Even Though She was the Acting Empress, She Spent her First Night There


“Episode 8”

“No, I simply came to inquire whether the Empress had a safe first night.”

Duke Martyns replied with a shrug. Did he really request an audience just out of curiosity?
“It was uneventful. So far, at least.”
“Actually, it seems more like Your Majesty has something you’d like to ask me?”
Duke Martyns glanced at the door of the audience chamber before slightly leaning forward towards me. It was true. There had been a lingering curiosity in my mind all night.
“Is the Royal Knights still searching for Princess Lesilia? How is it going?”
“How is it going… What do you hope will happen?”
Duke Martyns asked nonchalantly, raising one corner of his mouth. I swallowed nervously at the unexpected question. I had casually inquired about the princess’s whereabouts yesterday, but now, faced with Duke Martyns’s counter-question, I was speechless. I should have expressed my hope for the princess to be found quickly. Until yesterday, I had wished nothing more than to escape from the role of acting Empress as soon as possible. Yes, that was how I felt, but why now…
“It seems Your Majesty has already taken a liking to your position.”
Duke Martyns teased, causing my cheeks to flush as if my inner deity was waiting to embarrass me. Instead of attempting to respond, I remained silent, fearing that speaking would only deepen my blush.
“I apologize for pouring cold water on Your Majesty’s comfort, but I am no longer merely a Shatonia Kingdom person. I am now a citizen of the Raphion Empire and, moreover, an Empress.”
Though I would soon have to relinquish the position of acting Empress, I found it amusing how Duke Martyns’s facial muscles subtly twitched at my jest.
“Why didn’t I realize earlier that Your Majesty is such an eloquent speaker?”
“There was no opportunity to speak. During our journey to the Raphion Empire, Your Excellency primarily attempted to converse through eye contact, did you not? Ah, just like that look now, perhaps?”
“That was…”
Just as Duke Martyns was about to retort to my words, Sharon re-entered the audience chamber. It felt as if she had entered at just the right moment to silence the Duke’s mouth if he had heard our conversation outside. If Sharon had deliberately timed her entrance for me, it was a perfect timing, deserving of promoting her from a servant to my personal maid.
“Her Majesty the Empress asked the chamberlain what Her Majesty the Empress is currently doing.”
Sharon carefully conveyed her words as she placed the milk tea in front of Duke Martyns and me.
“Is that so?”
Unexpectedly… I hadn’t thought Emperor Rynel would be curious about my whereabouts.
“Yes! Her Majesty the Empress also instructed to prepare the meal with dishes she enjoys.”
Was a document containing information about me presented to him? Before the engagement, a document detailing my preferences, favorite foods, dislikes, allergies, health status, menstrual cycle, and other information was prepared. I had even skimmed through the document before it was handed over to the Emperor’s secretary for final confirmation. In the last column of the document, I had mentally written, “In fact, I am just the acting Empress.”

“No, when having a conversation, it is proper etiquette to look at the other person’s face. That’s common courtesy, isn’t it, Duke Martyns?”

There was a lot of bone in my words. During the few days of traveling to the Raphion Empire, Duke Martyns would avoid making eye contact with me when conveying any information. While it didn’t exactly hurt my feelings, the feeling of being ignored was undeniable. However, now that I suddenly found myself in the position of Empress, Duke Martyns’s intense gaze felt somewhat repulsive. Even though I would soon return to being a mere viscountess, I spoke boldly in accordance with the position of Empress. It was a perfect act of an Empress, which was also my given duty. Duke Martyns, who I had expected to make a displeased expression, unexpectedly burst into laughter. His sharp demeanor, when he smiled broadly unlike when he was holding back, seemed surprisingly gentle. Although we were around the same age, I couldn’t help but wonder how nice it would have been if he had treated me with such a humane smile from the beginning. It was a moment of experiencing the terrifying power of authority.

“As you know, the House of Rohan has accumulated wealth through trade with many countries. Eventually, I will be responsible for continuing that trade.”

What’s with the sudden talk? Is he trying to persuade me into business?

“I’m not interested.”


“I was joking. So, what about it?”

“Oh, well. Today, I realized that I am still far from being qualified to continue the family business.”

Duke Martyns said again, lifting his tea cup and seemingly criticizing himself seriously.

“Why did you suddenly have such thoughts?”

I asked hesitantly, and he continued speaking as if waiting for me.

“I realized that my judgment of people is lacking.”

“What do you mean?”

Was he saying that his evaluation of me was incorrect? I couldn’t understand Duke Martyns’s words, but I didn’t feel the need to inquire further.

“No, Prince Tesler was worried that you might not be able to handle the role of Empress well, but there’s no need for that concern. I’ll make sure to convey that.”

Yes, while informing the prince, why not convey some information to him? I listened silently to the Duke’s words and then turned to Sharon.

“Sharon, how much time is left before lunch?”

“There isn’t much time left if you want to explore the Empress’s Palace.”

Sharon said, glancing at Duke Martyns, and then turned to me.

“Oh, then I’ll take my leave now. Empress, I enjoyed our conversation more than I expected. I’ll visit more often in the future.”

