Everyone Was Obsessed With Me After I Became the Youngest Princess Favorite


Was it because I was relieved? When I heard the Viscount’s words, tears flowed down my face without me realizing it.

I quickly wiped away my tears and called out to Duke Elad, who could not take his eyes off the Duchess. The suffering he had been through was so severe that he looked so haggard that he could not explain it in words.


When I called again, the duke finally saw me.

Pretending not to notice the tears in his eyes, I clenched my fists and spoke.

“Splesia has medicinal properties. That means…”

“Okay, I know. Someone tried to poison Ethel.”

The Duchess’ revival was an absolute joy, but she couldn’t help but be happy.

“Like you said, I made sure to silence him. Even if his condition has improved, he will have to keep it a top secret until the culprit is caught. However, the culprit will definitely be caught before he fully recovers. The kids miss their mom a lot too.”

I nodded and hesitated before opening my mouth.

“Um, master…”

“Why are you doing that?”

“…No, no.”

And then I shook my head again. Until now, I had rushed at it without hesitation, thinking that it was something that only I could do, but now the situation has changed.

To put it more calmly, it felt like the opposite sex that had left home was coming back.

‘Okay. It would be too much for me to meddle any more than this.’

Duke Elad wouldn’t have just sat back and watched, so you can just trust him and leave it to him.

I nodded to myself and looked at the Duchess, who looked much more relaxed. It was time for her to give back the pain she and her family had gone through.

* * *

After confirming that the Duchess had made her way home, I returned to her room, washed up briefly, and laid down on the bed.

It was my first proper rest since returning from the imperial palace. I was so tired like crazy.

As if to prove that I had survived with my mental strength, I immediately fell into a deep state of despair. And how long did you sleep? It was dark when I woke up.

Once the fatigue had subsided to some extent, hunger came. Feeling extremely hungry, as if I had returned to my days as a beggar, I was surprised when I got down from the bed to see if there was any food left in the restaurant.

This was because a simple meal was laid out on a table in one corner of the room. Apparently, after I returned to my room, the duke ordered me to bring him food.

I was surprised for a moment because I thought he was surprisingly meticulous.

‘You were so deeply asleep that you didn’t even notice that someone was coming?’

I thought to myself that I had been overworking my body over the past few days, and that a child’s body was so weak that it had become so defenseless.

“I will eat it gratefully.”

But hunger has no business, and since there is food right in front of me, all I can think of was that I want to satisfy my hunger quickly.

I began to swallow my sandwich hungrily.

“Ha, I’m full…”

I ended up overeating much more than usual. After lying down on the bed again, patting my swollen stomach, I felt strange. Although I was happy that I had saved the Duchess, I also felt a little uneasy, perhaps because the matter had not been completely resolved yet.

‘…After all, it’s probably because I didn’t reveal the information I knew.’

In fact, the moment it became clear that the Duchess had been poisoned, I recognized the identity of the poison. A poison that causes all symptoms, such as chest pain and shortness of breath, to appear as if they are due to heart disease, but eventually causes a heart attack.

‘I didn’t know we had already entered the empire…’

It was clearly ‘Lydon’, a poison secretly brought in by the dark guild for use in assassinations and plots.

It was extracted from marine animals in the southern continent. It was colorless, odorless, looked the same as water to the naked eye, left no traces, and was a poison that caused great pain.

At first, I naturally thought it was a political act aimed at Duke Elad, but after learning the identity of the poison, I found it a little strange.

First of all, I couldn’t believe that there was someone who harbored such hatred and hostility towards the Duchess.

“Why were you in such a hurry?”

In the past, he was bedridden for more than half a year and died in great pain, so he must have been administered small amounts of poison over a long period of time. But this time, things progressed too quickly.

‘If I had taken my time, I wouldn’t have been sure it was poison either.’

I’ll naturally find out why I did it when I catch the culprit, but for some reason, my mouth went dry with an uneasy feeling. The dark guild is a vicious place that treats people’s lives like the lives of ants, so if you want to dig up information, you basically have to be prepared for bloodshed.

Moreover, a poison that leaves no traces, like the one Lydon used this time, would be sold at a very high price, so it was clear that he would not open his mouth that easily.

‘We need to catch the criminal quickly…’

There was no way to hide the Duchess’ medical condition forever, so action was needed.

Finally, I made up my mind and took out the communication device that I kept on the nightstand next to the bed.

Last time, Darel’s guild leader gave me this to use if I needed to contact him.

