Failed to Train the Beast Male Lead

This winter was particularly harsh.

Snow piled up on the withered branches of the trees.

Each breath turned the dry air hazy, repeating a cycle of appearing and disappearing.


The snow on the ground was swept up by the fierce wind, blurring the view.

“The blowing snow is intense.”

Even the footprints just made were quickly erased.

We only rode the carriage halfway, if we continued, there was a risk of slipping and having an accident, thus we had to walk through the snow from the middle.

“It’s rare weather even in Cardiff.”

Jack, who introduced himself as a native born and raised in Cardiff, responded to Carol’s words.

It was rare weather even in Cardiff, which is famous for heavy snow. Jack’s beanie hat was dyed white.


At her indifferent voice, Jack unnecessarily added more. As if to say that it would be undesirable for the noble’s guest to have a bad impression of Cardiff from the start.

“Usually, most winters are no big deal.”

“Except when the weather occasionally throws a tantrum, right?”

At Carol’s playful retort, Jack laughed as if he was relieved.

“Haha. Especially since the Duke’s residence is so vast. On a day like this, there’s no one even at the front gate management office.”

“Oh dear. I must be unlucky.”

“It would have been nice if you came on another day.”

At the guide’s words, Carol wrinkled her nose, which had turned red from the freezing cold.

The snow that had piled up on the tree branches to its limit suddenly fell.

“Going to the Duke’s Mansion, how many people had postponed their appointments?”

At Carol’s lament, the guide shrugged his shoulders.

“That’s true.”

By the time they arrived at the door, white snow had piled up on both of their shoulders.

Snow was also accumulating and soaked the surface of their fur boots wet.

Her hand holding the bag handle felt like it might get frostbite, but she didn’t show it.

Jack, who was supposed to take her all the way here, stopped walking.

“We’ll arrive soon, and as soon as you enter, someone will welcome you. There are few servants, so there’s no one guarding the front.”

“Thank you for bringing me here.”

After Jack left and Carol was walking alone, she soon paused for a moment.

‘Am I going the right way?’

It was her first time coming this way, so she was worried.

But there was no choice but to go further from here.

Despite her worries, the Duke’s Mansion, which had been hidden by the snow, soon revealed itself.

‘Here it is.’

At the grandeur of the huge iron gate, Carol hesitated for a moment, but soon stiffened her lips and stepped into the Duke’s Mansion.


The door stiffened by the cold opened, and as she stepped inside, the warm air and the unique smell of the mansion brushed past her.

“Excuse me.”

In the quiet space, Carol’s voice echoed.

Unable to overcome her nervousness, she bit her lip for a moment, and then the sound of footsteps was heard.

“You must be the teacher who was supposed to come today.”

A stern voice echoed, unable to hide its strictness.

When she lifted her head, an elderly woman who had left a few steps and paused to scan this way was visible.

With her hair perfectly swept back and wearing a dark brown dress, the elderly woman soon came down the stairs completely and stood in front of Carol.

“Yes, that’s right. Nice to meet you, Mrs. Wells.”

Carol first took off her hat, then slightly lifted the hem of her dress and bowed her head.

The wrinkles etched on her forehead deepened. Faced with the gaze that carefully examined her own appearance, she straightened her waist with force.

“You must have had a hard time coming.”

Her expression softened as if her greeting had passed.

“No, it was quick.”

“Did you say you came with the introduction of Lord Elais?”

“Yes, my name is Caroline Langston.”

She clenched the brim of her hat, which was damp and wet from the snow. Mrs. Wells guided Carol through the lobby to the reception room.

She sat in front of the stove and offered Carol a seat across from her.

“You don’t need to be so nervous.”


“First, it would be good to thaw your body with a cup of tea.”

Looking at Carol’s wet shoes and the hem of her dress, Mrs. Wells silently added a few pieces of firewood to the stove.

“Thank you for your consideration, ma’am. Actually, it was really cold.”

“You’re welcome.”

Mrs. Wells opened her mouth after confirming that Carol was warming up with a sip of ginger lemon tea.

“Shall we have a conversation then?”


“Let’s not waste each other’s time.”

At the lady’s preface that she would get straight to the point, Carol swallowed her dry saliva.

“…Yes, ma’am.”

“Why do you need this job?”

“That is…”

“It’s suspicious to say the least, not explaining the detailed job description.”

Especially since they were looking for a teacher, and there were no children living here, it was even more suspicious.

