Failed to Train the Beast Male Lead

While some people stepped back to assess the situation among themselves, others flocked towards the Duke.

“It’s an unfamiliar young lady. Pleased to meet you.”

“Ah, yes.”

Carol responded with wide eyes, tightening her grip on the arm linked with the Duke’s.

“I hope you enjoy today’s event.”

“If there’s an opportunity later, I’d be delighted if you could attend a party I host.”

A few people, aware of the Duke’s seriousness and recognizing this small woman as the future Duchess, quickly gathered to make a good impression.

“There must be a reason the Duke brought you here, right?”

“May I ask where you’re from?”

The rest had gathered without understanding the situation.

“Seeing you swarm like a pack of stray dogs, the party must be quite dull.”

As the Duke coldly responded to their flattery, the Crown Prince, who had been observing from afar, leisurely rose from his seat.

“I hosted this, so it must have been lacking.”

“Your Highness!”

“How could that be?”

“Is that so? Then I hope you’ll go and enjoy the party.”

At the Crown Prince’s dismissal, the nobles scattered instantly.

The Crown Prince glanced at the Duke, who was at the center of the crowd.

Not having sat with the Duke at the appointment ceremony, it was practically the first time the Crown Prince had seen her.

The Crown Prince patted the Duke’s shoulder, welcoming him.

“Oh, Duke. You’ve finally come.”


“You’re not planning to avoid introducing me, are you?”

“Is there a need for an introduction?”

To reassure Carol, who seemed quite startled by the cold attitude and the title of Crown Prince, the Crown Prince put on a harmless expression. Then, making eye contact, he greeted her in a gentle voice.

“It’s Carol, right?”

“Ah, yes!”

At the Duke’s question, the Crown Prince chuckled and shrugged.

“Well, I know better than anyone how excellent the Langer family is. After all, I’ve appointed two knights from there.”

“I greet Your Highness, the esteemed Crown Prince of the Empire.”

As Carol greeted him as she had practiced, the Crown Prince smiled and returned the greeting.

“It’s nice to meet you. You have no idea how much I’ve been looking forward to this meeting.”

“Your Highness.”

At the Duke’s call, the Crown Prince took a step back and clasped his hands behind his back. As if to say he would keep a little distance as the Duke wished.

“By the way, although I suggested it, I didn’t think you’d actually bring her.”

“Unlike Your Highness, I’m not the type to show off something I cherish to the whole world.”

“Haha. You’ve always been the type to hide things you cherish. I wondered what wind had blown your way.”

Seeing how unexpectedly comfortable they were with the Crown Prince, Carol’s eyes darted back and forth, busy observing the two.

“I thought it wouldn’t be bad to meet at least once before returning to the North.”


The Crown Prince asked, raising one eyebrow.


“That’s much earlier than expected.”

Although it clearly showed that he didn’t like what he heard, the Duke’s expression remained utterly calm.

“Don’t I have territories to oversee? It’s difficult to be away for long when I’ve just overturned things.”

If he stayed here too long, all the reforms he had implemented might be reversed by the Council of Elders.

Originally, he hadn’t planned to stay this long anyway, so it was better to return as soon as possible.

“When you put it that way, I have no choice but to let you go. To think I have to send off a friend, I’m already feeling lonely.”

“Then perhaps Your Highness should consider finding a partner. It would easily help you forget your loneliness.”

The implication was clear: if you want to engage in power struggles, don’t flaunt your friendship with me, instead solidify your power by allying with influential nobles.

“That’s enough lecturing.”

Even as the Crown Prince waved his hand, showing his dislike, the Duke added one last comment.

“Wouldn’t it be good to put His Majesty the Emperor’s mind at ease as well?”

“Haha. Being bored and finding a partner are different things. But the way you say it, it sounds as if you already have a partner?”

At the Crown Prince’s question, the Duke smiled.

Coming to this party wasn’t really because he thought he should see the Crown Prince before leaving.

It was to announce that he couldn’t accept any more marriage proposals and that he wouldn’t consider any other partners.

He knew he would attract attention even if he arrived normally, but he deliberately came later. As the Duke intended, everyone at the party was watching him closely.

“Yes. I’m engaged.”

