Failed to Train the Beast Male Lead

Royal Knights – a group composed of only the most skilled knights in the empire.

Most people believe this, but it’s only half true. The Royal Knights are divided into the 1st Knight Order and the 3rd Knight Order. The 1st Knight Order consists of people who are not only skilled in swordsmanship but also come from prestigious families, befitting the emperor’s dignity.

In contrast, the 3rd Knight Order is a group formed solely based on ability, regardless of social status. As a result, they have exceptional pride, and the hierarchy is strictly defined according to their rank.

However, even the 3rd Knight Order tends to bow down to the 1st Knight Order, which is favored by the emperor.

Kevin Langer and Dylan Langer are the 19th generation of the Royal 3rd Knight Order, currently the youngest among the ranks. Although they didn’t tell Carol, both of them were feeling the bitterness of being at the bottom.

Today, like any other day, the two sighed as they arrived at work.

“I bet they’ll work us to the bone again today.”

Lately, it felt like their identity was more of an errand boy than a knight.

“Let’s endure a bit more and then leave this place,” Kevin said.

Dylan replied with a determined face, “At least we should stay until the next generation comes in.”

It would be soon, in about a year when the 20th generation would join.


After crying and hugging Carol last time, the three had a long conversation about what to do next. It wasn’t an easy decision to make. If they could have their way, all three would go straight to the North, but there were practical issues. None of them could just abandon their work immediately.

“By the way, who do you think gave us those documents?”

“I wonder.”

The only person they could think of was Louis, but if it was him, he would have told all three of them when they were together.

“Sis has been hiding too many things lately.”

“Yeah, and she came back injured the other day.”

She said she twisted her ankle while returning home tired after staying out overnight. It was a plausible excuse, but both of them quickly saw through Carol’s lie.

“We need to have a proper talk with her soon.”

“Right. She doesn’t realize that not telling us to avoid worrying us is actually making us worry more.”

Kevin and Dylan firmly decided to confront Carol unexpectedly, giving her no chance to make excuses.

“Hey, you two.”

An ominous voice came from behind while they were thinking. It was Taylor, one of the people who worked them the hardest.

“Sir Taylor, good morning.”

Thinking Taylor might pick a fight, the two greeted him with a formal posture. Normally, he would scrutinize them with his hands behind his back, looking for faults.

“Good morning. The roads must have been busy, but you’re on time.”

Contrary to expectations, Taylor patted their shoulders and spoke in a friendly voice. This unusual behavior made them tense up, wondering if they had done something wrong and were being mocked.

“We calculated the time and came! We’ll come even earlier next time!”

“Why so uptight? Loosen up a bit.”


“It’s okay to be a little late.”

“…Excuse me?”

Taylor laughed cheerfully at their dumbfounded expressions and walked past.

“What was that just now?”

“Did he eat something weird?”

Confused, the two went to the Captain’s office to report their daily duties. The Knight Captain wasn’t a bad person, but he was ambitious in a good sense and greedy in a bad sense. Consequently, he didn’t pay much attention to his subordinates.

“Our youngest members are here?”

Seeing the Knight Captain welcome them with a gentle tone, Kevin and Dylan felt something was seriously wrong.

“…Is something the matter?”

“What? No, no. Let the others handle the work. No need to tire you out first thing. Have a seat.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Yes, sir.”

They pulled up chairs and sat down. It was their first time in the Captain’s office since being hired. As low-ranking members, they usually reported to their seniors for their menial tasks.

“So, how’s the work? Manageable?”

“Yes, we’re working hard.”

Despite having just complained about being worked to the bone, they lied smoothly without hesitation. Pleased with their answer, the Captain offered them sandwiches he had prepared.

“Have these.”

One for each, suggesting he had brought them specifically for this purpose.

“We ate breakfast, but… we were just thinking we needed more.”


The Captain watched them eat. Unable to contain his curiosity, he finally asked what he really wanted to know.

“So, I heard from the 1st Knight Order Captain that you two are to be knighted. Is that true?”


