Even Though She was the Acting Empress, She Spent her First Night There


“Episode 30”

“Uh, we’ve been close since childhood, so I just forgot for a moment… I’ll be more careful next time…”

With a startled expression, Rosie reacted to Catherine’s sudden slap with her hand on her cheek. Rosie wrapped both hands around the cheek that Catherine hit and apologized.

“Next time? Where’s the next time!”

Catherine yelled, her voice piercing.

“If you understood what I said…”

Catherine’s hand slowly rose, then came down again on Rosie’s cheek without mercy.

“From now on, listen!”


“Raise your voice when you speak!”

Slap, slap! Catherine alternated between slapping Rosie’s cheeks with her hand.

“Got it now?”

Catherine said with satisfaction.

Rosie’s submissive attitude seemed to irritate Catherine even more, prompting her to threaten Rosie as if trying to coerce a response.

“Sorry, Catherine… Mama…”

Finally, Rosie lowered her head and raised her voice to Catherine. Tears streamed down Rosie’s face onto the floor of the greenhouse. Could it be that she’s crying from being slapped a few times? It sounded loud, but she didn’t seem to be in much pain. I looked at Rosie sadly, then reconsidered. I shouldn’t judge by my standards. Comparing the resilience of ordinary noblewomen to mine would be unfair.

“Right, Rosie. It would have been better if you had done that earlier, so we wouldn’t have seen this unpleasant sight in front of Her Majesty.”

Catherine said, now with a satisfied expression.


I called her quietly.

“Yes, Your Majesty. I apologize for surprising you. But if someone doesn’t understand my intentions from the start, I have to make them understand.”

Judging by Catherine’s gaze, it seemed like she wanted me to listen.

“Tsk tsk… How can you hit someone’s cheek with such delicate hands?”

I said rhythmically, teasingly. Catherine’s eyes widened in surprise.

“What are you looking at?”


“With those big eyes.”


“You don’t understand my topic either.”

I smiled and said to Catherine. Her bewildered eyes moved around noisily, then she asked me:

“Your Majesty? What are you talking about?!”

“Can’t you make your eyes a bit smaller?”

“Yes, about your eyes?”

“Yeah. I wouldn’t stare at someone so intently without knowing their topic, would I?”

“Your Majesty, what do you…”

“Oh, can you make your mouth smaller too?”

With a perplexed expression, Catherine asked. Her gaze seemed to ask me to listen.

“Tsk, tsk… With those hands like a stationery.”

I said with a playful tongue as Catherine widened her eyes.

“What are you saying?”


“If you don’t understand what I’m saying…”



I struck Catherine’s temple with my hand. Of course, if I had hit her cheek, it would have swelled up like a balloon instantly. So, even though I didn’t exert all my strength, Catherine flew away from me as far as I could see. Why would you swing your hand so carelessly toward a topic that flies away in the wind?

“Mama, are you alright?!”

Catherine’s attendant rushed to her and helped her sit down. I quietly watched Catherine, wondering if she was feigning weakness. She seemed to be experiencing pain for the first time in her life. Well, when has a noblewoman ever felt such shock and pain? She must have only wielded her handmaidens or slaves. Rosie looked frozen with shock, more shocked than when Catherine slapped her. I was worried that Rosie might be afraid of me, but even if she was, it couldn’t be helped. If I had slapped Catherine’s cheek, it would have swelled up like a balloon instantly. Therefore, I exerted a bit of force on her temple, as it wouldn’t show any swelling or bruising even if I did. I sighed, feeling weak-hearted. If I hadn’t seen Catherine’s cheek when she turned to face me, I wouldn’t have had to react so severely.

“Catherine. Be grateful to me.”

“You should be grateful for my correcting your flawed mind instead of your pretty face.”

“…Your, Your Majesty! How could you do this to me!”

“Don’t have it? Why?”

In response to my question, Catherine chewed on her lower lip. I spoke with a gentle tone.

“You have sinned.”

“What sin have I committed?”

“Daring to raise your voice in front of me, who is already physically and mentally weak.”

“What? What are you talking about?”

“Your crimes are numerous, from raising your voice to a lady of Her Majesty to startling the greenhouse plants.”


“Although your crimes are diverse, I’ll let them slide lightly today.”

I straightened my waist, which had been slightly bent forward, and patted Catherine’s back with my hand.

“Her Majesty is physically weak?!”

Catherine yelled at me as if questioning my absurd statement.

“Look at my hand trembling like this.”

I raised my trembling hand, which had struck Catherine’s temple, with my left hand. In fact, I had refrained from hitting her more times, but my hand was trembling, whether I wanted it to or not.


Catherine burst into laughter with a bewildered face.

“Huh? Ha…haha?”

I stopped my trembling hand and clenched it into a fist, looking down at Catherine with an indifferent gaze. Catherine, with trembling shoulders, clung tightly to her attendant’s arm.

“Should I apologize to you by opening your mouth wide, which keeps spouting nonsense?”

“How can you say such vulgar… No, such cruel words?”

“Vulgar? Cruel?”

“That word…”

“It was a mistake.”

“To hear such cruelty and vulgarity from someone who possesses both is quite strange.”

“What do you mean by saying I possess both?”

Catherine flared up as if she had been splashed with mud. I sharply retorted to her.

“Cruelty! Just now, didn’t the First Consort demonstrate it with her eyes and actions?”


Catherine looked at Rosie standing behind me, then seemed speechless, only muttering.

“Do you not know that words, eye contact, expressions, and movements can tear, scratch, and trample someone? If so, then vulgarity is appropriate.”

