Failed to Train the Beast Male Lead

The Duke unbuttoned his vest. Carol, who was trying to pretend not to look, widened her eyes as if they were about to pop out when the Duke loosened and opened his tie.

“Why, why are you undressing?”

Carol stepped back. She liked the Duke, but this was too fast. She thought they would do this someday, but she assumed it would be in the distant future.

“To be comfortable.”

“…Is this perhaps the reason why you didn’t bring Noah this time…!”

“Yes. There was a reason for everything.”

Belatedly, all the puzzle pieces fell into place. As the Duke strode towards Carol, she hugged herself tightly and squeezed her eyes shut.

“I’m not mentally prepared yet!”

Carol’s cry seemed to echo. When nothing happened even after some time passed, Carol cautiously opened her eyes.


The Duke, who had stopped right in front of her, burst into laughter as if he couldn’t hold it in any longer when their eyes met.

“…You didn’t reserve this place just to tease me again, did you?”

The Duke shrugged at Carol’s glaring gaze.

“Of course not.”

“…Then what is it?”

She couldn’t guess why he had brought her here. Carol tilted her head and asked.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t live up to your expectations, but.”


“Teacher, did you know you have dark circles under your eyes?”

“…Do I?”

The Duke stopped smiling and cupped Carol’s cheek, brushing his finger under her eye.

He hadn’t wanted to reserve a room in case Carol misunderstood, but unlike her usual self, she had forgotten the appointment time. The Duke pressed his body close to Carol’s.

“Knowing your personality, you probably tried not to show it to your siblings.”


“Then you must have done your research when they were asleep.”


“And when you go back today, you’ll probably spend the entire weekend without a wink of sleep, poring over law books or searching for special cases.”

“…You know me too well.”

Carol was newly impressed by how well the Duke knew her. It was as if he had seen through her entire daily routine.

The Duke hugged Carol. The small, soft being who buried her face in his chest hugged him tightly.

“And I’m your lover. I have the right to worry about you overworking yourself.”


The Duke naturally picked Carol up and carried her across the room, setting her down on the sofa.

“So don’t look at me like I’m some scoundrel, and just sit comfortably on the sofa and wait.”


“I have some information that I had people look into.”

“Really? Then let’s look at it together right away.”

“I’ll give you the information tomorrow.”

Not only did she look tired, but Carol had also become gaunt in just a few days.

At the Duke’s words that he would give her the information in exchange for resting, Carol covered her face with her arms.

“When I think about Benjamin suffering while I’m just lounging around like this…”

She felt her insides burning up at the thought that he wouldn’t even have time at the tutoring center since it was the weekend.

“That man won’t be able to go home tonight.”


“I heard that man will be attending a party tonight.”

Although he was the host, the Duke spoke as if he wasn’t involved. It was a party organized under the pretext of business, one that the man couldn’t avoid attending.

“So let’s look into it together tomorrow.”


“And I won’t do anything you dislike, so don’t worry and get some rest.”

While Carol had thought of it in a risqué way, upon reflection, it was actually the perfect place to rest.

The room was cool and comfortable. Anything she wanted could be requested by calling the manager.

“Thank you. This is my first time in such a luxurious place. Is this okay?”

Carol finally had the leisure to look around, smiling brightly as she glanced about.

The Duke looked at Carol with an expression that suggested he had never seen someone worry about his finances before.

He sat down next to Carol, naturally putting his arm around her shoulders.

Then he briefly kissed the top of her head.

“When else would you use a rich lover, if not at times like this?”

The Duke grinned.

Carol liked the Duke when he was in his mansion, but she also liked this confident version of him.

She pressed her hand against her chest, feeling her heart beating anew.

Everything that had happened at the winter castle felt like a dream.

“I’ve always been the one helping others, so this feels a bit awkward.”

“It would be good for you to get used to it from now on.”

The Duke lowered his head and pressed his lips against her small ones.


The Duke’s hands roamed Carol’s back. Carol felt her body heat up wherever his fingers brushed.

Despite his firm words about not doing anything she disliked, his actions betrayed his burning emotions.

Before she knew it, she could feel the sofa against her back. Every time the Duke, now on top of her, kissed her, his silver hair tickled her forehead.

“Excuse me.”

The Duke separated his lips from hers when the manager came with the dessert.