Seeing their bewildered faces as if hearing this for the first time, the Captain furrowed his brow.

“And I heard His Highness the Crown Prince will personally conduct the ceremony?”

“…Excuse me?”

The two couldn’t help but look dumbfounded at this news they were hearing for the first time.

“What? You haven’t heard anything about this?”

“No, sir.”

“Really? Well, you can both go for now.”

Leaving the Captain’s office, the two looked at each other. They couldn’t even begin to guess where this talk of knighthood came from.


The tutoring center had to close for a while. It was inevitable.

The man was sent to prison for murder, and Benjamin was said to have been sent to an orphanage in the suburbs.

Carol wanted to go see him right away, but at the Duke’s promise to go together once she recovered, she had no choice but to stay at home during the break.

‘What should I tell Teacher Bianca?’

While Benjamin might not know, Bianca had clearly seen the beast transformation.

People were wary of beastmen, so Bianca might decide to quit her job.

‘If we end up going north, I’ll need a teacher who can work until we wrap things up…’

The thought alone left a bitter taste.

Carol soon shook her head. She didn’t want to worry about things that hadn’t happened yet.

Knock knock.

There was only one person who would visit the house at midday.

“It’s me.”


Recognizing the voice beyond the door, Carol fidgeted nervously. But the Duke didn’t give her time to hesitate.

“If you’re in there, come out through the window.”

At the Duke’s words implying he already knew everything, Carol fluttered over, unlocked the window, and slipped through the gap.

There was still someone she needed to tell about her beast transformation before even Bianca.

Carol gulped nervously.

“Get in for now.”

As Carol hesitantly approached the Duke, he opened the carriage door.


As soon as the door closed, Carol squeezed her eyes shut and apologized first.

“I’m sorry.”

“For what?”

“I’m sorry for deceiving you. I wasn’t ready to tell you yet…”

She had been thinking she should tell him quickly, as soon as possible.

But she couldn’t bring herself to say it right away because her time with the Duke had been too sweet.

“I knew.”

“…You knew?”



In response to Carol’s question, the Duke pulled out a small feather from his pocket.

“You left this behind.”


Carol was at a loss for words. It was undoubtedly her feather. She hadn’t realized she had shed a feather.

As she struggled to speak, feeling dejected, the Duke apologized.

“I should apologize too. I thought you weren’t ready, so I planned to wait, but I should have just let you know I was aware.”

“No, it’s okay. But aren’t you bothered by it?”

Carol felt dazed as the tense situation ended so anticlimactically.

“…It would be a lie to say I’m not bothered at all.”


Carol’s eyes widened at the Duke’s words. Was he going to say he felt aversion to her being a beastman after all? But hadn’t he been meeting her knowing this?

Seeing Carol’s confused expression, the Duke spoke with a hint of amusement in his voice.

“I deeply regret giving you a caterpillar when we first met. The memory comes back to haunt me sometimes.”



For the first time that day, Carol pecked the Duke with her beak.


She planned to reopen the tutoring center after the weekend.

Fortunately, thanks to the medicine someone had sent, Carol’s injured leg quickly improved.

Kevin and Dylan were all fired up today. They had decided to make Carol spill all her secrets.

But before they could interrogate her, a visitor came to the house.

“Sis, there’s a visitor.”

Carol, who was changing clothes in her room, seemed to ponder for a moment before asking them,

“I’m not expecting anyone. Are you expecting someone?”

“We’re not either.”

Kevin tilted his head and approached the door.

Thump thump.

Thump thump.

“Sis, come out quickly!”

The two frantically knocked on Carol’s door after seeing who the visitor was.

Carol raised her voice at their intense behavior.

“Just a moment!”

The door flung open.

“What is it? Who was outside?”



“There’s a carriage in front of the door?”

“A carriage?”

“Yes. And I think I recognize it.”

It was a crest that not just him, but anyone from the North or interested in high society would recognize.

“What is it?”

Carol came out with her hair still damp and untied, and met eyes with the Duke holding a bouquet of flowers.


“I came to say hello.”

The Duke said with a bright smile.





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