From appearance-changing spells to communication artifacts.

I think he was a wizard or there was a wizard in his guild, and he seemed to be very skilled.

I have an urgent request. I want you to come as soon as possible.

I put in a magic stone I had made before and used the artifact to send a message.

In other places, if it’s an information guild whose main activity time is at night and early morning, they’ll check right away.

‘It would be good if you at least come before the sun rises.’

Just as I was thinking that, the light in the communication port suddenly started flashing.


And then.

Knock, knock.

Someone knocked on the window.

* * *

“What so fast… No, more than that, why did you come here!”

“…I want you to come as quickly as possible.”

“But how can I get to the main building? Is this your house? Why do you come and go like it’s your own home?”

Lucio looked at Lia jumping up and down, unable to utter a single retort and kept his mouth shut.

He had nothing to say. Because he was thinking that he was crazy right now.

Lucio, who hurriedly returned home after hearing the news of his mother’s recovery, heard that Lia had gone to rest and ordered him to bring food to her room.

This was because it was clear that he had not eaten properly even though his body had only bones. For some reason, the strange way his father looked at me bothered me, but I tried my best to pretend not to notice. And after reporting on what he had investigated, he was about to go out to look at things again.

Lucio suddenly noticed that the communication sphere he had given to Lia was sparkling and felt her heart sink.

Why on earth do you ask me to come see you at this time? At the same time as my doubts, I felt anxious.

He revealed abilities he wanted to hide because the situation was serious, but now that the matter was over, he thought he might try to quietly disappear.

Lucio, who was anxious, replied that he would go to see her and immediately went to Lia’s room.

‘It’s a good thing I had the presence of mind to wear earrings.’

Lia was still angry, not knowing that he was internally sighing her relief.

“If you can come straight to my room, you also know who’s in the room next to me, right? It’s so crazy! Don’t come in and out of the main building again!”

“…Even though I’m doing my job?”


Lia, who tilted her head for a moment, opened her eyes and shouted.

“Ha! Who asked you to find out my wife’s condition? That’s why I came to spy on you!”

“It’s not like that…”

“Say. Who is this?”

Lia immediately stretched out her hands and grabbed Lucio by the collar. But something was strange.

‘…Why are her feet in the air?

Contrary to what was expected, Lia, who tried to grab her by the collar, ended up clinging to Lucio because she was so short and light.



“…Why don’t you speak quickly?”

Lia’s ears turned red from her embarrassment, but she hardened her face again and snarled at her.

Then Lucio picked Lia up and sat her down at the table in front of her window.

“It’s not what you think.”



“If you lie, I will never let you go. And don’t go into work or anything on your own. It’s very unpleasant for outsiders to wander around the mansion.”

In the past, she had infiltrated various places as her informant, so it wasn’t something she was proud to say. But she wanted to protect Duke Elad.

When she let go of her threat with her scary expression, Lucio nodded with his strange face and said,

“But what did you call me for? It seemed like something urgent.”

“Oh, that’s…”

Lucio looked at Lia who hesitated.

If she really wanted to leave, I was wondering how I could hold her back.

“Please find out who bought the poison from the dark guild.”

And when he heard the words that followed, he unconsciously clenched her fist.

“They may deny it and say they don’t know, but if they say that Dog’s name is ‘Lydon’ and that they know about the deal with the Southern Continent…”



“I will not accept that request. Someone has already requested it.”


Lia blinked her eyes and then made a face of realization.

The guild leader of Darel thought that the reason he visited the duke’s residence was because of a request from Duke Elad.

“I didn’t even know that… Ah, thank goodness.”

“…okay. Now don’t worry and rest. I’m going to stop making magic stones at this point.”

As Lia looked at the unexpected words, Lucio continued her words.

“It’s a cure that can detoxify any poison, so everyone’s eyes will roll and they’ll want to buy it. The price of a castle for one vial would be ridiculous.”


As soon as her communication port rang, Lia came and looked even more surprised than when she saw him.

‘How on earth did you do that?’ she was about to ask as he quickly disappeared through the open window.

It was absurd for a moment. At the urgent sign outside her door, Lia quickly got down from the table and opened the door.

Viscount Bardot, who stopped in surprise at the suddenly opened door, spoke in an urgent voice.

“Li, Lia! Ma’am is not breathing!”



Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

 Next post will be released on July, 20.

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  1. Fara says:

    Ohhh thank you for translating.please upload more

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