It was a very natural thought, so she wasn’t too sad. Rather, she was more worried about Jack’s hand, which seemed to have neglected the wound without proper treatment.

“Jack, don’t do this to our congressman…”

She was about to ask to see him. A maid came running out of the main house and shouted.

“Lia, the lady is back! Go to the madam’s room immediately.”

Diana returned from her first salon meeting.

* * *

As soon as she heard that Diana had arrived, she asked Jack to go to the infirmary and hurriedly ran to the main building. It was already a dark evening.

‘Isn’t this too much?’

A child who woke up early in the morning to dress up and returned at such a late hour. No matter how unavoidable it was to live as a noble lady, it seemed too harsh to a child.

‘Since they’re all aristocrats, they probably wouldn’t have played house or played hide-and-seek like commoner children.’

Did she chat elegantly over tea? As for her, she couldn’t even figure out what the hell the children were doing together. She was so frustrated inside that she suddenly realized. She was just upset that she didn’t see Diana all day. She wondered if she hadn’t cried again and if she had made a good friend. She didn’t know when Diana had penetrated her heart like this.

Arriving in front of the Duchess’s room before she knew it, she calmly knocked while catching her breath.

‘It’s strange if I don’t knock now.’

The executives who made fun of her for rushing into the master room would be surprised. 

On the contrary, she was worried that she might have forgotten how to hide her presence. She thought she had checked it later, but when she heard the answer to come in, she carefully opened the door.



Like her, she could see Allen’s face as if he had come running as soon as he heard the news of Diana. She found Diana asleep in the arms of the Duchess as she tilted her head at her gesture to be quiet, placing her index finger over her mouth.

“She was tired, so she fell asleep as soon as she arrived.”

“I see.”

She pressed down her regretful heart and cautiously approached Diana. With her long eyelashes down, her face, sound asleep, was innocent and lovely.

“Doesn’t she look like a baby angel?”

Allen whispered next to her, clenching his fist as if he would break the wall at any moment. She suppressed a laugh and nodded her head. Although she couldn’t match Allen’s charm, Diana was truly a dazzling presence. A moment later, when she saw the Duchess go to the bedroom attached to her room and put Diana on her bed, she quietly prepared to go out.

Then the Duchess motioned for her to sit on the sofa. She was puzzled, but when she quietly sat down on the sofa, the Duchess quietly closed the door to the bedroom and sat across from her.

“Lia, how have you been today?”

Concern flashed in the eyes of the Duchess, who asked her kindly. She must have been worried that she had been feeling discouraged all day after sending Diana away. Lia tried to answer brightly that she was doing very well.

“I called her to the gym, ate a sandwich with her, and showed her how to train.”

Then Allen intercepted her answer from her and raised his chin proudly. As if Allen’s answer was unexpected, the Duchess opened her eyes wide.

“Oh, did you?”

Soon she said with a smile.

“Still, wouldn’t the gymnasium not be very interesting to Lia? There are many weapons such as swords and bows, but they can be dangerous, so don’t bring them too often.”

What’s the danger of Allen, muttered that his mother knew nothing, but the Duchess whispered in one ear and she told her:

“If you want to read a book, you can read it in the library, Lia.”

“A library?”

In an instant, her ears perked up and she asked. It’s a place she had been wanting to see for a while, but she couldn’t bear to see it.

“Yes. The annex library is always open, so I’ll tell the librarian in advance. Whenever you want to go, go and be comfortable.”


She was shy, so she lowered her head, and Allen said strangely.

“It’s rare. What do you like about going to the library? If it were me, I would play all day in the maze garden.”

“Allen, stop thinking about playing around and study hard. From what I’ve heard, you’re focused only on swordsmanship and can’t concentrate when you’re in class.”

“Oh, mother!”

Allen jumped from his seat, blushing. The Duchess chuckled, then turned her gaze back to her.

“Lia, you may want to rest, but I called you here because I have something to tell you.”

And she handed over the light off-white envelope on the table.


“It’s a letter from Count Maretta. It seems like it’s been a while since she sent it, but it seems that it’s only now that we are getting it back to the capital from the duchy. Receive the letter the Count sent to you, Lia.”

She instantly opened her eyes. A letter from Bianca. She was surprised by the name she had left as a memory to bring out when she was lonely and sad someday.

‘I thought you forgot me right away.’

