieved.

“As long as Sis is happy, that’s what matters.”

Many worries flashed through their minds, but they were sure Carol had considered those concerns as well.

Carol gave them a suspicious look.

“You’re not just saying that because of the gifts, are you?”

Kevin and Dylan protested that they wouldn’t do such a thing, but Carol didn’t easily drop her suspicion.

Meanwhile, the Duke calmly sipped his tea and said,

“I’m glad you like the gifts.”


The two glanced at Carol nervously, worried that she might take the expensive gifts away.

“By the way, I thought we were meeting outside today?”

In response to Carol’s question, the Duke took out some documents and placed them on the table.

“I have something I want to discuss with you as well.”

After the kidnapping incident, the Duke wanted to take Carol back to the North as soon as possible.

After missing the chance to tell her before, he wanted to say it right away, but additional paperwork delayed him until now.

“Do you know about the new academy being established in the North?”

“…An academy?”

“Yes. An academy with the royal seal.”

The Duke began by explaining that an academic academy for commoners would be created in the North.

“We’re planning to convert the townhouse near Cardiff into an academy.”

As she listened to the Duke’s explanation, Carol couldn’t hide her surprise.

Since Carol hadn’t even realized how popular the North had become as a tourist destination, the Duke’s words had an even greater impact on her.

“That’s amazing. Then there will be more children, and it will become even livelier.”

Carol clapped her hands in delight.

“…But that’s not the main point.”

“It wasn’t?”

Carol’s eyes widened. She seemed to have genuinely thought the Duke had changed their meeting place and come all this way just to tell her about the academy.

“I want to scout you.”

“Scout me?”

“Yes. As a teacher, of course.”


“I’m not saying we should go right away. You have your own teaching work to consider.”

Although he said it wasn’t immediate, the Duke spoke with confidence that Carol would accept.

“…What if I refuse?”

When Carol said this mischievously, the Duke shrugged and replied confidently,

“I haven’t considered the possibility of being refused.”

The Duke had good reason to be so confident.

“I like a teacher who takes pride in their work. I’ve experienced firsthand how well you teach, so I know.”


“So I pride myself on building an academy worthy of a teacher like you choosing it.”

The Duke’s words were full of confidence. Carol looked again at the documents he had presented.

“But are these conditions… really okay to be this good?”

Everything was excellent. The benefits, facilities, salary. Everything exceeded Carol’s expectations.

“I think it’s ordinary. Did you think I’d offer more because we’re lovers?”

“…A little.”

“Carol, I may be a nobleman, but I’m also a businessman.”


“I’m not offering a salary that would cause me to lose money.”

The Duke grinned. Carol looked at her siblings for a moment. They were siblings who would support her no matter what choice she made.

“Can I think about it for a while?”

Carol had to postpone her answer.

It wasn’t a decision she could make right away. Carol’s face darkened as she thought of Benjamin.

Although his father had been punished for his serious crimes, Benjamin had to go to an orphanage because none of his relatives would take him in. This continued to weigh on Carol’s mind.

“Take your time. There’s no rush.”

“Thank you.”

The Duke nodded lightly, then casually brought up something that might tempt her.

“And there’s one more thing I’d like to tell you.”

“What is it?”

“I’m telling you this so you don’t misunderstand. This is just moving up a system we’ve been preparing for a while.”

“…I understand. I won’t misunderstand.”

Carol replied, blushing.

“Teachers working at the academy will have the right to choose one student who can receive benefits from the scholarship system.”

Carol didn’t immediately grasp the meaning of the Duke’s words. She tilted her head, wondering what misunderstanding she could have made about this, when the Duke continued.

“By the way, do you know about the sponsorship system in the empire?”


“Children who end up in orphanages can have sponsors.”

In short, if Benjamin got a sponsor, and that sponsor allowed him to receive support from the scholarship system, Benjamin could also attend the academy.

“Oh my.”

“I want you to consider that as well when you think about it.”

Then, without pressing for an answer again, the Duke spoke kindly.


