Failed to Train the Beast Male Lead

Carol gathered her thoughts and looked at Bianca.

Bianca didn’t ask Carol anything.

‘This is something I need to bring up first.’

Carol took a deep breath. She had something to tell Bianca as well.

“Teacher Bianca.”


“The reason I asked to meet yesterday was that I wanted to explain to you first what I’m going to tell Benjamin today.”

“About the scholarship?”

“Yes. But for that, I need to become a teacher there too.”

“Because it’s a benefit only given to teachers working at the Northern Academy.”

Bianca nodded as if she knew.

For a moment, Carol wondered how she knew, but then thought Bianca must have understood from the context of their conversation and continued.

“So I think I’ll be going north. I didn’t intend to tell you like this…”

“Is this what you were going to say?”

Bianca asked with a strange expression. Carol apologized again.

“I meant to tell you in advance, I’m really sorry.”

It would have been right to tell Bianca first. But yesterday was the only day she had free, and if she delayed going to the orphanage just to tell Bianca first, she would have had to wait several more days to apply for visitation rights again, so she had no choice.


“I’m not planning to wrap things up immediately. I intend to continue until you find a new job. If you want, you can keep running the tutoring center too.”

Carol explained again, saying she would give Bianca plenty of time to think. She felt guilty seeing Bianca’s surprised expression.

“Um… didn’t you know?”

But Bianca’s response was unexpected. Carol tilted her head at Bianca’s question.

“Know what?”

“I was also offered to go to the Northern Academy.”


“I thought you knew, Teacher Carol. I didn’t bring it up because I thought you knew and I was waiting until I made up my mind.”

“I didn’t know.”

Carol replied with a dumbfounded expression. Seeing Carol like this, Bianca smiled.

“But I just made up my mind now.”

“How did you decide…?”

“If Benjamin doesn’t change his mind, it looks like we’ll all be going north together!”

Bianca said cheerfully, as if they were going on an exciting trip.


The coincidences that led to Dylan discovering the Duke continued to pile up.

Today at lunchtime, more than half of the 3rd Knight Order who went to the same restaurant got food poisoning.

“I guess that stew really was spoiled.”

Those who didn’t order the stew remained to share the workload.

“We’re never going to that place again.”

As one of the remaining people clicked their tongue and muttered in frustration, the Knight Captain slapped his desk with his palm and said,

“I’ll pay overtime, so the remaining personnel will work without breaks today.”

“Yes, sir!”

Dylan was assigned to the temple, and Kevin was to patrol the palace gardens.

The hottest days had passed, and now even the daytime breeze was a bit cooler.

‘Tonight’s dinner was supposed to be my favorite menu.’

Dylan walked while idly thinking about other things.


Dylan stopped in his tracks when he saw a familiar figure passing by.

‘Isn’t that the Duke?’

He knew the Duke came and went from the palace, but this was the first time he’d seen him directly.

Should I greet him?

Dylan had taken a step forward but quickly stopped.

“Your Highness.”

Only a select few could be addressed as “Your Highness.” Fortunately, as the Duke had his back turned, he didn’t notice Dylan behind him.

Dylan stepped back quietly. Then he hid behind a tree so that the two men couldn’t see him. The Crown Prince’s gaze seemed to brush past him for a moment, but he soon shifted his attention to the Duke as if it was nothing.

“It’s not easy to see your face these days.”

The Duke laughed softly at the Crown Prince’s joke.

“I think we see each other quite often at this rate.”

Dylan straightened his back, suddenly reminded that the Duke was in such a high position that he could have a private audience with the Crown Prince.

The Crown Prince offered the Duke some tea and naturally continued the conversation.

“Did you like the gift?”

“I was surprised you handled it so quickly, beyond my expectations.”

The Crown Prince chuckled at the Duke’s satisfied attitude.

“I’m just grateful you introduced me to such excellent talent.”

“I’m thinking of taking them to the North.”

Dylan realized that the conversation between the two was about himself and Kevin.

“My, you won’t even give us a chance to get to know them? They haven’t even had their appointment ceremony yet.”

“Regrettably, that’s how it will be.”

Instead of getting angry at the Duke’s not-at-all regretful words, the Crown Prince made another proposal.

“I’m very interested in the people around you.”

“You flatter me.”

“There’s a banquet being held for the Princess’s birthday. How about bringing her along?”

Although he didn’t specify who, Dylan immediately understood who “she” was.

‘He’s talking about my sister.’

