Even Though She was the Acting Empress, She Spent her First Night There


“Episode 35”


“I’ve already seen it, Your Majesty.”

“…No, I mean report on what happened to Melanie.”

“Oh, yes!”

Rafael scratched his head, chuckled, then quickly changed his expression to a very serious tone.

“Lady Melanie was waiting for Your Majesty to arrive, and…”

“Just a moment, she left for Melanie’s chambers without even saying goodbye. Why would she wait for me?”

“Is that so? But she’s free to wait, isn’t she?”

“Well, that’s true. Go on.”

“Several laps.”

“Well, are there three witnesses?”

“Is the situation serious?”

“According to Melanie Mama’s attendants, she seems to be wandering in a critical condition.”

“If she’s wandering to that extent, she must have really rolled badly!”

I found myself raising my voice without realizing it as I listened quietly to the conversation.

“Yes, Your Majesty the Empress. It’s clear that attendants from Melanie Mama’s palace have reported that her condition is quite serious.”

“Such a look is enough for just one person.”

His lips, devoid of wings, landed precisely on mine.

I closed my eyes at the soft and velvety sensation. But now wasn’t the time for this, so I gently pushed his chest with both hands, but he grabbed my wrists.

“Hwamyung, don’t touch my body. And don’t move either.”

It meant not to restrain him. I obediently kept my hands still. As he kissed me again and pulled away with a smirk, he lowered my lower lip with his index finger and spoke with a plaintive tone.

“I said not to move your hands, not that I wouldn’t move my lips, did I?”

I wrapped my arms around his waist tightly and whispered into his ear.

“Just now, when you defied the imperial order not to touch the Empress’s body… What should we do now?”

“Of course, we must face the consequences.”


I couldn’t help but smile at Lionel’s expression, which was extremely wary of the stairs.

“Don’t worry, Your Majesty! If you were to stumble down the stairs, I would throw myself down to the bottom to safely catch you!”

As we descended, Raphael, who was following behind us, suddenly interjected.

“Who do you think you are?”

Lionel turned to Raphael with a stern expression.

“…A loyal subject?”

Raphael replied with a smirk.

“Hah, whatever. Your Majesty, don’t worry, I’ll rescue you before Raphael does.”

But it turned out that I was the one who ended up needing rescue first.

“Ugh, huuuuh.”

The sound coming from Melanie’s blocked nose was getting louder, whether from pain or pleasure, I couldn’t tell. Despite knowing that the Emperor had entered my bedroom, Melanie, exhausted from her moaning, didn’t even attempt to get up. Perhaps she was truly too injured to move.

“Mama…? Your Majesty, whom you’ve been eagerly anticipating, has arrived! It must be tough, but please try to regain your composure.”

The attendant, guarding the front of the bed, whispered to her as if she were a seriously ill patient. Melanie continued to groan, refusing to get up, so Lionel turned away.

“Fine. If she’s asleep, we shouldn’t disturb her.”

He said, and then…

“Your Majesty is here… Oh?”

Only then did Melanie suddenly sit up as if resurrected from the dead. For a moment, I thought there must have been springs attached to her back, given how swiftly she moved.

“Your Majesty… Oh?! Oh my, what’s this?”

Melanie dropped the high-tone that had been steadily rising as soon as she made eye contact with me standing next to Lionel. In an instant, ‘this’ became clear to me.




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