She couldn’t believe it. A brief encounter, like passing by. She could give a little sympathy to a poor orphan, but this… 

“I couldn’t help but open the letter first. The recipient was me.”

The Duchess said as she stared blankly at the letter in her hand.

“The Count must not have known that you knew letters. After all, we only spent a few hours together at most.”

Anyway, for that reason, she asked her to read the letter instead, and the Duchess gave a strangely pleasant smile. She didn’t know what made her feel better, so she tilted her head and looked down at the envelope again. It was when her hands were shaking, wondering what the hell was written.

“But when did you learn letters?”


“I heard they didn’t teach letters at the nursery school. Jack was surprised that you could read.”


She hesitated and blinked her eyes slowly.

“It was taught by a young miss, who often came to the nursery school before. The boys usually play outside…”

She couldn’t be honest, so she made up excuses, but Allen didn’t seem to be interested in what she had to say.

“I see. Well anyway, that’s why Jack started learning letters. Sir Seidian said he would teach you.”

“Whoa, really?”

It was unexpected good news. After all, she thought that the relationship between Taze and Jack was progressing step by step. Moreover, since Syd Valerie was dishonorably ousted, word had been circulating openly that Taze would step up to the vacant vice-captain position. That too would eventually come true, so Jack would soon become the vice-captain’s son and walk the path of the Tantan Road. It was a time when she was pleased with her friend’s luck, thinking that she really had everything except for the hardships of her love affair.

“Lia, won’t you read it?”

The Duchess, with a somewhat nervous expression, urged her on.

“Go ahead and read it.”

“Yes? Yes…”

Strangely, she tilted her head at the feeling of wanting to read it right here, but she opened the envelope without much hesitation. It was because the Duchess would know the contents of the letter anyway, and she intended to read it quickly and then go back to her room and read it several times by herself. Taking out the letter from the envelope with the seal already torn, she inhaled again! and held her breath.

‘Oh my God, the handwriting is cool too!’

Her heart was pounding for a moment at the graceful handwriting that stretched out coolly. She started reading the letter, thinking that she should cast a preservation spell as soon as she got back to her quarters. 

[Lia, I don’t know if you remember me. I heard that you are doing very well at the Duke of Elad. I’m really glad that the scars on your body are completely gone. It would be nice if I could see and check it myself.]

Her heart was filled with so much kindness.

‘This is a warden! I regard it as an heirloom for the rest of my life!’

[So that’s the point. Last time I was distracted and didn’t seem to be able to properly explain how wonderful our Principality of Belus is. First of all, Grand Duke Bellus, the owner of the principality, is the greatest wizard in existence on the continent…

…The Grand Duke, who is currently attending the Imperial Academy, has a dazzling charm different from the looks of Duke Ellard and his Princess. Brightness and neatness that makes your eyes open…

…And the Principality of Bellus is famous for its beauty because it is located along the sea. In particular, Daegongseong overlooks the sea right below the castle wall, and even from a window, you can see the waves embracing the white water ridge from afar. It can be said that it is truly a superb view from within the room and…]

‘Um… Countess Maretta is very loyal and patriotic.’

More than half of the contents of the letter were overflowing with pride for the Principality of Bellus. For some reason, she felt like she was getting a lot of publicity, but that couldn’t be the case.

‘It’s not like they’re still hoping for me to come to the principality…’

Still, after reading the letter, her curiosity about the Principality of Bellus grew.

‘If I earn a lot of money later, I’ll really go there.’

If you want to know more about the duchy, you can always send me a letter through the duchess, so it might be a good idea to ask questions before the trip. After she finished reading the letter and put it in the envelope, the Duchess, who had been staring at her the whole time, suddenly asked,

“Do you want to reply?”


“The Principality of Bellus is a wonderful place, but…”

The Duchess blurted out her words with a strange expression. Curious thing she asked.

“Have you been to the duchy, madam?”

“Yes. I went.”

“Me too! I have been there too.”

Then Allen suddenly interjected. She was demoralized when she heard her tell her to study hard a while ago, and then her face suddenly became excited.

“Young master too?”

“Huh. It’s really nice there. Cool and amazing!”


The Duchess spoke as if to restrain the excited Allen.

“You’ve only been there once when you were little. That was when you were 2 years old, do you remember that?”

“Uh… I hate you mom!”


Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. Thank you very much for reading.

Next post will be released tomorrow.

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