Even Though She was the Acting Empress, She Spent her First Night There


“Episode 16”

I widened my eyes and looked at Rinel. He had returned to his usual solemn expression, preparing to receive Duke Martyns. As the Duke entered the study, he greeted us sitting side by side on the couch.

“I present the two suns of the Raphion Empire.”

“Please, have a seat,” Rinel said, gesturing for him to sit.

“Yes, Your Highness.”

Duke Martyns walked over to the couch, scrutinizing me as if observing, then turned his attention back to me.

“Your Majesty’s complexion doesn’t look good. Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?”

The Duke asked with unnecessary concern, pretending to worry about me.

“The Empress is a bit angry,” Rinel replied on my behalf, giving a slight nod toward the Duke.

“Oh, I see. Have you already heard about the harem issue?” Duke Martyns guessed presumptuously.

“I also heard about it from the ministers today, and I’ve been worrying about Her Majesty the Empress all along.”

Playing the part. I inwardly rolled my eyes at the Duke’s pretentious gaze.

“No, the Empress isn’t angry because of the harem issue. It’s because of the intruders,” Rinel’s finger pointed directly at Duke Martyns.

“Your Grace, it’s your turn.”

“Yes? How could I possibly…”

Duke Martyns’ bewildered gaze turned to me. Don’t look at me like that. I don’t know what he’s talking about either. I just shrugged. Then the Duke’s gaze shifted back to Rinel.

“What do you mean, Your Majesty? Are you saying Her Majesty the Empress is upset because of me?”

“We were in the middle of a kiss,” Rinel chuckled, running his fingers over his lips.


Goodness gracious. I suppressed a laugh at Rinel’s mischievous joke. No, wait. It wasn’t a joke, we really were kissing.

“I… I was the one who interrupted the k-kiss… Cough, cough.”

Duke Martyns stumbled over his words, looking quite surprised, then coughed suddenly. I nodded in response to his questioning gaze.

“Yes. We were discussing the harem issue, and then suddenly, the atmosphere became… um, conducive to kissing.”

I lightly touched my lips with the back of my hand as I spoke. Rinel stifled a laugh, covering his mouth with a clenched fist, then regained his composure at my words.

“As the matter is serious, it’s necessary to strengthen the bond between the Empress and me. Right, Empress?”

“Yes, exactly,” I replied, nodding firmly. Ironically, he seemed delighted by my response, squeezing my hand as if touched by it. Meanwhile, Duke Martyns, who had been quietly listening to our exchange, gradually became more bewildered.

“Duke, what do you think about the harem issue?” Rinel asked, wiping the smile from his face and posing the question seriously.

“Well, if I may express my opinion…,” Duke Martyns’ gaze lingered on my face for a moment before he slowly began to speak.

“I understand the concerns of the ministers. Although we have accepted the Empress from the Shattoneil Kingdom due to the continental situation, the issue of imperial succession is another concern for them, isn’t it?”

Somehow, I felt that Duke Martyns was siding with the officials here. As the Duke of the Shattoneil Kingdom, why? I wondered if he would have had the same attitude if the Empress of the Raphion Empire had been Princess Lesilia.

“It is indeed another issue. Therefore, it is argued that the successor to the throne should only come from the blood of the Raphion Empire, and they are trying to introduce their precious females into my harem,” Rinel replied bitterly.

“There is indeed merit in the Duke’s words. Moreover, it’s rare for officials in any country to want the prince born from the empress of another country to be their next emperor,” Duke Martyns added.

Yet somehow, it felt distasteful. Why? Was it because Duke Martyns seemed to be taking the side of the Raphion officials beyond a neutral position?

“I am not unaware of that. However, I am angered by the deliberate attempt to undermine the Empress’s authority by introducing concubines so soon after our marriage,” I said firmly.

As I secretly glanced at Duke Martyns, I was surprised by Rinel’s words. I hadn’t realized he had thought about my position to this extent.

“Then… Your Majesty, if it’s not for the benefit of the officials, do you mean you have no intention of introducing concubines?” Duke Martyns asked with a surprised expression, his tone unexpected.

“No. I have no thoughts of introducing concubines.”

His voice carried weight. I stole a glance at Rinel’s profile. He seemed to be wearing a look of confidence that he could easily handle the situation for the next 10 years. Duke Martyns, who had been looking at Rinel with a surprised expression, turned his gaze to me. His eyes seemed to question how I had managed to marry the Emperor to elicit such a reaction. I deliberately avoided his gaze, pretending to be lost in thought.

“Your Majesty, perhaps it would be best to accept the officials’ wishes rather than resist them with such short-sightedness,” Duke Martyns suggested, his expression indicating surprise at his own suggestion.

“Is that your own opinion, or is it also the view of the Shattoneil royal family?” Rinel asked, sounding curious. Would the Shattoneil royal family also share the same view? That was my thought. If the Shattoneil Kingdom easily accepted this issue, then? Perhaps my future divorce and the Emperor’s remarriage would proceed more smoothly. I remembered Prince Tessler’s face, which would probably have been pleased to receive this news from Duke Martyns.

“The Shattoneil royal family respects the wishes of the Emperor and the officials of the Raphion Empire the most.”