To be precise, they had agreed to get engaged after returning, but the Duke didn’t bother to explain in detail.

At the Duke’s bombshell statement, the attention of those who had been listening intently immediately focused on him.

Everyone’s gaze turned in the same direction so quickly, it was almost audible.

Even the Crown Prince, looking surprised, questioned the Duke.

“What? I don’t recall being invited to an engagement ceremony.”

“We did it briefly and informally. It was difficult to prepare properly before leaving, so we plan to do it properly when we go to the North.”

“Why such a rush?”

As the Crown Prince chided the Duke with a disappointed tone, the Duke spoke as if he had been waiting for this.

“I wanted to inform Your Highness first.”

“I see. I would have been even more disappointed if I had only received written news of your engagement from the North.”

It wasn’t a bad move to preemptively stake his claim in the capital’s social circles, which could also check the Council of Elders who might try to interfere with the Duke’s marriage.

After all, even if he had usurped power from them, they still had the pretext of being elders of the Duke’s family to meddle in important matters.

The Crown Prince, understanding the Duke’s intentions, nodded.

Although there weren’t many people today, it was a party gathering only the cream of the crop.

The Crown Prince realized that the Duke had properly utilized the party he had thrown, but he wasn’t displeased.

As much as the Duke had shown his hand, the Crown Prince could now hold this favor over the Duke.

“I can’t monopolize a guest all to myself. Have a pleasant evening, then.”

Unlike before, when the Crown Prince left first, no one around dared to approach the Duke carelessly.

The Crown Prince’s actions were tantamount to saying he would back the Duke, effectively proving how much he was being cherished.

“Why didn’t you give me a hint as well?”

Margaret Chesworth emerged from the crowd.

People’s gazes once again turned to the group. The appearance of the former fiancée in front of the new fiancée.

Moreover, everyone in high society knew that although Margaret Chesworth’s engagement had been strategic, she had been devoted enough to visit the Duke personally when he was ill and secluded in the North.

Despite the pain in their eyes from the sidelong glances, everyone couldn’t help but stare at the series of provocative scenes unfolding.

“…Miss Chesworth!”

Contrary to most people’s expectations of chaos, Carol happily grasped Margaret’s hand as if pleased to see a familiar face.

To behave so informally with Lady Chesworth. The people around were greatly surprised and closely observed Lady Chesworth’s next move.

Margaret was known for being sharp-tongued, and since venturing into business, she had often been described as fierce, so people were worried she might cause some incident.

“Have you been well?”

Margaret greeted the Duke and Carol with a gentle smile.

“We’ve been doing well. How about you, Miss?”

“It might sound like a complaint of abundance, but I’ve been really busy.”

“I was disappointed when you left like that last time.”

Carol replied with a voice full of regret.

“I’m sorry. I was thinking I should arrange a meeting this time…”

“It’s okay. I heard you were busy.”

“Unfortunately, I have plans tomorrow too, so I need to leave early.”

“…That’s a shame.”

Carol’s eyes clearly showed she wanted to talk more.

Margaret didn’t dislike Carol, who acted so friendly after just an apology. Knowing about Louis also made her feel a bit more comfortable.

“I’ll visit the North when I get the chance.”

“Then we’ll be able to welcome you more warmly than before.”

Carol said with a smile.

“Sorry for holding you up on your way out.”

The Duke spoke with gratitude. Even if the Chesworth eldest daughter was poorly evaluated in the marriage market, she was leading her business with the backing of the Duke and the Crown Prince, and the Chesworth family’s power remained strong.

“Not at all. I was happy to have a conversation.”

“I see.”

“Then, take care.”

The Duke and Carol bid farewell to Margaret. They were able to converse a bit more comfortably after meeting someone they knew.

Unlike Carol, who had relaxed a bit, the people around were confused seeing her chat amicably with Margaret as well.

Though they were too far to hear the conversation, they were close enough to see that the two were on good terms.

Wasn’t the Langer family that of a newly appointed knight?

Everyone whispered, wondering if Carol might actually be the daughter of a wealthy merchant from another country or a distant region.

The nobles who had finished their calculations and were thinking of approaching Carol were blocked by the Duke.

“Shall we get some fresh air for a moment?”

The Duke tactfully guided her towards the terrace.




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