Dylan felt more tense than when they were talking about him. A large bead of sweat rolled down his neck.

“…I don’t think she would be keen on the idea.”

“But if she’s to become the Duchess, isn’t it necessary?”


Dylan thought their relationship was serious, but he hadn’t considered it going that far. Carol hadn’t talked about the future either.

Dylan’s eyes widened. But the Duke didn’t answer.


The silence was long enough that not answering became an answer in itself.

“Did I misunderstand?”

“That’s getting ahead of things.”

The Crown Prince smirked as he watched the Duke’s face turn red and him trying to compose himself. Unfortunately, Dylan couldn’t see the Duke’s flustered expression.

“Marrying another noble would be best, of course.”

“That’s true.”

However, if the Duke’s power grew even more, the Crown Prince would need to keep him in check. So from the Crown Prince’s perspective, the Duke marrying a commoner wasn’t a bad option.

The Duke, knowing that the Crown Prince’s calculations went that far, understood that these words were merely a facade and answered casually.

But Dylan, unable to understand these underlying circumstances, heard the Duke’s words as if he was drawing a firm line.


Doesn’t he like my sister? Dylan blinked his eyes in confusion.

If only he could see their expressions.

“Among the noble ladies, the best candidate for a bride would be Che-”

Before he could hear more of the conversation, Dylan’s senior colleague, who was the next shift, tapped him on the shoulder.

“Hey, Dylan. Pretty hot, isn’t it?”

Dylan forced a smile and greeted the person who came for the next shift.

His mind was already full of thoughts about who could possibly be the potential bride.

“…You’re here already?”

“Yeah. Let’s change shifts now.”


“Go and rest quickly. The Knight Captain said to let you rest early.”

Dylan nodded obediently at his senior’s reassuring tone. He couldn’t cause a commotion while on duty.

Dylan glanced back. The person who replaced him must have also noticed the Duke and the Crown Prince, as he hurriedly left the spot.

After Dylan left, the two men continued their conversation side by side.

“But you wouldn’t do that.”

“You ask even though you know.”

The Duke wasn’t the type of person to request a knighthood for someone he was just casually seeing.

‘He’s not the type to casually see people in the first place.’

The Crown Prince took a sip of tea and asked in a tone that still showed he didn’t understand.

“But really, why won’t you invite her to the banquet? It’s not like you can’t afford a dress for her.”

The Crown Prince intended to firmly imprint on the nobles where the flow of power was heading by bringing the Duke and his partner together in an official setting.

The Crown Prince clicked his tongue as if disappointed. After a moment of silence, the Duke spoke.

“Just because my position is high doesn’t mean it’s natural for her to adjust to my lifestyle.”

She was satisfied with her current life.

If he could make her happy with what he had, he wanted to do anything, but he didn’t want to constrain her way of life.

If he did, everything he gave might feel like a price she had to pay.

He hoped she wouldn’t think that way.

Everything was goodwill without expecting anything in return.

The Crown Prince responded as if he couldn’t understand at all.

“I don’t get it.”

“I didn’t explain expecting you to understand.”

“Of course she’d be happy. It’s not just any noble family, but a Duke’s house, isn’t it?”

As if to say, wouldn’t any person naturally desire more money and a higher position?

The Duke let out a shallow sigh at the Crown Prince’s assertion.

“I’ll ask her.”

“If it doesn’t work out, bring another lady.”


The Duke tried to object, but the Crown Prince cut him off firmly.

“Wouldn’t that be better than becoming the Pied Piper like last time?”

There was an incident where he entered alone last time, and the banquet became chaotic.

Nothing made for better prey than the most eligible bachelor Duke entering a banquet alone.

“There were even rumors of your engagement.”

“Since you’ve never brought a partner, the effect of that rumor has worn off.”

The Crown Prince clicked his tongue, expressing his hope that this banquet wouldn’t become chaotic with everyone swarming around one person like a swarm of bees.

TN: The term “Pied Piper” originates from the legend of the Pied Piper of Hamelin, a German folklore tale. In the story, the Pied Piper is a charismatic figure who is hired by the town of Hamelin to rid it of a rat infestation. He plays a magical pipe that lures the rats away, but when the town refuses to pay him, he uses his pipe to lure away the town’s children instead.

The phrase “Pied Piper” has come to mean someone who attracts a following through charisma or promises, often leading people to follow them blindly or into potentially dangerous situations. It can carry a connotation of manipulation or deceit.





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