“Bad timing.”

The Duke clicked his tongue regretfully as he pulled away.

“Haa, haa.”

Carol panted.

“Should I tell him to leave?”

His voice, low and husky with excitement, clung to her ear. His hot breath whispered “Carol” against her earlobe.

She looked at the predator waiting for permission. His gaze suggested that she was the only person in the world. It felt like they were back alone at the winter castle. Her throat felt parched.

What would happen if she agreed to the Duke’s words? His passionate gaze would roam every inch of her body, his hands would delve under her clothes…


It was already overwhelming just having the Duke caress her back over her clothes.

She hurriedly straightened her disheveled clothes.

Here’s the English translation of the continuation:

The Duke roughly ran his hand through his hair as he stood up.

“Come in.”

“I apologize for the delay. There was a gentleman who mistakenly came up.”

“It’s fine.”

The manager brought in several types of sandwiches and a dessert made of finely shaved ice topped with fruit and honey.

‘It’s similar to bingsu.’ (TL: shaved ice)

Fortunately, it was cool enough to even chill the heat that had built up in the room.

After finishing the food, Carol patted her full stomach and sprawled out on the bed.

Having informed her siblings that she would be staying overnight, as requested through the manager, she felt at ease.

Her siblings would probably pry about who she was with, but that was a problem for later.

The bed was soft, and the blanket was thin and smooth. It was so large that it would take several rolls to reach the other end.

The fact that just lying still felt good showed how tired she really was.

“It’s been a while since we’ve been alone like this, hasn’t it?”

Carol looked towards the Duke sitting on the sofa. He didn’t seem to have any intention of coming to the bed. They were in the same space, but wasn’t he too far away?

“You’re right.”

“I thought I wouldn’t miss the time I was cursed at all if the curse was lifted.”

“Do you miss it?”

“Only the moments I spent with you.”

At Cardiff Castle, being alone together was the norm, but now it had become the most difficult thing to achieve.

“Me too.”

“Even though I was such a monster?”

“…You weren’t a monster.”

Carol glared at the Duke sitting on the sofa.

“You’re the only one who would say that.”

“You’ve never seen yourself, Duke.”

“You’re right. You’re correct.”

The Duke agreed with Carol’s angry words, tilting his head back. Carol scurried over to the sofa and clung tightly to his side.

“Are there many servants at the Duke’s Mansion now?”

The Duke looked at Carol, who had sat down next to him, with an unreadable expression.

“Naturally. It’s too much for Mrs. Wells alone.”

“Is Mrs. Wells doing well?”


“…When I go back later, I should apologize first.”

The Duke pondered for a moment at Carol’s dejected words. But he had to tell her, as she would find out anyway when they went down to the North.

“She might feel burdened if you apologize.”


“Because when you left last time, I just said it was a lovers’ quarrel.”

Carol’s eyelashes fluttered at the Duke’s words.

“…You already know?”

Although her feelings of affection had existed for a long time, their relationship had only recently changed, so she naturally thought people in the North wouldn’t know.

“Haven’t you talked about me to your family?”

The Duke asked, seemingly puzzled.

“They know I’m seeing someone.”

“But they don’t know it’s me.”

“I didn’t deliberately avoid mentioning it.”

“You weren’t planning to hide it on purpose…”

“Of course not.”

“You were planning to tell them only after this matter is resolved.”

Carol nodded at the Duke’s words and apologized.

“I’m sorry.”

“You don’t need to apologize to me. But may I ask what you plan to do if this matter isn’t resolved?”

“…I believe there will be a way.”

Although a solution to the problem still seemed far off, Carol hadn’t given up hope yet.

“I see. I should try harder to help too.”

With these words, the Duke stood up. Carol searched his face, worried he might be angry, but he didn’t seem to be. The Duke put on his jacket that he had draped over the sofa’s armrest.

“Are you leaving?”


“I thought you’d stay with me.”

Seeing Carol’s dejected face, the Duke cupped her cheeks and met her gaze.

“Your rest is the top priority.”

It meant that if he stayed, he wouldn’t let her rest. Carol moistened her dry lips with her tongue.

‘I’m crazy.’

Until just now, she had said she wasn’t ready, but now she didn’t want to let him go.




  1. Fara says:

    Yes girl i understand you❤️‍🔥and thanks for translating and updating

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