Duke Martyns got up from the sofa with a polite gesture. As he walked towards the door of the audience chamber, I glared at the annoying Duke’s back and asked,

“How long do you plan to stay in the palace, Duke?”

“As long as Your Majesty is there, I will always… be by your side.”

Duke Martyns replied, holding the doorknob and slowly turning to look at me. As I nodded in response, he smiled lightly, gave a slight bow, and left the audience chamber. Duke Martyns’s last smile felt quite uncomfortable, like stepping on mud.

*** Until we reached the main palace, Sharon and I toured the Empress’s Palace together. The size of the Empress’s Palace was larger than I had expected. There was barely enough time to explore the Empress’s Palace before lunch. So, today, I mainly focused on visiting the main rooms I would be using in the Empress’s Palace.

“Now it’s time for you to go to the main palace, Your Majesty.”

As Sharon meticulously described the interior of the Empress’s Palace, she turned around when we reached the central staircase on the second floor, checked her pocket watch, and said,

“The time has come already.”

“Yes, Your Majesty. The pathway from the Empress’s Palace to the main palace, especially the garden walkway, is particularly beautiful, so you will always enjoy the journey to the main palace.”

“Is that so? I’m looking forward to it.”

‘Looking forward to the first meal with the Emperor, aren’t you?’ My inner voice asked me suddenly. I pretended not to hear the voice and followed Sharon’s guidance towards the main palace. In truth, I felt a bit nervous as well. ***

“Your Majesty, please be seated!”

At the announcement from the chamberlain Stian, the doors to the dining hall opened. As I entered, the sight of Emperor Lionel sitting at the end of the long table caught my eye first. It was a different kind of imposing presence from when I saw him in the bedroom. His stern gaze, sharp nose, and those tempting lips that seemed to widen as our distance closed.

‘It was warm, I didn’t expect this. But why do I feel this way? After all, I’m not his first.’ His words from last night, which had seeped into my skin, began to echo in my ears, jumbled and without order. As I walked towards where Emperor Lionel was sitting, the sound of my heels echoed loudly and grandly in the dining hall, filling the space. Thanks to that, the risk of him hearing my heartbeat pounding faster was minimized.

“I greet Your Majesty…”

As I was about to greet him, a group of glittering women caught my eye in my right field of vision. I hadn’t noticed them until I approached him. The women were lined up against the wall, standing in a row. They must have already finished lunch. My appetite disappeared not only for lunch but also for dinner outside the dining hall when I recognized their identity.

“I greet Your Majesty!”

The four women erased their smiling faces as they exchanged glances with each other when our eyes met, and they greeted me with courtesy.

“Here you are again.”

They were the noble ladies who had invaded the Empress’s bedroom this morning, claiming to have become my personal maids. Unsure of how to handle the situation, I glanced at Emperor Lionel, silently asking for an explanation.

“Come and sit.”

Emperor Lionel commanded instead of explaining. With an expressionless face that sent shivers down my spine, he gestured to the diagonal seat next to him with a nod.

I sat down with a trembling feeling under the guidance of the chamberlain. Just as I was about to inquire why those young ladies, who claimed to be my maids, were all here together, he preempted me.

“So, you’ve toured the Empress’s Palace? How was it? Did you like it?”

“Yes, Your Majesty. The palace was splendid. With a bit more attention, it could be even more magnificent.”

“You like splendor, don’t you? It seems like there might be another meaning to that in my ears.”

Despite his monotone tone, Emperor Lionel’s perceptiveness was quite quick. My slightly sarcastic remark was understood by him. He hit the nail on the head. Splendor alone tends to get boring quickly. Excessive dazzle eventually turns people and things away.

“No, Your Majesty. If I were to add affection to the Empress’s Palace, the atmosphere might change beyond just being splendid. For example, a warmer ambiance could be added…”

“Is that affection something only the Empress can provide?”

“Is it possible for Your Majesty to occasionally offer affection as well?”


Oh, my mouth. Without thinking, I retorted to the Emperor’s words as if I were teasing someone. His eyebrows, which had remained motionless until then, subtly raised and lowered. Emperor Lionel swiftly drank the wine in his glass. Feeling embarrassed, I instinctively touched the scar from the burn on my right cheek when something went wrong or I felt uneasy.

“Your Majesty, you may not have heard what I just said…”

I forced a smile to dispel the awkward atmosphere.

“Keep saying it.”

Emperor Lionel replied as he set down his wine glass. His deep and solemn voice echoed through the dining hall with the phrase “keep saying it.” Due to his profound tone, ironically, the phrase sounded sincere. Some of the young ladies who had been smirking at my previous remark now looked surprised and wide-eyed at the Emperor’s response.

“Empress, what’s with that expression? Was it just a casual remark?”

“Oh, no. I was just a bit surprised because Your Majesty said it so casually.”

Not wanting to show my embarrassment, I casually raised the wine glass in front of me and took a sip. Oh. I forgot that I can’t handle alcohol well and ended up drinking too much wine.

“No matter how busy, I still need to sleep. Like last night.”

“La-la-last night…?”

The wine that was going down my throat reversed course in surprise at Emperor Lionel’s words.










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