‘But I know why…’

The sound of firewood burning fiercely and the glass rattling could be heard. A glance out the window revealed that the snowstorm, which was more severe than before, was relentlessly hitting the window.

“You trust the name of the Duke’s Mansion.”

“…Thus the job description isn’t important.”

At the sharp point of Mrs. Wells, who had seen through the meaning of the answer, Carol nodded slightly.

“I have to support my siblings…I can only work late at night.”

“I see.”

Half of her answer was sincere. This job was an opportunity. There weren’t many jobs in the north.

“I want to do a proper job even at night.”

A young woman with no credible experience could only find a proper job, not selling her body, and a place that pays a generous salary, at the Duke’s Mansion.

“The reason you won’t be lodging here is because of your siblings as well?”

“Yes. Ironically, it’s for the same reason I want to work here.”

She wanted to speak calmly, but unfortunately, her voice trembled at the end. A faint compassion passed through Mrs. Wells’ gaze at her brief words. It seemed she had vaguely noticed the family history she had fumbled over.

“Each family has its own circumstances. Don’t worry too much.”

But that was it. In her anxious heart, Carol asked urgently.

“Do I have to lodge here?”

“Not necessarily, but it will be inconvenient to commute.”

“I can handle that.”

“It won’t be as easy as you say. Looking for another job…”

“…There’s no job with these conditions in the north.”

Was she too honest?

Caroline glanced at Mrs. Wells. But being honest at first tends to offset any suspicious corners later on.

“So you’re desperate.”

“Of course. I came through the snow.”



She thought several other questions would come. But Mrs. Wells, satisfied, showed a pleasant smile, revealing her inner thoughts as if desperation was the criterion for employment.

“You seem to have a strong will, so you’ll probably endure well.”

Mrs. Wells murmured, cupping her cheek with one hand.

“This isn’t a place to rush in with just a letter of introduction… In fact, we’re in no position to be picky since five servants have already run away.”

Mrs. Wells spoke as if lamenting.

“Ah, I see.”

She reacted as if it was new information, but she already knew that. She had been aiming for this opportunity.

It would be a big blow to the Duke’s Mansion, which only kept a minimum number of people, that five people had run away.

‘It’s an unparalleled opportunity for a suspicious, unidentified person.’

Although the Duke’s Mansion always strictly controlled the internal affairs and there was no leakage to the outside of the Duke’s Mansion, Carol knew this fact well.

“Did you check the clause that you have to pay a penalty if you quit within three months?”


“And of course, you have to sign a confidentiality agreement.”


Because this world was the last decadent novel that Carol had read.


In the fireplace of the Winter Castle study, the sound of wood crackling could be heard.

Knock knock.

With the sound of a knock, Mrs. Wells, holding a candle, entered the room.

“Duke, it’s me.”

“If someone is coming into this room, it’s obvious, so you don’t have to speak.”

The room was dark, with only a few candles lit.

A huge beast was sitting in front of the stove. Every time the fire flickered, the shadow of the beast also shook.

“The room is cold.”

As if she was used to it, Mrs. Wells placed a candle on the table next to the door.

“It’s not that cold.”

“Should I light a fire?”

“What’s the use if it’s not visible anyway?”


“Just leave it. Even if it’s fixed, it won’t be visible at all.”


Despite having stoked the firewood, the winter seeped in through the slightly open window, and a chilly breeze blew in the room.

“If the fire is brightly lit, the incoming servant will be surprised, won’t they?”

“I’m not bothered.”

Even with the beast making a sound like scraping metal in front of her, Mrs. Wells’ expression remained unchanged.

At the gloomy voice, Mrs. Wells looked at the room that was a mess because it hadn’t been repaired.

‘He used to care about even the smallest places in the room…’

Mrs. Wells bowed her head and gathered her thoughts.

It was clear that the Duke would not want such sympathy.

“So what’s the matter?”

The only time she came at this hour was when she had a matter to attend to.

“I came to tell you that we recently hired someone new.”

“A new servant?”

The castle was stagnant. They had only selected a few to keep the secrets of the castle.

It was very rare for a new servant to come.

It was not hard to guess that it was because of the people who had run away.


“Then what was it hired for?”

“We hired a home tutor.”

Mrs. Wells announced that it had been decided.


  1. Natasha801 says:

    Oh, thank you so much!❤️‍🔥Really it very interesting!

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