“Hmm, that’s my biggest concern as well. So, does the Duke’s opinion suggest accepting concubines to protect the Empress?”

“Yes, Your Majesty. And preferably as soon as possible…”

I couldn’t help but glare at Duke Martyns at this point.

“Your relationship seems much stronger than I thought. So, even if concubines are introduced, as long as Your Majesty remains steadfast, it shouldn’t matter, right?”

The Duke spoke, glancing at Rinel as he also caught my eye. He was quite adept at smoothly navigating through conversations. His expression, as he tried to persuade the Emperor to accept concubines to prevent any resentment from the officials, was truly hypocritical. But his opinion would likely align with Prince Tessler’s. When considering it without my own bias and emotions, the Duke’s words were not wrong. The key point was that accepting concubines quickly could reduce the officials’ resistance when Princess Lesilia remarried in the future. In other words, it was a strategy for progress rather than retreat.

“The officials are hoping to hold a ceremony with the concubines in ten days.”

So soon? I glared at Duke Martyns with suspicion.

“According to the priest, that time is considered the most auspicious for the empire among the remaining days of the year. What is Your Majesty’s opinion?”

Duke Martyns threw a glance my way as he spoke. He seemed to anticipate Rinel’s decision based on my response. His ability to manipulate situations was so good that he could join the circus. I felt Rinel’s gaze on my lips from the side.

“There is… merit to the Duke’s words, Your Majesty.”

I spat out these words and couldn’t bring myself to meet his gaze. It felt oddly bitter. It was a mix of anger and sorrow that I couldn’t quite put into words.

“Ask again. The Empress should answer carefully.”

Rinel’s voice grew serious as my gaze met his.

“I… even if we receive concubines so quickly, is the Empress truly… okay with it?”

No. My voice echoed silently within me.

“I asked if you were okay with it.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

I spoke, conscious of not letting my voice sound too despondent. At that moment, Rinel’s forehead creased deeply.

“Yes, Your Majesty… Such a simple answer, without any emotions or concerns.”

“I see. I didn’t know the Empress was such a magnanimous woman.”

Rinel released my hand and stood up from the sofa.

“If the Empress is so indifferent, then I have no reason to waste time dealing with the officials.”

“… ”

Rinel walked over to the mahogany desk. Somehow, a chill seemed to emanate from his back. As he rang the bell placed on the desk, Secretary Raphael entered the study.

“You summoned me, Your Majesty.”

“Raphael, when did we say the meeting with the officials was?”

“The meeting hasn’t started yet, but I’ve received word that all the officials have already arrived at the conference hall.”

“Let them know I’m coming.”


Secretary Raphael looked at me cautiously and asked Rinel.

“Yes, immediately.”

“Yes, right away, Your Majesty.”

Duke Martyns stared blatantly at the scar on my right cheek and muttered to himself. I glared back at the Duke, who seemed to be audaciously running his mouth. I wished I could cram something into that annoying mouth of his. Perhaps a thickly spined grilled fish, or an untrimmed rose with its thorns.

“Duke, please refrain from such behavior in my presence from now on.”

“Um… yes?”

“You should also adhere to your role as a Duke. I hope you treat me with the respect befitting my position.”

“Oh, I apologize.”

Duke Martyns apologized with a slightly flustered expression, holding up his hands. Even when I step down from my position as Empress, I should receive the treatment I deserve while I’m here. Even if I return to being a palace bath attendant in the Shartonil Kingdom.

“If you are upset, please forgive me. My consideration and thoughts were ignorant.”

“Even when it’s just the two of us, we should be careful, shouldn’t we?”

“Yes, you’re right.”

“Yes, a leaking pot will leak even outside.”

I retorted sharply and stood up to return to the Empress’s quarters.

“Haha, duly noted.”

Duke Martyns chuckled briefly as he stood up at the same time as me.

“Empress, would you care to take a stroll in the garden with me for a moment?”

“I’m not inclined to.”

I rejected his proposal without hesitation.

“…Ah, understood.”

But rather than feeling upset by my refusal, the Duke chuckled again.

“Are you tired?”

“A little.”

Dealing with a leaking pot, you see.

“If you smell the fragrance of flowers or grass, you’ll feel less tired.”

No, I think I’ll feel less tired if I smash the pot. I thought to myself as I looked blankly at Duke Martyns’s head.

“The greatest fatigue will be walking alongside you. Will smelling flowers really alleviate fatigue?”

As I openly expressed my discomfort, the Duke cleared his throat but persistently continued speaking.

“Hmm, I’ve heard rumors about the excellent skills of the landscapers in the Raphion Imperial Palace, but I didn’t realize they were this outstanding. Please join me.”

“You seem to enjoy contemplation, but that’s best done when strolling alone. I’ll take my leave now.”

Today was a day where I exhausted a week’s worth of patience. I just wanted to return to my bedroom quickly and rest quietly.

“Empress, I have something to tell you.”

Duke Martyns’s voice sounded secretive as I turned away.

“Oh? Then why don’t you speak here?”

“I have many ears around me. This is your study after all.”

What could he possibly want to talk about? Ah, there was only one thing if it was something to discuss closely between the Duke and me.


“Yes, it’s news about Princess Lesilia.”







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