Failed to Train the Beast Male Lead

In the ever-revolving wheel of daily life, it was perhaps natural that there were many stories going around among the servants when the castle staff was drastically reduced and the castle was closed at night, all under the pretext of castle maintenance.

However, the young master seemed to believe the absurd rumors as if they were set in stone.

“I thought it was you. A person I’ve never seen before in all these years…in addition you also have access to the castle.”

“You came looking for me because you were worried.”

“Not worried…!”


“Just… if you end up squandering all the money, it would be troublesome for me.”

He hid his expression with an unchildlike cunning, but he couldn’t hide his reddening ears.

In the original work, you can only know the facts that the letters tell you, but this world where people live and breathe is three-dimensional, so there must be contents that do not appear in the novel.

Now, this world was not just a world in a book, but a world where people live and breathe.


“Teacher Carol?”

Just then, Mrs. Wells opened the door to the break room and came in. Her voice sounded tired, but the fact that she had returned meant that the Duke was okay. Carol let out a sigh of relief.

“Mrs. Wells.”

“About today.”

Mrs. Wells stopped speaking. She inhaled a breath when she noticed the unfamiliar intruder in the break room.

“Young Master?”

“I heard…that the Duke is sick.”

Noah bowed his head as if he was scared of Mrs. Wells.

“He was outside, but it was snowing so much that I brought him in.”

“Thank you. The weather outside is not good. It would be better for you to go back to the annex with Norman.”

“The Duke…!”

“Young Master.”

Mrs. Wells cut off Noah’s words. A clear line was drawn in front of Carol. Just the fact that the existence of the young master was revealed seemed to have upset Mrs. Wells.

“I understand.”

At Mrs. Wells’ firm attitude, Noah nodded his head.

Soon, Norman came down and took Noah away. The child seemed to want to stay more, but so did Carol.

Carol smiled bitterly, apologizing with her eyes. She felt bitter knowing the behind-the-scenes of the Duke’s Mansion.

“I’m sorry. I’ve put you in a difficult situation. About that child…”

Mrs. Wells seemed to be choosing words on how to ask. Knowing what she was worried about, Carol spoke first.

“I didn’t tell him that I’m a home tutor.”

“I see.”

Only then did Mrs. Wells drink her cold tea and clear her throat.

She thought she shouldn’t bring up that child here. Carol naturally changed the subject.

“By the way, is the Duke…okay?”

At Carol’s worried question, Mrs. Wells smiled with a relieved face.

“I’m sorry. When one is sick, one cannot care about anything else, so please understand.”

“Of course.”

“By the way, since you’re doing such a good job, Carol, I’d like to extend the contract a bit…What do you think?”

“That is…”

Even while suffering, the Duke cared for Carol. Not losing his sanity at night and enduring the pain was a great progress.

“It’s a bit sudden, but I’d like you to think about it.”


“Of course, under better conditions.”

Carol bit her lower lip. Both the Duke and Mrs. Wells were good people. The salary was not bad either.

For Carol, who could only work at night, she was sure that there would be no place where she could work under such good conditions.

“Can I think about it a bit?”

“Do you have any plans for what to do when the contract period ends?”

“Not that, but…”

But she couldn’t answer right away. Even though it was not a refusal but a postponement, Mrs. Wells seemed satisfied and didn’t ask any more, saying, “Then think about it.”

“Can I go see the Duke?”

“It’s almost time to get off work, so it would be better not to go up any more today.”

She asked because she wanted to check the Duke’s condition with her own eyes, but the answer was a refusal.

The last time she saw the Duke, he was in such pain that he seemed to be dying soon.

“He should probably rest well.”

Carol sat back down on the sofa with a sheepish face.


The dress and hair that had been wet in front of the fireplace had long since dried.

When she belatedly checked the time, it was 3 a.m. It had already been three hours since she had been chased out of the Duke’s room.

Carol took out a book she had brought from the carriage to read.

Mrs. Wells also started knitting with the bundle of yarn she had left lying around, thinking she wouldn’t have to go back to the Duke’s room again.