“I…I don’t understand what you’re talking about, Your Majesty.”

“Ah, perhaps I hit your head too hard earlier, and your functions stopped working?”

“Are you trying to embarrass yourself in front of your subordinates?”

Catherine shot me a venomous look.


“No? Your Majesty, aren’t you embarrassing me right now!”

I raised my hand again to stop Catherine’s words. Oops, sorry,

“I should speak frankly. I’ve been openly insulting you since earlier. I’m not trying to embarrass you.”

“Your Majesty, I will never forget today’s disgrace!”

Catherine trembled all over as she spoke. If anyone saw her, they might think she had lost her loyalty to the country.

“Forget it!”

I immediately retorted in the same loud voice.

“Then, remember this: next time, my hand won’t be aimed at your temple or cheek, but directly at your face.”


Catherine’s eyes and mouth widened in shock. There’s still an important message left. Even though her reaction is so breathless, what can I do? Reluctantly, I watched Catherine’s nostrils expand before continuing my speech.

“I, I raised my voice in front of Your Majesty today. I will be more careful in the future.”

Catherine said, slightly bowing her head. It was obvious that her apology was forced, but I eventually accepted it. Catherine clenched the hem of her dress tightly, suppressing her anger.

“Be more cautious in the future. I’ve actually started to like your sharp nose, Catherine, so take good care of it.”

I added sincerely with a friendly tone, “You have a nose that’s perfect for bringing people down to earth.” It was a compliment in its own way. After sending a warning glance at Catherine, I turned around, relaxed my expression, and looked at Rosie.

“Rosie, let’s meet again later. We didn’t finish our conversation about the book earlier, did we? I’m looking forward to a long conversation next time.”

“Yes, Your Majesty! I’m deeply sorry for causing you concern today.”

Rosie expressed her gratitude to me. I briefly smiled at her and turned back to address my attendants.

“Let’s return to the Empress’s Palace.”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

The attendants followed behind me with louder voices than usual. I passed by Catherine, who was still sitting on the floor. Shortly after, Catherine’s voice behind me sent shivers down my spine like a snake.

“Last night! You went too far!”

Catherine’s voice was filled with resentment. I turned back again. After I had kindly sent her to her bedroom, what did she say? I was too much?

“Catherine, what are you talking about? I don’t recall doing anything to deserve such resentment from you.”

I asked in a firm voice. Catherine briefly bit her lips, hesitating to speak to me. It seemed like she was conscious of Rosie in front of her. Catherine eventually broke the silence and spoke.

“Last night… wasn’t it my first night?”


“And… wasn’t it? Your Majesty, you should have stopped as much as you did on my first night, even if Your Majesty spends more days with other consorts than with me!”

Catherine’s proud face crumbled into misery. What on earth is she talking about?

“Are you saying that Her Majesty didn’t come to your palace last night?”

In response to my question, Catherine burst into a nervous laughter, as if I were pretending not to know deliberately.

“Yes! No, she didn’t.”

Catherine barely replied, suppressing her anger.

“…I see. I’m sorry, but I don’t know anything about it.”

Catherine turned her head defiantly with an expression that seemed to say it couldn’t be helped.

“And, regardless of where Her Majesty goes, it’s Her Majesty’s decision. You know very well that I can’t do whatever I want just because I’m the Empress, don’t you?”

“Then where did Her Majesty go yesterday…!”

Catherine muttered softly, shaking her head. Yeah. I’m curious too.

“Catherine, stay seated since the floor is cold.”

I appeared compassionate, which was fitting for an Empress, despite my slightly coercive tone. Perhaps because of the implied coercion, Catherine hesitated for a moment before starting to move her body.


Supported by her attendants, Catherine tried to stand up but ended up hesitating and sitting back down on the floor.

“Oh dear, I’m sorry.”

My shoe was stepping on Catherine’s dress hem. Catherine seemed to want to ask if I had deliberately stepped on her dress, but she ultimately didn’t. She seemed willing to tell me if I asked honestly.

“Here, take my hand.”

Feeling a bit sorry, I reached out my hand to Catherine. It was an offer made out of consideration.


However, as Catherine tried to get up, she screamed as if in pain.

“…Is she fainting?”

She collapsed on the floor.

“Mama, Mama? Catherine, Mama!”

Catherine’s attendants held her in their arms and shook her gently.

“Tsk tsk, seems like she’s exhausted from waiting for Her Majesty all night. Let her sleep a bit longer without waking her up.”

“Yes? Ah, yes… Your Majesty…”

“After a good rest in the fresh air of the greenhouse, she’ll feel better. She’ll come back to her senses too.”

Catherine’s attendants looked as if they were about to faint, their faces turning pale as they looked up at me.

“Rosie, go back to the palace and apply some cold compress to your face. You don’t need to stay here.”

I ordered Rosie, who was standing there looking helpless due to Catherine’s fainting.

“Yes, Your Majesty.”


I nodded at Rosie and was about to turn away when I looked back at Catherine, who had fainted again.

“Swinging your hands recklessly at others. You’ve never even extended a warm hand to someone in need.”

Catherine’s eyes twitched at my words. So, her fainting was an act. I chuckled at her poor acting skills and simply walked away. I wasn’t afraid of the aftermath of what happened in the greenhouse today. I was only afraid of the aftermath going in the wrong direction. I didn’t want Lionel to suffer because of me. As I walked out of the greenhouse, I absentmindedly looked up at the sky. Clouds were rolling in, disrupting the clear sky.





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