She needed to hear what Benjamin thought too. Carol nodded obediently.

“Now, shall we head out?”

“Um, just a moment please. I’m not quite ready yet.”

“Alright. I’ll wait.”

Carol left to finish preparing to go out.

The Duke turned his attention to Kevin and Dylan, who were sitting quietly holding their swords, and casually brought up a topic.

“Are you two thinking of coming to the North as well?”

“What? That’s… we’re not sure yet.”

While they wanted to go together, they couldn’t answer definitively because of what they had recently heard from the Knight Captain.

“That’s unexpected. I was hoping you’d come along. Your sister cares for you a great deal.”

If her brothers came to the North too, Carol wouldn’t think of going elsewhere, which would be good for the Duke.

“We’d like to go, but we might be knighted soon, though it’s not certain yet.”

It was obvious they wouldn’t be viewed favorably if they quit right after being knighted.


The Duke remembered that the Crown Prince had kept his promise to take care of this matter.

“In that case, there shouldn’t be a problem.”


“The knighthood matter stems from my desire to increase talented individuals from the North.”


Only then did the two vaguely understand the whole story behind their knighthood. It meant that the rumor about their knighthood wasn’t just a baseless rumor, but real.

It was an incredible opportunity. Kevin and Dylan gulped nervously.

“I was merely trying to nurture talent, but I suppose the teacher might misunderstand again.”

The Duke clicked his tongue in regret. Worried that Carol might misunderstand and the Duke might cancel the knighthood, Dylan quickly said,

“We’ll keep it a secret.”

“…Me too.”

Kevin followed suit.

It was an incredible opportunity for both of them. They didn’t completely believe the Duke’s words.

This opportunity might have come because of Carol.

But given their confidence in their abilities, they could use this opportunity as a stepping stone to advance.

If the 1st Knight Order members could make good use of their privileges, there was no reason they couldn’t do the same.

The two wanted to live a little less righteously than Carol.

“Good. Then I’ll arrange for you to come to the North after your knighthood.”


The two realized one more thing with the Duke’s visit.

“It’s a bit late, but thank you for finding our parents.”

“You don’t need to be so formal.”


“We’re going to have a closer relationship in the future.”


The two were momentarily at a loss for words at the Duke’s blatant declaration.

“It was a pleasure chatting with you.”

Just as it seemed the conversation was wrapping up abruptly, Carol emerged from behind.

“I’m ready now.”

Although the Duke had his back to Carol’s room, he was the first to notice her coming out.

The two brothers inwardly marveled at the Duke’s uncanny sense as they looked at Carol.

“Shall we go then?”

The Duke rose from his seat, acting nonchalant.

“We’re heading out.”

“…Okay. Take care.”

The Duke naturally put his arm around Carol’s waist. Before the door closed, they saw the Duke kiss the top of Carol’s head.

“Your Grace!”

After the door closed, they could hear Carol scolding the Duke.

“It feels like a whirlwind just passed through.”

Dylan muttered in a dazed voice.


The Duke’s visit had revealed several new facts to the two brothers.

Their sister was seeing the Duke more often than they thought.


“Brother Louis definitely can’t win against the Duke.”

They had a preconception that being at the pinnacle of power would make him insensitive and only give orders, but it was the opposite.

When they came to their senses, they realized the Duke hadn’t given a single order, yet they had readily answered everything he wanted.

And all of this happened in the brief moment Carol was away.

But despite being so perceptive and skilled at eliciting desired responses from others, he seemed to approach Carol with his true feelings first.

While Louis was truly a good friend and they wished him well, it seemed the carriage had long since departed.

“…Should we call Brother Louis?”

“He said he’s been busy lately.”

“But he’d probably drink if we bought him alcohol. He probably already knows about Sis and the Duke, or will know soon.”

The two brothers decided they should buy Louis a drink as they began polishing their swords after taking them out of their scabbards.




  1. faranak says:

    I love her brothers.they are so smart.

  2. cerealkiller says:

    Lmfao kevin and Dylan are the embodiment of “he knows” 💀💀

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