While reading the book for a while, she suddenly felt a gaze and looked up, and Mrs. Wells was looking at her, having stopped her knitting.

“Did you call me? I tend to not look around when I’m focused…”

“You didn’t ask anything.”

“What do you mean?”

“About why I called him young master earlier, or why the Duke is like that.”

Mrs. Wells was the first to bring this up.

Carol rolled her eyes, wondering how to respond.

She was curious. But the things to ask were about the family’s affairs. And that family was the affairs of the Winternox, one of the few ducal families in the empire.

“When the contract was written, it included confidentiality.”

“But keeping a secret and curiosity are different issues.”

Mrs. Wells was considering Carol’s intentions. Carol, who was choosing her words for a moment, opened her mouth half a beat late.

“My mother always used to say, knowledge is power.”

“That’s why you became such a great home tutor.”

It was an out-of-the-blue comment, but Mrs. Wells didn’t rush for an answer.

“Thank you. But ma’am, my mother also said this.”

“What did she say?”

“Sometimes, ignorance can be a medicine.”

They were contradictory statements. But both had a point.

“…I see. I’m ashamed of myself for being curious about not asking.”

When the old lady readily reflected on her shallow thoughts, Carol waved her hand.

“It’s not even my own thought.”

“She must have been a great mother.”

“She really was.”

“Have you decided what to do when the contract period ends?”


As Carol felt uncomfortable, Mrs. Wells quickly stepped back.

“I wasn’t rushing you.”

“I’m still thinking about it.”

“I see. It’s something worth choosing carefully.”

The Duke mentioned the contract extension today. There was no time for Mrs. Wells and the Duke to have a conversation in between. Perhaps the proposal came out because Mrs. Wells liked the conversation a while ago.

Mrs. Wells was a good person. She was a bit strict and picky, but she was not stingy.

“Oh, by the way. I trust you’ll tell that child about myself in moderation.”


‘Hadn’t you said you didn’t talk about yourself?’ Mrs. Wells raised her eyebrows, asking with an expression as if she couldn’t understand.

“He called me a gold digger.”

“Gold digger? My goodness. To utter such words…”

“Children absorb more words from their surroundings than you think.”

“Teacher Carol, I’m sorry. I’ll apologize on his behalf.”

“I didn’t say it because I was angry. I just worry that the rumors among the servants might leak out.”

“I fully understand your concern. Of course. Don’t worry.”

“Thank you.”

Having told Mrs. Wells about the rumors circulating among the servants, she had done all she had to do. Since the rumor was about her, she couldn’t be completely ignorant once she knew.

“Thank you for letting me know.”

“Not at all.”

Mrs. Wells smiled and nodded. Seeing that she didn’t ask any more questions, it seemed that she was quite satisfied with Carol’s moderate answer.

“By the way, it doesn’t look like the snow will stop.”

Carol turned her gaze and looked out the window. She thought it couldn’t snow any more here, but it was snowing much more than before.

The snowfall was even heavier than the day she first visited here.

“I think it would be better to ask the coachman if he can leave a little earlier, what do you think?”

“I’d appreciate it, ma’am.”

Carol gladly accepted Mrs. Wells’ favor.


“Teacher Carol.”

Mrs. Wells’ voice, which had come out from her opened mouth, was not very good. Carol, who had been reading and pretending to read a book, jumped up as if she had been waiting. Mrs. Wells, who had returned, smiled awkwardly.

“The coachman says he can’t see ahead because the snowflakes are too thick.”

“Yes? Then when can I go back? I think it was snowing like this on the first day I came…”

At Carol’s question, Mrs. Wells shook her head as if regretful.

“It seems a little different from then.”

Now the snow had piled up, and it was still snowing a lot. Plus, it was very late at night, thus saying it was absolutely impossible to operate the carriage.

“It’s definitely snowing more than before…but how can it not be possible?”

Carol made a difficult face. But if it wasn’t possible, it wasn’t.



  1. melody says:

    Kinda glad that it seems childcare route didn’t become the theme for this slow romance

    Thank you for the chapter ❤️

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